One tough thing to swallow about the KGC ...

Too bad they kicked "nobody" off here. It appears one cannot speak freely, although it appears that he was a paying member. Censorship of ideas sucks. I was thinking of becoming a paying member, but I am quickly rethinking that plan. Doesn't seem like a very "square" deal to me, as he seemed to be on the level. Pathetic!

Nobody is on a timeout for breaking rules, he has 10 days left. When you continue to violate our rules you loose the right to post.

We have rules brad123 and when members refuse to follow we take action. Just like the rule your breaking in your post here.

Per our rules if you have issue with moderation of forums contact mods via PM, keep it off our forums..

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What I find most interesting in researching these kind of topics, is when a completely new piece of info is found. What I mean is that most useful knowledge is either squelched, or completely suppressed. When that cannot be achieved the facts will be warped, as to always present a false account at best of the real facts. Here is an example; the history books will claim the James brothers were outlaws. Really? In what court of law were they prosecuted in? The fact is, Frank was tried and acquitted of all charges. A clear case of warping the truth to the point that most common people think Frank James was a criminal. We all know about John Dillinger or Bonnie and Clyde. But, how many people know about Harvey Bailey? It is as if history has forgot all about the "dean" of bank robbers. What can be read, is mostly about his involvement with the Urschel kidnapping. But, very little is known or written about Harvey. One has to read a book written by J. Evetts Haley, Robbing Banks Was My Business. The book was written with Bailey's help. So, how come "America's most successful bank robber" doesn't have movies or tv shows? I mean a gangster like this doesn't rate high enough for Hollywood? I have never heard about this General's claim of a fascist/corporate coup. None of the conspiracy talking heads have mentioned this. I don't or can't monitor every show or broadcast, but I feel I am in the loop. So, kudos to nobody for "enlightening" me. lol The reason I bring up Harv Bailey and the James brothers is that both were soldiers that upon returning home got the short end of a long stick. Both seemed to focus on Banks, though not limiting themselves to them. Both operated in the same areas more or less. Both were extremely successful. Hard provable facts are scarce for these men. I grew up in Clay county, though my family were settlers in a nearby county. My grandfather always claimed Jesse faked his death. Recently, I watched a tv program about Jesse faking his death. They measured the eyes of the guy in the death photo. The eyes don't match the eyes of known photos. It seems the locals knew the deal, so why didn't the "authorities," or the Pinkertons? Harv Bailey went to fight in WW1 as a merc. When he returned home, the US govt. refused to pay the veterans the money that had been offered to them to go fight. These veterans staged a protest on the White House lawn that Gen. MacArthur, then a Col., busted up using tear gas and a cavalry charge, followed up with tanks and infantry. A real proud moment for USA. Harvey decided to use the skills the army gave him and rob banks. How would any reasonable person react to being treated this way after a tour of hell? One could draw a hypothesis that those pulling the strings also use these mercs for advancement of their goals here at home after these men unknowingly do their bidding abroad. The two videos posted by nobody at the beginning of this thread clearly demonstrates this thesis. I think I can see where nobody was heading in this thread. The search for treasure hidden by a secret society that may or may not still be around, will require a person to question all so called facts as we know them. Maybe my two bits will make cents to somebody else.

Wow this is an excellent thread . Thanks for all the info and all the members posts . I dont think I have ever seen so many deleted posts in a forum of any kind so I guess i am missing some of the original. In my opinion anyone looking into the larger picture in treasure hunting whether seeking out the big Cache or just the history of such would be well off looking into this and keeping an open mind . It certainly seems to go all over the place but really there are many correlations that really make one step back and think about. If coinshooting or common prospecting are your thing it may not be as helpful but still maybe an eye opener and at least an interesting read. I certainly hope to see many more threads like this ,It adds some new perspective other than some of the same ol same ol being rehashed under a different cloak, and for those that dont like it and dont see any value in it , well good to see those opinions too. And if you really dont like it , then i guess dont read it or just let it tighten your jaws.. and the world spins on as usual....

Cool tune to listen to while researching! I agree bb4, best threads to invoke thought I have read myself. Of the 88 or so robberies that the James-Younger are credited with, it is obvious that not all could have been the core gang, was it planned that way to begin with. For example, a network of robbers operating the same way. Extreme whack a mole for the Pinkertons or any other investigating agency. If Jesse faked his own death, did he follow suit to others before him? Did Bloody Bill really get killed? Same for Quantrill. Bait and switch. Also, a couple of good books to read are Jesse James Was My Next Door Neighbor, by Homer Croy & Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy, 1861-1865, (Guerrilla Warfare in the West, 1861-1865).

