Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Gee, I don't know where to start. I quess I will start with the old man. Slander-An oral statement of a false, malicious, or defamatory nature, tending to damage anothers reputation. You stated that there is no silver at the bridge site. I asked you how you came up with that conclusion. I made no statement, I asked you questions. I don't know you from Adam. I did not mean in any way that you were involved in any digging at the bridge. I wanted to know how you came to the conclusion that no silver is there. Don't get your dander up, I meant you no harm. Now when you you call me a two bit septic tank finder, this is a little closer to slander. But hey sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Old man, did my tale of treasureland at least get you to smile?

Denniss- I never asked for permission to use a backhoe at this site. That's more for the pro's and Rick Savage. I am not denying that I never used one at another site or that I may use one in the future. I did apply in writing to be able to do a proper field survey; GPR, metal detect, and possibly one 1/2" core sample in the middle of the spot. They don't want me or anyone else digging at this site. My biggest mistake was calling it buried treasure and implying that I am a treasure hunter.

JT- I would ask you how do you know that there is nothing there or if you know something your not saying or that if your involved in any way fashion, shape, or form with the one guy who dug one little 10 inch deep by 10 in across hole but I don't want to be accussed of slandering you just because you are attempting to slander me with your post. Yes, I made the claims about the possible treasure locations and I will not back down from them. Yes, there are more I am not mentioning.

For the record the exact two spots where the diamonds from the U-Boat are have nothing to do with the musings of a lonely old guy, and the diamonds buried at the house in New Jersey are one of the two locations.

JT-I am going to guess by the "jerking everyone's chain" comment that you are implying that I am lying about all this. Just for the record that is a TN no-no. But hey, I can take it. I have stated many times that I don't expect anyone to believe my story just because I say it is so. But as I have said, I believe every word of it.

I will admit I have issues. I do love attention when I want it. I was the middle of three brothers. The much older brother who was always in charge and the first to know everything. Along came cutesy little baby brother who got way more attention than I felt he deserved. So I always tried to get attention. My brothers would dare me to do things. For instance, bang my head against the wall. I would bang it, they would laugh. I would bang it harder, they would laugh harder. It would become a vicious cycle. Bang, laugh. Bang, laugh, bang, laugh, BANG, LAUGH, BANG, LAUGH. Then mom would tell them to quit laughing as it only encouraged me. So there you have it. My secrets out. It's not MY FAULT. I AM A VICTIM! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

I have to ask what does any of this have to do with me trying to get permission to dig for what I hope to be silver buried at Rocky Bluff? Nothing! This is all a cry for help. I am insane. The doctor dropped me on my head when I was born. If you saw my head in person you might think I'm a monster. I'm not a monster! Hey, wait till you listen to my book on an audio CD. I will bet I can even get grumpy old men to laugh.

I will finish this latest ranting and raving of a lunatic with this.

I took some hard-core well respected TN members to the location at Rocky Bluff. I did not put them over the top of the spot. I put them close. On their own they came to the conclusion that there was a massive amount of a silver buried there. I think they would have possibly preferred to do things the old fashioned way, but I convinced them that I thought I could get permission to dig from the officials. So far I have failed at this.

In the mean time an individual decided to do things his own way. This was not part of the TN member group from the beginning. In fact I don't know or care if he is a member of TN or do I want to know anything about him that I don't already know. This individual entered the property and dug two small holes. He was instructed where to dig by someone other than me. He dug down no more than 12 inches and that's stretching it. He found a small handfull of the plastic covered, non braided phone line, exactly as you would find in your own home. After digging this out of the ground he then metal detected the spot. He got no more reading with his run of the mill metal detector. He then reported back to his friends.

For anyone to take this comepletely factual account of the event and then imply that there is no silver to be found is ludicrus. It certainly does not make me look stupid. I would imply that others might look stupid but I don't want to be accused of slander.

I don't know whether this was some concocted ploy to try to throw me off or just an example of how piss poor a job most people make when attempting to find and recover a large cache of buried treasure. Either way it has contributed to my story. Thanks to you all for helping write the next edition of my book.

