One tough thing to swallow about the KGC ...


THAT symbol (PI) is my Mason's Mark for the Mark Mason degree of Royal Arch Masons of the York Rite

The number behind that symbol encompasses an enormous amount things more important stuff than that ...

Using one specific cipher, and the notion that Roman Numerals are involved, the Angelic, err Anglish, err English Alphabet shows some interesting things via Gematria, relating to ∏. And this thing collectively known as the Illuminatus.

Big changes to the English language between about 1350 and 1700. The Great Vowel Shift. Look at who the authors were. Folks like Shakespeare. And I was very intentional in pluralizing 'folk' when referring to 'ol W.S., 'cause multiple people, members of Secret Societies, wrote those works. Who controlled the printing presses for books back then? Who controlled the MEDIA back then? Want to say anything in opposition to them, better embed it in code, lest you be crucified, burnt alive, pulled apart by horses, disembowled and then drawn and quartered, or what ever other nasty, horrific ways of ending someone's life TPTB come up with.

Yup, ye 'ol Phoenix/Feathered Serpent/Eagle is pretty important to Secret Societies. I think you asked back on page 1 when Indiana Jones was going to show up. Reb, he's been here the whole time. 'Cept I ain't running from boulders in Central American Caves or NAZIs in Tibet, and I don't have a Bull Whip in my hand. I have a mouse and a keyboard, crawling around the WWW. Well, I'm out and about for large chunks with the doggies, too, keeping an eye out for some real Colorado Caves ...

And the problem I have with that, specifically the part that I bolded, is that I'm not so certain that information wasn't stolen from 'us'; that we are, and always have been, entitled to it. And there is no single member of any single Secret Society or Bloodline today that can claim they earned it. TPTB are the ones who decide who is worthy, based upon how we perform in their construct. Their construct sucks. It conflicts with my nature, and many others, so they can kiss my ass in playing by their 'rules', the result of which play will determine my worthiness to have certain 'knowledge' passed to me. And the Human Nature of a whole bunch more, if they understood some of this.

And, again, my assessment is that if there is a 'good side', they're getting whooped right now. And that will have a negative effect upon me - if they lose. They do not have the right to not let me participate. And if they lose, I'm gonna be pissed ...

And, at almost 42, I think my generation might live to see a World Wide China Model, controlled and censored Internet included. And that is just the Political ramifications involved. The last thing I subscribe to is yet one more Religion, Atheism, so I believe there could potentially be Spiritual ramifications in all of this.

And that is the real TRUTH I seek.

At this point, from what I can tell, there is nothing Old about it. It has squashed, consumed and manipulated every attempt to overthrow it. And when viewing this in context of the impending political implications, this is the best chance we have ever had - and it is not too far from going away.

From doing a complete 180º about face - where the technology to disseminate and discuss information will be turned against us ...

The God of the OT completely conflicts with the God of the NT - they do NOT have the same moral code. My opinion, of course. But, how much truth is there to the NT? One researcher thinks that it was the creation of the Flavians:

I certainly keep an open mind to the possibility that all of these different versions of the Bible were an effort to embed knowledge, above and beyond the simple allegorical and symbolic stories the Bible holds - a rational embedding by rational humans. The Saga of the Dead Sea Scrolls holds some interesting things to consider, as well.

Well... I AM known as PHOENIX; my "initiated" name in the R+C Order, back in @ 1975 was SAR ILLUMINATI...

... The God of the OT completely conflicts with the God of the NT - they do NOT have the same moral code. My opinion, of course. But, how much truth is there to the NT? ... I certainly keep an open mind to the possibility that all of these different versions of the Bible were an effort to embed knowledge, above and beyond the simple allegorical and symbolic stories the Bible holds - a rational embedding by rational humans. The Saga of the Dead Sea Scrolls holds some interesting things to consider, as well.

Yeah, we kinda went from a vengeful SOB god to a loving daddy god, huh? The debate about the validity of the NT has been raging since they first rolled it out. It'll be interesting to see what the next big boss will be like. With today's technology fixation, probably some sort of Space Brother. Presumably, we're still pawns in the Enki/Enlil conflict from back in the day of homo erectus DNA splicing. If so, your outrage, while totally understandable, may have no firm ground from which to claim your legacy (unless Enki wins the war in heaven, that is).

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I would like to see the version before King James made his version.....
I would like to see the version before the Council of Nicea made their official version.
Some of those rejected gospels have been discovered in Nag Hammadi and have been translated and provide a different aspect.

...Since I was talking Lucifer, you mentioned Hesperus Peak in SW Colorado in another thread, I gotta ask you. Is that merely a hunch, or based upon information you have? If you care to answer ...

