One tough thing to swallow about the KGC ...

Ah, a memory bell rings. In my first year of serious reading, a book titled ,I heard the owl call my name. It had if I,m recalling the correct book, in the story,s church a Jesus who had the color and eyes of natives ,(as he should.?). May also be first reference I read of owl on roof hooting meaning death, or maybe that was, forever island. Did not see the movie, wonder if it comes close to minds images when book read.

I Heard the Owl Call My Name (TV Movie 1973) - IMDb

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:coffee2:8-) Nobody said: "Wakey, wakey... before it's too late"...

Even if people could, and did realize even just part (enough) of all this...
What could or should be done, other than possibly preparations?...

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:coffee2:8-) Nobody said: "Wakey, wakey... before it's too late"...

Even if people could, and did realize even just part (enough) of all this...
What could or should be done, other than possibly preparations?...

Don't use illegal drugs.
Don't gamble.
Don't use prostitutes or look at, or buy, porn.
Become involved with a "no more war" movement. Make sure this movement is morally and not politically motivated.
Become politically active and make sure you know who you are voting for.
Keep your debt low and save as much money as you can.
Try to figure out how you can talk everybody else in the country to do all of the above.

Don't use illegal drugs.
Don't gamble.
Don't use prostitutes or look at, or buy, porn.
Become involved with a "no more war" movement. Make sure this movement is morally and not politically motivated.
Become politically active and make sure you know who you are voting for.
Keep your debt low and save as much money as you can.
Try to figure out how you can talk everybody else in the country to do all of the above.
:coffee2::coffee2:8-) Agree... Do the powers that be have supernatural powers behind them?

I believe it's a spiritual battle being waged, as well as in the natural that we live in... The events seen in the natural are likely often the manifestations of occurrences in the spiritual world, dimension, or realm... Just Mine Thoughts, ~: CDS :~

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It doesn't mean much from me, with this crowd, when I suggest people get that book, so it is nice to see someone else, perhaps more respected than myself, promoting it. It's a goodun', and one that should be in the library of a treasure hunter, no matter where you live or the treasure you hunt.

Not to put words into your mouth as to why you're not quite sold on the Big Conspiracy, but a big hangup for many, certainly one that kept me away from it all for a while, is accepting the concept that a conspiracy that big and that old can exist. No way. Too many people have to be in on it and have bad intentions, as well as lie to us all.

That is why I posted that quick vid about WTC7 on page one. Believe your lying eyes, kanabite, for they are definitely not lying. That is a controlled demolition. No way around it. No other possible way for that building to do what it did other than by design and control. And you don't need to be an expert in anything to see it, merely push aside the wool they have invested tremendous effort in keeping over our eyes. It is that obvious, and they are that arrogantly blatant.

And evil.

Once you understand what you are watching, so begins the trip down the Rabbit Hole.

Who knows for sure, but the obvious major players are The Vatican, the Jesuits, the German Royal Family on the thrones of Europe and the Zionists. Who knows whom else and how many branches, like the KGC.

Suppose I ought to see what has been posted since my last post in the Vicky thread, as I haven't been back there since my last response to you. And get caught up in this thread, of course.

i guess i should have said i was not sold on the Big Conspiracy involving the treasure stuff . yea a bunch of little ones i will agree with . what does this topic have to do with treasure hunting anyway?
this is not the first time i have been involved with a treasure hunting forum turned on its end by the conspiracy theory angle . some of the things you have posted may be valid , but there are many things thrown in this mix that do not seem to hold up to further examination.

here is one .The Straight Dope: What's the story with the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"?

