Why Does One…Always Jump…To The Wrong Conclusions?
It is my opinion that these
Box Drains found at Smiths Cove…Were never intended for…
Flooding the Money Pit Shaft…But for…
Draining the Money Pit Shaft!
I believe that the Jesuit’s used their Scientific Designs and helped the Freemasons with their joint building on Oak Island.
These Box Drains were used to drain the Money Pit Shaft, if it was compromised and flooded.
Previous Searchers have tried all sorts of methods to
“Close” off these Drains, when they should have been trying to
“Open” these Box Drains.
Jesuits have shown previous designs to flood and secure their Treasures within a Shaft, and designs to easily release this flood with the use of another Tunnel.
This easy release is the purpose of theses Oak Island Box Drains.
These Box Drains are lower than the water table as shown in pictures.
The Log Structures were used as a Breaker for the releasing water and the Large Stone Boulder was used as a Marker at Low Tide.
The Depositors at low tide would clear out this area, using the deposits to channel the water away from these Box Drains.
The suction would then drain the Shaft, much like Siphoning Gas out of a Vehicle.
Once the water receded below where the Depositors had their Treasure Vault Tunnel, they would be safe to enter.
The Flood Water would continuously loop from Flooding to Draining until they stopped the flow from these
Drain Boxes Once More.