The Bank of Oak Island
I thought I was following all that, but now I'm confused. If the treasure was / is still buried on Oak Island, what did they "launder" through the banks? Did they have two treasures?
I could introduce you to a lot of people who don't believe that a debt must be repaid.
The treasure deposited into the Depository Bank on Oak Island was immense and was the cumulative wealth from the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and Jesuits, all passed down to the 18[SUP]th[/SUP] Century Freemasons.
This wealth came from the plunder of the Middle East, the embezzlement of the Catholic Church, the robbing of Old World Crowns, and the pirating of Military Conquests up to and including the Sacking of Havana in 1762.
After the American Revolution and England’s retreat in 1783, the Freemasons arranged for this treasure to be removed by their Grand Master George Washington, Grand Master Benjamin Franklin, and numerous Founding Father Freemasons.
I believe it was removed to Philadelphia and deposited into the newly created (1782) Private... Bank of North America.
In 1776, the Illuminati anticipating the need to launder this wealth, started the creation of numerous private banks around the World.
The Illuminati realized that Private Banks were not loyal to any Country or Government and this would allow them to profit from the arranging and funding for any Country’s acts of war and then allow these Banksters to arrange and fund the necessary loans to rebuild any Country after any war’s destruction.
These Private Banks have funded America, starting with their rebuilding after the War of Independence and the building of cities such as Washington DC in 1790.
Today, the debt owed by the United States is close to 21 Trillion dollars (that is 21 followed by 000,000,000,000 Zeros).
This year, it’s anticipated that the government (in order to make ends meet) will approach these Private Banks to request an additional 2 Trillion dollars, pledging the collateral of the country’s resources and further encumbering its citizens to financial servitude.
My Question to you Frank…Is?... What do you think the response would be to America’s Loan Application, the consequences to your Nation, Citizens and You?…If the Illuminati heard that there are American
“people who don’t believe that a debt must be repaid”!
My "theory" is that although the financial treasure was removed from the Freemason's Treasure Vault...the Tomb for Sir Francis Bacon containing priceless artifacts...Still Remains!