another is this link of the skull and bones to freemasonry , that is not correct IMO
15. What is the Skull and Bones?
"Skull and Bones is the oldest of Yale’s fraternities, founded in December of 1832 by a Yale senior named William Huntington Russell (1809-85). He and a group of classmates decided to form the Eulogian Club as an American chapter of a German student organization. The club paid obeisance to Eulogia, the goddess of eloquence, who took her place in the pantheon upon the death of the orator Demosthenes, in 322 B.C., and who is said to have returned in a kind of Second Coming on the occasion of the society’s inception. The Yale society fastened a picture of its symbol — a skull and crossbones — to the door of the chapel where it met. Today the number 322, recalling the date of Demosthenes' death, appears on society stationery. In 1856 Daniel Coit Gilman, who went on to become the founding president of Johns Hopkins University, officially incorporated the society as the Russell Trust Association, and Skull and Bones moved into the space it still occupies.
"For many years the society has possessed a skull that members call Geronimo. In [1986], under pressure from Ned Anderson, a former Apache tribal chairman in Arizona, the society produced the skull in question. The skull didn't match Anderson’s records, and it was returned to the society’s tomb.
"It does own an island on the St. Lawrence River — Deer Island, in Alexandria Bay [Donated by George Douglas Miller, who requested the island be called "Deer Iland."]. The forty-acre retreat is intended to give Bonesmen an opportunity to 'get together and rekindle old friendships.' A century ago the island sported tennis courts and its softball fields were surrounded by rhubarb plants and gooseberry bushes. Catboats waited on the lake. Stewards catered elegant meals. But although each new Skull and Bones member still visits Deer Island, the place leaves something to be desired. 'Now it is just a bunch of burned-out stone buildings,' a patriarch sighs. 'It’s basically ruins.' Another Bonesman says that to call the island 'rustic' would be to glorify it. 'It’s a dump, but it’s beautiful.'" [SUP]1[/SUP]
Initiates are known as Knights of Eulogia, their counterparts in the Scroll and Key fraternity are called Savages and non-members are labeled Barbarians while graduate members are styled Patriarchs. The society rule does not allow alcohol or drugs in their building, called the Crypt or Tomb. Their main activity appears to be weekly dinners accompanied by spirited debates.
By 1873, the fraternity was being criticised as a "deadly evil" practicing satanic initiations [SUP]2[/SUP] while on September 29, 1876, a group calling itself "The Order of File and Claw" broke into the Skull and Bones’s building and subsequently published a pamphlet ascribing the order’s roots in an unidentified German society. [SUP]3[/SUP]
"According to one version of the Order’s founding, it was an outgrowth of an earlier British or Scottish freemasonic grouping first established at All Soul’s College at Oxford University in the late 17th century. Another version of the history of Skull & Bones is that it grew out of the German "nationalistic" secret societies of the early 19th century. Still a third explanation is that Skull & Bones is an uniquely American institution which adopted some of the rituals of European freemasonry, but molded these rituals and beliefs into a new form. " [SUP]4[/SUP]
Ron Rosenbaum, writing in Esquire in 1977, may be responsible for the current interest in the Skull and Bones. He detailed the history of the order, noted similarities to the Bavarian Illuminati and referred, sceptically, to the John Birch Society and other conspiracy theorists' views on the Illuminati. [SUP]5[/SUP] In 1980, the right-wing Manchester Union Leader made an issue of George Bush’s Skull and Bones membership, quoting Rosenbaum but making it seem more sinister. Later, in the I992 election campaign, Pat Buchanan, George Bush’s challenger for the Republican nomination, accused the president of running 'a Skull and Bones presidency'.
In 2002 Ron Rosenbaum revisited the topic, noting that an "all-girl break-in team" had photographed the inside of the order’s building, revealing it to be little more than a common frat-house. Rosenbaum doesn't accept the theories of global conspiracy: "They didn't have to conspire to exercise power: At the height of what Bones member Henry Luce called 'the American century,' all they had to do was breathe, i.e. get born into the right family in an elite that practically did rule the world. That and a wink and a nod to a trusted friend now and then, no need for a secret handshake: Their power was public, in-your-face, had no need to hide itself." [SUP]6[/SUP]
The source of many of the accusations, British-born conspiracy theorist Antony Sutton (1925 - 2002/06/17) wrote a series of pamphlets about the order between 1983-1986, which were compiled into one volume and published as a book in 1986. [SUP]7[/SUP]
Current criticism of the Order of Skull and Bones range from Kris Millegan’s accusation that the Skull and Bones is the American branch of the Illuminati[SUP]8[/SUP] to Andrei Navrozov, author of The Gingerbread Race, who asserts that the initiation ritual "is like a black mass", while Eric Samuelson claims that "not unlike some Masonic ceremonies, it involves a compromising of individual dignity...." [SUP]9[/SUP]
While claiming to present a factual, balanced report, Goldstein and Steinberg erroneosly claim that Rosenbaum wrote that "the society’s Germanic origins are inherently wicked and pre-Nazi" and that "the Skull & Bones building on the Yale campus houses remnants from Hitler’s private collection of silver." In fact, Rosenbaum draws no conclusions about the alleged Germanic origins, and specifically states that Hitler’s silverware is in the archives of another Yale fraternity, Scroll and Key. They further distort a superficial similarity with Illuminati ritual by erroneosly claiming that a German inscription in the Skull and Bones building is from a German masonic ritual. [SUP]10[/SUP]
The link to the Illuminati is unproven and improbable although there is no reason that Russell might not have come across old Bavarian Illuminati texts or met German students who continued to idealize its spirit of liberalism and republicanism. There is no demonstrated link to Freemasonry
Sec. 1, Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions

it s probably a good idea to use a little common sence , while investingating many of the claims in this thread , one problem with believing everything on the conspiracy theory level , is a guy might freek out and end up living under an overpass somewhere.

as far as 9-11 goes " the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls"View attachment 972103

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im probably gonna regret this

lets try that again , as i was saying before this post blew up the first time i tried to post it . ya i like them owls , they might just have somethings to say , that is if you can find one , they are hard to spot sometimes even when they are just hanging around in broad daylight and all :laughing7:View attachment 972124

i mean i never saw this one until a buddy pointed him out to me . right in plain sight hmmmmmmm:headbang:


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hi Nobody , maybe you should go back to the vicky peak thread ,maybe tell Rog you were a little harsh on him, maybe even realize the chosen one /messianic nonesence is not his fault or the fault of the folks born into it .

hey while we are at it ill give you some more stuff to ponder :
11. What about the Rex Deus dynasty’s influence on Freemasonry?
The "Rex Deus" group of theories incorporates a belief that Jesus of Nazereth (c.6 BCE - c.30 CE) had a wife and several children. The theories promoted by such popular books as Holy Blood, Holy Grail fall into this catagory. Although there is biblical evidence of Jesus' siblings, all such theories of a wife and children remain unproven and appear to be based more on assumption and wishful thinking than on any documented proof.
The promoters of these theories, that many of Europe’s ruling families were descended from the Merovingians and Jesus — the union of the holy Davidic and Zadokite bloodlines — often incorporate the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery and often attempt to link the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion [see above] with Freemasonry.
Rex Deus, by Marilyn Hopkins, Graham Simmans and Tim Wallace-Murphy (Element Books), is somewhat unique in discrediting the latter claim while embracing the former. The one key source for Rex Deus is an anonymous informant, "Michael", whose family traditions appear to be based on Barbara Thiering.
Rex Deus further claims that Robert the Bruce was a Rex Deus family member and had adopted Celtic practices which were aligned with Druidic and Enochian traditions of the Celts. Proof of none of this is forthcoming.
Most promoters of these speculations insist on the veracity of the debunked documents kept at the Bibliotheque Nationale [see above]. They will contend that the Counts of Champagne, Lords of Gisors, Lords of Payen, Counts of Fontaine, Counts of Anjou, de Bouilloin, St Clairs of Roslin, Brienne, Joinvill, Chaumont, St Clair de Gisor, St Clair de Neg and the Hapsburgs also took the name Rex Deus, and that Godfrey de Bouillon was the originator of the group and a direct descendent of Jesus.
This stream of speculation includes the claim that the descendants of this royal and priestly line, now call themselves Rex Deus and that the original Celtic church was founded by the Rex Deus. Other Rex Deus included the Stuarts of Scotland and today’s King Juan Carlos of Spain. One popular promoter of these theories is Israeli conspiracy theorist, Barry Chamish.
No documentation or proof of any of this exists, so the corrollary claim that this alleged dynasty has influenced or controlled Freemasonry is also unsubstantiated. Promoters of these speculations continue to insist that the existence of a collection of unrelated historical events and persons somehow is the proof of their theories. [RETURN TO INDEX]
its not my fault either that I have" the bruce" and "de Bouillon" listed in the geneology on my moms side , could not trace my old mans true linage past WWII , oh well . what does that mean to me ? that info and $1.39 will get you a cup of coffee .The whole "chosen one" thing kinda just pisses me off anyway , i always ask folks Chosen by whom? its not Rogers fault he was desendant from the first nine , it is the significance placed on it by others that is the problem.
in fact the idea that a person or group is "chosen " above another is most likley greatly flawed and has always been the problem IMO.
the only thing i know about choices is each one of us gets to chose for our own selfs .