JT- I don't need anyone to massage my ego. It is not bruised in any way. As far as the band, the dogs, the race cars,etc, the newspaper photographer loved it all yesterday. He told me today that his editor was having a hard time picking which pictures to use for the newspaper article coming out next weekend. I asked the reporter to delay a week so that I can have a lttle more time to get the E-book and pictures ready. Thanks for your concern

Welcome back BCH. Look what you missed.

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So you delayed the newspaper story? They "wanted" to run it this weekend and because of some excuse you killed the story?
That is mighty informative, BDD. Newspapers don't "hold" articles after they are written. You just made that up, right?

I worked for the following newspapers: Dallas Morning News, Dallas Times Herald, Houston Post and others. So don't play games
with people who know better.

Just keep up the jokes, some are quite good.

I am working with an award winning writer for the St Pete Times. His name is Michael Kruse. We have developed a great relationship over this. He was willing to wait to submit it to the editor until next week. Lastleg- are you implying that I am lying about this. Tsk, tsk your breaking a TN rule. Oh I see, you have been on here since 2008. Sorry, I quess it's ok then. What did you do at the newspaper companies, deliver them? Oops, I was not trying to make fun of you. I was just being polite and asking. I didn't kill the story, but I bet it will be a "killer" story, but that's just my HUGE ego talking.

I was told once that if you can get the enemy to laugh, you have won.

OK- Who's up next? Bring it on!

A book deal you recieve 10% of the cover price 15% if your Stephen King. If you have a lit. agent they git 10% of your 10%. You gave the pics to the paper!!! Now people can see them for a dollar so why do they need your book? When the book stops selling and they drop the price that's you percentage,your loss. Go with E books and good luck!

Personally I think you are making the whole thing up, but that's just an opinion. We don't have to believe you to be a member
of this forum. Stories like yours have been floating around since I've been on here. They all went flat at the end. That's what KK
was getting at before. You remind us of previous posters with a lot of claims and no rewards.

One in particular got into bad legal problems because he could not contain himself. But then, he wasn't funny like you.

Bdd, trust me, it's not about longevity. You just have to be a card carrying member of the "IN CROWD." My card has been lost for several years now.
That explains your open mind!

pop46-Thanks for the advice. I am going to initially offer my book through my own website. As I am also a control freak I can do things as I want. I also will get 100% of the sales money. I will have limited exposure at first. But being the way I am I will find ways to expose myself to the masses. I did not give any photos to the paper. They came to my house and took them, by that I mean they had their own camera, lights, tripod, umbrella and everything. I felt sooo special.

At some point I will list my book through amazon.com. I can even set my own price. Initially I think I have about 75 pictures. I will be adding video as we videoed all the most important events. The one where I open the baby casket I dug up is kind of creepy. I should have known there would be no money in it. I have not even watched most of the videos. Some are 25 years old.

lastleg- You would not believe how hard it was to fake all these pictures and videos. After all I am making all this up. The one where I almost get killed while in the scoop of a backhoe is kind of scary. Of course knowing ahead of time that it was all faked spoils the suspense.

Oh I"m sure you feel special my friend. As well you should. This is your moment in the sun. Adios mi amigo.

You dug up a grave?

Well it looks like my big mouth has caused me to lose another loyal supporter. Goodbye, lastleg. I hope you find better acceptance of your constant criticism on another thread.

I am sorry that I appear at some times like a jerk. I have been used to fighting fire with fire. If someone implies I'm a liar, I don't cower like a scolded puppy. I will fight back.

From the moment I appeared on TN with some of my story I have been made fun of, laughed at, accused of fabricating a hoax, called an out and out liar and more. I did not expect instant acceptance of every thing I say as the truth. My long time friends will tell you that I don't lie or exaggerate. My long time friends are not posting or reading this thread, at least not yet.

