One tough thing to swallow about the KGC ...

I am. Put a friend in the way of a windfall and will receive a hospitable beer for it tonight. As for large volume of coffee,it replaced pineapples as hospitality symbol and brick of tea for fortune ,we are north and south toasting each other as usual over the hospitable truce of coffee.We can disagree later. Over an open fire coffee where old men can ,like on some threads,(unlike this one) follow only by listening, as the hounds (treasure hunters)snuffle the earth,then wander off all points of the compass till a cold trailer roohoots a question, followed later by a strike dog opening up on a hot trail bringing the whole pack into a chorus while we chuckle and pour another one. Same o ,we cross trails a fire comes in handy..:coffee2: Would make for interesting rock carvings cut in the firelight of the new" civil",civil war where a cup spells time out to compare notes between two, to soon old, to late patient acquaintances. View attachment 959964

Calling for BIGfoot, eh...?

You mean sort of like an unfinished pyramid waiting for its capstone?

Two schools of thought here: the missing cap simply represents us, unenlightened; or, the top seat is reserved for someone or something else. Either way, we mortals are on the outside trying to look in, even those higher up the ladder.

After locating two possible Illuminati marks along this trail, including one that might represent the arch of the covenant. I have to wonder what information Hitler had that our guys may have been placing in the 1800's. He was either really gullible, or actually had enough evidence to believe in the Arch's existence.

Hitler?s Hunt for the Holy Grail and the Ghent Altarpiece - The Daily Beast

This is a tombstone at an important place and I don't know if the design has any symbolism attached to it or if it's just a random decoration. Have you ever seen anything like this that has any Masonic connection?


All scientific work in Nazi Germany was under the direction of Heinrich Himmler's SS-the search for the grail and other relics were conducted by the his Ahnenerbe archaeologist and the weapons development was a part of the Waffen SS,run by #3 man in the SS,Hans Kammler.Virtually every secret technology and weapons system development was under the Kammler Group control at his Skoda Works in the Czech countryside-including rockets,missles,jets,flying wings and saucers,and even experiments in time travel.Kammler and all the Skoda Works blueprints disappeared from history...
...which brings us to Admiral Byrds 1946 "Operation Highjump" in Antartica and why,in 1957 during the International Geophysical Year we set off three Nuclear bomds in Anartica.
What this has to do with the KGC,best of my knowledge-NOTHING.


I know little about the LUE but I've never seen a description of what it is. Is it a treasure of gold and silver or is it a historical or religious artifact of great value. And if the Nazis had an interest in the occult, do you think they had an interest in some occult object that they believed was here in the United States? Thanks.


Naw... it's a R0SICRUCIAN Vault... "Post" # 65.

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I find the Nazi thing a little far fetched myself. However, we have a money trail that leads from 1830's------>NOW, so I don't doubt the significance of any ideas of what they were doing with the money all those years.


Drunk, sorry thought it said KFC

How does the Illuminati tie in with the Ark?
i was going to stay out of this . without really calling "them" the illuminati cause i am not convinced about a great many things covered in this thread so far , lets just say something about "the holy box" to explain why it might be the most coveted treasure for some "groups". besides the Jews, Christians ,and whoever else, the ark is also known among the nations of Islam . and even if it does or does not do the "magical things" that have been written about it , there are many, many, who believe. there is a belief or prophesy (self serving or not) that the person who finds the ARK gets to be the "king" of Islam . now just think about that for a minute , do a google search for population numbers on the planet based on religious/ demographic numbers . now i don't know about the Indiana Jones movie type of ending , but if somebody were to really get a hold of it, what do you think would happen?

Dunno... BUT! SOME ppl think the ORIGINAL Knights Templar found the ARK... minus the cherubs on top, hence... just a oblong box with GREAT humming power; KT GOLD...? NAW... POWER! Feared by ALL! WHERE is "it" today...? GREAT question!

i dunno either Reb . 1.6 billion Muslims in the world , some of them waiting for this Mahdi to lead them . maybe the Ark never gets found , if it does we all better pray for peace , cause don't need all the different groups fighting over who was right .
a good portion of the world seems to pray to the" same God" , but then they kill each other in the name of Him ? don't make much sense to me.
there are lots of different ideas of just where the original Ark came from , and even some interesting items suppose to be in it .
Great Power there , even if it is just in" the beliefs" . something with the power to save the world , could also have the power to destroy it .

hi Crosse , sorry was not trying to offend anyone , its a touchy subject for some folks . i did put the words The same God in quotes for a reason . pretty sure Christianity , Judasim , and Islam all have the same ties back to father Abraham . so a rose by any other name , if you get what i mean . who knows im not a scholar, just like to look at things in simple terms , not sure if any of it is the truth , or just the words of men ?
as for the Ark there are folks who believe it was hidden , and the references you mentioned fabricated to keep it that way . it does seem to be a real historical object though, with history shared by more than one group . only thing I know about it , is I aint looking for it.

"1890–1913, 42 major corporations were organized or their securities were underwritten, in whole or part, by J.P. Morgan and Company. (K.G.C.?)"

Remember what I said about the many branches of the trunk of the O.A.K.?? This is only one branch that has limbs and twigs etc. Now take that times a hundred or so and you are on the right track! You have good information mixed up with speculation in your theory, but that is how you sort through the dirty laundry. Just need to separate your whites from the colors to speak. Great thread!


