Odyssey Marine Article...

You mention the Aztecs in your list of people who have the right to materials taken by Spain, but the Aztecs had done exactly what Spain did when they invaded and conquered Mexico a few centuries before Cortes arrived, and they treated the indigenous Mexicans far more cruelly than Spain treated them. The Aztecs carried out human sacrices by the thousands, ripping the heart out of their victims while they were still alive. Spanish accounts suggest that they sacriced as many as 60,000 people in this way in a single day.

This is why Cortes found it so easy to recruit as allies the Mexican nations that the Aztecs had subjugated and treated so badly. Thus the Aztecs by their cruelty contributed to their own downfall.

Please don't suggest that Montezuma and his people had any moral right to the treasures they accumulated as a result of their oppressive conquest of Mexico, and then castigate Spain for taking it off them.


You're right "but" the argument is based in the fact that people here in this forum are using that historic fact as " excuse" or" justification" to Spain doesn't claim the $500M over the Odyssey. The Aztec killed thousand and thousand of inocent people for theirs gods. Many of coins found in many spanish shipwreck were mint in Mexico with the Aztec's gold, that's why I said "if there is some parties that can claim for coins mint by Spaniard during colonial era are Aztect, it doesn't matter how many people they killed.


I've been quietly following this and listen to people go back and forth over who it belongs to. I figured that I would add my two cents.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the burdon of truth falls on the acuser. Therefore Spain Should have to prove that the Odyssey is lying. Now a ship in international waters that is abandoned belongs to the Salvor. But the problem is there is no ship. Wether the ship blew up and pieces floated away, or pieces sank in other locations doesn't really matter. The end result is the same. There is no ship wreck. How can anyone, or any country claim a pile of wealth on the bottom that they weren't even looking for. Hell if it is that easy, I will lay a claim to it as well.

People, while I agree that the evil's thrust upon the indians was horrible, it really dosn't matter. It was a different time and their actions were legal. What matters is here and now. Spain has know for hundreds of years that the gold was missing, and they have done nothing to lay claim or even look for any of it. They are nothing more than the greedy distant cousin that shows up when you win the lottery. We can sit here and argue about the legalities of the whole situation, but in the end it will be the courts that decide. Until they do, I think I might make a small investment in OMEX. Hell if they win this one their stocks should have a nice jump. LOL.

So here's the question -
I have a bunch of money invested in this stock..........
Am i out of luck on this or should I hold my position?
The stock has tanked
your thoughts would be greatly appreciated

Brady... I'd suggest holding at this time. The Odyssey Explorer has been working in the English Channel for the past month, and we might hear something in the next few weeks. This is one stock that needs patience. I also think Odyssey will come out with a win in the court battle with Spain.

You want to hold on to your stock at least one year so you don't have to pay capitol gains taxes.

Odyssey Marine Exploration Shipwreck Expeditions to Become World Premiere Series on Discovery Channel
Tuesday May 27, 8:00 am ET
Emmy(R) Award-Winning JWM Productions to Produce Prime Time 11-Part Series

TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (NASDAQ:OMEX - News), the world leader in deep ocean shipwreck exploration, has granted Primetime Emmy® Award-winning JWM Productions exclusive access to film Odyssey’s 2008 Atlas Search expeditions to produce a shipwreck exploration television series. Discovery Channel expects to premiere the 11-part High Definition (HD) series to worldwide audiences in 2009. Production is slated to begin immediately.

“We have the most experienced team of shipwreck explorers in the world manning our ships, and on a regular basis they make amazing discoveries in the deep ocean - things that have never before been seen by human eyes. We're proud of the exploration and archaeological work our team accomplishes in the challenging offshore environment, and for a long time we've been looking for the right format to share the excitement of our expeditions with viewers around the world,” stated Greg Stemm, Odyssey’s Chief Executive Officer. “JWM has a proven track record of producing smart, compelling television and Discovery Channel is the #1 media and television brand in overall quality for the eighth straight year. We're sure that Discovery's viewers will enjoy 'being there' during our shipwreck search and exploration expeditions,” Stemm continued.

“Odyssey is recovering not only treasures, but fascinating shipwreck stories from the bottom of the world’s oceans. And our job is to deliver these stories, discoveries and adventures to Discovery’s viewers in a way that brings them right into the action,” explained Jason Williams, President and Co-founder of JWM Productions. “We’re looking forward to an exciting season with unparalleled coverage of Odyssey’s operations.”

“This series will give our viewers a front row seat as Odyssey’s archaeological and forensics teams search for sunken treasures and unravel the mysteries of long-lost shipwrecks,” said John Ford, president and general manager of Discovery Channel. “This compelling 11-part series will show viewers the intense drama of underwater detective work and we are excited to have JWM creating this series for our audiences around the globe.”

