Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

I essentially agree with you gjb. the entry is at another location near by, how far? Turn to your star map for that answer, or go over the nearby ground carefully looking for a out off place marker. OR ?? :coffee2::coffee2:.

Hi. Good question! I've replied in a new thread. :coffee2:

Something to think about. How did they "spring" the trap for the flood tunnel? They did not realize anything any different till they returned the next morning to find the hole with water in it.. So where/how above the "trap" did they set it off but not know it and the water came in slowly over night?

Something to think about. How did they "spring" the trap for the flood tunnel? They did not realize anything any different till they returned the next morning to find the hole with water in it.. So where/how above the "trap" did they set it off but not know it and the water came in slowly over night?

I'd assume there was a blockage somewhere in the flood system. The water had maybe actually reached the Money Pit but had no real pressure behind it, and there was sufficient resistance from the 'plug' to hold it. However, when this was removed, there was no back pressure to resist the two atmospheres then operating on the blockage. The flow through the barrier would gradually increase and eventually create a channel that would ultimately burst. Anyway, nobody was present to say whether the water just seeped, or gushed.

Edit: As an afterthought, might this not imply that there was a single flood tunnel leading into the Money Pit, because were there more than one then all would have to have been blocked. This is not impossible, but the simpler hypothesis is that there was only one flood tunnel leading into the Pit, though there could have been more than one water source behind the blockage (except that more than one tunnel could have fed into the bottom of the Money Pit, which was silted up.)

If there was only one flood tunnel then, as it is believed there were two tunnels into the Money Pit, one was presumably intended to carry water to a higher level. Why? Presumably, to protect a deposit somewhere other than the Money Pit.

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Once a Researcher, always more to learn.

Theories of Time and Place of Buried Treasure
How to develop a probable theory
By Crystal Cabot

1) Who most likely put it there, ease of access to traveling military; Opportunity of later explorers to use convenient, already excavated sites.
2) Earth and climatic influences changing indigenous plants, wildlife, water levels.
3) History of earth quakes, tornados, and hurricanes changing surrounding landscape.
4) Look for ‘Out of place’ trees, obviously planted by man. Count the rings, it will give you the date they were planted.
STEP BACK in a time machine, after this data is entered, and create the natural landscape closest to what theoretically it would have been. Put yourself in the explorers’ shoes. You are tired and weary, you will die for your country, this treasure, and your leaders, who have commissioned you. Your supplies are running short, with no fresh fruits and vegetables. Your men are getting scurvy, and slowly dying, there is not time to build additional tunnels on the mainland; hunger and the elements of an angry north eastern winter are setting in.
Of particular interest at this time (to me) is Oak Island, Nova Scotia.
Theory: Original tunnels here were built for mining of iron pirate by the ancient Phoenicians, who thought it was gold.
Left unchecked and un-noticed for centuries, later tunnels were discovered by explorers’ with probable military backing, who knew the tunnels were there by possession of ancient maps and charts. The explorers, who obviously arrived much earlier than Columbus; found the tunnels convenient to stash armor and valuable treasure. In the Iron Age armor was more valuable to them than coin. During times of war, weaponry is valued far more than any natural resource. This is still true today, unfortunately. Man fights over natural resources, while destroying them at the same time. This is another discussion, for another day, however.
Follow the instructions of the buriers. If they tell you to pack tunnels with corn to block the flow of the ocean, then do it! They were not stupid, and survival was there game. Unfortunately, in the case of Oak Island, Someone went psychotic and bull dozed the hell out of it, probably smashing tunnels and destroying most evidence. I’m sure the original buriers did not anticipate their treasure to be there for centuries, let alone a ‘mad’ bull dozer to smash and destroy all clues. This does significantly change the methodology of operations, but does not mean that the Treasure can’t still be obtained. With today’s modern satellite technology, and Earth ‘recreation’ software, combined with knowledge of ancient travelers, several logical theories can be developed.
Mother Nature has pushed ocean levels up significantly since the time of the Phoenicians, so go back to their time for your first recreation. Next, create a time chart, fill in with probable warring travelers funded by their royal bosses. Remember, warriors and explorers were one and the same, funded by military, and governments, much as today.
Research all ancient wars up through medieval times. Track all probable funding by countries for explorers, known and less known to the Americas. There is probably more than one treasure, and many have traveled to the location over the centuries.
Of special interest to me is Knights Templar treasure. At the time of the Knights Templar destruction, it is possible that a few designated, high ranking officials within the Templar quickly moved armor and banking treasure from Scotland, preventing it from being found by the Catholic Church. This original treasure is said to have findings from King Solomon’s Temple, obtained in the Crusades. It was moved to this location (Oak Island, Nova Scotia) which was known only to the highest ranking, elite military. This was hastily moved to prevent the Catholic Church, then a government in itself, from obtaining it. The last of the Templar warriors were being tortured and forced into possible betrayal.
God be with their souls, as the Templar will rise once again.