L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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Dunno... BUT! SOME ppl think the ORIGINAL Knights Templar found the ARK... minus the cherubs on top, hence... just a oblong box with GREAT humming power; KT GOLD...? NAW... POWER! Feared by ALL! WHERE is "it" today...? GREAT question!

Kind of like this one?ark.webp


copper falls topographic3.webp ?

Arena styled. Additionally a pattern layed out, to follow.Origin and designer debatable.Source of common currency ,yes.

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More loquacious smelling salts, courtesy of the Nobody's keyboard.

There was a reason I threw up that particular pic of Surratt.

There was a dude named Thomas M. Harris:

Thomas Maley Harris was a doctor who served in the Tenth West Virginia Volunteers during the Civil War. He rose to become a brigadier general, and was brevetted a major general. Harris was a member of the military commission which tried and convicted the Lincoln assassin conspirators.

Oh yea. He was also an author. Wrote a couple of books after serving on the military commission that tried Lincoln's conspirators.

Assassination of Lincoln: A History of the Great Conspiracy, Trial of the Conspirators by a Military Commission, and a Review of the Trial of John H. Surratt, written in 1892.

In 1897, he penned: Rome's Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

You can read it, if ya like, but the title makes it pretty clear who this guy thought responsible.

He wasn't the only one. Charles P. Chiniquy, Canadian Catholic priest turned Presbyterian minister. The Archbishop of Chicago had a little problem with him and a lawsuit was brought against him. The lawyer Chiniquay hired to successfully defend him? None other than future President, Abraham Lincoln the lawyer. He wrote a book title: Fifty Years in the Church of Rome. He also implicated the Vatican.

Another primary source based book on this is, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by Burke McCarty.

Think any of those books can be found in the library at Georgetown?

Yup, time to bring in the Jesuits.

By the leaden bullet or the poisoned cup ...

The Jesuits are/were founded as a Military Order. If you doubt that, look at the head Jesuit's title: Superior General. The General among Generals. Self procalimed, Grand Poobah General of the World. And if that doesn't do it for ya, just take a look at how many countries the Jesuits have been expelled from, and why. On top of that, to add drama, Inagtius was an ex-soldier of Basque Nobility.

I am sure many would accuse me of an overactive imagination. However, I can imagine why others, who may have known or strongly suspected Vatican/Jesuit involvement, would not say too much. The deed is done, so why turn a Civil War into a Religious War? No more bloodshed, so I'll just let it pass and move on with my life and let the Country heal ...

Lest I be accused of attacking Jesuits in some slanderous manner that 'offends' Catholics, how 'bout I share others thoughts on their political intrigue, and other stuff?

Like John Adams, 2nd Pres. of US:

My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death. … I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola.

Or, Marquis de LaFayette, French Statesman, General, and participant in the American Revolution under Washington:

It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.

Ex-Secretary of the American Navy, R.W. Thompson:

[The Jesuits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty.

Inventor of the telegraph, Samuel Morse:

The Jesuits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous.

Napoleon Bonaparte:

The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…

There are more ...

Why have the Jesuits been expelled from so many countries on so many different occasions? You don't really think there wasn't good reason, for all of the governments, including a Pope, expelling the Jesuits, do you? I guess them folks must have just been a bunch of paranoid, delusional, 'Conspiracy Nutjobs'. Probably stoned on wacky tabaccy, too ...

There was a Jesuit at my Catholic grade school. His name was Father Lawless. Helluva a name for a Jesuit. And, of course, The Jesuits were well aware of any deposits that the KGC were. Another thing to keep in mind about the common KGC lore, like the Golden Circle, geographically, of a Slave Nation. By that time, the need for agricultural slavery (well, NEED, is kinda jacked up, as the practice is EVIL) had diminished. Slavery was on the decline in the South. However, with the gold strikes in '49 in Cali, and then '59 in Colorado, well, who better than slaves to work those mines? The Vatican already has experience enslaving people in the Southwest for mining practices. Would work out well.

Within months of Lincoln's assassination, Albert Pike, an inept Confederate General, was making visits to the new Pres in the White House. Pike is also the only Confederate General to be honored with a statue in Washington D.C. Was Pike affliated to the Vatican? Depends. In large part concerning the belief system of those in power at The Vatican, which I do not think in line with Christian Doctrine, at all - which, I could lay out, in a more exhaustive posts than I already have. It is easier to figure out Pike's beliefs, however, as he took great care to lay them out in his book, Morals and Dogma. But, I do not have to crack the cover of that book, although I have, and anyone can on Google Books, to have an eyebrow raised.

Never, EVER, doubt the importance of symbolism to The Powers That Be. Ever.

The Banner of the First Reich of The Holy Roman Empire, based out of Germany:

View attachment 962424

Compared to the symbol Pike used on the cover of his book:

View attachment 962425

The Double Headed Eagle/Phoenix/Feathered Serpent, is a pretty darn important symbol to pay attention to and study.

The Great Seal of the US, well, one side of it:

View attachment 962427

The eagle, itself, has been used, for a very long time, as sun symbolism. Ever see an eagle spread its wings like that? Me either. Everyone see the Isis symbol in there?:

View attachment 962430

And the other side of the Seal:

View attachment 962432

Have any of you just looked at that for a second and realized how weird it is, the whole Egyptian unfinished pyramid, all-seeing eye, and all? What the hell does that have to do with what we know/have been told about the founding of this Country? Fascinating story, how that seal came about ...

Hittites had a similar bird.(?)

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