I was a teacher at the time and worked in a program that was designed to allow student that were not able to attend class to get credit for attending school. It was called a "homebound" program. I had many students with various diseases as well as students that could not go to school because of violent behavior problems or criminal status.
One of my students was a 6 year old female that was prevented from attending school because of violent episodes. During these episodes, she would babble, scream, and exhibit the strength of a strong adult male. It would require a number of ADULT teachers and aides to subdue her. She was able to throw a regular size student desk across the room.
She had an entire battery of doctors that worked with her to no effect at all. She had a very bad family environment at all levels. It should be noted that her family was involved in a voodoo cult.
Until meeting with her a number of times, I had assumed that she had severe psychological problems. However, after a number of meetings, I began to think that she might be possessed. I also realized that she could read minds during her "possessions"! I decided to test my theory. So the next time that I went to her home, I was sitting behind her and THOUGHT to myself the following: "If you are really possessed, then get up from your chair and go pick up the shoes in the corner." That that moment, she turned in her chair and stood up. She walked to the corner and picked up the shoes and then turned to me and smiled. She set the shoes back down and walked back to her chair and went back to work.
I had a coworker that came to the same conclusions due to similar experiences. She terrorized and attacked everyone that worked with her except me and the one other coworker that came to the same conclusion as me. She feared the two of us greatly and would writhe in pain sometimes just from being in our presence. The rest of the time, she would cower. I could get her to work only if she did not have to look at me.