The events at the bridge with the TN members happened within a couple of months ago. Things since then have not gone the way anyone would have liked them to, especially me. I just wanted to dig a hole and move on. The problem was that I wanted to do it legally and make a spectacle of it. If this were all a hoax I certainly wouldn't want everyone watching as I made a fool of myself.

I believe there is a huge pile of silver at the bridge. I believe it may be exactly where I think it is. For the first time I will put on here that I think there is some gold in with the silver. Is it possible that this is nothing more than a huge pile of discarded wire? Yes. Is that what I think it is.? No. Am I a dreamer? Yes.

If anyone wants to discuss the merits or lack thereof of this particular possible treasure site, please post on here. If you want to ask me about any of the other aforementioned treasure sites, your questions are welcome. If anyone feels the need to come on here and call me names, you are not welcome, but go ahead if it makes you feel better.

lastleg-you probably will not post on here anymore. I know you will continue to read this thread because you won't be able to stay away. Maybe your hoping you will read something that will make you laugh, and if that helps cheer up your day, great.

In the meantime I am going to go out and enjoy another moment in the sun. It looks like another beautiful day in the Sunshine State. Oh yeah, I have to go to the bridge and see if any rats came out last night digging holes. I love these "dogs and rat games" (my saying).

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BDD Im not sure you are allowed to tell others not to post. Keep in mind that this thread and the rights to it, are owned by TreasureNet. This is not your own website were you can control the replys. If you feel someone has broken any rules, you can report them to the moderator. At least thats the way it used to be but I dont see a moderator button. Im not complaining, just saying in case you were unaware of it. I havent been reading it but I had a few minutes to kill so I posted my thoughts.

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BCH-reread my posts. I did NOT tell anyone not to post. I have mentioned the rules on here but the rules only apply to selected posters. I am glad you were able to kill a few minutes.

The baby casket was found right beside a spot where money had been hidden. I took a chance on what was inside. We knew it was either going to be money or a dead dog. It was not money. I had made a horrible mistake and paid a huge price for it. It was next to the foundation of an old house I had bought. Because of what I had been told by a relative of the former house owner and the location and circumstances of the hidden money, I thought the tiny little white casket may have been used to bury the money and would deter anyone from digging it up and opening it. Curiosity killed the cat, but I'm Bigdogdad. It did cause some really bad karma at the time and I will never do anything like it again.

HA BDD, you can't dismiss me so easily. Adios does not mean farewell, it refers to a Being we are no longer allowed to mention.

I have not yet begun to 'criticize' you as you deserve. Were it not for the laughter you bring I would be saying farewell. Yes I cannot
keep from following your adventure, it is well worth the price of admission.

While waiting for your rejoinder a question about the 'money' next to the "white baby casket" how much 'money' was there?

lastleg-I am glad I didn't drive you away. For the record I don't mind criticism whether I "deserve" it or not. I just don't like it when it is implied or stated that I am intentionally lying about anything. I believe every word of every story on every post I have put on TN since joining in March.

I found a house to buy years ago. I showed it to my wife and mother-in-law. The owner had died. On the way to the house my wife informed me that we were $440 in the hole on our checking account. She had just returned from a dog show in Georgia. She, her mother and I were sitting in the living room of this house. I got the sudden urge to get up and go over to a large old sofa. The house was still furnished. I pulled the sofa towards the middle of the room. There was a large area rug. I pulled back the corner of the rug and there was a white envelope laying there. I picked it up and opened it. There was $440 in cash inside it. I handed it to my wife and said "there you go".

Of course now I had to look throughout the house as it was now ours. I climbed through the attic and looked in every nook and cranny and never found any more money. The sister of the woman that died at the house lived next door. She came over to the house one day. She had to be at least 100 years old and was well less than five feet tall. She said she had to tell me something. She led me over to the living room picture window. We were outside. She pointed to the ground and said no matter what to not dig in this one spot because her sister had buried her dog there and told her about it.

I should have listened. I quess the dog would sit at an exact spot inside next to the window to look out. This exact spot was where I found the envelope with the money in it. I thought maybe the house owner may have buried money outside the window where the dog could guard it while looking out and the story of burying the dog was just to throw everybody off. The year and a half we lived there I never dug.