The toughest thing for me to swallow.

Where are they now? They are still making big money and big decisions. Some still have the same 100+ year old name on the companies, and it is the same money on the bottom of their stack that is still influencing different politicians to affect the writing or not writing of new laws and regulations that will have any ill effect on their cash flow. So many generations have passed by that the people at the top of these companies have no idea where their roots came from...or do they?


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To address your apparently rhetorical question, they do, at least back to a certain point. And previous to that point, if they do not have total clarity, they know way more than us. And they very intentionally keep us in the dark about that. This current iteration is several centuries old, going back at least to the early 1000's AD, with the 1500 years, at least, prior to that being a complete fabrication. The Historical Chronology going back to at least the XVII Dynasty of Egypt is a complete fabrication. Things like the 1000 year long Dark Ages after the fall of Rome did not occur. There is real evidence pointing to that, but it is absurd on its face, the whole notion.

Make no mistake that across the pond on Continental Europe, they know. Plenty over here, too. Few know it all, though, for there are many levels of useful idiots that only get fed what info, sometimes intentionally inaccurate info, they need to be able to do what ever task is necessary. Many layers before the top.


Well kannabite, that is a perspective I cannot speak from, for with the events and players that saw that Codex, and many things prior to the creation of that Codex, to fruition are not invovled in little conspiracies. They are actors and palyers in The Big Conspiracy, of which the event with the French are but indications and battlefields of, a manifestation. One of many seemingly, to many, unrelated, coincidental, and accidental manifestations.

Key to some of this SW treasure stuff is knowing the Hapsburg line died out. It was restarted from a Cadet branch under the Hapsburg-Lorraine line, of which Maximilian of Mexico was one.

The Codex Mendoza was hurriedly created in Mexico City, to be sent by ship to Spain. The fleet was attacked by French privateers, and the codex, along with the rest of the booty, taken to France. There it came into the possession of André Thévet, cosmographer to King Henry II of France. Thévet wrote his name in five places on the codex, twice with the date 1553. It was later bought by the Englishman Richard Hakluyt for 20 French francs. Some time after 1616 it was passed to Samuel Purchase, then to his son, and then to John Selden. The codex was deposited into the Bodleian Library at Oxford University in 1659, 5 years after Selden's death, where it remained in obscurity until 1831, when it was rediscovered by Viscount Kingsborough and brought to the attention of scholars.

If it contained valuable information, is was quickly figured out and potentially utilized, for the Codex seems to have rapdily lost its value, relegated to obscurity for a while.

French privateers attacking a Spanish fleet. Better be packing some heat to take on something like that. Heat, and the accompanying ships to carry it, are expensive. Not for the commoner, criminal or otherwise.

Aarrrgh matey. I mean, Aarrrgh Brother. I posted a vid about Marrano hand signs. Marranos were being run outta Dodge about the same time the Templars were. The Marranos, Templars, Illuminati, the Elders from the Priory of Zion/Sion (Zionists), have all been associated with each other at times, intermingling. Wanna scare the hell outta yourself, start looking into and pondering ties between Marranos and Sabbatai Z/Sevi.

Dark things go on in this world at the hands of The Powers That Be - never doubt that.

Where's me Jolly Roger/Templar Skull & Bones Flag, matey. Aarrrgh.

Now, this Codex was supposed to be going to Charles V, an Hapsburg and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The Hapsburg's story is told more than once, with names, dates, and locations changing. People are aware of the Hapsburg dynasty as with Charles V, but how about when told in Genesis, Chapters 13-38? Or told, this time relating the reign of the Hapsburgs by transferring them to the Roman Empire of the IV-VI A.D. Or the story told calling the Hapsburgs the Carolingians of 681-887 A.D.

One story. One Family, the Hapsburgs. And a fabricated Historical Chronology that has probably a little over one thousand years added to it. There were no Carolingians of 681-887 A.D. It is the story of the Hapsburgs retold, but changing the names, dates and locations.

That Coat of Many Colors in Genesis 37?:

As the ruler of many greater and lesser European states, Charles had a very complicated coat of arms.

Here is Charles V Coat of Many Colors next to a version of the Coat of Many Colors of the Holy Roman Empire:

View attachment 1095557View attachment 1095558

Rog's Ophir gold? Try 1300's, or so, when this place was being tapped as Ophir. Them fancy Cathedrals built by these folks back in Europe were EXSPENSIVE. I have book titled Gold Was Their Mortar, dealing with the expsensive issue of these buildings.