Hola gjb, I am glad that you mentined the pressure factor - basis of one of the navigational ( well asisting in marine sailing, ) the common baraometer. You rate a cupe coffee for that :coffee2: :coffee2: Mind if I join you? I am a coffee hound

rrystal Cabot, I agree with you essentially, there are a few points we could argue about, but it would not detract fromthe post. Good thinking. As with ghjb, ye earned a free cuppa coffee, with me joining you of course. :coffee2::coffee2::laughing7:

Legend tells that when [the pirate Olivier Levasseur] stood on the scaffold he had a necklace around his neck, containing a cryptogram of 17 lines, and threw this in the crowd while exclaiming: "Find my treasure, the one who may understand it!"

View attachment 1305870

The cryptogram attributed to Levasseur seems first to have appeared in 1934, as reported by Charles de la Roncière, and is not necessarily what the pirate reputedly threw to the crowd, “Pour celui qui la découvrira.”

It’s superficially incomprehensible, but does seem to indicate that a man and a woman, and maybe a horse, are of some significance, and such designs were cut into the rock at Bel Ombre beach - hence the association. For the pointers to this, consult the plaintext.

My own take on a possible entry into the cryptogram suggests a systematic restructuring, which is presented at The Levasseur Cryptogram: Reformatting Considerations.

Roncière does not state the name of the island, but gives the game away on the penultimate page of his book by writing, “je vous convie a une promenade dans la belle ombre d’un beau vallon ...” The italicised texts indicate locations on Mahé.

Does the “Gold” of Oak Island…Weigh Heavy... On Ones Mind?

Many people (threw Hollywood) envision Pirates carrying their Gold in pouches and bags.

Many of these same people would not know the answer to:

How much would 1 cubic foot (12”x12”x12”) of Gold weigh?

Gold cubic foot.webp

The answer would be: over 1200 lbs.

Gold is one of the heaviest metals on earth calculated at .70 lbs per cubic inch.

When one complements you with:

“You are Worth Your Weight in Gold”

Take it to mean…a cube of just over 6 inches, with a today’s value over 4 Million Dollars!

To picture 2 Pirates carrying a Treasure Chest (4’ x 3’ x3’) full of Gold, would be a grave mistake.

Gold Chest.webp

This weight would be over 4300 lbs…More than the weight of the average car!

If the Decipher Stone was translated correct to mean 2 Million lbs "weight"of Gold buried below, then these questions could be asked:

How much space would be required and how large of a Treasure Vault would be needed?

Answer: 12 cubic feet

The saying..“Pull Your Own Weight”!..could have meant a long process and workload!

How many trips would be needed for the average Cornish Miner to pull his weight in Gold from the Money Pit Shaft up to the Treasure Vault?

Answer: more than 13,000 trips

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Size of the vault needed is within reason to build. I don't see a couple of ships carrying that much gold along with their other needed items as well, let alone carrying that much weight from ship to money pit and then down and thru a shaft of some sort.. Not saying it couldn't be done but a much bigger task then I thought.. I could see if it said the treasure was valued at 2 million dollars below but stiil goes back to why tell someone that. Most will say to get them to keep digging and hit the water trap but they would either already be going to keep digging or give up, either way they don't find the treasure so no reason for the stone.

n2, unless it was the marker stone for the alternate shaft, although I would rather exect a marker for that purpose would be inconspicous and something more permanent., with no reference to it's position as to a treasure.