In this immersive series, viewers will join the Odyssey Marine Exploration team as they brave high seas, heavy weather, political red tape and courtroom clashes to keep their research vessels and deep ocean equipment operational on the hunt for underwater archaeological sites and shipwrecks that each have unique stories to tell. Episodes will include forensic analysis with stunning computer graphics as well as experts in cutting-edge laboratories laboring to analyze and conserve fragile artifacts recovered from the watery depths. Each episode, viewers will be involved in solving dramatic maritime mysteries and treated to spectacular underwater HD video of shipwreck discoveries through the cameras of Odyssey’s Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), as well as the real life battle to keep the treasures they discover.

TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (NASDAQ:OMEX - News), the world leader in deep ocean shipwreck exploration, has granted Primetime Emmy® Award-winning JWM Productions exclusive access to film Odyssey’s 2008 Atlas Search expeditions to produce a shipwreck exploration television series. Discovery Channel expects to premiere the 11-part High Definition (HD) series to worldwide audiences in 2009. Production is slated to begin immediately.


I understand you love, devotion and spirit of defend that you feel for Odyssey posting about new television series in Discovery channel,but nothing going to change in court. HD,SD,24fps,30fps,60fps, Digital signal, 3CCD camera, Sony,Canon, Panasonic,tripod,lightings,mic. or whatever they use to video shoot, absolutely nothing going to change. The wise decision is to wait until the trial is over and the judge say who will own the 500M coins.



Ahhhh Amona, your hatred for Odyssey is well known. I find it curious that you are ALSO a treasure hunter (like Odyssey) and your motto is "do what you want." Anyway, that post by Jeff had nothing to do with coins. I will be looking forward to seeing the series and hearing of Odyssey's successful court case. In the meantime, scroll down and read the post about antiquities trade.

Ahhhh Amona, your hatred for Odyssey is well known. I find it curious that you are ALSO a treasure hunter (like Odyssey) and your motto is "do what you want." Anyway, that post by Jeff had nothing to do with coins. I will be looking forward to seeing the series and hearing of Odyssey's successful court case. In the meantime, scroll down and read the post about antiquities trade.

1. I don't hate anybody. About hate,there is many people in this country that hate anybody and anything that coming or have some relation with Spain and many of those people abound here in this forum.
2. Odyssey made mistake in "how" to.
3. Watch all you want, that I will "ALSO" hear Odyssey's trial case
4. Since 1998 I'd been scrolling down in this web site.
5. I never, ever will be like Odyssey as treasure hunter and if my motto is "Do whatever you want" I said that because a friend in mine,in my office,every morning tell me that sentence as a joke!
6. I understand very well that many people here support to Odyssey because they have stocks invested and that's very reasonable.

Have a good hunting and be original in you avatar ;D


Amona said:
About hate,there is many people in this country that hate anybody and anything that coming or have some relation with Spain and many of those people abound here in this forum.

Amona, once again you miss the point completely. Nobody hates everyone and everything about Spain, but most people with intelligence laugh at the absurd and predictable way Spain reacts to every undersea find. They lay claim to it EVERY time, often before they even know if it's Spanish. It happens without fail, and there is rarely any proof when the original complaint is filed, that is a simple and well documented historical FACT, look it up.

The rest of the world works a different way, we find PROOF, and then we make an accusation. Spain makes the accusation first, and then scurries around trying to find any shred of proof that might be available to support their claim. People with intelligence can see right through their actions. The fact remains that the only problem anyone here has with Spain is the backwards way they choose to operate in these matters. And yes, most of us here hope for them to loose because of these actions, not because we have any particular problem with Spain as a country or a people.

I'm guessing you don't like my avatar either? Sorry about that, but I happen to be associated with a very intelligent group of individuals who are doing some great things. I use our dive team logo as my avatar because I am proud to be a member of that group. I suspect that Spain will soon be suing us as well, because they feel that anything valuable found on the bottom of the ocean belongs to them until someone proves otherwise. :D

Your position on this is boring and ridiculous to me, don't be offended when I send you an "I told you so" email after the courts are done with this one and Odyssey walks with 80% or better. For the record, I don't own any Odyssey stock or have any affiliation with them. I just don't understand how you can miss the point about Spain's conduct, and why logical people hope for them to fail in every court case.


Scuba F.

I don't miss, I just see the reality that you and many of your partners don't want to see. Read this thread that Jeff posted and you tell me what is the relation of this thread with Odyssey own the coins? or why folks here make mention about what Spain did in the past, many centuries ago with the Odysse's trial?

Amona... Read this post, and then tell me the Spanish deserve one single coin.

