Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

The report goes on and I quote:

"The coconut fibre, if verified as we believe it will be, may have reached Oak island through four primary pathways:

i: Planted on the island by previous searchers
ii:natural transport by gulf stream and inshore currents
iii: dunnage discharge at Oak Island by a previous ship
iv: brought and used by ancient voyagers for flood tunnel purposes

One problem with a couple of these possible pathways is that it did not exist anywhere in the Atlantic Basin during the periods determined by the dating, that would include the Caribbean and the Mediterranean except for the far Eastern end through trade with India. Coconut was first introduced to the Atlantic by the Portuguese in 1500.

Cheers, loki

One problem with a couple of these possible pathways is that it did not exist anywhere in the Atlantic Basin during the periods determined by the dating, that would include the Caribbean and the Mediterranean except for the far Eastern end through trade with India. Coconut was first introduced to the Atlantic by the Portuguese in 1500.

Cheers, loki

I thought that would tantalize some here :)

You can read the report here(page 39 for fibers):


You have said several times that you admire my position in this debate. Now you accuse me of having a faulty memory ...

I do not retract the compliment. And "subconscious memory bias" is an accusation I lay at the feet of BOTH sides. As you see that I did in post # 1775. For example : I (as a skeptic) am going to be prone to have a "faulty memory" if some component of the story doesn't favor my notions. Ie.: selective memory bias.

And that is why, if I am guilty of that, I appreciate it if the proponent draws me back to "face the music". And I would hope that each of us then, would have the same "measuring stick" to evaluate said data.

you know what I'd like to see ?

No one cares what I'd like to see , right ?

Well here , I'd like to see just one single freaking artifact from Oak Island that is Genuine KT .

I mean ,, jebus people

I have shared a lot of Genuine KT and Phoenician artifacts found here in New Mexico

Have a Tanit ,,,,, and it didn't take me Five Years to uncover it , nor tons of digging ,

I mean , I can Produce Man , I've taken a Crap Bigger then the Pile of actual KT artifacts on Oak Island

Have a REAL Tanit from a KT site in New Mexico

Two Cultures 009.webp

Now have a Tanit from Byblos

note the Triangles and other glyphs on the Stele

pfft ,,,
Hoax Island

D'Arcy , Zena and the Laginas ,,, boy that " Hippie " Guy sure could write Creatively .

anybody use that Sacred Geometry to find the Tunnels ?

Nope , didn't work did it ?

Know why ?

Cause I made all that crap up .

I think the Laginas are figuring that out , well ,,, I never Told either one of them , that my writing back then was True .

But Man , thats a lot of digging ,,


Now have a Tanit from Byblos

note the Triangles and other glyphs on the Stele

pfft ,,,
Hoax Island

D'Arcy , Zena and the Laginas ,,, boy that " Hippie " Guy sure could write Creatively .

anybody use that Sacred Geometry to find the Tunnels ?

Nope , didn't work did it ?

Know why ?

Cause I made all that crap up .

I think the Laginas are figuring that out , well ,,, I never Told either one of them , that my writing back then was True .

But Man , thats a lot of digging ,,

View attachment 1680967

Would you like for me to post more KT Artifacts from New Mexico ?

KT on Oak Island ?

um ,,,,


well ,, alrighty then LOL

didn't happen Folks .

New Mexico and Arizona ?

well , I can Prove that ,,,

Oak Island ?

Nope , can't prove that one Man .

Zena the ,, ahem ,, cough ,,, " Historian " states a Lead Cross is Tanit ??????

Pffft ,,,

That thing may be something , but it's not Tanit , not even close

stooopeeed Oak Island Cross.webp

Ever seen the KT Beausant inscribed on Stone ?

On Oak Island ?

Nope ,

here in New Mexico ?


Here it is
the Interlocking Golden Spirals to denote Power .

Have a Gawk
True KT Artifact as Inscribed by them in the 1240's

Ophir Glyphs 001.webp

Want More ?

here , ,,,

ah never mind Man

I think it's clear that the KT on Oak Island is a Joke Man .

Laginas ,, wrap it up , Production over ,,, save yourselves the Angst any further Man .

I have read the 1995 report(twice) and I saw nothing about "sink holes".

That's why I said "corroborated." The Woods Hole investigation produced very strong supporting evidence of natural causes for what has been experienced on OI.