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I could see if it said the treasure was valued at 2 million dollars below but stiil goes back to why tell someone that. Most will say to get them to keep digging and hit the water trap but they would either already be going to keep digging or give up, either way they don't find the treasure so no reason for the stone.

Let’s not forget we don’t know what the stone actually said - there are two depths reported - we don’t know if it held a script that nobody could break so they created one that was easy to solve. It’s said it was beaten clean, but it could have been plain all along.

We don’t have it, so it’s really no use to us. Some people here don’t like me saying ‘assuming’, but assuming the stone did have cipher text on it why couldn’t it have come from somewhere else on the island? It could have come from the Cave-In Pit, but they nuked that way below the base. It could originally have been placed above a treasure somewhere else on the island, but it was considered too risky to leave there to be found accidentally.

If you want to deposit a huge volume of treasure and retrieve it afterwards, surely you don’t put it at the bottom of a shaft 150 feet deep and thirteen feet wide, and fill it with water. As I’ve suggested before in this thread, you could deposit it through a tunnel - wide, high and tracked - having an entrance such as in the swamp, and recover it in the same way, while everyone else is trying to figure out what the Money Pit is all about and what the stone in it actually said, and why.

I see how it could have been a ruse to get or keep investors handing over money to fund searches. Hard to believe that it some how got lost.. Be nice to know what the original 3 actually found in there little treasures boxes they supposedly found. Granted I'm not 100% sold on that in that it sounds odd that there were 3 guys digging and they found 3 boxes for them to each get one!! but that is how I remember hearing about Oak Island as a kid in that there were some small treasures found as they dug down..Nothing I remember was said about how much or many items were found along the way though.. Surely the Lagina's have tried to talk to the other 2 friends relatives to see what they may have been told over the years about Oak Island. We all know their story could not be held as gospel at this point in time but just to see if they all kind of jive in unison.. Also has anyone ever talked to the relatives of the black man that lived on the Island who ended up buying quite a few lots and supposedly paid for goods in town with gold coins...

O Star of Wonder, Star of Night… Guide us to thy Perfect Light!

One of the first recorded occurrences of a Celestial Star used as a Terrestrial Marker was in the Bible when the Wise Men were guided by the Star of Bethlehem to locate the Treasure, hidden in a Stable.

Three Wise Men.webp

More than 1500 years later, when Sir Francis Bacon translated the Bible into the King James Version, he derived his plan to use Eternal Celestial Stars and Constellations as Permanent Terrestrial Markers.

Bacon passed down this plan of a Celestial Map to his friends the Freemasons in order to hide the Treasures of Oak Island.


Freemason's Celestial Map with Tunnels 2.webp

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One of the first recorded occurrences of a Celestial Star used as a Terrestrial Marker was in the Bible when the Wise Men were guided by the Star of Bethlehem to locate the Treasure, hidden in a Stable.

Following a star’s a bit tricky. You have to beat them till the damned things stay still!

I’ve used the idea of a star map twice in my writings. The first was with respect to the prehistoric Nebra Disc, found in Germany, possibly dating to 1600 BC, or likely before.

Nebra 1.webp

I postulated that this could be a depiction of the southern sky at about midnight in Germany at the time of the autumn equinox from about 2000 BC. This doesn’t point to a place, but it may point to a time of year. I thought it might be of passing interest to you because it’s exactly the same time of year you chose for your star map, but a different patch of sky!


The boat figure at the bottom of the disc probably wouldn’t be part of Eridanus, but may be the circumpolar Corona Borealis, possibly symbolic of a prehistoric argonautica At this time, I reckon this would be sitting near ‘upright’ just above the northern horizon. The stars depicted would be essentially those clearly visible to the naked eye, though the Pleiades can be a bit tricky in this respect!

