Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

Don't you find it amazing that all this evidence and proof like the 90 foot stone, the HO boulder, Muir's original copies of copies, and everything else called as proof, becomes lost, or is destroyed before any real legitimate professionals can examine and verify for validity?

In today’s Facebook driven (read wasted productive time) society it’s easy to understand how someone could read fictional stories about hoaxes such as oak island, etc. and actually believe them.

When I first read the readers digest account many years ago I too thought something could have been there.

With all of the empirical evidence today proving nothing was ever there, it is simple for someone to perform some quick research on the internet and see it was all just fictional stories along with carnival types fleecing money from investors...

Don't you find it amazing that all this evidence and proof like the 90 foot stone, the HO boulder, Muir's original copies of copies, and everything else called as proof, becomes lost, or is destroyed before any real legitimate professionals can examine and verify for validity?

Would seem that some find it convenient.....

Sounds like it came from the same place as the 90 foot stone......faked then lost....

The HO stone was blown up sometime before it was found Gilbert Hedden in the 1930's.

If the whole thing is a hoax, how do so many people perpetuate the hoax for multiple generations?

The HO stone was blown up sometime before it was found Gilbert Hedden in the 1930's.

If the whole thing is a hoax, how do so many people perpetuate the hoax for multiple generations?
Perhaps by believing any explanation which fits or supports the narrative, without ever looking or evaluating it critically.
look up Rathergate, or Dan Rather scandal 2004, as an example

Hmmm no one "liked" my posts. heh heh heh

Well it is what it is.

A spotlight was shed onto the unfairness of finds in the U.S. in a big way... to me... this is WHY redemption of the brothers is in my vocab here.

And it was not just a "plug" on the problem... it was an extensive look into the problem... along with comparisons to the UK antiquity laws.

Definitely overdue and needed.

Longest running hoax in history? Tons of claims written in books without any real physical evidence? People following blind stories with ZERO evidence or provable facts to back them up? Draining money from "gullible investors" to further the cause?

are we talking about oak island or religion here?

There doesn't seem to be a distinction to some here. :dontknow:

... The problem with the treasure supposedly being buried on Oak Island is the first rule of researching and locating a treasure, documentation to prove a treasure actually exist and was buried in the area.
Is that an admission that Diana Jean Muir's "THE LOST TEMPLAR JOURNALS OF PRINCE HENRY SINCLAIR" story of the good shop St Katherine voyage to Nova Scotia with with geriatric Templars and their fabulous treasure is just an alternative pseudo- history fantasy fabrication and there is NO treasure on Oak Island?
About time, Franklin. Now just get the word out to Lokiblossom, Robot, and Eldo.

Is that an admission that Diana Jean Muir's "THE LOST TEMPLAR JOURNALS OF PRINCE HENRY SINCLAIR" story of the good shop St Katherine voyage to Nova Scotia with with geriatric Templars and their fabulous treasure is just an alternative pseudo- history fantasy fabrication and there is NO treasure on Oak Island?
About time, Franklin. Now just get the word out to Lokiblossom, Robot, and Eldo.

Please stop para phrasing my post. It is against the rules on this forum to do that. If you are going to use my post for a response put up the whole damn post.

Carl, always great to read your post. I love a good treasure story as well as anyone else.
The problem with the treasure supposedly being buried on Oak Island is the first rule of researching and locating a treasure, documentation to prove a treasure actually exist and was buried in the area.

The companies trying to find a treasure on Oak Island are going about searching for treasure completely in the wrong directions and are spending their millions in the wrong places.
When trying to find a treasure over 100 to 200 feet below the surface is really a great waste of money especially when you do not know where exactly to look.
I could take a lot less expense and find more treasure than the Legina Brothers within the same areas they have permission to search. Exploratory holes is a waste of money.
Take gpr scans, deep seeking metal detector scans, metal detector surveys and dig no more than 10 feet deep and they may come up with truck loads of treasure. It is absolutely insane to keep digging probing holes.
As you requested, Franklin, the entire post that you made.
No "paraphrasing" by me, quoted the entire sentences which I referenced, and only edited nonessential information to the referenced quote.
You still stated concerning a "treasure supposedly being buried treasure Oak Island"-"THERE IS NONE".

Give me three months on Oak Island and I will find more treasure than all of the other treasure hunters have found combined for the past 220 years, guaranteed.
Interesting, considering that you stated "THERE IS NONE".

Franklin seems to lose more credibility with each post.....”there has never been a treasure on oak island”........”I can recover the treasure on oak island”........etc.

Franklin seems to lose more credibility with each post.....”there has never been a treasure on oak island”........”I can recover the treasure on oak island”........etc.
Don’t forget the numerous locations where that non existent treasure resides.

Franklin seems to lose more credibility with each post.....”there has never been a treasure on oak island”........”I can recover the treasure on oak island”........etc.

In the first place I did not say what you have in quotes. You just do not know how to read. InkedScreenshot_2020-12-21 “Oak Island” the “Strange”, the “Bizarre”, and “Maybe” the Truth” ...webp You and your cronies need to read it again maybe you can understand it if you read it one hundred times before you go home today. Sick.

But you did write in the first paragraph concerning if there was a buried treasure on Oak Island-"THERE IS NONE".
WE all know how to read what you wrote.
No matter how many times one rereads it, it still says "THERE IS NONE"!

Perhaps by believing any explanation which fits or supports the narrative, without ever looking or evaluating it critically.
look up Rathergate, or Dan Rather scandal 2004, as an example

I am extremely critical of any theory pertaining to Oak Island, especially anything pertaining to the Templars. Conversely, it is unrealistic to believe the entire thing is a hoax. SOMETHING happened on the island, and it is reasonable to suspect it was a depository of some kind.

That said, if you read my original post again, you will see I did not provide a theory about who, what, or when. Instead, the construction of the system I described is based on tangible evidence located on the island. Granted, this is based on the presumption the Lagina's were honest about the carbon dating of the slipway, as well as honest about the items they found in the "Money Pit".

Or plainly stated, just because many people buy into a false narrative, that does not mean the entire thing is a hoax.

In the first place I did not say what you have in quotes. You just do not know how to read.View attachment 1887779 You and your cronies need to read it again maybe you can understand it if you read it one hundred times before you go home today. Sick.

I was referencing your 1000’s of waffling comments, not just that single one.....

I am extremely critical of any theory pertaining to Oak Island, especially anything pertaining to the Templars. Conversely, it is unrealistic to believe the entire thing is a hoax. SOMETHING happened on the island, and it is reasonable to suspect it was a depository of some kind.

That said, if you read my original post again, you will see I did not provide a theory about who, what, or when. Instead, the construction of the system I described is based on tangible evidence located on the island. Granted, this is based on the presumption the Lagina's were honest about the carbon dating of the slipway, as well as honest about the items they found in the "Money Pit".

Or plainly stated, just because many people buy into a false narrative, that does not mean the entire thing is a hoax.

As far as “something” happening on the island, yes, a fictional tale was told over and over. Sometimes those who started digging thought there was some truth to the tales. But once they found nothing many promoted a fictional tale that something was there and they needed more money to find it.

When the investors caught on and the money stopped, so did the digging. The cycle has been repeated many times with the latest hoax promoter being the laginas.

There are many here who weave fictional tales of templars, sinclair, bacon, shakesphere, aliens, coir, Aztecs, Martians, (fill in the blank) and many other quack stories hoping that a cable show might run with their story. Of course those here who weave fictional tales are as mentally capable or experienced in selling ideas as the laginas in their promotion of scripted fiction....

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