The romance of some servant counterparts digging some massive "pit"... is at best ... ludicrous.
These are dreams...
Not reality...
Further more...
Stolen items were "offloaded and buried" almost immediately...
Remember it is stolen... they have stolen it... it is property that does not belong to them...
It is evidence of a crime... if it contains identifiable items and they are caught with them...
it is automatic guilt and will be executed for possession of ANY stolen items on seas... under piracy act.
Once stolen... they took specie and a few unidentifiable trinkets... and the rest was buried until later...
where they could deface or melt down ...
many times...
They had places that they could "fence" the items... but that could take time... until then... they buried it.
No one kept it close...
It would have been like OJ simson having the other "glove" in his car glovebox...
They were not stupid...
Greedy yes... the "easy" route... yes...
But most... not stupid...
And they sure as heck were not gonna make an all day poject digging a hole... ESPECIALLY stolen loot...
This was not their "lifes hard work and savings"
OR would they roam around with these things...
looking for the "perfect spot"... heh ... in order to dig this "perfect hole"...
and take that chance of being caught red handed with stolen property.
People do not get this...
They think that pirates roamed around with hold packed with gold...
then at leisure would "dock" somewhere and unload this massive hoard and then proceed to dig a temple to house it...
In some "tomb" if you will.
Only time when things were deep and massive was when "everyone was in on it"...
Like King Tuts Tomb...
This "elaborate" digging just did not exist...
But... the treasures do
PS> nothing in Florida is that deep... not even the great Carlos... Cheif of the Calusas ... buried his "stash" that deep...
And he had a whole tribe helping him hide it.
PSS> ACTUAL eyewitness account of Calusa treasure burial is well documented.
PSSS> The ACTUAL accounts ALSO describes this treasure of IMMENSE proportion... to be ... and I quote..."at an average mans height in depth".