Atrocities of the Spanish Conquistadors in the West Indies c. 1513

This account is from Bartolome de Las Casas. He was a missionary and conquistador. He took part in the conquest of Cuba. These accounts happened after this and one has to believe he was very troubled by what he witnessed. There is no doubt about it; the Spanish were cruel in the conquest for gold and land. Events like these listed below did nothing to help relations between the vastly different cultures. Instead it was a major reason why the Taino and Arawak peoples became extinct.

The Spaniards with their horses, their spears and lances, began to commit murders and other strange cruelties. They entered into towns and villages, sparing neither children nor old men and women. They ripped their bellies and cut them to pieces as if they had been slaughtering lambs in a field. They made bets with each other over who could thrust a sword into the middle of a man or who could cut off his head with one stroke. They took little ones by their heels and crushed their heads against the cliffs. Others they threw into the rivers laughing and mocking them as they tumbled into the water. They put everyone they met to the edge of the sword.

One time I saw four or five important native nobles roasted and broiled upon makeshift grills. The cried out pitifully. This thing troubled our Captain that he could not sleep. He commanded that they be strangled. The Sergeant (I know him and his friends from Seville) would not strangle them but put bullets into their mouths instead.

I have seen all these things and others infinite. Most tried to flee. They tried to hide in the mountains. They tried to flee from these men. Men who were empty of all pity, behaving like savage beasts. They are nothing more than slaughterers and enemies of mankind. These evil men had even taught their hounds, fierce dogs, to tear natives to pieces at first sight.

AND, when, although rare, the Indians put to death some Spaniards upon good right and law of justice; the Spaniards made an agreement that for every one Spaniard killed they had to slay one hundred Indians.

One time the Indians came to meet us and receive us with food and good cheer! Instead, the devil, which had put himself in the Spaniards, put them all to the edge of the sword in my presence, without any cause whatsoever, more than three thousand souls. I saw there such great cruelties, that never any man living either have or shall see the like.

In three or four months (myself being present) there died more than six thousand children, which the Spanish had sent into the Gold mines

Your position on this is boring and ridiculous to me, don't be offended when I send you an "I told you so" email after the courts are done with this one and Odyssey walks with 80% or better

If that would happen, you don't have to send me any E-mail because I'm paying attention of everything what happen in Tampa court. If Odyssey win, I would say in this country the law is over the justice, if the loss, Spain demostrated that American underwater wreck search company don't own the seawater.You can send all E-mail you want, but I don't bother myself reading stupid mails from you and others like you that I know.

why logical people hope for them to fail in every court case


And yes, most of us here hope for them to loose because of these actions, not because we have any particular problem with Spain as a country or a people.

Read what Jeff wrote and that's simple signal of what I said.

Anyway, that post by Jeff had nothing to do with coins

and then,..what is the main subject of this topic?????????????????? that's is boring and ridiculous like you said

Your position on this is boring and ridiculous to me

I'm sorry but I don't try to make you comfortable with my post, I just post my comment because "WE THE PEOPLE" are living in a democratic system


Odyssey Marine Exploration Files Admiralty Arrests on Two Shipwreck Sites
Thursday May 29, 1:00 pm ET

TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (Nasdaq:OMEX - News), the world leader in the field of deep-ocean shipwreck exploration, today filed Admiralty Arrest Complaints in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida on two separate shipwreck sites recently discovered by the Company.

Both sites lie within the general area of the English Channel but are outside the territorial waters or contiguous zone of any sovereign nation. The sites both contain cannon and other artifacts which are believed to date from the Colonial period. Odyssey has conducted preliminary surveys but has not yet been able to confirm the identity of either site. The Company’s archaeological and conservation teams are currently developing archaeological excavation and conservation plans for both sites.

As with other shipwreck sites that the Company discovers, if either site can be identified, any potential claimants will be notified through appropriate private or public notices.

Odyssey’s core business is shipwreck exploration and archaeological excavation, so filing arrests on shipwreck sites to protect the Company’s legal interests occurs in the normal course of business. For security reasons, no additional information about these sites is being released at this time.

:icon_sunny:Just through I'd join in,I'm still waiting for Greg Stem to say how he will give the profits from the sale of the spanish coins to the people of Peru and Mexico
and only take out the cost of finding it. What do you think? Yea Right ! Or maybe as share holders you should give some of your Profits to the people of Peru and Mexico,
Just as long as those Bad ass Spaniards don't get it back, maybe if Odyssey win they should remove the Spanish coat of arms and the Spanish King from the coins,
and stamp them Odyssey Pirate Treasure?
Funny thing that , they have the Spanish coat of Arms and king on the coins that we all love so much, I prefer the cobs myself.
My last comment , Its good to see people like Amona can say what they feel

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