oujie board


Ok, I suppose it's my turn on this one...

I currently have 2 Ouija boards sitting in my closet. They are not evil. They have nothing to do with religion. There is no direct link to your "devil" or any evil being for that matter.

The board works sort of like phones used to. You dial the “operator” and they patch you through. Only, unlike phones, you aren’t always given an option of who you “call”….

There are… Millions? Of living impaired people that have messages, stories, warnings, thoughts, ideas… just like the rest of us. Some of the information they have is relevant to someone, somewhere, that is currently living. Sometimes all they want is to talk.

I’ll be the first to tell you that there are bad spirits that come through, but bad doesn’t mean evil. You make think they are evil because they are angry about being murdered. Wouldn’t you be angry if you were murdered and your killer was never caught? If you never got the chance to say goodbye to the people you loved because your life ended abruptly, wouldn’t you be upset? Frustrated? Desperate to get a message through to ANYONE that would listen?

That kind of desperation and anger makes a lot of messages garbled. Also, if you get a spirit that never spoke English in life, what makes you think they magically learned it upon death? Messages don’t always come through clear to US.

Possession. You cannot suddenly become possessed by using the Ouija board. Possession is something that will happen to people that are already sensitive to psychic phenomena. If you have never had anything “weird” happen to you in your entire life, then you are effectively a dead battery to spirits, whereas some of us are more like generators. They need energy to manifest in ANY way, and you HAVE to be open enough for them to use it.

The energy that we have that they need is strangely similar to an actual battery. They do drain batteries in order to manifest. HOWEVER, straight up electrical energy that powers lights and computers has a negative effect on them, and will interfere with anything they try to do. This is why I sleep with my TV or computer running. I’m scared half to death when the power goes out, even during the day.

Sometimes, possession isn’t as scary as everyone makes it out to be. It’s not necessarily a complete loss of control over yourself. Sometimes, they just share their memories or emotions with you. I’ve never had that happen with the Ouija, but I’ve had it happen many times without it.

Well, that’s my thoughts.

good morning my friends: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: hmm, somewhere I seem to have a few posts missing? Will recheck and get bk to here,. In the meantime, welcome Dragon luv. Post more please, very interesting.

Don Jose de La Mancha

:o UH OH! (Or something like that)... "Real", you are unreal! (Snickering...) :laughing9: :wink: Better watch how ya "talk" to the ladies on THIS "board"... they might ZAP ya, and turn ya into a FROG! :D :laughing9:

Judy, You , our equally lovely Britlander Unicorn, and rebel, asked about collective thought solidarity. I had posted that in the days past in California, a gentleman called Vern Cameron, who was a very accomplished dowser, performed a series of unique experiments on the solidarity of thought.

He would have a group collectively imagine a geometric figure somewhere in the room, walls, floor or ceiling, and of a solid color. When they had done this he would return with his dowsing rod and outline the shape, identify it's color, and it's location.

Explanation? Thoughts do have solidarity, or was it simply telepathy?

Don Jose de La Mancha

:-* BOTH... It is Mental Telepathy AND... Thoughts are "things"; "google"... 'Thought Forms'. THEN... 'Tulpas - Tibetan Buddhism' :coffee2: Coffee? NOT likely used with OB; as OB is a "general" focus, rather than a singular focus (ONE "target"). :coffee2: :read2:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D To "follow up" on the above... THOUGH-FORMS by Annie Besant & CW Leadbeater is the BEST book (I was a THEOSOPHIST, then... ;D), and for Brain "triggers" (MOSTLY Theta brain waves), would be THE OPENING OF THE THIRD EYE by Dr. Douglas Baker. Within our Brain are the Pineal, Pituitary, and Carotid Glands, which must be SUPER-activated, to induce "psychic" events and protect against "evil" spirits, as defined by certain groups; would be good for OB use. :icon_thumleft: ;D

YO!!.... :coffee2:
Been busy here lately, whats everyone been up to? Been working out of town, but from what I hear, any work is good!?!?!
Anyway, Was just checking on this O L D thread, still some interesting thoughts.....
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft:

You folks stay tuned, I got a story to tell you!!!! im heading out the door to go MD, but Ill tell ya what happened on my last board playing.....
This big bad tatted up dude had tears coming down my face, I jumped up and just quit playing, then the board quit spelling too!!! 5 people was on it! That was some VERY weird stuff going on!!! STAY TUNED MY FRIENDS......... :coffee2: :coffee2:

Mr. Jody,

You just don't know when to quit do you?
I tried to warn you last year........................

