One tough thing to swallow about the KGC ...


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True to YOU... doesn't fit in with me; WHERE is "Indy" Jones...? NAZIS are "on the rise"!

Hi Rebel,

Funny thing about Indiana Jones... He DID destroy every ancient temple he entered.


Yes bugs Patrick.Lady bugs seek entrance here around first frost of fall date(s). Or maybe I should call them Asian lady beetles as they are crowding out lady bugs now. The white W gives away the invaders i.d.. Anyway they and box elder/ elm bugs mass up seeking warmer places to hibernate and a stream of warmer air ,even from minor below ground temps are enough ,making them a help when seeking cavities.


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I know they are not vicious bugs to humans. It was really cool seeing thousands of them literally covering the stones in every crevice.

You are right about the time of year as well. It was the weekend after Labor Day. Those aspen change color quickly too. They were green when we went up the mountain and had turned yellow by the time we came down a few days later.

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Asian beetles have been suspect in causing" pink eye" though. The little buggers do bite, unlike the lady like ladybugs.:laughing7:


Now, that LUE treasure. It is one I know something about. (And, it is Spanish/Aztec in origin.) Truthfully though, this topic should have it's own thread. It isn't part of the KGC. And the word is Enterarri, not Entrari. (Latin for 'buried' conjugated from 'to bury.')

The really sad part is that I can't get access to the land in Northern New Mexico where the big cache site is. I am planning a trip back here in May.

hi patrick , interesting list, are you sure you do not wish to included an even earlier group to that list? i mean like an older one too.
funny no one really talks about the basic geometry at those kind of sites , i would guess its almost like a language . take care .

hi reb , im still waiting for the lizard people , to find their way into this topic. :laughing7:
in all seriousness , of course these "secret groups" would be treasure hunting / finding / and watching etc..
lets hope there are some good guys in there doing some of those same things too.
too much negativity for me , to just concentrate on the" Dark side" of this topic .

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hi Patrick , the answer is complex .
i like simple things , maybe "raised by" one would be better , or "mentored" . and i use to giggle when they called me his apprentice.
i told him once of something that happened to me , about this treasure stuff , i think i was twelve , i thought he would laugh . he told me to never give up.
enlightenment is a journey . I'm just a good guesser , i guess .
there are a few orders for youths , so that part is a" kinda of" , i guess.
many paths in life , we all are interconnected on some level . speaking of traveling , i got to go , i have a date with 30,000 of my closest hillbilly type redneck friends . see you guys in a few days .////bob


Safe travels. Take care of the widows son.


The LUE information is shallow and partially incorrect.

Flesh out the details, then. Set us all straight.

How did I do?

All good questions.


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... This ain't no Grant Park no mo', Springfield. I am being genuine when I say I enjoyed that story, but look at the difference. What would have taken hours upon hours to reach a very small number of people in '68, I just did in my socks, listening to a little music, giving the doggies some scratchin's during the all of five minutes it took my to scan and upload those.

A couple mouse clicks later, and I just did what it would take an Army to do in Grant Park in '68. Everyone can download a .pdf and print of their own hard copy, if they want. And unlike what was handed out in Grant Park, I have an endless supply. Everyone can take a copy home, yet it will still be available for all to see and download for as long as this thread is accesible on this site - which could be years - I never have to pack up what pamphlets I couldn't hand out and go home.

I'm always here, handing them out, once I hit 'Reply', 24/7, non-stop, no coffee breaks, even. And that is a very powerful thing. And a pretty damn new one that hasn't been fully utilized ...

Well, in '68, at least the cannon fodder still had a bit of leverage - 'hell no, we won't go.' Despite the Information Age, I don't see too many well-informed folks lining up to kick down any doors. I guess they musta Googled what happened to Guy Fawkes. The Send button may tweet the secrets of the world out to everyone wearing a Dick Tracey watch, but it's just another doc on the Kindle. No leverage. Sure, the tweets got 'em out in the streets in Egypt, Syria, et al, but how did that work out? Think it'd be any different here?


What happened to your posts. My wife asked me to get off the computer so I could do a few things on my "to do" list and when I got back all your good stuff was deleted. ??? I knew I should have burnt that list a long time ago. :BangHead: Thanks for the brief glimpse anyway. :thumbsup:


Well, Rebel, you and I are going to have to agree to disagree on the hand sign. To me it is quite obvious. And it is a practice that is well known, and, well, practiced. Even today. Members of Secret Societies have long been doing this sort of stuff to identify themselves to others 'in the know'. They do in photographs of themselves and, before the camera, in commissioned paintings. It is very intentional, and very much an identifier of a membership in one Secret Society or another. Here is a modern example, to demonstrate the pervasiveness of things like hand signs in portraits/photographs. I'm not implicating him in anything in this thread (although Kay Griggs, back on page one gives him very brief mention):

View attachment 963778

Do you see the hand sign here? The Lion's Paw, I believe it to be called ...

Pat R. a FreeMason...? HA HA HA!

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