These guys hung out in Egypt, too, leaving horoscopes credited to 3000 years ago that were actually horoscopes of alignments in the 1300's. The Armana Heresay is a pretty important event, along with things like the Exodus and the Rothschild financed excavation of King tut's tomb, where documents relating to the Exodus were secreted out the day before the official, public opening of the tomb.

Let me show you the historical overlap and retelling I mentioned involving the Hapsburgs:

View attachment 1095562

Here is another random chart from his books. It is a graphical representation of mathematical analysis of things, and the person on the left is the same person on the right. The Kingdom of Judah and the Eastern roman Empire of the dates given is the same story just retold with different names, dates and locales to add a good 1000+ years of history to the Chronology. And they are both retellings of incidents that occurred after 1000 A.D., with this particular chart ending with the Babylonian Captivity, which was really the Avignon Papacy:

View attachment 1095561

Fomenko ain't no dummy. He has 2-3 decades of research into this, with team of fellow capable intellects.

Anatoly T. Fomenko is a full member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1994), the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1991), the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences (1993) and Russian Academy of Technological Sciences (2009), as well as a doctor of physics and mathematics (1972), a professor (1980), and head of the Differential Geometry and Applications Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics in Moscow State University (1992). Fomenko is the author of the theory of topological invariants of integrable Hamiltonian system. He is the author of 180 scientific publications, 26 monographs and textbooks on mathematics, a specialist in geometry and topology, variational calculus, symplectic topology, Hamiltonian geometry and mechanics, and computer geometry.

He stumbled upon this issue of Chronolgy while working on a celestial mechanics problem and consulting historical texts, like the Amalgamest. Among his claims are The Old Testament represents a rendition of events of the 14th to 16th centuries AD in Europe and Byzantium, containing "prophecies" about "future" events related in the New Testament, a rendition of events of AD 1152 to 1185. His conclusions are it was largely a work of the Jesuits in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Jesuits are, and have been, some of the most intelligent and educated people around. The Jesuits control libraries, like the Vatican Library, and Colleges, and sit on the CFR, and much more ...

The Secret Society of Jesus Boys did a damn good job covering their tracks, but not good enough. They left their mark over here and didn't get all of those tracks covered either ...

I've been threatening for a few days to give TNet a break from me, for I have a bunch 'o stuff going on, one of which is synthesizing my research into a more comprehensive body on the Net, other than a forum. So I gotta make good on that threat today and let some of all ya'll know that I'll see you a little further downstream.

All ya'll take care,

Nobody, self appointed Knight of the Profane

View attachment 1095565

LOL! And CURRENT Pope is Jesuit...

To address your apparently rhetorical question, they do, at least back to a certain point. And previous to that point, if they do not have total clarity, they know way more than us. And they very intentionally keep us in the dark about that. This current iteration is several centuries old, going back at least to the early 1000's AD, with the 1500 years, at least, prior to that being a complete fabrication. The Historical Chronology going back to at least the XVII Dynasty of Egypt is a complete fabrication. Things like the 1000 year long Dark Ages after the fall of Rome did not occur. There is real evidence pointing to that, but it is absurd on its face, the whole notion.

Make no mistake that across the pond on Continental Europe, they know. Plenty over here, too. Few know it all, though, for there are many levels of useful idiots that only get fed what info, sometimes intentionally inaccurate info, they need to be able to do what ever task is necessary. Many layers before the top.


Well kannabite, that is a perspective I cannot speak from, for with the events and players that saw that Codex, and many things prior to the creation of that Codex, to fruition are not invovled in little conspiracies. They are actors and palyers in The Big Conspiracy, of which the event with the French are but indications and battlefields of, a manifestation. One of many seemingly, to many, unrelated, coincidental, and accidental manifestations.

Key to some of this SW treasure stuff is knowing the Hapsburg line died out. It was restarted from a Cadet branch under the Hapsburg-Lorraine line, of which Maximilian of Mexico was one.

The Codex Mendoza was hurriedly created in Mexico City, to be sent by ship to Spain. The fleet was attacked by French privateers, and the codex, along with the rest of the booty, taken to France. There it came into the possession of André Thévet, cosmographer to King Henry II of France. Thévet wrote his name in five places on the codex, twice with the date 1553. It was later bought by the Englishman Richard Hakluyt for 20 French francs. Some time after 1616 it was passed to Samuel Purchase, then to his son, and then to John Selden. The codex was deposited into the Bodleian Library at Oxford University in 1659, 5 years after Selden's death, where it remained in obscurity until 1831, when it was rediscovered by Viscount Kingsborough and brought to the attention of scholars.