Years later for some stupid reason I got this bright idea to contact the new owners of the house, tell them my story and see if they would let me dig for treasure in one exact spot by the window. He was skeptical. We reached a deal and I had a friend who is a professional videographer tape the dig. I dug down and hit a very small white fiberglass coffin. Now anyone reading this might not have done what I did next. Yes. I pried it open. It had been sealed up with silicone.

Immediately upon it opening, the funkiest, nastiest smell poured out on us. It coated us. There in the casket was for the most part a well preserved dead dog staring at me with rotted out eye sockets. I instantly knew I had made a horrible mistake by not listening to the now dead old woman who told me to never dig there.

I resealed the casket with silicone and buried it in the back yard. I said a little prayer and asked for forgiveness. I knew this would come back to haunt me and weeks later it did in the most awful way. It caused one of if not the most heartbreaking event of my life to occur. I will not say more on TN. Read my book for the end of that story.

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While waiting for your rejoinder a question about the 'money' next to the "white baby casket" how much 'money' was there?
Let's see. First he digs up a baby in a white casket, then it turns out to be a dog. Big Dog starts 3 other threads in the last 4 months and they all deal with trying to get money and writing a book. Did I miss anything , besides a beer can and copper being under the bridge. I think it's time to move on for me. :skullflag:

Here's a copy of a post big dog put up on another thread on cache hunting.

(I am going to start a new thread in a day or so about the pirate chests. An investor came forward, a deal was made and some things happened. It was all very interesting. I will be posting pics from the original chest digs with the story behind them. I think the sub discussions should go to the shipwreck board. )

old man-I don't see a question posted here from you but I will try to respond to your post.

I never "dug up a baby" and there was never a chance that I would. Please read everything a little more carefully if you are going to respond.

I did in the past mention seeking an investor. Two contacted me from those posts and one contacted me on his own because he wanted to. This is against TN rules and has long ago been pointed out to me.

There is no law against seeking financial help.

I have since finished the book on my own and it will be available in a matter of days. What's your point about this?

Someone not of my group did a wimpy little dig less than a foot deep and claimed to have found a beer can and left a small piece of wire laying there. What is your point about this?

When I first joined TN I started a thread about the pirate chests in Englewood. An investor came forward. On his own he hired an individual to do a field survey at the site. After two and a half hours with an LRL and another detector, this individual claimed there had been chests and now they were gone. This was his "Opinion". Of course LRL's don't work and I have stated that the chests are down really deep.(past the range of normal detectors) Pictures of the dig attempts by me 20 plus years ago were put on TN and are now also on my website. What is your point about this?

The "investor" from New Jersey thought he would fly down and the chests would be dug up that day months ago and we would all live happily ever after. It does not work that way in the real world.

No one has ever asked me about the sub story although I have posted plenty of the story in the past. When I first came on TN in March I felt that I put too much information about some details and deleted a lot of it.

I was prepared to get more serious about the Englewood chest site. Some TN members got interested in the silver at Rocky Bluff and the rest is history.

old man-Why don't you just get straight to your point about all this?

Did you read my posts in the past about my AADD? (adult attention deficit disorder)

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I am going to do a recap of what happened for anyone that has not read this extremely long thread.

I went after the treasure from the German U-boat U-853 at Montauk Point Long Island.

History books about the sub indicate that there were supposed to have been diamonds hidden on the sub before it left Germany.

The sub was destroyed on May 6 1945. This was the last official action of WWII. This sub has been dove on and the diamonds have supposedly never been recovered.

My contention is that four men came ashore in a rubber raft from the sub and buried the diamonds near the lighthouse.

The sub was destroyed before the men could get back to it. Two of the men died and two of them made it back to Germany.

A man from New Jersey recovered these diamonds, rehid some in the park and took the rest back to New Jersey.

He died in 1966 in a private plane he was piloting. His remaining family moved to Florida.

I met them in 1967. I became very good friends with one of the sons.

