Odyssey treasure will go to Spain!

When are all you going to take your heads out of
your either know-it-all or sanctimonious butts and recognize
what really has gone on here:

REALLY! Odyssey with Greg Stem at the helm, has played Spain, the Courts
and all of you like a five string banjo!
His feat rivals Sir Francis Drake and he should probably be
Knighted..... He is a true, "Ben Gunn"

I should charge a fee to explain what has really happened here....
How about sending me a quarter each or something and I will
give you all an education!

capt dom said:
When are all you going to take your heads out of
your either know-it-all or sanctimonious butts and recognize
what really has gone on here:

REALLY! Odyssey with Greg Stem at the helm has played Spain, and all of
you like a banjo! His feat rivals Sir Francis Drake and he should probably be

I should charge a fee to explain what has really happened here....
How about sending me a quarter each or something and I will
give you all an education!
Your right Capt dom, he is a real hero, he just cost his company 2.5 million in his failed attempt :laughing7: And better still, just like Drake
he might have a warrant for his arrest :icon_pirat:

You are right there Capt Dom,

Greg and Odyssey have played an absolute blinder !!

I don’t think that they are at all worried about the coins going to Spain.

Always got to look at the big picture !

How may shares of OMEX are authorized and out there????
Is the number 150,000,000 or some where there abouts????

What has been the range this stock has traded for for over 5 years, while all the various cast of characters
tip-toed through the tulips.... in the wonderland with "black swans" and idiots raving about
National Patrimony of a select group of antiquated royal linage... that have allowed facists
and communists to govern and protect their former "national patrimony" in the past

and other Gould type
Goold characters making an equally flawed - yet accepted arguement of the sanity of war graves....
all the while with back room "good old boy - State department" intrigue even surfacing in wikke lieaks....

What a great joke..... The money has already been made - the equivilent of a 21st century
greedy Spanish, "Sheriff of Nottingham"
gets back the useless treasure and it is now sent on to a happy place where its true value.....
or lack of it never will be truly tested....

Talk about a 3 point shot.... Gregg and Mark, you guys are truly wizards!
The rest of you who can't figure this out are just cattle and lawn mowers....

capt dom said:
Talk about a 3 point shot.... Gregg and Mark, you guys are truly wizards!
The rest of you who can't figure this out are just cattle and lawn mowers....

Who cares about Omex stock trade? It was never about the stock trade. This was all about cutting the legs of a company that made its business on plundering wrecks by removing the main reason behind it's core business: the sale of artifacts.

If they dont have the artifacts, they wont make money out of them and will, eventually, run out dry and be forced shut.

Or, better yet, they can still go on ticking by selling the "dream", just as long as they dont go after wrecks.

Alexandre said:
capt dom said:
Talk about a 3 point shot.... Gregg and Mark, you guys are truly wizards!
The rest of you who can't figure this out are just cattle and lawn mowers....

Who cares about Omex stock trade? It was never about the stock trade. This was all about cutting the legs of a company that made its business on plundering wrecks by removing the main reason behind it's core business: the sale of artifacts.

If they dont have the artifacts, they wont make money out of them and will, eventually, run out dry and be forced shut.

Or, better yet, they can still go on ticking by selling the "dream", just as long as they dont go after wrecks.

What a poor and miss-guided unwitting dupe you really are!

It has always been about the stock trades - stupid.....
For the past five years......
with 300 million to 600 hundred million dollars in "stock trades
only an idiot of an underwater archaeologist with obviously
no math skills or grasp of capital would make such an idiotic
statement.... and oh by the way
they will - as all of us will - (who aren't caught up with your ignorant dogma and unrealistic view of the world )
continue to explorer under the sea,
recover artifacts, keep what we want and give away or sell what
we feel like....

"cut off the legs" these folks have gone so far past
where ever you may think you or the spains
may be going....

capt dom said:
only an idiot of an underwater archaeologist with obviously no math skills or grasp of capital would make such an idiotic statement....

Hey, I resent that remark! My first degree was in engineering - and we had a lot of maths! :)

capt dom said:
as all of us will continue to explorer under the sea, recover artifacts, keep what we want and give away or sell what we feel like....

If you look at your own backyard, you know that ain't true: Florida State has shut down the licenses for treasure hunting and the only people really doing it are the people with grandfather rights.

Also, and this will come certainly as a suprise for the majority of our readers here, France will be signing the UNESCO Convention this very year.

And if France is signing, a lot of major players will come all along. I hear the Netherlands will do it, too, so goodbye to all those VOC agreements their Economical Ministry used to make with TH...

You're becoming exctint. We are not in Kansas anymore..

Woof... :evil5:

Read the writing on the wall.
To Odyssey the treasure has become the stock trades...
The search has become the vehicle for them to achieve their ends.

This dumn abet "grandfathered in treasure hunter will keep plugging along
like the dinosaur publicly employed archaeologists wish to think he is -doing
just what the fluck I want - while your various govenments go broke and all
of your budgets are cut to the point where folks like Alexander
will end up resorting to eating their own dogs.

No offense intended Alexandre.... :icon_profileleft: I understand how folks
like you Aline yourselves with those who you think are in power
but here in the 21st century, Hegel's predictions have come to pass...
21st century feudalism is the order of the day.
Those who want and can afford to look - will. Those who can't won't.
Life is that simple.
Only idiots with big mouths {sometimes I too, am guilty of this}
shoot them selves in the foot!

Why does a dog lick his private parts?
{ an employeed publicly funded archaeologist will be sure to have the answer to this one}

Ossy, If the bull crap he espouses makes you think he is smart
I feel sorry for you.... and prefer to be
considered dumn in your eyes :walk: :walk:

I have to go now and work on our latest acquired work boat:


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Alexandre said:
If you look at your own backyard, you know that ain't true: Florida State has shut down the licenses for treasure hunting and the only people really doing it are the people with grandfather rights.