If it contained valuable information, is was quickly figured out and potentially utilized, for the Codex seems to have rapdily lost its value, relegated to obscurity for a while.

French privateers attacking a Spanish fleet. Better be packing some heat to take on something like that. Heat, and the accompanying ships to carry it, are expensive. Not for the commoner, criminal or otherwise.

Aarrrgh matey. I mean, Aarrrgh Brother. I posted a vid about Marrano hand signs. Marranos were being run outta Dodge about the same time the Templars were. The Marranos, Templars, Illuminati, the Elders from the Priory of Zion/Sion (Zionists), have all been associated with each other at times, intermingling. Wanna scare the hell outta yourself, start looking into and pondering ties between Marranos and Sabbatai Z/Sevi.

Dark things go on in this world at the hands of The Powers That Be - never doubt that.

Where's me Jolly Roger/Templar Skull & Bones Flag, matey. Aarrrgh.

Now, this Codex was supposed to be going to Charles V, an Hapsburg and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The Hapsburg's story is told more than once, with names, dates, and locations changing. People are aware of the Hapsburg dynasty as with Charles V, but how about when told in Genesis, Chapters 13-38? Or told, this time relating the reign of the Hapsburgs by transferring them to the Roman Empire of the IV-VI A.D. Or the story told calling the Hapsburgs the Carolingians of 681-887 A.D.

One story. One Family, the Hapsburgs. And a fabricated Historical Chronology that has probably a little over one thousand years added to it. There were no Carolingians of 681-887 A.D. It is the story of the Hapsburgs retold, but changing the names, dates and locations.

That Coat of Many Colors in Genesis 37?:

As the ruler of many greater and lesser European states, Charles had a very complicated coat of arms.

Here is Charles V Coat of Many Colors next to a version of the Coat of Many Colors of the Holy Roman Empire:

View attachment 1095557View attachment 1095558

Rog's Ophir gold? Try 1300's, or so, when this place was being tapped as Ophir. Them fancy Cathedrals built by these folks back in Europe were EXSPENSIVE. I have book titled Gold Was Their Mortar, dealing with the expsensive issue of these buildings.

These guys hung out in Egypt, too, leaving horoscopes credited to 3000 years ago that were actually horoscopes of alignments in the 1300's. The Armana Heresay is a pretty important event, along with things like the Exodus and the Rothschild financed excavation of King tut's tomb, where documents relating to the Exodus were secreted out the day before the official, public opening of the tomb.

Let me show you the historical overlap and retelling I mentioned involving the Hapsburgs:

View attachment 1095562

Here is another random chart from his books. It is a graphical representation of mathematical analysis of things, and the person on the left is the same person on the right. The Kingdom of Judah and the Eastern roman Empire of the dates given is the same story just retold with different names, dates and locales to add a good 1000+ years of history to the Chronology. And they are both retellings of incidents that occurred after 1000 A.D., with this particular chart ending with the Babylonian Captivity, which was really the Avignon Papacy:

View attachment 1095561

Fomenko ain't no dummy. He has 2-3 decades of research into this, with team of fellow capable intellects.

Anatoly T. Fomenko is a full member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1994), the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1991), the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences (1993) and Russian Academy of Technological Sciences (2009), as well as a doctor of physics and mathematics (1972), a professor (1980), and head of the Differential Geometry and Applications Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics in Moscow State University (1992). Fomenko is the author of the theory of topological invariants of integrable Hamiltonian system. He is the author of 180 scientific publications, 26 monographs and textbooks on mathematics, a specialist in geometry and topology, variational calculus, symplectic topology, Hamiltonian geometry and mechanics, and computer geometry.

He stumbled upon this issue of Chronolgy while working on a celestial mechanics problem and consulting historical texts, like the Amalgamest. Among his claims are The Old Testament represents a rendition of events of the 14th to 16th centuries AD in Europe and Byzantium, containing "prophecies" about "future" events related in the New Testament, a rendition of events of AD 1152 to 1185. His conclusions are it was largely a work of the Jesuits in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Jesuits are, and have been, some of the most intelligent and educated people around. The Jesuits control libraries, like the Vatican Library, and Colleges, and sit on the CFR, and much more ...