now about power, all power corupts , and absolute power corupts absolulty . i wish you luck in your quest . hang the guilty by all means , but please dont hang them all in hopes of getting the guilty .
take care .///bob

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Hey Kanabite,

What's the story behind the carving of the creepy guy with the cross instead of a head? I've seen this picture before but I've never noticed the owl. Thanks. Rick

Hey Kanabite,

What's the story behind the carving of the creepy guy with the cross instead of a head? I've seen this picture before but I've never noticed the owl. Thanks. Rick

here you go rick



there is some debate as to just what it is or who carved it . there are more links out there , but most of the info is on treasure forums , so i can't post those links . i hope this helps . bottom line is no one seems to knows for sure just how old or new the carving is . could be a hoax , might have been the KGC, KT, spanish, ancient , a hippie,morman settlers, or the homeless guy . i'll look some more cause there is an interesting article from the old spanish trail society , that i did not find with a google search .

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here you go rick



there is some debate as to just what it is or who carved it . there are more links out there , but most of the info is on treasure forums , so i can't post those links . i hope this helps . bottom line is no one seems to knows for sure just how old or new the carving is . could be a hoax , might have been the KGC, KT, spanish, ancient , a hippie,morman settlers, or the homeless guy . i'll look some more cause there is an interesting article from the old spanish trail society , that i did not find with a google search .

Thanks Kanabite. There is one thing that makes me think that this might be a modern carving and that would be the shape of the latissimus dorsi muscles of the upper back. These muscles, in a highly developed state, give the front torso the V shape that you see in the carving. Those muscles are developed by countless repetitions of wide grip chins or pulldowns on a lat machine. There are examples of ancient and medieval art that show this type of development but this feature is more common in modern art. Just my opinion.

here you go rick



there is some debate as to just what it is or who carved it . there are more links out there , but most of the info is on treasure forums , so i can't post those links . i hope this helps . bottom line is no one seems to knows for sure just how old or new the carving is . could be a hoax , might have been the KGC, KT, spanish, ancient , a hippie,morman settlers, or the homeless guy . i'll look some more cause there is an interesting article from the old spanish trail society , that i did not find with a google search .

Looks like a "modern day" imitation of the Cerne Abbas Giant glyph in England, made of white chalk, on a hill side... Very BIG, VERY old there, dated to the "time" of the STANDING STONES.

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Hi guys , oh he absolutely could be more modern , but i do not know . this is such a crazy hobby we share , we might have way old stuff that was quite advanced for its time , while we might have modern stuff that was done to look very old . then everything in between , and contrary to popular opinion most stuff probably has nothing to do with silver and gold .the only way to figure stuff out in this mountain of deception , is to get to the end of the trail somehow , someway . it looks easy on paper right , well it aint IMO .

