Original Peralta Stone Map Photos

well...if you guys want to waste decades of your life following those silly stone maps that is certainly your choice....not me..i have better things to do

Howdy Dave,

I personally have not wasted any time with the PSM's. I have enjoyed learning the truth about them in the little time I have invested on them. Some day I will have the liberty, and pleasure of revealing three of the Dutchman's clues etched on them before he even said them.


alan...as long as i know i am irritating guys like you...i'll never stop posting:occasion14:
It really looks like your the one who is irritated that some of us do not accept your infinite knowledge in this area, haha
but whatever gets you though the day.

It really looks like your the one who is irritated that some of us do not accept your infinite knowledge in this area, haha
but whatever gets you though the day.
this forum is just entertainment for me...better than tv...and its guys like you that keep me entertained ..travis's grandson was in my house and told me to my face that travis carved those stones..but if you to believe some Spaniards carved them and left them in the desert in the middle of nowhere...then thats your fairy tale...good luck with it:icon_thumright:

At least I'm getting serious about my claims whether or not stone maps related. Finding a treasure would be nice. Only that would prove one way or another...
I'm buying a resistivity "mega ohm induction" void detector good down to 50 meters. I've tried everything else like GPR, Runabout Gravity Meter, LRL, VLF...Geo company wants to much money for a survey so I'll do it myself. If you've been at one, survey that is, you can see how it's done. Pretty simple really. Mark a grid starting at one end and zigzag or straight line it. Should be fun only weighs about ten pounds so hiking it in will be cake. Surveys take a while but if you get there early enough you can cover a lot of ground. It goes faster with more people helping. So I guess time depends on how secretive you want to be with your site.

View attachment 1642784

Personally, I 'd start at 79 feet 247 degrees southwest.

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At least I'm getting serious about my claims whether or not stone maps related. Finding a treasure would be nice. Only that would prove one way or another...
I'm buying a resistivity "mega ohm induction" void detector good down to 50 meters. I've tried everything else like GPR, Runabout Gravity Meter, LRL, VLF...Geo company wants to much money for a survey so I'll do it myself. If you've been at one, survey that is, you can see how it's done. Pretty simple really. Mark a grid starting at one end and zigzag or straight line it. Should be fun only weighs about ten pounds so hiking it in will be cake. Surveys take a while but if you get there early enough you can cover a lot of ground. It goes faster with more people helping. So I guess time depends on how secretive you want to be with your site.
bill...i have ground resisitivy detector...you are welcome to borrow it if you like....i have used them and they do work to a certain extent....once you see how simple they are you can build one for yourself

My question to anyone who cares to answer. If TT carved the stones, why the pockmarked back of the lower trail map? Exactly what purpose does that serve?

"Chisel Holders"

bill...i have ground resisitivy detector...you are welcome to borrow it if you like....i have used them and they do work to a certain extent....once you see how simple they are you can build one for yourself

Does it induce 600 volts AC into the ground? It's more than just resistance it's resistance to high voltage flow.

Does it induce 600 volts AC into the ground? It's more than just resistance it's resistance to high voltage flow.
i believe its 500 volts....we used to build them and sell them back in the 80's

this forum is just entertainment for me...better than tv...and its guys like you that keep me entertained ..travis's grandson was in my house and told me to my face that travis carved those stones..but if you to believe some Spaniards carved them and left them in the desert in the middle of nowhere...then thats your fairy tale...good luck with it:icon_thumright:

Well, that's my question, Dave. If he carved them all himself, why the pockmarks on the back of the lower trail stone? What is the meaning of the inverted "DON"? That's something that the non-believers in the Stone Maps never discuss.

Well, that's my question, Dave. If he carved them all himself, why the pockmarks on the back of the lower trail stone? What is the meaning of the inverted "DON"? That's something that the non-believers in the Stone Maps never discuss.

Who cares who made the stones, if the locations on map is real. Which they are. But my opinion is that travis made copies from the original stones.

Well, that's my question, Dave. If he carved them all himself, why the pockmarks on the back of the lower trail stone? What is the meaning of the inverted "DON"? That's something that the non-believers in the Stone Maps never discuss.

Never heard of anyone planting things in their yards to get that "old patina"?

I used to think that Robert Garman running into the Tumlinsons in the Supers was evidence of the fact that they were trying to solve the Stone Maps, but after finding out what I have, I believe something somewhat different:

I think it is highly likely that if Travis made the Stone Maps, then he also likely made other things. What things share identical markings with the Stone maps? THE STONE CROSSES! I think Travis may have been holding on to the Stone Maps, while making and planting other stone items in the mountains. As people found those other items, they would provide provenance for his stone maps. With no provenance, they are worth thousands, but with provenance they could be worth hundreds of thousands or millions to the right people.