Hope you learn your lesson before it's too late :icon_sunny:


I know what you told me GG,I have not forgot!...And matter a fact,I have not been messing with it since I talked to you last except that one time.Everyone wanted to "play" it, so i dusted the dust off of it. . .
I'll get me some coffee, and break it down to everyone later tonight.. :thumbsup: :coffee2: :coffee2:

At this time, Im not going going into detail about the 'game"...
I do know that it was really interesting.It ""supposedly"" was my dad that was talking to us.No, I'm not crazy, I'm just like most of you folks...
I'm just telling you what the board was saying...
At one point in the game, it got slow, said he was tired that he got tired when soemthing like this happens???? Whatever that means, maybe trying to communicate?..
anyway, there was some things spelled out that just dumbfounded me and I jumped up from the table and for no reason had tears coming down my face!Then one of my sisters asked why did you quit talking(my dad) he said.."Because I upset Jody"

Divination (from Latin divinare "to foresee, to be inspired by a god",
A secondary gold deposit I found was difficult to mine as the gold had eroded into the stream a long time ago and had been covered by around 10 meters of thick clay. The problem I faced was a modern detector will only penetrate 50cm max so although there were huge nuggets (football size 200 oz.) underneath me although finding them at 10 meters would be extremely difficult task. The nuggets are worth chasing 200oz@$1500/oz = $300,000each. Being trained in electronics we mainly deal in mass electron flow (current) with random spurts of electrons (static) being avoided because it can damage circuits. So I was basically trained in what’s known as Newtonian Philosophy after Sir Isaac Newton. Being trained in this way I always saw divining as a load of crap and placed it with witchcraft. But I was always on the lookout for an idea to find those deep nuggets still lying in the now underground stream. It’s wasn’t until years later that I dropped into a mates place to find him and another mate with beer in hand trying to find a spot for a water bore. I laughed at first so they said give it a go. I picked up the two L rods took two steps and they crossed over. I yelled out hey there’s something here, they said yeh your on the telephone (copper wire) line. I said this would be good if you could go for gold and my mate said you can just hold gold. So I had found a deep seeking detection system that finds not only water but also metals.
Now I think it’s always best to try and understand something to look back in history. The earliest evidence that I’ve seen of divining is actually here in WA in the form of 30,000 year old rock art known as the Bradshaw paintings.
These paintings are in the Kimberley’s and this was probably sketched to teach the next generation skills in finding water for survival. It also shows how to find the depth. Interesting too there’s another painting in this series of how they used to find people in the bush using divining.
Ok so people have known how to do this to search for water for a long time. Pending on your religion you may or may not believe in evolution but the basic idea is that humans evolved from the sea which isn’t really that important just keep it in mind.
As early as the 7th Century BC, the ancient Greeks were aware that amber, when rubbed vigorously, could attract dust and cloth from a distance. Today, we say that such objects are “charged”. For example, a plastic ruler when rubbed has the ability to pick up tiny pieces of paper. Electrostatics is the study of stationary charge.
Sorry but this gets a bit religious for a while.
Divining and the bible -
Now we’ll go forward to say the times of Jesus BC-AD and the Christian calendar. It’s well said that Jesus was a divine person. But what do they mean? Well he was a diviner and taught divining. Here’s luke5 1-11 modern version
One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret,[a] the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. 2 He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. 3 He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.
4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” 9 For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, 10 and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.
Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
Ok so he taught something, what’s missing is how or what he taught. Basically it’s a fish detection method where you cut the tail of a fish and by holding the tail by the extreme ends and pointing the backbone towards the water you can divine schools of fish.
So why is this bit of such important info not included? Jump forward in time to say 1200-1300AD with priests, churches and monetary systems. Around this time religious scholars and other religious fruitcakes had a huge expansion of writing and (printing). For years religious scholars had to write copies of books to duplicate them. Around this time the invention of the screw press used to make olive oil was converted to a printing press.
These new copies of books were at the forefront of technology and the churches wanted them at all costs to mass produce the word of God and also make a lot of money. Did you know that the Bible is the most printed book in the world? To make the printing job easier the old bible was tested against the then known scientific knowledge (electricity had no explanation) so the scholars, who thought that they were greater messiahs than Jesus edited out the teachings from the word of god. Without a viable explanation of how divining worked, divining stood no chance, and was edited from the bible. The thought that you could RUB two materials together to create electricity became RUBBISH and thrown away. It made the printing job easier too (less pages same price). Although divining still worked it became known as the work of the DEVIL. It wasn’t until around 1600AD that theories of electricity were announced but by that stage the bible had been simplified for mass press production and divining had faded away.
A biblical example is in Acts 16:16: “One day as we were going down to the place of prayer, we met a demon-possessed slave girl. She was a fortune-teller who earned a lot of money for her masters.” You will notice that this girl was demon possessed. She was practicing a form of divination, similar to dowsing
In Hosea 4:12, “My people consult their wooden idol, and their diviner’s wand informs them; for a spirit of harlotry has led them astray, and they have played the harlot, departing from their God.”
In medieval times when a new town was to be built often a person with magic like powers would be called in to find a source of water for the town, known as a Sorcerer and finding water by using a forked branch from a hazel tree is called witching for water.
Unfortunately there was so much money to be made selling and printing bibles that for anyone found witching the punishment was hanging and/or burning.
Divination was considered a pagan practice in the early Christian church. Later the church would pass canon laws forbidding the practice of divination. In 692 the Quinisext Council, also known as the Council in Trullo in the Eastern Orthodox Church, passed canons to eliminate pagan and divination practices.Acts 16:16[6] Soothsaying and forms of divination were widespread through the Middle Ages. In the constitution of 1572 and public regulations of 1661 of Kur-Saxony, capital punishment was used on those predicting the future.[7] Laws forbidding divination practice continue to this day.[8]
Rub + bish = rubbish
1. Refuse; garbage.
2. Worthless material.
3. Foolish discourse; nonsense.