Kinda like looking at a tree. You see the trunk, branches, and leaves. But what made up all that? The roots, the part hidden in the ground. The beginning of the tree, what feeds the tree for the most part, and even if you kill off the top of the tree, there's a real good chance a new tree will spring up. But still the same old roots.

Kinda like looking at a tree. You see the trunk, branches, and leaves. But what made up all that? The roots, the part hidden in the ground. The beginning of the tree, what feeds the tree for the most part, and even if you kill off the top of the tree, there's a real good chance a new tree will spring up. But still the same old roots.

The roots of the K.G.C. spawned the O.A.K......but it was the acorns that grew the new sprouts, some died out, but many lived to produce many more generations the same way.

great analysis Dr. Syn


Still, much reading to get caught up on in this thread. Neither arrogance nor lack of interest in others thoughts has created this, merely thousands upon thousands of pages I am working my way through. Right now, among other texts, I am working my way through about 2000 pages concerning the chronology of History - and that is but the first 3 volumes of a 7 volume set, written by a noted Russian Mathematician Anatoly Fomenko. His contention is that the Dark Ages were a fabrication of the Jesuits, and that Jesus was born around 1300, or so.

While one can find some simplistic paragraphs 'debunking' this idea (no doubt from people that haven't read his research, which goes back to the early 70's), the things the detractors point to are things like dendrochronology and numismatics. To begin with, dendrochronology is not the exact science it is portrayed as, and has some issues of argument. As far as numismatic issues, well, it just so happens that the Jesuits were over here, mining (as many on this forum suspect) gold and silver. It would be a very easy task for a Secret Society, like the Jesuits to fabricate numismatic evidence and then plant such evidence throughout the world.

Another speculation, admittedly not fully explored, that all ya'll heard here first about some of the potential Jesuit activities over here and in South America.

And he ain't the only one. In addition to being an Alchemist, Isaac Newton also constructed a different chronology than the one put together by the Jesuits.

The Dark Ages make NO sense. Period. That is not Human Nature.

Lot's 'o things going on in the 1300's. Things in Europe, things about Europeans, like the Templars, supposedly in the SouthWest, etc. Including the disappearance of the Anasazi and the founding of Tenochtitlan, who were all about blood sacrifice and burnt offerings of the heart ...

Here is another speculation that, as far as I am aware, all ya'll heard here first, concerning the Alchemical symbol for Saturn:

View attachment 979905

Look familiar? Let me whip out the pencils and create a mirror image of Saturn's Alchemical symbol, like this:

View attachment 979904

See a resemblance to this?:

View attachment 979908

I sure do ...

The Bible, the Bib of El (El being a Middle Eastern God linked to Saturn), can be viewed as an Alchemical text itself, IMO. An effort to transform lead into gold - to transform Saturn worship into Solar worship via the Sun of God. I think I mentioned, among other things, that Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in addition to being Abrahamic religions, are steeped in Saturn worship (Christianity uses some of the same texts as Judaism, notably the Torah, or Pentateuch, which are the first 5 books of Moses. The Quran gives some significance to the Torah, ascribing it to Moses, as well).

Saturn is also represented by a cube, and Saturn's color is black. Here, in addition to the Jesus/heart thing, are some pics of this 'Saturn Cube' worship. Jews wear this Black Cube, called a Tefillin, on their foreheads as a religious requirement (Books of Exodus & Deuteronomy). Here is an Israeli soldier with one on the head and arm:

View attachment 979910

I love this kind of idiotic stuff. What is he praying for? To help kill Palestinians? To help destroy their homes and lives? To help consecrate violence and killing of innocent people after you took over their land and kicked them out of their homes? Not a God I want to pray to - one that helps me destroy the lives of other humans ...

Maybe they should have prayed harder when Israel tried to kill US Sailors during LBJs reign, 'cause it didn't work. How many of you know about the hour after hour long attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in the 60's, in an attempt to blame it on Egypt?