There has otherwise been an astonishing lack of real scientific inquiry into OI geology. I wonder what would happen if a 100-ft deep hole were dug on any nearby island. Would it flood? Do other nearby islands have similar deposits of "coconut husks?" I suspect these will never get answered as the people who should want these answers in fact would rather not have them. I don't think I ever heard for certain, but the Woods Hole investigation was likely commissioned by an OI investor who was smart enough to ask for it, and it probably resulted in his withdrawal from the Triton effort.

Of course, other holes have been dug on OI, and they all flooded. Showing that either the flooding is the result of normal geological features, or the flood tunnel system was far more elaborate than first imagined and accounted for the expectation that, after people tried to dig the original hole cleverly marked with a block-and-tackle, they would proceed to dig other nearby holes, so the flood tunnels were routed all around the area to thwart all these additional efforts. In the eyes of William of Occam, which of these would be more likely?

Oh about that.

I have read the 1995 report(twice) and I saw nothing about "sink holes". You can read the report for yourself but their summary says it best:

Read page three again and look up what "solution features" are in geological terms. "Sink holes" are the layman's term for "solution features".


PS - thanks for the link.

And then they wonder why Pope Clement V got fed up with them. ;-)

With the “supposed” ground collapsing over the current hole, the producers now have plausible deniability to have the brothers state, “now that we found the templar/bacon/shakespheare/aztec/ whatever treasure, we are unable to retrieve it. It was so obvious that a tactic like this was on the horizon.

Coupled with the guy stating that the entry to the hoax treasure vault is actually out to sea, maybe they will find the sub-sea entrance and a tunnel leading to the civil war gold they were looking for...

.... maybe they will find the sub-sea entrance and a tunnel leading to the civil war gold they were looking for...

Durned them knights templars & masons anyhow ! For making it so difficult by burying their treasures in submarine tunnels :icon_scratch:

I suspect the treasure is smaller than everyone thinks. It may occupy a much smaller space than people believe. Look at it this way. Given that the annual salary might have been 1 buck in the 1400s how big would the treasure have to be. I once dug about $32 up in the sand at a bar on the beah and it was only 1/2 a cup of coins. Just how much gold would it take to measure 1 million in the 1400s. One small chest perhaps. Coins don't take up much space. People see a room filled with gold in their imagination and expect it at Oak Island. This could account for a lot of the trouble they have locating said chest! It may be one small chest.

I once talked to an author on the internet who was writing a book on the Missing Confederate treasury. He was claiming some man rode off with the treasury using two horses to pack the gold and silver coins. So I did a simple calculation on what the total value of the treasury would weigh in gold coins at the time. It was about 2600 pounds. Those were two strong horses let me tell you. Suddenly the story morphed into the man rented two wagons with horse teams and then rode off. And that was using only gold coins in my estimate and did not include additional paper money he said was extra nor silver. So I never bought the book.

Gold coins and silver coins are very heavy but do not take up much space. Keep looking???

Hint: Look at the bottom of the trash pile underground.

Look in the mud in the bottom of any openings you find underground. Gold SINKS. In mud and sand!!


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I suspect the treasure is smaller than everyone thinks. It may occupy a much smaller space than people beieve. Look at it this way. A roll of dimes is forty dollars. Given that the annual salary might have been 1 buck in the 1400s how big would the treasure have to be. I once dug about $43 up in sand at bar and it was only 1/2 a cup of coins. Just how much gold would it take to measure 1 million in the 1400s. One small chest perhaps. Coins don't take up much space. People see a room filled with gold in their imagination and expect it at Oak Island. This could account for a lot of the trouble they have locating said chest! It may be one small chest.

I once talked to an author on the internet who was writing a book on the Missing Confederate treasury. He was claiming some man rode off with the treasury using two horses to pack the gold and silver coins. So I did a simple calculation on what the total value of the treasury would weigh in gold coins at the time. It was about 4300 pounds. Those were two strong horses let me tell you. Suddenly the story morphed into the man rented two wagons with horse teams and then rode off. And that was using only gold coins in my estimate and did not include additional paper money he said was extra nor silver. So I never bought the book.

Gold coins and silver coins are very heavy but do not take up much space. Keep looking???

Hint: Look at the bottom of the trash pile underground.

Look in the mud in the bottom of any openings you find underground. Gold SINKS. In mud and sand!!


I always thought a roll of dimes was five dollars? As for the Confederate Treasury that depends on the general shipment of contraband by the President's Party or the entire Confederate Treasury as a whole. There is a difference. James Semple and assistant Navy Paymaster Tidball made off with the last of the Confederate Treasury at Washington, Georgia and it weighed about 200 pounds of gold coins and gold bars.

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