This is why most online references state that divining is caused by the ideomotor effect. They are modern Christian data bases and will go no further.

Ok what causes it?
In physics - there’s basically three forces that hold matter together strong medium and week.
Strong forces - hold atoms together
medium forces - holds molecules together
week forces - just cruise around causing a bit of attraction here and there but don’t last long (like static)
Now if you try and divine a stream with L rods you will find that as you approach the stream the wires will come together slowly and can easily be pulled apart which points towards a week force.
Causes of static electricity
Normally, materials are made of atoms and molecules that are electrically neutral, having an equal number of positive charges (protons in the nucleus) and negative charges (electrons in "shells" surrounding the nucleus). The phenomenon of static electricity requires a separation of positive and negative charges. When two materials are in contact, electrons may move from one material to the other, which leaves an excess of positive charge on one material, and an equal negative charge on the other. When the materials are separated they retain this charge imbalance.
Contact-induced charge separation
Triboelectric effect
Electrons can be exchanged between materials on contact; materials with weakly bound electrons tend to lose them, while materials with sparsely filled outer shells tend to gain them. This is known as the triboelectric effect and results in one material becoming positively charged and the other negatively charged. The polarity and strength of the charge on a material once they are separated depends on their relative positions in the triboelectric series. The triboelectric effect is the main cause of static electricity as observed in everyday life, and in common high-school science demonstrations involving rubbing different materials together (e.g., fur against an acrylic rod). Contact-induced charge separation causes your hair to stand up and causes "static cling" (for example, a balloon rubbed against the hair becomes negatively charged; when near a wall, the charged balloon is attracted to positively charged particles in the wall, and can "cling" to it, appearing to be suspended against gravity).
Experiments by William Gilbert (1544-1603), Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) and others suggested the following rules regarding charge:
• There are only two kinds of charge – called positive and negative. These were originally called vitreous and resinous respectively, because of the materials which produced each type of charge.
• Like charges repel.
• Unlike charges attract.

