oujie board

Mr.Jody said:
What is the game? Its called a ouija board, nothing else.Not a cross, a truck, car , bridge, water, gold , silver or ANYTHING else......simple a ouija board.

I like Lady Dragon Wolf's discription of the game. Sounds better than it's just a game.

Its not just a game

I'm with Bigctyresshunter, I don't think it's something to be toyed with... Just in case :tongue3:

I will preface this by saying that I am a highly intelligent, educated professional. I am a computer programmer and IT Admin by profession. I am a Christian by faith and a Methodist by denomination. I've never seen a ghost but I have encountered demons on two occasions in my life.

I wrote the following about 6 years ago on another forum. It has been a total of about 16 years now since this happened. I had mixed feelings about posting it originally and still do to some degree.

This is the story of the first encounter:

I was a teacher at the time and worked in a program that was designed to allow student that were not able to attend class to get credit for attending school. It was called a "homebound" program. I had many students with various diseases as well as students that could not go to school because of violent behavior problems or criminal status.

One of my students was a 6 year old female that was prevented from attending school because of violent episodes. During these episodes, she would babble, scream, and exhibit the strength of a strong adult male. It would require a number of ADULT teachers and aides to subdue her. She was able to throw a regular size student desk across the room.

She had an entire battery of doctors that worked with her to no effect at all. She had a very bad family environment at all levels. It should be noted that her family was involved in a voodoo cult.

Until meeting with her a number of times, I had assumed that she had severe psychological problems. However, after a number of meetings, I began to think that she might be possessed. I also realized that she could read minds during her "possessions"! I decided to test my theory. So the next time that I went to her home, I was sitting behind her and THOUGHT to myself the following: "If you are really possessed, then get up from your chair and go pick up the shoes in the corner." That that moment, she turned in her chair and stood up. She walked to the corner and picked up the shoes and then turned to me and smiled. She set the shoes back down and walked back to her chair and went back to work.

I had a coworker that came to the same conclusions due to similar experiences. She terrorized and attacked everyone that worked with her except me and the one other coworker that came to the same conclusion as me. She feared the two of us greatly and would writhe in pain sometimes just from being in our presence. The rest of the time, she would cower. I could get her to work only if she did not have to look at me.

That story represents my first encounter. My second encounter can't be detailed on the internet. I'm not comfortable telling much about it. I will say that, unlike my first encounter, I became active in an attempt to cast the demon out. I believe we were successful but odd things and situations do still occasionally happen to the involved including myself.

These two encounters completely changed my outlook on the subject. Real demon encounters are not as visually spectacular as a Hollywood one but they are chilling on a level that is indescribable.

I will preface this by saying that I am a highly intelligent, educated professional. I am a computer programmer and IT Admin by profession. I am a Christian by faith and a Methodist by denomination. I've never seen a ghost but I have encountered demons on two occasions in my life.

I wrote the following about 6 years ago on another forum. It has been a total of about 16 years now since this happened. I had mixed feelings about posting it originally and still do to some degree.

This is the story of the first encounter:

That story represents my first encounter. My second encounter can't be detailed on the internet. I'm not comfortable telling much about it. I will say that, unlike my first encounter, I became active in an attempt to cast the demon out. I believe we were successful but odd things and situations do still occasionally happen to the involved including myself.

These two encounters completely changed my outlook on the subject. Real demon encounters are not as visually spectacular as a Hollywood one but they are chilling on a level that is indescribable.

What an amazing experience. ? I did see a ghost shadow once, but that’s another story.
To understand why that girl was possessed by the devil or demons I think you firstly have to understand where your thought of the devil and demons comes from. This comes from there being no scientific explanation for static at the time when the bible was edited for mass production, as previously discussed. This is why you may hear that the devil was god’s right hand man and was cast out from heaven. It makes me wonder, was she involved with a voodoo cult or were her family being victimized by a Christian cult with a lack of understanding of science. I’d bet a dollar she had long hair, and that she had ESP, or more so an increased perception of the static fields around her, probably due to the enviroment of her upbringing. Like good food builds healthy bones. The right static fields around a child, builds a healthier static perception. But to a Christian this would have no scientific explanation and she would there for be thought of as being possessed. I would hate to think of the torture she went through as you tried to rid her of your misunderstood demon possession. The other thought I had was the violent episodes with huge amounts of muscle force which makes me think of a viral infection or possibly parasites (like head/body lice).
Think of two sides to a coin; one side says she has advanced perception while the other side says you have diminished perception due to your environment


I would hate to think of the torture she went through as you tried to rid her of your misunderstood demon possession.

Actually, we didn't perform an exorcism directly on her. It is complicated. She didn't suffer one bit. She had some minor coughing when blessed with oil and prayed for. (Her case was more of an oppression.) Almost all of the work took the form of house blessing and prayer without the child even present. The odd parts of this second case involve things like a voice out of thin air when the child was not even present.

As for your other theories. I'll just say that I disagree.

As for your other theories. I'll just say that I disagree.
LOL Im sure her violent episodes of tremendous strength werent a symptom of body lice. I will disagree as well.

She had an entire battery of doctors that worked with her to no effect at all.

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Nobody is sure how Ouija boards work, but most many claim the planchette's movement is the result of something called the Ideomotor Effect.

Ideomotor effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's an interesting test that was done by Penn & Teller in an attempt to prove that a Ouija board's movements are merely the result of the Ideomotor Effect. (This episode of their show also deals with near death experiences near the end, so only watch the first two parts if you're just interested in their Ouija board experiment.)


Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

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Thanks, Zig. Great stuff.