Nebra 3.webp

If you ever use this in your writings please do an aspiring author :laughing7: a huge favour, and quote the source When the Stones Talk Back. You can find the details here. :thumbsup:

The other occasion I reckoned a star map might be pertinent is with respect to the Juan Fernandez Treasure, also referred to as Lord Anson’s Treasure (see El Tesoro de Lord Anson, by Anthony Westcott,) with so-called links to Shugborough Hall and its mysterious monument. This is vaguely linked to the Treasure of Guayacán (See El Tesoro de los Piratas, by Richard Latcham.)

In this particular quest, there’s a potential link to Dschubba (Delta Scopii). I cover this in my book In Search of Skeleton Island, Details can also be found here. The reported reference in the 'treasure document' is a bit vague, and I couldn't really figure out how to use it. I thought maybe a corresponding earthly latitude and longitude. However, you don’t need to consult my book on this as there’s now plenty of coverage on the internet. Just Google it.

Will The Oak Island’s “Treasure Map” be revealed next week for all to see?


Unlike a Fortune Teller’s Prediction the Freemason’s Celestial Map “Will Appear" over Oak Island, next week, as it has for hundreds of years.

Their selected stars can be viewed reflecting down to the Freemason’s Terrestrial Stone Locators.

Each Stone Locator pointing the locations to the entrances of the “Treasure Vault” and "Sir Francis Bacon’s Tomb".

Freemason's Celestial Map with Tunnels 2.webp

This “Fall Equinox” (September 22[SUP]nd[/SUP], 2016, 12 o’clock, Midnight) those in Nova Scotia should be treated to a clear night and able to look up to the marvel that was used by these Freemasons to hide The Secret of Oak Island.

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"Happy Birthday"...Oak Island Money Pit!

September 22nd, 1762

254 Years Old...And Still Going Strong!


  • Oak Island - Happy Birthdday.gif
    Oak Island - Happy Birthdday.gif
    1.3 MB · Views: 446
The Untold Story of Capt’n Kidd and The Treasure of Oak Island.

Captain William Kidd.webp

Although I am not a big fan in the belief that the Treasure of Oak Island is that of a “Pirate”, with a discovered 17th Century Map… this may change!

This Map is stated to be authentic.

Oak Island - 17th Century Map.webp
Freemasons and Pirates were noted to create Maps referred to as a “Turtle Map”.

A Map created "Upside Down", like a Turtle on its back which needs to be “Flipped Over”.

The reason they would do this is that they could perceive the reference points on their map, but any inquisitive eyes would see unrecognizable information.

With the Help of Forum Member "sasquash"!

This Map when viewed and rotated shows a very strong likeness to “Oak Island”.


Some of the writings show references that could only be that of Capt’n Kidd.

Date: 1699…one year prior to the hanging of William Kidd.

Vessel inscribed…Adventure Prize…Was the Moorish Treasure ship Quedagh Merchant captured by Kidd…and when his ship the Adventure Galley sank, he renamed her "Adventure Prize" and used her to transfer the balance of his treasure home.


Home was New York where he had a Mansion, Wife, Bankers, and Business Partners, which he had previously set up to share in his endeavors.

His problem with returning home began with the rumors of his pirating reaching the British Crown and its effort directed to the Governor of New York to clamp down on William Kidd.

Kidd left his treasure on Oak Island hoping to find time to smooth his situation over, but his Business Partners turned on him accordingly.

He was tricked into turning himself in and was shipped to London to await trial.

Here is where things become illogical.

Why was Kidd kept in a cell for one year prior to his hanging?

Most pirates were disposed of rather quickly.

Could it have been that a secret group within the Royal Navy was torturing Kidd to reveal the wherebouts of his treasure?

Kidd would have tried to delay his execution in hopes that he could prove his position and give time for his political support to come to his aid.

What if?...The Oak Island Money Pit was not Created to Hide his treasure…but was dug to Find his treasure!

Kidd could have given false information with a slight deviation to where his treasure was actually buried.

When the Navy dug the Money Pit Shaft and hit water they marked the depth with a stone and filled the shaft back up, returning to England to question Kidd further.

Unfortunately, Kidd’s execution was carried out by the Crown.

As this Map shows, could Capt’n Kidd’s Treasure still be on Oak Island, only a short distance North West of where they originally dug “The Oak Island Money Pit”?

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