Really? Hmmm I guess then the new leases that the state has provided, the state just made up?

You really need to get more factual information than bias press clippings and internet forums! :whip2:

capt dom said:
REALLY! Odyssey with Greg Stem at the helm, has played Spain, the Courts
and all of you like a five string banjo!
His feat rivals Sir Francis Drake and he should probably be
Knighted..... He is a true, "Ben Gunn"

I can't stand by and see a patriotic buccaneer like Drake, just doing his duty for the Queen, associated with a real pirate like Greg.

After all, you can judge a man by the Company that keeps him.


mariner said:
capt dom said:
REALLY! Odyssey with Greg Stem at the helm, has played Spain, the Courts
and all of you like a five string banjo!
His feat rivals Sir Francis Drake and he should probably be
Knighted..... He is a true, "Ben Gunn"

I can't stand by and see a patriotic buccaneer like Drake, just doing his duty for the Queen, associated with a real pirate like Greg.

After all, you can judge a man by the Company that keeps him.

Doing his duty for the Queen :laughing7: Come on Mariner, He was doing it for his pocket and recognition, it suited the
queen financially .
Drake was a great mariner and ballsy character but he was interested in himself ! Why did he disobey orders at the battle of the
grave-lines ? To chase down a treasure Galleon :icon_pirat:

capt dom said:
while your various govenments go broke and all
of your budgets are cut to the point where folks like Alexander
will end up resorting to eating their own dogs.

capt dom, do you know how large is the US debt?

at least, here in Portugal, if we get sick, we can get treated with our own taxpayers money, in a fine hospital - and pay only five dollars.

over there, if you have no medical insurance, you will die in the gutter like a dog.

anyhow, in a decade we will all be speaking chinese..

The U.S. Debt is a bunch of Bull Crap!
Here is a for instance: The largest holder of the U.S. paper is not the Chinese
but is actually the Federal Reserve!

Alexander although our medical payment system sucks one of our best kept secrets
is that it really has been socialized. Few if any are actually ever denied medical care here....
{do you truly believe everything you read Alex....}

Are you aware that history did not actually begin with the written word?

What the world really has to worry about is if the chinese folks decide to start
printing more money and paying their own laborers salaries that are comparable
to say.... European payroll statistics.....

Then there will be no need to export anything - anywhere then
Alex the crap is really going to hit the fan not just for the U.S.
The euro and the society it props up will crumble
as well....

But, seeing you are smarter than me and had a lot of maths you already
must know this....

capt dom said:
Alex the crap is really going to hit the fan not just for the U.S.
The euro and the society it props up will crumble
as well....

But, seeing you are smarter than me and had a lot of maths you already
must know this....

I know my history, yes, and I can read between the lines. I am getting old, I only fear for my kids.

But, hey, I have to think positive. Maybe going back to owning a bit of land, raising some crops, stocking on antibiotics and buying a good shotgun.

Finally.... some common ground... Alex

Adversity is the better half of one's education and
the history books are mostly always written by the winners.

Our children deserve better and they need to be taught to believe
in themselves and their own initiative...

well will spain be honest or not? now that spain has the coins -- will it take its full measure of coins equal to the 24% of the royal money onboard --and return the balance to the legal heirs of those "pirvate persons" that according to the ships historical manifest records shipped 76% of the money on the vessel on a % of the total cargo basis .

or will spain simple "rob" them of what is legally theirs by the law of inheritance? by keeping everything for itself ...well the world is watching ..let see what happens .

I bet the legal hiers get "hosed" -- however if I could prove that I was related to one of the money movers that had funds on the vessel --you can bet I'd hire a lawyer.

"capt dom, do you know how large is the US debt?

at least, here in Portugal, if we get sick, we can get treated with our own taxpayers money, in a fine hospital - and pay only five dollars.

over there, if you have no medical insurance, you will die in the gutter like a dog.

anyhow, in a decade we will all be speaking chinese.."

Alexandre...you owe this forum an apology. You comment above is not unlike every other pompous a***hole from Europe I ever met.
Last week, there was a dog found in a gully dying of a bullet wound, bleeding. Fortunately he was found by a citizen who applied pressure and got him to a vet. The residents of San Diego were riveted to the nightly newscasts following the story, glad that the dog is alive and well. I cannot believe that you would infer that an American citizen would be left to "die in the gutter". Thru American generosity and sympathy, there is not a place in the world that has not been a beneficiary of American goodness, whether offered by private charities or the government. What has Spain done for anyone lately, except destroyed the peoples and wealth of countless countries in efforts based on pure greed...and it still goes on.

In the US, even the poorest will be pulled from the gutter, and your ignorance of the real greatness of the American psyche is disturbing, and not presented as a positive by our apologist-President, whom you probably admire.

I don't express my views often on T-net, but your comment was insulting, and shows your actual, and up till now, well-disguised contempt for the US, it's citizens, and it's greatness. Your ugly comment warrants an apology, but I'm not crossing my fingers. You seem to take pride in your own arrogance....but that is sooo European.

bobinsd said:
Alexandre...you owe this forum an apology. I don't express my views often on T-net, but your comment was insulting, and shows your actual, and up till now, well-disguised contempt for the US, it's citizens, and it's greatness. Your ugly comment warrants an apology, but I'm not crossing my fingers. You seem to take pride in your own arrogance....but that is sooo European.

Nothing personal, just stating the facts:







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Couldn't you tell that my tongue was firmly in my cheek?


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