Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Potential for two huge gold finds. I'm not going to lie though. I'm becoming skeptical about the church.
If you understood Florida history,the economy of the average pioneer,homesteader,and cracker who carved out a hardscrabble life fighting heat,mosquitoes,and the native Americans whose land they were on,you would be even more skeptical about gold being at this site,as for diamonds...

If you understood Florida history,the economy of the average pioneer,homesteader,and cracker who carved out a hardscrabble life fighting heat,mosquitoes,and the native Americans whose land they were on,you would be even more skeptical about gold being at this site,as for diamonds...
What makes you believe its that old? It could be 100 to 150 years old.

What makes you believe its that old? It could be 100 to 150 years old.
While Florida did have its Spanish explores looking for gold,why else would they come,the actual habitation of Euro decent settlers didn't begin until Florida became a territory of the US after the Adams-Onis Treaty.Yes,there was St Augustine and Pensacola under the Spanish,and some smaller settlements under British rule in the northern part of Florida,but the pioneering of south Florida did not begin until the 3 Seminole Wars,which the Seminoles won,and have their own nation which is not part of the United States.
Even so,the settlers in that part of Florida were few and far between,and not apt to have large amounts of gold or any diamonds beyond a wedding ring.
Now gold coin from Cuba and Spain did flow into Florida during the War of Northern Aggression when cracker cowmen like Jacob Summerlin and Mose Barber would only accept gold for payment for their "beeves".That is the exception,and not the rule.
I hope that answered your question.

If you understood Florida history,the economy of the average pioneer,homesteader,and cracker who carved out a hardscrabble life fighting heat,mosquitoes,and the native Americans whose land they were on,you would be even more skeptical about gold being at this site,as for diamonds...

This pretty much sums up ECS's way of thinking. He is going to come up with any argument no matter how lame, to try to convince everyone that there could not possibly be gold at any site I am involved in. The above statement is a perfect example. I don't care about the average pioneer, homesteader or cracker, it has NOTHING to do with these sites. What does the heat, mosquitoes, or native Americans have to do with ANY of this. You all can be as skeptical as you want. A little skepticism is a good thing but you have to understand ECS's way of thinking. He will come up with anything to try to convince the readers of TNET that I don't have a clue about any of this. He is great at coming up with all sorts of names and dates that usually are useless and totally unrelated to the subjects at hand, but that is about it.

Here are some facts to ponder. This area of Florida had a HUGE cattle industry. These two sites are smack dab in the middle of it. The cattle were sold for money. This money was in the form of gold and silver, maybe even the occasional diamonds. They did not write checks. They did not want paper money. There were few banks and no credit cards. They wanted GOLD for their cattle. Both Sarasota and Manatee county (where I live) had many large and small cattle operations. One of the largest was directly in the area of these two possible treasure sites. Again, read ECS's latest lame attempt to discredit me and my story. You have to wonder what his motivation is.

Reread his quoted statement above and tell me what that has to do with these two sites.

This is nothing new to me. He has followed me all over TNET for over two years, doing his best to try to come up with everything he can to try to convince you all there is nothing of value to my sites, stories or methods. He ignores the moderators when they point blank tell him that if he doesn't believe what I have to say, then perhaps he should move on to some other thread. But no, he is obsessed with discrediting me. Shame on him. He needs to go harass someone else.

He is also stuck in the short period of time of the Civil War. Almost everything he quotes involves this period in Florida history. The possible gold and silver buried at these sites could have been placed there anytime in the last 50-300+ years. It would be impossible to prove that these treasures do not exist but yet he tries. He is possibly the most negative person posting on TNET. It is really kind of sad.

I believe in the possibility of buried treasure. That is what this thread, this forum and this website is about. I am trying to dig some up. I can use all the help I can get. I have wasted WAY too much time replying to ECS's negative, useless posts. I am looking for any help I can get. There has been lots of good advice posted on here. I wish to thank everyone that truly wants to help. ECS- You have made your point at least a hundred times on this thread. Please go bother someone else.

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Potential for two huge gold finds. I'm not going to lie though. I'm becoming skeptical about the church.

Even a mason jar of gold would be a huge find compared to a bag of pennies.

A jar of anything is better than a septic system.

Glad the leg is better.


