BDD, don't give up posting. You have to understand where these people are coming from. You have made claims of many many treasure sites, using technology and techniques unfamiliar to most, you have posted mostly only difficulty or challenges at these sites, and of course no treasure. That has caused many to be skeptical, but you can't blame them.
I know exactly where those people are coming from. I have read their posts on other threads. ECS, BCH, VOR, lastleg- I have met these types throughout my life. I have no problem dealing with their kind in real life. The internet is a different thing.
They are set in their beliefs and I don't think anything will change their minds when it comes to certain subjects such as dowsing and LRL's. These two subjects have probably caused more arguments on TNET than anything else. They really aren't interested in learning about something they don't understand.
If they want to learn about dowsing all they have to do is go talk to the people that use it on a daily basis. Go to just about any plumbing company and ask them if they use clothes hangers or L-rods to consistently locate buried objects such as pipes and wires. They do it all the time with near 100% accuracy. You don't have to believe me as anyone can find this out by just asking. Go talk to surveyors. They have to locate buried objects all the time and I will guarantee you that they will have a set of rods in their tool selection. Go talk to the local county workers that have to locate underground utilities as part of their job. They will tell you that these rods work. They may not realize it is called dowsing because they don't care what it is called, they just know it works.
Now do you think vor, BCH, or lastleg have really checked into dowsing? I will guarantee you that they have not. Do you think that they have done any simple testing of dowsing with any of the types of workers that I have mentioned? I am sure the answer is no. I am guessing that the main reason none of them believe in something that thousands upon thousands of people practice daily as part of their job, is because either they read somewhere it doesn't work or they just don't want to have to admit they may be wrong.
Here is the thing about dowsing for treasure. Treasure is very hard to find. There may be a lot of it out there but for every pound of gold in the ground there is probably 100 tons of junk. Junk is everywhere. Dowsing can find buried objects but usually finds nothing but junk. The same can be said for metal detectors. 99.999% percent of the people using them for cache hunting (not loose coins or rings) find nothing but junk. Now you know the metal detectors work, but how often is a cache of gold or silver found. Rarely.
Sure, I make a lot of big claims. I have set myself up to be made to look like a fool. I have done this all my life but I usually come through and surprise the critics. Treasure finding has been the hardest thing I have ever attempted. I make it even harder for myself because I am not content to go after easy targets such as lost rings on the beach. The thing is I don't see too many people finding caches of treasure. When they do it seems to be by accident.
Unlike the critics on here I set out to test what works and what does not. When I told the electronic genius duo 20+ years ago what Ovid could do when it came to map dowsing and regular dowsing, they did not believe a word. They were two very smart guys and I wanted them to test Ovid. They devised a series of tests thinking he would fail. When he passed their tests they had to change their way of thinking. They set out to try to figure out how dowsing works as they saw it work with their own four eyes. Almost twenty years later they will still tell you that Ovid passed the tests and was the real deal. They even tried to hijack some of the treasure sites, with disastrous results. That's another story.
The church site is a great example of my failure to do a good job of trying to recover what may be there. I made many mistakes. One of them was that my Garrett detector was still reading for metal after us having tried to clean all the metal from the ground. There was undeniable evidence that someone had deliberately dug into the ground and filled the hole back in. Sure there were some old pipes there but I saw no real reason for what had been done. The fact is that my remote guy put me on this exact spot and he told me how deep to dig. I did not dig that deep even when the conventional (not Nokta) metal detector was going off. I was in charge and I did not do a good job of making sure that we found anything of value at that spot. I have some pretty good excuses but I am not using them. I proved nothing other than I did a bad job.
Now what do I do? Give up on this site because I found some junk? Rethink everything and try again under better circumstances? What do you all think I am going to do?