Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

The existence of the money pit is irrelevant.

but without the original MP, none of these other conversations would be taking place, regardless if Sinclair, The Templers, etc etc ever came to the area....

but without the original MP, none of these other conversations would be taking place, regardless if Sinclair, The Templers, etc etc ever came to the area....
So what is the point? Why debate about what someone, or anyone thinks?
the main issue is the creation of a myth, passed off as a fact in support of a hypothetical coclusion

Let me ask you a hypothetical question. If the items/treasure or whatever you want to call it has already been found in or around the MP would that not make these stories to be FACT. The only part to debate is who put it there and why...You or no one can claim as a fact that the whole thing is a myth as you and virtually no one else knows for sure. You may believe it all to be a myth but that does not make it a fact... ( see how I turned your own words from earlier around on you )

Let me ask you a hypothetical question. If the items/treasure or whatever you want to call it has already been found in or around the MP would that not make these stories to be FACT. The only part to debate is who put it there and why...You or no one can claim as a fact that the whole thing is a myth as you and virtually no one else knows for sure. You may believe it all to be a myth but that does not make it a fact... ( see how I turned your own words from earlier around on you )
I really do not know why you insist on baiting me Into a debate or argument over trivial babble, I could not care less about OI, the money pit or what....if anything is or was there, go bark up another tree

Then if not for Oak Island, Alan you would not posting on this thread period.

Then if not for Oak Island, Alan you would not posting on this thread period.
Aw come on buddy, you know the only reason I post here is because of you......lol

Makes no difference to me what you believe. But I do see you do like to drag out research from others. I will never give away my research no matter how much you and others ridicule my research. I am digging so far back into history and finding what the real meanings are to what Academics believe as the truth, but it is not. I am enjoying my journey. How about you ECS and others.

Makes no difference to me what you believe. But I do see you do like to drag out research from others. I will never give away my research no matter how much you and others ridicule my research. I am digging so far back into history and finding what the real meanings are to what Academics believe as the truth, but it is not. I am enjoying my journey. How about you ECS and others.
I have never ridiculed your research, I have only asked that you provide proof of your claims, which you continually refuse to do all the while complaining that you are being picked on, or that we are somehow trying to learn your precious secrets, lol
if you are not willing to share your inside knowledge, why do you persist on posting unless it is that you have some deep need for attention

I really do not know why you insist on baiting me Into a debate or argument over trivial babble, I could not care less about OI, the money pit or what....if anything is or was there, go bark up another tree

Now that I called you out for doing the same thing your accusing someone else of doing you want to take your ball and go home.. That is how I'm taking your post.. As Frankin said for someone who doesn't care about OI you sure spend ALOT of time in here and claiming anything you believe as fact just as singlestack does, all the while telling anybody else that just because they believe in something doesn't make it fact.. I agree with that statement but it applies to everyone...

It would do franklin no good to expose his research to you or singlestack as your mind has already been made up. Any and all research is open to interputation. You would not read into it with an open mind that he might be right. You'd only be looking for ways to pick it apart without even looking into it on your own...Most everyone who does in depth research is alittle or alot guarded with that info. Take a look over in the Forest Fenn Threads on how many people apparently thought they knew exactly where the treasure was and would not even say what state they thought it was in much less narrow it down to a county even though they would never have boots on the ground in the search..

I have stated my position on here many times. What I don't like is people claimng everything they say as fact and everybody else is wrong regardless of which side of the MP your on.. At the end of the day, NO ONE KNOWS exactly what happened on OI 200-300 years ago..Maybe there is/was a treasure, maybe it has or hasn't been found. No one has made any money off investors till the Laginas paid the Blankinships for their rights to the island...and that was in to the millions....

There are only two topics about OI which I have debated on this forum, the idea that Henry Sinclair came to America, and the carbon dating of an unknown substance which believers choose to call coconut fibre.
everything else I have left alone.
these two topics are enough to prove or disprove most of the wild theories which abound here and they are basically provable or disprovable, without any need for wild thinking or any “expanded” mental vision quest.
you provide some real proof on these two topics, then you are getting somewhere with your theories, until then, they are deal breakers as far many of us are concerned.

