
I posted this in the wrong place...
This question is a lot bigger than whether or not Odyssey is getting screwed or not....
After being in the biz.... for some time they know exactly what is going on and are not stupid.
If you follow the stock swings and blocks of stock sold - and options flipped, you will see the
principals are not exactly suffering too much over the extended protraction - while these issues
are being pondered....
The genuine issue we should all be concerned with is are their attorneys making the best case
they can make or are they too just along for the ride.... I agree with the above posting and
have some faith that in the end - the smoke may br finally blown away... by our Judicial System.
From a cultural resource issue - or even a "war grave" issue the bottom line here is that there
really isn't anything left of most of these shipwrecks to actually study - from an archeological stand point.
It is all "smoke and mirrors". The ship blew up.... Its gone.... The crabs carried off most
of the bones that may have made it to the bottom. Various other marine creatures and birds, that
have long since gone ate everyone else - if they didn't just dissolve from floating about as
bloated corpses.
Both sides are guilty of playing an archeological card that is empty handed. These projects are
anthropological events. The public interest they generate are their real treasure. more money
is going to be made in the peaks and valleys of OMEX stock than ever will be made in the marketing
of 500,000 coins that pretty much all look alike.
It is just a down right shame projects like this end up serving other agendas - especially of the
true 21st century pirates - Goules that are called attorneys - and even worse - public employees who
don't really give a crap about serving the public trust....