BDD is just upset that when he PM'd me and asked me to join his "team" as researcher,I declined,as many others have.
There is real Florida history and there is myth history of Florida,of which I mentioned on this thread.
There was a treasure hunter(that was mentioned on this thread)who destroyed native American burial mounds in search of the Gaspar gold treasure myth,and was charged with that destruction.
Yes,Florida had "huge" cattle operations,and that began during the Civil War,before and during that period,the population in the counties mentioned were very small,and there is no record of Summerlin or Barber accepting diamonds as payment for "beeves".Where in Florida at that time could they convert that to hard currency?
Yes,the turncoat Greene led Union soldiers out of Fort Meyers to raid and loot his former neighbors and burn down their houses,and they did bury caches a few feet underground,but not 12 feet,and recovered it after the War.
The names and dates are important,to understand if an alleged treasure story is true,as stated,there is a real history of Florida and the myth history.
Now I stand accused by BDD of saying there is nothing of value at his sites,while I post historical references while he posts photos of empty holes.Others on this thread have found colonial coins from the British ocupation,pipes and coins from the Seminole War period,and CSA naval buttons,but no mention of gold,silver,and diamonds.
There is a real history of Florida and the created myth history.
He states that I disreguard moderators,while he has been abusive to others,calling them names and such.Yes,I am guilty of Burma Shave parodies and other satires,but have never outright insulted anyone.If posting true historical dates,people,and events,and explaining the economics of colonial and territorial Florida as reference to claims made concerning treasure,then I am guilty (mea culpra) of presenting Florida's true history,and the generated myths.
I respect those who came before me,the pioneer families that settled in this state(I grew up with many of their decendants) to make living among the heat,mosquitoes,and native Americans,to be swayed with the tale tales,myths,and legends of BIG treasure that never existed beyond treasure mags and books.

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BDD is just upset that when he PM'd me and asked me to join his "team" as researcher,I declined,as many others have.
There is real Florida history and there is myth history of Florida,of which I mentioned on this thread.
There was a treasure hunter(that was mentioned on this thread)who destroyed native American burial mounds in search of the Gaspar gold treasure myth,and was charged with that destruction.
Yes,Florida had "huge" cattle operations,and that began during the Civil War,before and during that period,the population in the counties mentioned were very small,and there is no record of Summerlin or Barber accepting diamonds as payment for "beeves".Where in Florida at that time could they convert that to hard currency?
Yes,the turncoat Greene led Union soldiers out of Fort Meyers to raid and loot his former neighbors and burn down their houses,and they did bury caches a few feet underground,but not 12 feet,and recovered it after the War.
The names and dates are important,to understand if an alleged treasure story is true,as stated,there is a real history of Florida and the myth history.
Now I stand accused by BDD of saying there is nothing of value at his sites,while I post historical references while he posts photos of empty holes.Others on this thread have found colonial coins from the British ocupation,pipes and coins from the Seminole War period,and CSA naval buttons,but no mention of gold,silver,and diamonds.
There is a real history of Florida and the created myth history.
He states that I disreguard moderators,while he has been abusive to others,calling them names and such.Yes,I am guilty of Burma Shave parodies and other satires,but have never outright insulted anyone.If posting true historical dates,people,and events,and explaining the economics of colonial and territorial Florida as reference to claims made concerning treasure,then I am guilty (mea culpra) of presenting Florida's true history,and the generated myths.
I respect those who came before me,the pioneer families that settled in this state(I grew up with many of their decendants) to make living among the heat,mosquitoes,and native Americans,to be swayed with the tale tales,myths,and legends of BIG treasure that never existed beyond treasure mags and books.

There you have it folks. His reasoning for saying there is no treasure at any of my sites is because basically what he is saying is there was no gold or silver in existence. I guess everybody just passed around IOU"s. All the merchants and explorer's that took tons of gold, silver and jewels from Central and South America just passed right by Florida without losing or spending any of it other than maybe the occasional penny token. His reasoning is if he can't sit on his butt and Google up the written record for any given transaction then how could it have happened. He continues to name just a couple of the people from a short time period as if they were the only ones with any money in Florida.