I guess it's probably mostly a hunch, but even though I haven't put any energy into Hesperus Peak, it seems to have pull from several directions. You mentioned its name. One of the most important clues, IMO, in this treasure hunting game, is place names - who named them and why the name was chosen. Secondly, Hesperus Peak one of the Navahos' sacred mountains. Why? I would actually be much more interested in the Utes' traditions concerning it, but haven't looked into that at all. Third, it's the highest peak in the La Plata Range - lots of fairly credible lost mine stories in there. Also, I remember reading about strange carvings found somewhere on Hesperus Peak. If I still lived in SW Colorado, I'd be all over the place, but I don't, so it's just another back-burner curiosity for me. You're a Colorado guy - it might be worth looking into.

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I appreciate your concern CDS, but I've already heard this message - no need to proselytize. I believe there are worthwhile messages in the NT, just as there are in all the religious texts. I just don't happen to accept the dogma on faith. No offense intended.

HA! I have NEVER used "quotes" from ANYONE! NOT the "thread" of interest, to me... RELIGION! Having my coffee, now.

Hi Nobody,

Here's a quote from Springfields post 243 that you picked up on.

"One of the most important clues, IMO, in this treasure hunting game, is place names - who named them and why the name was chosen"

I think this is a very important part of the puzzle you are trying to solve. It probably will not lead you to treasure but could prove involvement of a secretive group of people with the most popular of the treasure legends. Just my opinion. Springfield's book is probably your most valuable resource.

Before Lucifer was cast out of heavan wasn't he an angel? and then he was the a dark angel with cloven feet and.....well you get the point. "Do what I say and I will love you...Cross me and I will turn your life to sh@t!"

This and the references to gold and silver are obvious signs that the Bible has another purpose.

Just my two cents.

Care to elaborate with a couple sentences fleshing out what you hint at as a potential other purpose?


NOT the "thread" of interest, to me... RELIGION! Having my coffee, now.

Me too. Well, the coffee part. I want to thank you for this compliment. For surely, it must be my skills with words and the thought I put behind them, then, that has compelled you to read so many of those words and thoughts of mine, despite the subject matter of the thread not being of interest to you ...

Being DIRECTED at/to me; RELIGION, like POLITICS, is a "NO NO" on TN per rules.

Care to elaborate with a couple sentences fleshing out what you hint at as a potential other purpose?


NOT the "thread" of interest, to me... RELIGION! Having my coffee, now.

Me too. Well, the coffee part. I want to thank you for this compliment. For surely, it must be my skills with words and the thought I put behind them, then, that has compelled you to read so many of those words and thoughts of mine, despite the subject matter of the thread not being of interest to you ...

What good is gold and silver to an all powerful GOD?....It would seem that all of that sparkly stuff was more desirable to man.....the man that rewrote the book perhaps......:dontknow:

Just my two cents, so help me GOD L.C.

What good is gold and silver to an all powerful GOD?....It would seem that all of that sparkly stuff was more desirable to man.....the man that rewrote the book perhaps......:dontknow:

Just my two cents, so help me GOD L.C.

Well, ALL those "stories" started as ORAL TRADITIONS... later written down; imagine the MEMORY WORK; WHEW!

What good is gold and silver to an all powerful GOD?...
Just my two cents, so help me GOD L.C.

No more so than pond scum, I suspect. However, if Sitchin and others are right, it might be valuable to those Sumerian gods (small g).

No more so than pond scum, I suspect. However, if Sitchin and others are right, it might be valuable to those Sumerian gods (small g).

:hello:HA! So is "Pond Scum" (fresh water); their "crafts" run on fresh water, mercury/quick silver (spinning in a clock-wise direction... under a "lighted" flame), & LIGHT "water" (NOT Heavy water, as in nuclear (HOT) energy. "Crafts" have been sighted drawing up FRESH WATER from PONDS (Flying Saucers from the 50's & 60's). Silver IS important... 8-)

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Religion and Politics are only a "No-No" per TN rules?
Only if they violate the sole TN rule referring to them:
You may not.... "Start a thread to specifically promote or discuss politics or religion or respond in a political or religious fashion to a post if it's not somehow tied to treasure hunting."

Powerful societies understand the importance of infiltration/manipulation of politics and religion...
and most people understand that that can be "somehow tied to treasure hunting..."

hi nobody ,
seems a shame to let this thread go into page whatever . so i got to ask you what about the Hapsburg's ? sorry i had margaritas tonight so the spellings might be off . what about the codex mendoza ?list of tribute and WHERE the goods came from , hmmmmmmm. mendoza drops off the radar but the french get a copy of the "WAYBILL". every one else seems to be clueless or a little offish on the subject . what about you ? i don't need the big conspiracy , just your thoughts on this little one perhaps. 400 towns concurred, list of goodies to the emperor, i think it was annual BTW , and pretty sure it was just the last "kings "records of plunder and not the other 8 before him . it ain't rocket science or anything just totally obvious IMO . not bashing on you at all. i am just curious on your thoughts about this subject . thanks ./bob

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Too bad they kicked "nobody" off here. It appears one cannot speak freely, although it appears that he was a paying member. Censorship of ideas sucks. I was thinking of becoming a paying member, but I am quickly rethinking that plan. Doesn't seem like a very "square" deal to me, as he seemed to be on the level. Pathetic!

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