What you call FACT concerning Henry Sinclair's voyage to Oak Island originated solely from Diana Jean Muir's "THE LOST TEMPLAR JOURNALS OF PRINCE HENRY SINCLAIR" which is nothing more than a reworking and embellishment of Richard Henry Major's 1875 English translation of the "ZENO NARRATIVE" about the adventures of "Prince Zichmni".
Although long dismissed as a hoax, Major changed the name "Zichmni" from the Zeno tale to "Sinclair", which was then was employed in 1892 by Thomas Sinclair to claim his ancestor discovered North America, and a false legend was born.
Diana Jean Muir "discovered" alleged Sinclair journals that added that Sinclair was a "Prince" and a "Templar" of which he was neither, and still in existence are contemporary documents written during his lifetime that prove he NEVER left Scottish soli and NEVER made this legendary voyage.
That my friend, is FACT, not opinion, not fiction.
The process of academic historical method requites research from several outside independent sources, which is not based on a single source as with the case of Zeno/Majors/Muir.
The very FACT that NO legitimate sources outside of Zeno/Majors/Muir exist that collaborate this Sinclair it is tacitly understood that this Sinclair voyage is a work of fiction, and NOT accepted by the professional academic historical scholar community.

Franklin, my friend, you continue to claim research, but everything you claim as fact comes from only the highly questionable works of Zeno/Majors/Muir- all tainted fruit from the poisoned tree.
Do you possess any actual research that does not evolve from this source that is solid accepted documentation of a Sinclair voyage to Oak Island, and NOT a fabulous fantasy fabrication by quasi-historian pulp writers?
If so bring it forth.

... I will never give away my research no matter how much you and others ridicule my research.
I am digging so far back into history and finding what the real meanings are to what Academics believe as the truth, but it is not...
Please, by all means share your findings of "the real meanings" of historical truth that professional credited academic historians do not know.
So far much of what you posted on TN has been seen as misinformation originating from these pulp pseudo alternative history fables, that are filled with fictional speculation, but lack true documented fact.

Franklin, my friend, you continue to claim research, but everything you claim as fact comes from only the highly questionable works of Zeno/Majors/Muir- all tainted fruit from the poisoned tree.
Do you possess any actual research that does not evolve from this source that is solid accepted documentation of a Sinclair voyage to Oak Island, and NOT a fabulous fantasy fabrication by quasi-historian pulp writers?
If so bring it forth.

Yes I have gathered more research that dates hundreds of years before Sir Henry Sinclair made his three trips to this continent. There were tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands Europeans and other people of other nations as well on this continent 800 years before Sinclair and the Knights Templars. I have proof. But as I said this is a forum for discussing ideas not a court of law where we have to lay the evidence out for everyone. That is left up to you to find out for yourself. But instead of checking out the information you would rather say you are right and we are wrong. Sorry but it does not work that way. And it never will. I have some of the physical evidence myself I found in Kentucky and in Tennessee. Both predate Christopher Columbus.

Yes I have gathered more research that dates hundreds of years before Sir Henry Sinclair made his three trips to this continent. There were tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands Europeans and other people of other nations as well on this continent 800 years before Sinclair and the Knights Templars. I have proof. But as I said this is a forum for discussing ideas not a court of law where we have to lay the evidence out for everyone. That is left up to you to find out for yourself. But instead of checking out the information you would rather say you are right and we are wrong. Sorry but it does not work that way. And it never will. I have some of the physical evidence myself I found in Kentucky and in Tennessee. Both predate Christopher Columbus.
Everyone hail the all knowing Franklin.......they did that once on Futurama as I recall, lol

I have stated my position on here many times. What I don't like is people claimng everything they say as fact and everybody else is wrong regardless of which side of the MP your on.. At the end of the day, NO ONE KNOWS exactly what happened on OI 200-300 years ago..Maybe there is/was a treasure, maybe it has or hasn't been found. No one has made any money off investors till the Laginas paid the Blankinships for their rights to the island...and that was in to the millions....
sounds like you are describing someone other than myself here, someone who believes that their theory of Sinclair is fact?

Yes I have gathered more research that dates hundreds of years before Sir Henry Sinclair made his three trips to this continent...
Still, there is NO LEGITIMATE PROOF that Henry Sinclair ever made a voyage to OAK ISLAND outside of pseudo histories propagated by Zeno/Majors/Muir- if there were, you would have posted that supporting evidence long ago.
It doesn't exist.

Yes I have gathered more research that dates hundreds of years before Sir Henry Sinclair made his three trips to this continent. There were tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands Europeans and other people of other nations as well on this continent 800 years before Sinclair and the Knights Templars. I have proof. But as I said this is a forum for discussing ideas not a court of law where we have to lay the evidence out for everyone. That is left up to you to find out for yourself. But instead of checking out the information you would rather say you are right and we are wrong. Sorry but it does not work that way. And it never will. I have some of the physical evidence myself I found in Kentucky and in Tennessee. Both predate Christopher Columbus.
Franklin, in all humble honesty, at least as much as I am able to muster, I would like to see your evidence of European presence in America before Columbus, especially if it came from Kentucky or Tenessee.

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