Nice short summary, Nobody. First things first - that quote was from Groucho, not Karl. I wasn't aware Karl ever had much of a sense of humor. I sort of decided a while back that only the boys at the very top of the Big Club can have access to the answer to the Big Question, as has been the case since folks started asking it. I imagine the original Big Boys were in on the scam from day one, and their progeny ever since have had the job of keeping the secret and running the planet's events. Yeah, most likely it's still a blood thing. The gods became kings and the kings became bankers. All the rises and falls, exploitations, wars, religions, civilizations, joys, sorrows, periods of lightness and darkness, philosophies, speculations, buying selling, hunting, gathering, etc., has served to give us something to do while we wait for the Next Big Thing. "All the world's a stage, and we have our entrances and exits...", and all that. My curiosity has rationalized the whole experience as a morph joining Sitchin on the physical realm with Matus on the spiritual side (well, around book five and later, anyway). Or something similar. Or not. Since humans are basicly animalistic, but trainable, the hierarchy's primary function seems to be crowd control - keep them busy and afraid. If one of them shows signs of awareness, move him up to sergeant. The real curious ones may get a desk job - maybe even become an inquisitor. As far as the KGC, Jesuits, Masons, et all, they're only original thinkers up to the fence they will never climb. There's probably pretty scarce seating at the top. The Greek gods used to have a knee-slapping fun time f#&%ing with humans - I imagine it's probably the same today. Interestingly, human life has never been highly valued by those in charge.