Having Posted on Threads for Several Years!
Since they were formed in 1717 they have been known as "Masons" or "Freemasons".
Stonemasons (who built cathedrals) were a different group. Freemasons were a bunch of social effete who wanted a club.
The "Illuminati" came later: 1776 in Bavaria.
I had hoped someone would have asked me this
What is the difference between the Freemason Organization and the Illuminati Organization?
Although it could take several volumes to explain, I will try through my belief to show their major difference and how
“Oak Island” played a key pivotal role in History.
The Freemason’s philosophical belief is in a Grand Architect of the Universe (G) whose design for Mankind is through their own free will to choose to join a New World Order that would enable Rights and Freedoms for all.
The Freemasons proceeded from the Depository of Treasure on Oak Island to build a New World in America and promote it as a Beacon for Truth and Justice.
It has been said that Money can be both a Blessing and a Curse and the Treasure from Oak Island was no exception to this rule.
When the Freemasons laundered their massive amount of treasure through the privately owned banks of America and Europe, a new Sphinx arose out of the ashes.
In 1776 a new corrupt organization came forth out of the power gained from the wealth handed them.
This group of individuals became known as the
Today these select individuals through their privately controlled banks are owed the debt of almost all the countries and citizens in the World.
It has been said that a Favor or a Debt must one day be repaid.
That day is fast approaching as their calendar shows 2018 as Collection Day!
The Illuminati’s philosophical belief is that “They” are the Grand Architect of the Universe (G) whose design for Mankind is to be forced to join a New World Order under financial servitude.
Pray…That the Right… Force…Prevails!