He says he respects the pioneer families that came before him too much to be swayed by tales, myths and legends or BIG treasure that according to him never existed. Sounds really noble on the surface. Sounds like crap to me. He is basically posting on the world's largest treasure hunting site that treasure does not nor never has existed in Florida.

As far as me being upset about him not joining my team, that is funny. He has a point, though. I don't have some grumpy old man that doubts my every word to follow me around and keep me grounded in "reality". If I need a dose of that all I have to do is read TNET. I guess if he was on my team I would never dig a hole anywhere in the state of Florida and that would have certainly saved me a lot of time and effort. It's not too late though. I really could use a party pooping, bubble bursting, negative naysayer if nothing else just for all the fun and excitement he would provide.

G.P.R. not finding length like a pipe makes it more isolated it seems. What ever it is if a clear ground structure will be a good example of a precise dig. Being 12 feet not just digging a hole though B.D.D. has that digging experience. Careful when the time comes. What areas I,ve heard dug are often unstable but sure, it varies. Not doubting depth, but that's a dig!

Getting to the bottom of this treasure site, start as follows: Take a trailer to the site, rent a backhoe,
dig all the ground in a 20' circle down to 5' until trailer is full, take the load back to BDD's place and
dump, go back to site and dig another 5', load trailer and repeat placing this load on a different
space in BDD's yard leaving space between for the boys to run, now go back to church and make
sure your MD has batteries, begin a new search in all metal on VLFs or normal on PIs marking each
signal, call in the LRL crew and have each of them do their thing, write down their conclusions on
separate logs, call the remote guy to see if he is still 1000 miles away and if so conduct a brand
new reading, do not dig anymore until he points you to the positive exact point to dig, if the hole
is in the wrong spot from his new findings bring back all the excavated dirt and restore to original
condition. By this time day will be ending and its time to retire to your homes and analyze your
mission. To be continued.

Sorry my mailbox was full and I didnt receive any PMs yesterday.

ECS the 1787-88 tokens are a significant find that any member or collector would be proud of.

Sorry my mailbox was full and I didnt receive any PMs yesterday.

ECS the 1787-88 tokens are a significant find that any member or collector would be proud of.

Money wise gold or tokens hmm guess it depends on the tokens value

Money wise gold or tokens hmm guess it depends on the tokens value
Apples and oranges. I dont understand the comparison because I dont know who on this thread found a mason jar of gold. I must have missed that one.

What is this? My find's better than your find...my find's better than yours...?

BDD's theme song. Turn up the volume.


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There is likely no gold at your site. ECS is using rational thinking, backed by research and common sense. Your spot is highly unlikely unless there is some reason that gold should be there. If the only thing your going by is dowsers and LRL's, then I have no doubt you will find no gold.

All one has to do is read TN for years to see that LRL's have produced nothing, dowsers have produced nothing. I am not saying you can't dowse for things, but the dowsing has evolved to people pulling up a map of the EARTH, and pointing to spots with gold……its ridiculous.

Gold may be in Florida, some caches, and certainly the spanish when wrecked moved some gold through Florida, but in general they were just going from south/central america/mexico to cuba, then unto spain. The activities of the spanish are highly documented, and much gold has been found at these locations that are documented. I have never heard of spanish gold being found at some random spot in florida that does not end up having some historical significance.

BDD, your a dreamer, you have gold fever. I hope you find gold. I would like nothing more than to see you post a horde. But just digging at places that have depressions in the land, near properties, are just going to yield pump systems and wells. Yes, people may throw stuff down wells, but 1/1000 wells are just that, just wells.

I will goto the beach today, I will likely find some coins, some trash, and hopefully some gold/silver if I am lucky. With your methods, the odds of you finding anything of significance are extremely rare.

Good idea signal maybe Ill hit the surf today at low tide with my PI Unit . Tourists on beach= lost gold.

I really could use a party pooping, bubble bursting, negative naysayer if nothing else just for all the fun and excitement he would provide.


I really could use a party pooping, bubble bursting, negative naysayer if nothing else just for all the fun and excitement he would provide.

Sorry BDD, nobody like that here on TN...

Screen Shot 2014-05-11 at 10.28.17 AM.webp

You are, like a hurricane
...There's fun in your eyes
And I'm getting blown away
...To somewhere safer where
the treasure stays... :gold-bracelet::coins::3barsgold::laughing7:

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