Body capacitance is a biological property of the human body that makes it a good capacitor and able to store charge. Every person has a characteristic called capacitance. Capacitance is an electronics term that has units of measure called farads. Capacitors are electronic components that store electrical energy. A human body typically has 22 pico-farads of capacitance. A result of this capacitance is often felt in the winter months via static discharges that occur when walking across a carpet and touching a metallic object. Walking across a carpet generates energy that is stored in the body’s capacitance. This energy is discharged when touching another object at a different voltage potential.[1]
A capacitive touch sensor is basically a sensing device that measures capacitance in its environment. This principle allows touch switches and proximity detectors to interface with the human body the way they do. It is also why humans can build up static charge and get shocked when discharging too quickly. Because of body capacitance, people act as good antennas and some small televisions use people to increase reception. [2]
The Human Body Model for capacitance, as defined by the Electrostatic Discharge Association (ESDA) is a 100pF capacitor in series with a 1.5kΩ resistor[2]

Week forces are caused by beta particles (single electrons) cruising around and is a touch different to electron current in say a power cord. Materials have a certain ability or inability to take in these electrons or not take them in. Hair standing up is a good example - produced when two materials are rubbed together and drop or take in electrons.
Have you ever had the feeling of suddenly thinking of someone you haven’t heard of for ages then next minute or day the phone rings and it’s that person?
Here’s an interesting thing I read in my research American Indians when hunting Buffalo would be away from their main camp for days at great distances. If a tribal member wanted to communicate to the hunters they would go to a specially prepared bark hut and meditate to release a signal to the hunter. The hunter could then in turn pick up the signal and return to camp.
No doubt you’ve heard of soul mates but did you know that when two people sleep together each emits radiation and in turn each receives a dose of radiation. The thought patterns during sleep stimulate the radiation pattern so an explanation for soul mates having an uncanny sense of knowing what the other is thinking may not be uncanny at all, as they may have communicated during their sleep.
Humans naturally emit radiation through our skin and naturally pick up signals through our skin and hair. If you look at the hair on your body each one is like a miniature television station transmission and receiving tower.
This all gets hooked up into a really cool part of the brain called the hypothalamus which is where our conciseness starts, also psy has a lot to do with this part of the brain, this is why people who are considered psychic can see things others can’t, as they block out the other senses and switch on their hair and skin through their hypothalamus to their brain and can sense things at huge distances via the static signals touching their bodies.
If you look at a gypsies trying to look into a crystal ball, Ha, I have to laugh at all the people who have bought crystal balls and not got the other half (A SILK SHEET) When someone tries to look into a crystal ball their basically using their hands to pick up the static signals. But you have to charge up the crystal ball first before use, with a silk cloth. Like when you rub say your foot along the carpet and then touch someone to give them a static zap. The crystal ball will if charged the correct way drags in static signals thereby amplifying them just like an antenna does for tv.
You’ll also notice that the hands aren’t touching because that would discharge the ball.
A similar thing is when people place their hands together to pray and the hypothalamus is put to use.
The phenomena is known as E.S.P Extra Sensory Perception but there’s nothing extra about it everyone has it It’s just some/most people have been trained that it’s “rub”bish and the work of the devil or if they are praying to God then it’s ok and they are sweet little angles.
So Ouija boards? Used to contact the…???? In simple terms, I believe use the static of your body capacitance to move the piece around the board.

Bill said:
Very good treatise, Dedevil.

Thankyou Bill. The tread was started for everyone's opinion, so that's my opinion.

your right Dedevil, its about everyones opinion about the game, not about anything else.This thread got locked one other time because people started talking about christ and all that other stuff...just want to keep on subject,if not the post will get deleted.

Mr.Jody said:
your right Dedevil, its about everyones opinion about the game, not about anything else.This thread got locked one other time because people started talking about christ and all that other stuff...just want to keep on subject,if not the post will get deleted.

What is the game?
I know of two other very similar games. Both are like the ouija board. One, people can play alone the other is for groups and very similar to the ouija board although the people playing are configured in a different way.

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