BDD is just upset that when he PM'd me and asked me to join his "team" as researcher,I declined,as many others have.
There is real Florida history and there is myth history of Florida,of which I mentioned on this thread.
There was a treasure hunter(that was mentioned on this thread)who destroyed native American burial mounds in search of the Gaspar gold treasure myth,and was charged with that destruction.
Yes,Florida had "huge" cattle operations,and that began during the Civil War,before and during that period,the population in the counties mentioned were very small,and there is no record of Summerlin or Barber accepting diamonds as payment for "beeves".Where in Florida at that time could they convert that to hard currency?
Yes,the turncoat Greene led Union soldiers out of Fort Meyers to raid and loot his former neighbors and burn down their houses,and they did bury caches a few feet underground,but not 12 feet,and recovered it after the War.
The names and dates are important,to understand if an alleged treasure story is true,as stated,there is a real history of Florida and the myth history.
Now I stand accused by BDD of saying there is nothing of value at his sites,while I post historical references while he posts photos of empty holes.Others on this thread have found colonial coins from the British ocupation,pipes and coins from the Seminole War period,and CSA naval buttons,but no mention of gold,silver,and diamonds.
There is a real history of Florida and the created myth history.
He states that I disreguard moderators,while he has been abusive to others,calling them names and such.Yes,I am guilty of Burma Shave parodies and other satires,but have never outright insulted anyone.If posting true historical dates,people,and events,and explaining the economics of colonial and territorial Florida as reference to claims made concerning treasure,then I am guilty (mea culpra) of presenting Florida's true history,and the generated myths.
I respect those who came before me,the pioneer families that settled in this state(I grew up with many of their decendants) to make living among the heat,mosquitoes,and native Americans,to be swayed with the tale tales,myths,and legends of BIG treasure that never existed beyond treasure mags and books.