Alexandre said:bobinsd owe this forum an apology. I don't express my views often on T-net, but your comment was insulting, and shows your actual, and up till now, well-disguised contempt for the US, it's citizens, and it's greatness. Your ugly comment warrants an apology, but I'm not crossing my fingers. You seem to take pride in your own arrogance....but that is sooo European.
Nothing personal, just stating the facts:
Please these Types of posts are as Politically
motivated as the Links you provided.
& what arn't motivated by Politicians
are by Insurance companies trying to stir
up Buisness, and Foreign Propaganda Specialists.
I'm one of the first ones to say this country
leaves alot to be desired, But posts like this are not
about Odyssey, Cause alot of Arguments, & Insults,
and are not apprciated on TreasureNet.
Thanks for your Understanding
