Gee, I don't know where to start. I quess I will start with the old man. Slander-An oral statement of a false, malicious, or defamatory nature, tending to damage anothers reputation. You stated that there is no silver at the bridge site. I asked you how you came up with that conclusion. I made no statement, I asked you questions. I don't know you from Adam. I did not mean in any way that you were involved in any digging at the bridge. I wanted to know how you came to the conclusion that no silver is there. Don't get your dander up, I meant you no harm. Now when you you call me a two bit septic tank finder, this is a little closer to slander. But hey sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Old man, did my tale of treasureland at least get you to smile?
Denniss- I never asked for permission to use a backhoe at this site. That's more for the pro's and Rick Savage. I am not denying that I never used one at another site or that I may use one in the future. I did apply in writing to be able to do a proper field survey; GPR, metal detect, and possibly one 1/2" core sample in the middle of the spot. They don't want me or anyone else digging at this site. My biggest mistake was calling it buried treasure and implying that I am a treasure hunter.
JT- I would ask you how do you know that there is nothing there or if you know something your not saying or that if your involved in any way fashion, shape, or form with the one guy who dug one little 10 inch deep by 10 in across hole but I don't want to be accussed of slandering you just because you are attempting to slander me with your post. Yes, I made the claims about the possible treasure locations and I will not back down from them. Yes, there are more I am not mentioning.
For the record the exact two spots where the diamonds from the U-Boat are have nothing to do with the musings of a lonely old guy, and the diamonds buried at the house in New Jersey are one of the two locations.
JT-I am going to guess by the "jerking everyone's chain" comment that you are implying that I am lying about all this. Just for the record that is a TN no-no. But hey, I can take it. I have stated many times that I don't expect anyone to believe my story just because I say it is so. But as I have said, I believe every word of it.
I will admit I have issues. I do love attention when I want it. I was the middle of three brothers. The much older brother who was always in charge and the first to know everything. Along came cutesy little baby brother who got way more attention than I felt he deserved. So I always tried to get attention. My brothers would dare me to do things. For instance, bang my head against the wall. I would bang it, they would laugh. I would bang it harder, they would laugh harder. It would become a vicious cycle. Bang, laugh. Bang, laugh, bang, laugh, BANG, LAUGH, BANG, LAUGH. Then mom would tell them to quit laughing as it only encouraged me. So there you have it. My secrets out. It's not MY FAULT. I AM A VICTIM! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!
I have to ask what does any of this have to do with me trying to get permission to dig for what I hope to be silver buried at Rocky Bluff? Nothing! This is all a cry for help. I am insane. The doctor dropped me on my head when I was born. If you saw my head in person you might think I'm a monster. I'm not a monster! Hey, wait till you listen to my book on an audio CD. I will bet I can even get grumpy old men to laugh.
I will finish this latest ranting and raving of a lunatic with this.
I took some hard-core well respected TN members to the location at Rocky Bluff. I did not put them over the top of the spot. I put them close. On their own they came to the conclusion that there was a massive amount of a silver buried there. I think they would have possibly preferred to do things the old fashioned way, but I convinced them that I thought I could get permission to dig from the officials. So far I have failed at this.
In the mean time an individual decided to do things his own way. This was not part of the TN member group from the beginning. In fact I don't know or care if he is a member of TN or do I want to know anything about him that I don't already know. This individual entered the property and dug two small holes. He was instructed where to dig by someone other than me. He dug down no more than 12 inches and that's stretching it. He found a small handfull of the plastic covered, non braided phone line, exactly as you would find in your own home. After digging this out of the ground he then metal detected the spot. He got no more reading with his run of the mill metal detector. He then reported back to his friends.
For anyone to take this comepletely factual account of the event and then imply that there is no silver to be found is ludicrus. It certainly does not make me look stupid. I would imply that others might look stupid but I don't want to be accused of slander.
I don't know whether this was some concocted ploy to try to throw me off or just an example of how piss poor a job most people make when attempting to find and recover a large cache of buried treasure. Either way it has contributed to my story. Thanks to you all for helping write the next edition of my book.
JT- I don't need anyone to massage my ego. It is not bruised in any way. As far as the band, the dogs, the race cars,etc, the newspaper photographer loved it all yesterday. He told me today that his editor was having a hard time picking which pictures to use for the newspaper article coming out next weekend. I asked the reporter to delay a week so that I can have a lttle more time to get the E-book and pictures ready. Thanks for your concern
Welcome back BCH. Look what you missed.