Still, much reading to get caught up on in this thread. Neither arrogance nor lack of interest in others thoughts has created this, merely thousands upon thousands of pages I am working my way through. Right now, among other texts, I am working my way through about 2000 pages concerning the chronology of History - and that is but the first 3 volumes of a 7 volume set, written by a noted Russian Mathematician Anatoly Fomenko. His contention is that the Dark Ages were a fabrication of the Jesuits, and that Jesus was born around 1300, or so.
While one can find some simplistic paragraphs 'debunking' this idea (no doubt from people that haven't read his research, which goes back to the early 70's), the things the detractors point to are things like dendrochronology and numismatics. To begin with, dendrochronology is not the exact science it is portrayed as, and has some issues of argument. As far as numismatic issues, well, it just so happens that the Jesuits were over here, mining (as many on this forum suspect) gold and silver. It would be a very easy task for a Secret Society, like the Jesuits to fabricate numismatic evidence and then plant such evidence throughout the world.
Another speculation, admittedly not fully explored, that all ya'll heard here first about some of the potential Jesuit activities over here and in South America.
And he ain't the only one. In addition to being an Alchemist, Isaac Newton also constructed a different chronology than the one put together by the Jesuits.
The Dark Ages make
NO sense. Period. That is not Human Nature.
Lot's 'o things going on in the 1300's. Things in Europe, things about Europeans, like the Templars, supposedly in the SouthWest, etc. Including the disappearance of the Anasazi and the founding of Tenochtitlan, who were all about blood sacrifice and burnt offerings of the heart ...
Here is another speculation that, as far as I am aware, all ya'll heard here first, concerning the Alchemical symbol for Saturn:
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Look familiar? Let me whip out the pencils and create a mirror image of Saturn's Alchemical symbol, like this:
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See a resemblance to this?:
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I sure do ...
The Bible, the Bib of El (El being a Middle Eastern God linked to Saturn), can be viewed as an Alchemical text itself, IMO. An effort to transform lead into gold - to transform Saturn worship into Solar worship via the Sun of God. I think I mentioned, among other things, that Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in addition to being Abrahamic religions, are steeped in Saturn worship (Christianity uses some of the same texts as Judaism, notably the Torah, or Pentateuch, which are the first 5 books of Moses. The Quran gives some significance to the Torah, ascribing it to Moses, as well).
Saturn is also represented by a cube, and Saturn's color is black. Here, in addition to the Jesus/heart thing, are some pics of this 'Saturn Cube' worship. Jews wear this Black Cube, called a Tefillin, on their foreheads as a religious requirement (Books of Exodus & Deuteronomy). Here is an Israeli soldier with one on the head and arm:
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I love this kind of
idiotic stuff. What is he praying for? To help kill Palestinians? To help destroy their homes and lives? To help consecrate violence and killing of innocent people after you took over their land and kicked them out of their homes? Not a God I want to pray to - one that helps me destroy the lives of other humans ...
Maybe they should have prayed harder when Israel tried to kill US Sailors during LBJs reign, 'cause it didn't work. How many of you know about the hour after hour long attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in the 60's, in an attempt to blame it on Egypt?
Of course, we have the Kaaba in Mecca:
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And, among whatever interpretations one might choose, the Christian Cross is nothing, geometrically, but an unfolded Cube:
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Don't forget about the goofy haircuts of the the Medieval Secret Societies known as monks, symbolizing Saturn's rings:
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Boy, the information those Monks embedded in those Illuminated Manuscripts ...
We also have the Star of David, which is based upon the Hexagram, and obvious symbol of Judaism. Now, how they knew what the polar regions of Saturn looked like, as well as the rings, I dunno, but they did. Here are pictures of the northern and southern poles of Saturn, taken recently by NASA's Cassinini probe, showing a clear hexagram in the Northern Pole and an eye in the Southern Pole:
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Pretty damn trippy/creepy, eh? In mythology, Saturn ate his children, giving context to all of the child sacrifice, heart burnt offerings and eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus (symbolic cannibalism) that Catholics practice. As for Prodestants, well, you are using the Catholic/Roman/Jewish constructed Bible, as well. The whole notion of Jesus being the Son of God comes from Rome. Your Old testament, which condones slavery, blood sacrifice and burnt offerings, etc., among other distasteful things, IMO, is the same as Cathlolics and Jews, Geneva or Calvinist Bib of El, or not. The KJV is important, but I believe it to have an embedded code, and I believe it to do with things other than a person, Jesus Christ, being born of Immaculate Conception and being the Sun, errr, Son of God.
And I'll try not to be any more 'offensive' than that. And, being offensive, again, is not my intent. My intent is to provide my
opinion and interpretation of the source of all of this stuff and what it
actually means.
Switching gears a bit, another symbol I find to be quite important is this one:
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I am leaning towards the English Alphabet being based upon Pi. It is a very important number. Further, if one studies the works of Speculative Freemasonry, it can be argued that the actual goal of Masonry, the Great Work, is to restore the Lost Word, with the English Language being integral in that Work. Maybe Rebel can help out with his interpretation of people like Manly P. Hall's work, unless of course, doing so will cause him to be slit ear to ear and disembowled for revealing the secrets of the Lodge ...
But, I took no such oaths, nor do I believe 2014 to be a time for such secrecy of information,
MORALLY, 'cause if there is a 'good guy' side in all of this Secret Society crap, well, they're getting their asses kicked and need to reconsider their plans and implement some new ones. Maybe get some help from knuckleheads like me who are willing to actually stand up, speak up and do something about it...
Well, fellas (and the one gal who stopped by), back to the research, the quest for the TRUTH ...
Oh yea. Wakey, wakey ...