I have a completely different theory on how remote sensing can work and also how dowsing can work. I really don't want to get into a big discussion on it as it always seems to turn into an argument that becomes never ending. I am trying to prove something works by giving people a chance to demonstrate their abilities or their LRL's abilities. By conducting my own attempts to go through the whole process and then digging to verify results, I will figure it out sooner or later as long as I keep trying.
There will always be someone that is better than most everybody else at any given thing. It may be because of practice, luck, genetics, intelligence, hard work or a combination of all of these. I do not just follow or believe all that I read or am told. Seeing is believing. I think I have been lucky enough to become involved with some of these individuals.
MY friend and I took the Nokta detector back to the church site today. We no longer got the readings that we did before the dig. I had hoped for different results. The machine can be somewhat finicky. It does not operate like a regular metal detector. It did read a couple of times for metal still in the dig spot but it was not consistent.
My remote guy says it is in the spot we dug but is deeper. He had told me from the beginning that he cannot accurately read the depth. He does have his limits. The bottom line is he put me on this spot for a reason. At this exact place in the ground a man made junction of concrete pipes had been installed. Someone later on had dug down to the pipes, busted up just the small area where they came together, took all the pieces out, and then put them all back in along with the dirt. I have installed six different septic drain fields. I have repaired other drain fields. I can see no normal reason for someone to have done what was done at this spot.
I was going to take some pictures today and make a drawing but I got off on many different tangents. It was a weird day. I wish that I could share the details as they pertain to treasure and this story but because this is a very public forum it would not be a good idea to tell a lot of what I know. An entirely new treasure story was brought right to me today that has every good element of the perfect treasure cache. It came to me in a way that was so coincidental that if I told the details the readers would think I am making it all up.
I would still like to hear from any expert, what is the very best detector if I want to find something that may be 4 feet deep or maybe a little more. All of the claims made by the detector makers are probably exaggerated. Has anyone done any extensive testing on their own. My Garrett GTI 2500 was still reading for a deeper object right before we filled the hole in. I have no good answer for not digging more other than I was having a bad day.