deducer....travis's grandson isnt the only one that told me travis carved the maps...i talked to other family members via telephone...also the witch and the has already been proven they were copied from a coloring book...we have seen the far as the pock marks and the don goes...your guess is as good as mine.....travis probably used another bogus map as a model...think about this:
tom kollenborn spent 60 years in the mountains
ron feldman spent 50 years
larry hedrick..50 years
clay worst...70 years
bob corbin...60 years
louie ruiz...50 years
goerge johnston..50 years
carroll ingle...45 years
there are many more but this should suffice....all these people have spent their entire life up in the mountains (and i dont mean a couple weeks out of the year)..i mean their entire life...and they all have one thing in common...they dont waste a second of their time following those silly maps because they know they lead nowhere...if you want to continue working on these maps my guest....just dont try to convince us they are real..we know better