The Secret Society of Jesus Boys did a damn good job covering their tracks, but not good enough. They left their mark over here and didn't get all of those tracks covered either ...

I've been threatening for a few days to give TNet a break from me, for I have a bunch 'o stuff going on, one of which is synthesizing my research into a more comprehensive body on the Net, other than a forum. So I gotta make good on that threat today and let some of all ya'll know that I'll see you a little further downstream.

All ya'll take care,

Nobody, self appointed Knight of the Profane

View attachment 1095565

Have you considered writing a book? I for one would by a copy in a heart beat.:thumbsup:



This thread has laid dormant for a while and I hate to see it die. I would like to hear your guys opinion and any conclusion you may have after reading these facts about William F. Cody, affectionately known as "Buffalo Bill"

Russell, Majors and Waddell freight co. has been implicated in the Nebraska City K.G.C. operations through a link between Future C.S.A. General John B. Floyd, to William Russell the inside man in Washington D.C., to Alexander Majors freighter, slave owner, and S.F. Nuckolls who was a K.G.C. Knight and active secret agent,slave owner and the purchaser and builder of Nebraska City.

W.F. Cody started working at the age of eleven after his father's death for Russell Majors and Waddell as a "boy extra." On horseback he would ride up and down the length of a wagon train, and deliver messages between the drivers and workmen.
Next he joined A.S. Johnston's Army as an unofficial member of the scouts assigned to guide the United States Army to Utah, to put down a rumored rebellion by the Mormon population of Salt Lake City. In Utah they were joined by Benjamin Ficklin, a future Rebel spy/blockade runner who raised a brigade for John B. Floyd and was implicated and arrested for suspicion of taking part in the Lincoln assassination but not convicted.
Cody later went to work for Benjamin Ficklin who was also the superintendent of freight operations in the field for Russell Majors and Waddell and the future superintendent of the Pony Express for the same. It was Ben Ficklin that selected where to build the stations along the way and hand picked the men in those stations. Cody went to work for him building the stations and corals at age 14 and then became a rider on the express rout.
Cody was active in the concordant bodies of Freemasonry, fraternal organization, being initiated in Platte Valley Lodge No. 32, North Platte, Nebraska, on March 5, 1870. He received his 2nd and 3rd degrees on April 2, 1870, and January 10, 1871, respectively. He became a Knight Templar in 1889 and received his 32nd degree in Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1894. Other Freemasons mentioned in the above were S.F. Nuckolls, Alexander Majors, James Buchanan, John B. Floyd, and A.S. Johnston.

Was he groomed for a future post?

In 1863 at age 17, Cody enlisted as a teamster with the rank of Private in Company H, 7th Kansas Cavalry and served until discharged in 1865. Check out what Cody and the 7th did from 1863-1865

Moved to Moscow, Tenn., December 31, and duty on line of Memphis & Charleston Railroad at Germantown, Tenn., until April 14, 1863. Joinerville January 3, 1863. Near Germantown January 27. Near Yorkville January 28 (1 company). Tuscumbia, Ala., February 22. Expedition to Colliersville and to LaFayette and Moscow March 8–16. Lafayette Depot March 15. Moscow March 16. Germantown April 1. Scout in Beaver Creek Swamp April 2–6. Moved to Corinth April 14–17.

Dodge's Expedition into northern Alabama April 15-May 8. Hock Cut, near Tuscumbia, April 22. Tuscumbia, Dickson Station and Leighton April 23. Town Creek April 27.

Expedition from Burnsville to Tupelo, Miss., May 2–8. Tupelo May 5. At Corinth, Miss., May 8, 1863, to January 8, 1864.

Expedition to Florence May 26–31, 1863. Florence May 28. Hamburg Landing May 30. Iuka, Miss., July 9 and 14. Near Corinth August 16.

Expedition into western Tennessee August 27-October 1. Swallow Bluff September 30 (Companies A and C).

Operations in northern Mississippi and western Tennessee against Chalmers October 4–17. Ingraham's Mills, near Byhalia, October 12. Wyatts, Tallahatchie River, October 13. Operations on Memphis & Charleston Railroad November 3–5. Operations on Memphis & Charleston Railroad against Lee's attack November 28-December 10. Molino November 28. Ripley December 1 and 4. Jack's Creek December 24.

Moved to Memphis, Tenn., January 18, 1864. Veterans on furlough February 4-March 4; then moved to St. Louis, Mo., March 12. Moved to Memphis June 6. Near Memphis May 2 (detachment). LaFayette June 9.