Of course, we have the Kaaba in Mecca:

View attachment 979915

And, among whatever interpretations one might choose, the Christian Cross is nothing, geometrically, but an unfolded Cube:

View attachment 979921

Don't forget about the goofy haircuts of the the Medieval Secret Societies known as monks, symbolizing Saturn's rings:

View attachment 979922

Boy, the information those Monks embedded in those Illuminated Manuscripts ...

We also have the Star of David, which is based upon the Hexagram, and obvious symbol of Judaism. Now, how they knew what the polar regions of Saturn looked like, as well as the rings, I dunno, but they did. Here are pictures of the northern and southern poles of Saturn, taken recently by NASA's Cassinini probe, showing a clear hexagram in the Northern Pole and an eye in the Southern Pole:

View attachment 979932View attachment 979933

Pretty damn trippy/creepy, eh? In mythology, Saturn ate his children, giving context to all of the child sacrifice, heart burnt offerings and eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus (symbolic cannibalism) that Catholics practice. As for Prodestants, well, you are using the Catholic/Roman/Jewish constructed Bible, as well. The whole notion of Jesus being the Son of God comes from Rome. Your Old testament, which condones slavery, blood sacrifice and burnt offerings, etc., among other distasteful things, IMO, is the same as Cathlolics and Jews, Geneva or Calvinist Bib of El, or not. The KJV is important, but I believe it to have an embedded code, and I believe it to do with things other than a person, Jesus Christ, being born of Immaculate Conception and being the Sun, errr, Son of God.

And I'll try not to be any more 'offensive' than that. And, being offensive, again, is not my intent. My intent is to provide my opinion and interpretation of the source of all of this stuff and what it actually means.

Switching gears a bit, another symbol I find to be quite important is this one:

View attachment 979923

I am leaning towards the English Alphabet being based upon Pi. It is a very important number. Further, if one studies the works of Speculative Freemasonry, it can be argued that the actual goal of Masonry, the Great Work, is to restore the Lost Word, with the English Language being integral in that Work. Maybe Rebel can help out with his interpretation of people like Manly P. Hall's work, unless of course, doing so will cause him to be slit ear to ear and disembowled for revealing the secrets of the Lodge ...

But, I took no such oaths, nor do I believe 2014 to be a time for such secrecy of information, MORALLY, 'cause if there is a 'good guy' side in all of this Secret Society crap, well, they're getting their asses kicked and need to reconsider their plans and implement some new ones. Maybe get some help from knuckleheads like me who are willing to actually stand up, speak up and do something about it...

Well, fellas (and the one gal who stopped by), back to the research, the quest for the TRUTH ...

Oh yea. Wakey, wakey ...

LOL! THAT symbol (PI) is my Mason's Mark for the Mark Mason degree of Royal Arch Masons of the York Rite... it is my initials; JT! ROFL. YOU may like as it has lots of MPH's works...

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I remember in the summer of 1963, when I was a naive robot from Iowa, I was wandering in Haight Ashbury in SF with a relative and we stopped to listen to some guy talking. He said, "Everything you believe is a lie." I laughed at the idea then.

It's my opinion that man is totally ignorant about his spiritual and physical histories. I'm sure there have always been people who do know the truth, but nearly all of us are excluded from that club and are forced to either fend for ourselves and seek understanding (if we're curious enough), or just swallow the current Kool-Aid provided to us, keep our heads down and keep paying' the mortgage. I currently favor Valentinian Gnosticism as a sort of under-the-hood spiritual primer - especially considering that many of those who followed these beliefs were later hunted down and murdered by the Church of Rome. The Gnostics contend that the God of the OT is a lesser god, a sort of an insane mad scientist, who has enslaved human souls in a sort of prison universe. Reading the OT, one can believe it.

As far as those 'in the know', some may be trying to preserve the truth and offer it to those who can find it, and some may be obfuscating it for their own purposes. Hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys - a lot of 'useful idiots' have claimed to be helping us with their religions and dogma. In the end, our purpose here may be simply to try to increase our awareness, as Juan Matus claimed. In any event, the stuff you're posting ought to give people food for thought. Good work - keep it up.

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