I haven't played with Weejie Boards, but have done a bit of dowsing and related stuff. And have had "paranormal" experiences that didn't involve ideomotor response. Outside my own experience, I've learned a lot about how these things work from descriptions on the LRL and dowsing forums here and elsewhere.

Anything that looks like ideomotor response, is. The apparatus itself is the proof: it is designed to be operated by ideomotor response! For example in the case of the Weejie Board, the alleged spirits can't budge the codpiece even a millimeter, it takes human hands to do the job. Spraying an anti-friction coating on the board won't help, the spirits still can't budge the piece one whit unless you bump the table with your knee (a maneuver every chess player knows well).

So-- about those alleged "spirits", if they don't push stuff around, do they put information (and disinformation) into human brains that can come out via ideomotor response (and via dreams, visions, etc.)? In my opinion, such things do happen, but a lot less often than most people think. I say this based on personal experiences and also on what I regard as credible reports from other people. Can't prove any of it to a skeptical enquirer.

Several years ago I attended a Halloween seance led by several friends of mine who are into Wicca and neo-Paganism and really know their stuff. During this seance I had a nice conversation with my deceased mother. Because of my prior education in such matters, I understood what had transpired, but I'm quite sure that at least 95% of people having the same experience would have thought it to be supernatural. The "experience" itself was real, and trying to tell them that the content came entirely from between their ears gets nowhere because that objective explanation contradicts their subjective experience.

--Dave J. (a.k.a. "Toto")

People's subjective experiences are strongly influenced by their expectations of what kinds of things can and can't happen; and, their interpretation of those experiences are strongly influenced by what they want or want not to be true. That's why in court you can have two eyewitness to a crime, both telling what they saw and understand as best they honestly can, and you get two completely contradictory reports. Eyewitness testimony is the golden standard, and unfortunately it sucks. Prosecutors know this, and that's how crooked ones build their careers around putting innocent people behind bars.


OK I haven't read every page but today I read a story in a magazine that told an incredible story of two young GIs from WWI
back home in Oklahoma in 1919. They had a little money and wanted to get in some card games and excitement in a booming
town called Wilburton. They had to go horseback because of muddy roads and suffered greatly in the chilly rain but made it
and managed to get a hotel room. The dining room was packed, it was the night before Armistance Day celebrations. They sat
with a strange looking man who after a spell of observing them asked if they would like to make an easy $500 for one nights
work. Wound up taking $250 as half payment for staying one night with a corpse. Leaving right away the three rode horses north
into the San Bois Mountains and made a crossing over Fourche Maline Creek before reaching a small house in a clearing in the
heavy timber.

The strange man after going inside came out and told them to drop the reins and come in. A quilt covered body was on planks
set upon two sawhorses. The man soon left suddenly slamming the door. The boys heard horses leaving and realized the ones
they rode were now gone as well. These guys were very spooked but tried to pass the night with cards and occasional pull
from the bottle they had brought.

One of the boys was Choctaw and kept looking out the window. His buddy wanted him to stay at the card table. The Indian who
was called Dock said there was definitely something or someone outside. The other young man, Mack, knew his buddy never
lied. Along midnight Mack put more wood in the stove and sat back down but felt a chill wind on his back.

The door had been opened and suddenly a figure seven feet in height wearing all red clothes was standing looking at them from
blazing red eyes. He was carrying a pitchfork. The GIs both had war requisitioned 45s in their belts but were frozen stiff in fear.
The thing then swiftly circled the corpse before plunging the pitchfork through the quilt to the sound of metal against bone and
flesh. Out the door he strode carrying the corpse easily on his shoulder leaving the paralized vets in shocked silence.

When they regained their senses they decided to not wait for the strange man and the $250 still owed and returned to Wilburton
as swiftly as they could afoot. Exhausted the hotel beds were a welcome sight. The next morning a bunch of trainmen swarmed
the hotel telling everyone in sight about seeing the devil himself running above the railcars jumping from one car to the next.

In his old age Mack told an interviewer "I don't know if I believe in the supernatural or not but I'll tell you one thing -- I saw the
Devil and I don't ever want to run into him again."

I was in jr. high and the high school(our heroes) were playing their arch rivals. Ouija board said we would win. I bet $25 and my bike. We got our clocks cleaned, I lost my butt. Ouija boards=BS. And Rebel, I believe you really did meet your deceased sister.

And Lamar, I can't resist this, but how long were you an altar boy and is there something you need to "confess" to?

I was in jr. high and the high school(our heroes) were playing their arch rivals. Ouija board said we would win. I bet $25 and my bike. We got our clocks cleaned, I lost my butt. Ouija boards=BS. And Rebel, I believe you really did meet your deceased sister.
Did it ever occur to you that the deceased cannot predict the future any better than the living?

Its also possible that your partner may have manipulated the slider.

Awesom-I didn't know the forum had a paranormal topic too. I sometimes combiune hobbies,like do EVP session with digital recorder while detecting old abandoned houses.

see the weeji board has opened up a portal and all things bad are coming out. jeesh oh and if you want a free game that will scare ya shirtless search SLENDERMAN

(SMILE) TY, austin... Evelyn is still with me; mom has "passed" (March, 2012); I took two "pics" of study area, in our living room, and TWO vertical red light "columns" [mom & dad?]; Dad passed in 2004) are on the "pics". I DO "sense" 'em around... & Evelyn. Don't need "The Board"; see 'em ALL in the "DREAM WORLD". I have NO fear since MY After-Life Experience; I have even seen/heard my niece, who "passed" in 2007; she asked me to "watch over" her kids... I do. My older brother is their grand pappy; so... (WINK)

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(SMILE) Ever noticed the pronunciation of Ouija Board? Oui (we) is French for YES! Ja is German for YES! YES, YES Board? LOL! (WINK)

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