Smith's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss., July 5–18. King's Creek July 9. Pontotoc July 11–12. Tupelo July 13–14. Oldtown Creek July 15. Ellistown July 16. Tupelo July 25.

Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., August 1–30. Tallahatchie River August 7–9. Hurricane Creek, Oxford, August 9. Hurricane Creek August 13, 14, 16 and 19. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., arriving September 17.

Pursuit of Price through Missouri September 30-November 26. Little Blue October 21. Independence October 22. Big Blue and State Line, Westport, October 23. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, October 25. Duty by detachments in St. Louis District until July 18, 1865. Moselle Bridge, near Franklin, December 7, 1864 (Company E).

Expedition from Bloomfield into Dunklin County March 3–7, 1865. Skirmishes near Bloomfield March 3 and 7. Dunklin County March 4. Skirmish McKinzie's Creek, near Patterson, April 15, Ordered to Omaha, Neb., July 18; thence to Fort Kearney and duty there until September. Moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, arriving September 14.

The regiment lost a total of 223 men during service; 3 officers and 55 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded, 1 officer and 164 enlisted men died of disease.


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While in Great Britain BBC was Knighted. Kinda interesting.

Here is a picture of the letter in question. It was poorly copied and the right margin is slightly cut off. That has nothing to do with the suspected code. I have also taken the liberty of erasing the person's name that J. Sterling Morton wrote this letter to. I have noticed some peculiar things about this letter. Please tell me what you see and what you make of it.

cody letter.webp

Any help would be great the first 2 pictures are of a old cabinet door in my parents garadge the house was move by horse to where it sits now in 1846 and on the title it's signed by the president Andrew Johnson and plotted the town of lake city. The second pic is of some caves a mile or so away. I have a lot more information if u guys are intrested.

View attachment 1131101View attachment 1131102View attachment 1131103
Any help would be great the first 2 pictures are of a old cabinet door in my parents garadge the house was move by horse to where it sits now in 1846 and on the title it's signed by the president Andrew Johnson and plotted the town of lake city. The second pic is of some caves a mile or so away. I have a lot more information if u guys are intrested.

That is very interesting Nappy701, and i do see what your talking about. I also see what your talking about with the cave carvings. Iam sure that cabinet is very very valuable to the right person,thats a great treasure. thanks for showing and telling your info. The only help i can offer is if you go to treasure legends, then K.G.C,look for some of L.C. Bakers threads, and post some of your photos and info. there, Those guys study that stuff,and iam sure they would also love to see and hear about the cabinet .i know iam interested in it. Does the house have a fireplace? stairway? door headers? really any wood work in the house probably has clues. Then the outside too,from fences,to garden areas,benches, is one of the old out house still there? Dig the old privy up,i bet you'll at least find some nice bottles. Iam sure that house is full of hidden clues. Those K.G.C guys could help you alot i bet. great stuff,thanks for posting it,and keep it coming. any photos of the house?

I am seeing the same things u are and did before u pointed them out. I also see a skull and cross bones in the center. Is it all just pareidolia we are seeing or could there be code mixed in with the pareidolia.. I am pretty sure there are a lot more clues and such inside the house.. There are odd numbers etched in the hinges of the cabinet and we removed the fire place and also a lot of numbers and letters on differnt pieces that don't really add up or need to be there. Also There's got to be some kinda underground structure connected to the basement and was sealed off because from the corner of the garadge to the corner of the house is bout 10 feet wide walk space where there is some old side walk I can leave the hose on full bore for a hour and the water just runs in the crack and dispear. It used to puddle up there but now it runs down the crack a few feet from the house and no water runs in the basement. I've been tempted to smash a whole in the wall lol. Ill post some pics of the fire place as well

among workers at the Federal–Mogul piston The Lake City, Minnesota plant was founded in 1868 as a cast . Machining of cast iron pistons began in 1939, and ... tumbler does not remove all the excess material.

among workers at the Federal–Mogul piston The Lake City, Minnesota plant was founded in 1868 as a cast . Machining of cast iron pistons began in 1939, and ... tumbler does not remove all the excess material.
The first major business in Lake City, Mi 1860's, was the Mitchell Brothers Lumber Co, and land grants were offered to immigrants to work in the timber industry, which was nearly clear cut by the 1920's.
There appears to be NO record of a Federal-Mogul Co in Lake City in the 1860's.

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