His dad had shown him the location of where the diamonds were buried before he died.

Fast forward to 1987. The son had forgotten the story of the diamonds as he was very young. An incident triggered his memory.

He remembered the story and where the diamonds were hidden at the park. He told me about it.

I believed him and we flew to New York to recover the diamonds.

There had been many changes at the park and the diamonds were no longer easily accessable.

While at the park I heard of an old man also looking for diamonds from a submarine.

I decided to contact this man who was 87 at the time. We met and formed an immediate friendship.

He was a dowser who had found many items and treasures over the years but had been taken advantage of to the point of no longer trusting people.

We decided to work together and I brought him to Florida. He was willing to share the locations of possible treasures.

On the evening of our first day together I had to drive by a location that I had heard for years was a pirate camp.

I asked him to use the pendulum that he used to dowse to see if he could sense anything ahead as we drove down the road.

As we passed by the pirate camp area, he pointed towards the river. I took him to this location the next day.

He walked over and drew out an area that he said gave off a reading of silver. I knew I would probably not want to dig there as it was state land.

I took him to Englewood and he showed me where he was convinced there were pirate chests.

He had been to this site years before, tried to buy the property, but it was not for sale.

The location was right beside a restaurant and the empty lot was where the septic system was located.

He worked a deal to dig with the owner but never followed up on it as he knew it would be very difficult.

I took him back to North Carolina. He showed me many locations of other possible treasures.

I atempted to dig up the chests and made a big mess. I fixed it all.

A couple of years later I met two guys who claimed to have one of a kind detectors that could locate hidden treasure from a distance.

I had them meet me at the pirate camp bridge site to see if they could locate the silver with no direction or prompting from me.

On their own they pinpointed a spot that just so happened to be the exact spot that the dowser said was silver.

They were very involved in their own treasure stories and were not interested in the silver as the price was very low at this time.

We had more adventures together including attempting to locate gold near alligator alley. The dowser led us to this spot.

Again it was a location where it would be difficult to get permission to dig and no attempt was made.

Fast forward many adventures, inventions, projects, etc. I joined TN.

I met some TN members and they were led to near the location of the silver. On their own they became convinced there was a huge pile of silver.

This was again the exact same spot as from the two previous determinations.

These guys were experienced, serious treasure hunters and wanted to dig the old fashioned way.

Because it was my spot to begin with they agreed to let me do things my way.

I knew from 25 years ago that it would not be easy as dealing with the government is never easy.

It has been over two months now. I have exhausted all the normal channels to get permission and have been repeatedly turned down.

Everyone has gotten very disappointed in my lack of progress. I have asked them not to give up on me.

At least two attempts have been made by others to retrieve any silver but they were halfhearted attempts at best.

I think everyone involved but me has basically given up on this and no longer thinks the silver exists.

This is where your faith is tested. If there is silver there it does not matter what anyone believes, it's either there or not.

The only way to know for a fact or not is to dig deep into the location.

This will probably only happen with some sort of approval. I am not going to give up until I know for sure if it is there.

I have found that the closer you get to actually finding a cache the more your mind will play tricks on you to try to make you give up.

It may be the spirits of the people that have hid the treasures. I don't have the answer but I am convinced it happens.

I have been accused of fabricating all or parts of this story and I have written a book about everything that has happened.

I have been told repeatedly over the years that my treasure is my story. Just write it all down.

This has now been done. Fortunately I took many pictures and videos.

I feel I am very close to making this all happen. I hope so.

In the time since I joined TN many people have gotten in touch with me privately. I will not share that information.

I want to thank TN for giving me this opportunity to share my story and get in touch with many new people.

It has not all been good but I have come through without a scratch.

I will continue to post the story as it happens. Please feel free to ask me just about anything about all this.

As it will all soon be available to the general public with lots and lots of details, I am sharing some of it here first.

I know it all may seem unbelievable, but everything I say happened really did happen. It's far from over.

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Hello!... Hello!.... Is there anyone out there?

Why can't we all just get along?

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