Well, that's my question, Dave. If he carved them all himself, why the pockmarks on the back of the lower trail stone? What is the meaning of the inverted "DON"? That's something that the non-believers in the Stone Maps never discuss.
deducer....travis's grandson isnt the only one that told me travis carved the maps...i talked to other family members via telephone...also the witch and the horse..it has already been proven they were copied from a coloring book...we have seen the pics...as far as the pock marks and the don goes...your guess is as good as mine.....travis probably used another bogus map as a model...think about this:
tom kollenborn spent 60 years in the mountains
ron feldman spent 50 years
larry hedrick..50 years
clay worst...70 years
bob corbin...60 years
louie ruiz...50 years
goerge johnston..50 years
carroll ingle...45 years
there are many more but this should suffice....all these people have spent their entire life up in the mountains (and i dont mean a couple weeks out of the year)..i mean their entire life...and they all have one thing in common...they dont waste a second of their time following those silly maps because they know they lead nowhere...if you want to continue working on these maps ..be my guest....just dont try to convince us they are real..we know better:headbang:

There's no "D" in NOD.

Travis was playing a game.

He made the stone maps as a "board game". Travis loved to play board games while camping near the fake holes he claimed to have found the stones in.
Roll the dice and move one pot hole.

If you roll pass north of the RIO you get bucked by the horse and land on the Elephant's Trunk.

Capture the Witch and win the game!

deducer....travis's grandson isnt the only one that told me travis carved the maps...i talked to other family members via telephone...also the witch and the horse..it has already been proven they were copied from a coloring book...we have seen the pics...as far as the pock marks and the don goes...your guess is as good as mine.....travis probably used another bogus map as a model...think about this:
tom kollenborn spent 60 years in the mountains
ron feldman spent 50 years
larry hedrick..50 years
clay worst...70 years
bob corbin...60 years
louie ruiz...50 years
goerge johnston..50 years
carroll ingle...45 years
there are many more but this should suffice....all these people have spent their entire life up in the mountains (and i dont mean a couple weeks out of the year)..i mean their entire life...and they all have one thing in common...they dont waste a second of their time following those silly maps because they know they lead nowhere...if you want to continue working on these maps ..be my guest....just dont try to convince us they are real..we know better:headbang:

Well if they are fake. It would be one hell of a coincidence that the mine behind the horse ear has the exact view of the waltz doodle. Its not about time spent its about a little luck and the right solve to the location by whom evers clues you use to find it.View attachment 1642898 Pesonally im in on the hunt for the 2nd Amethyst mine I believe that is at 4 peaks.

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deducer....travis's grandson isnt the only one that told me travis carved the maps...i talked to other family members via telephone...also the witch and the horse..it has already been proven they were copied from a coloring book..

Do you have any photos of that coloring book Dave?

deducer....travis's grandson isnt the only one that told me travis carved the maps...i talked to other family members via telephone...also the witch and the horse..it has already been proven they were copied from a coloring book...we have seen the pics...as far as the pock marks and the don goes...your guess is as good as mine.....travis probably used another bogus map as a model...think about this:
tom kollenborn spent 60 years in the mountains
ron feldman spent 50 years
larry hedrick..50 years
clay worst...70 years
bob corbin...60 years
louie ruiz...50 years
goerge johnston..50 years
carroll ingle...45 years
there are many more but this should suffice....all these people have spent their entire life up in the mountains (and i dont mean a couple weeks out of the year)..i mean their entire life...and they all have one thing in common...they dont waste a second of their time following those silly maps because they know they lead nowhere...if you want to continue working on these maps ..be my guest....just dont try to convince us they are real..we know better:headbang:


If many great treasure hunters who spent 50 years and so didn't find where the stone maps lead , that means nothing . Was not their time to find it . The stone maps are so real like the air that you respire .

Never heard of anyone planting things in their yards to get that "old patina"?

I used to think that Robert Garman running into the Tumlinsons in the Supers was evidence of the fact that they were trying to solve the Stone Maps, but after finding out what I have, I believe something somewhat different:

I think it is highly likely that if Travis made the Stone Maps, then he also likely made other things. What things share identical markings with the Stone maps? THE STONE CROSSES! I think Travis may have been holding on to the Stone Maps, while making and planting other stone items in the mountains. As people found those other items, they would provide provenance for his stone maps. With no provenance, they are worth thousands, but with provenance they could be worth hundreds of thousands or millions to the right people.

But............Travis could not have carved the crosses into the cactus at carney springs or marsh valley

Carney Springs and Marsh Valley is like Park Place and Board Walk in that other popular board game. You get a fair amount of rent for those two if you roll the dice and land on those Cacti playing Travis Tumlinson's,

"Stone Mapnopoly".

You can win the game if you become a "DON" and capture the Peralta Treasure for yourself.

If you roll the dice on the LDM you do not pass go and land directly in jail!
The Heart is the center of the board. Drop the heart on the hole and get a free turn. If you roll the dice and pin the Elephant Trunk on the Horses Ass you collect 5k! So follow the Corozon and follow the Mapnopoly, but, beware of the one foot path it is dangerous! If you go 18 places and don't get caught in the Tumlinson Trap you may just win!

Ya'll may believe what you may...As I will continue to believe the stone maps are real and they do lead to a certain ancient mining area...lol...Oh well...I am in no hurry to try to return to said area after my last encounter with some heavily armed narcos... :( Maybe one day one of Paul's friends will find said area...But I'll not hold my breath...hehehe

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