Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

I have read the story. I still do not believe the story as I have read the story before. Sir Henry Sinclair did make an Expedition to Nova Scotia, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Not one trip but three trips.
Just not true, ECS has posted proof that your claim cannot be true numerous times, why do you persist with this fake narrative?

ECS has posted nothing of historic value only someone else's opinion. You call that "proof?"

ECS has posted nothing of historic value only someone else's opinion. You call that "proof?"
ECS is far more credible than anything you have so far offered

Hoaxes. I said credible.

Those are credible if you can read what they say. I have volumes of proof to back it up so I'm not worried about your claims of Hoaxes. The Academic World is the BIG HOAX.

ECS is far more credible than anything you have so far offered

I do not think so. You have not researched into the my given information. Because I know my information is FACT.

I do not think so. You have not researched into the my given information. Because I know my information is FACT.
You are entitled to believe anything you wish, even Santa Clause and the tooth fairy, however, your belief does not make it a fact, so far, all that you have presented is debatable, and unbelievable, thus, it is not fact.
if you do have any real factual information, I invite you to share it, otherwise, do not expect us to accept it, we are not as gullible as you would like to believe.

I do not think so. You have not researched into the my given information. Because I know my information is FACT.

Yet no proof that your fact is true. You have stated numerous times that you have found various treasures (some buried at Arlington National Cemetery that you cannot retrieve) yet you have not presented one iota of empirical evidence, just references to works of fiction.

ECS has posted nothing of historic value only someone else's opinion. You call that "proof?"

So the contemporary Diplomas of Sinclair's peers and his grandson contain "nothing of historic value" and are not "proof" that Henry Sinclair and his merry band of Templars NEVER made a voyage to Oak Island on the good ship Katherine? :laughing7:
Those original documents still exist, whereas the Muir's "discovered" Sinclair Templar journals DO NOT having been conveniently "DESTROYED" by Muir before publishing that highly suspect journal.
While on the subject of posting "historic value" versus "opinion" HOW do the runestones of Yarmouth Bay, Bat Creek, and Jackson county, Kentucky prove that Sinclair and his band if lads made that voyage to North America?
Isn't that based on someone's opinion and NOT on historical fact or proof?

Those are credible if you can read what they say.
I have volumes of proof to back it up so I'm not worried about your claims of Hoaxes.
The Academic World is the BIG HOAX.
Volumes by Muir, Halpern, Wolter , and the myriad of other charlatan quasi historians selling false speculative fabricated fantasies are the REAL BIG HOAX, and are NOT considered as actual true researched and documented history, bit do hold an attraction to the gullible mind.

Volumes by Muir, Halpern, Wolter , and the myriad of other charlatan quasi historians selling false speculative fabricated fantasies are the REAL BIG HOAX, and are NOT considered as actual true researched and documented history, bit do hold an attraction to the gullible mind.
All of those books should start With “Once Upon a Time”, lol

ECS has posted nothing of historic value only someone else's opinion. You call that "proof?"

"There is something called historical evidence-There is something called historical method, and if you look around the shelves of bookstores there is a lot of history being published, and people mistake this type of history for the real thing"
-Robert McCrum, Literary Editor, THE OBSERVER
The historical method involves solid documented research that goes a process of several academic reviews by peers, which is NOT someone's opinion, or fabricated speculation, or based on "discovered" journals that NO true academic versed in the historical method ever reviewed because it was destroyed.
These pulp writer self proclaimed quasi historians DO NOT go through this academic process, and are free to create whatever alternative version of history on a whim.
Some who have an adverse dislike or distrust professional academic scholars display absolute ignorance of real fact based historical method by stating these false historical claims will change history, which of course will never happen. Ever.

You are entitled to believe anything you wish, even Santa Clause and the tooth fairy, however, your belief does not make it a fact, so far, all that you have presented is debatable, and unbelievable, thus, it is not fact.
if you do have any real factual information, I invite you to share it, otherwise, do not expect us to accept it, we are not as gullible as you would like to believe.

The part of your quote I'd like to talk about is the line " your belief does not make it a fact" I hear this alot from the nay sayers yet most of them think everything they say to be a fact.. I will call out Singlestack again who 1 page back again said Money Pit NEVER existed. Now granted I can't prove it did but most everyone except him does believe there was a MP hole of some depth was dug. The question has always been does/did it have treasure in it...

The part of your quote I'd like to talk about is the line " your belief does not make it a fact" I hear this alot from the nay sayers yet most of them think everything they say to be a fact.. I will call out Singlestack again who 1 page back again said Money Pit NEVER existed. Now granted I can't prove it did but most everyone except him does believe there was a MP hole of some depth was dug. The question has always been does/did it have treasure in it...
I fail to see what your point has to do with my post, if you have an issue with Singlestack, take it up with him

... I know my information is FACT.
What you call FACT concerning Henry Sinclair's voyage to Oak Island originated solely from Diana Jean Muir's "THE LOST TEMPLAR JOURNALS OF PRINCE HENRY SINCLAIR" which is nothing more than a reworking and embellishment of Richard Henry Major's 1875 English translation of the "ZENO NARRATIVE" about the adventures of "Prince Zichmni".
Although long dismissed as a hoax, Major changed the name "Zichmni" from the Zeno tale to "Sinclair", which was then was employed in 1892 by Thomas Sinclair to claim his ancestor discovered North America, and a false legend was born.
Diana Jean Muir "discovered" alleged Sinclair journals that added that Sinclair was a "Prince" and a "Templar" of which he was neither, and still in existence are contemporary documents written during his lifetime that prove he NEVER left Scottish soli and NEVER made this legendary voyage.
That my friend, is FACT, not opinion, not fiction.
The process of academic historical method requites research from several outside independent sources, which is not based on a single source as with the case of Zeno/Majors/Muir.
The very FACT that NO legitimate sources outside of Zeno/Majors/Muir exist that collaborate this Sinclair it is tacitly understood that this Sinclair voyage is a work of fiction, and NOT accepted by the professional academic historical scholar community.

I fail to see what your point has to do with my post, if you have an issue with Singlestack, take it up with him

Oh I have many times. What I think is funny/ironic is that you fight franklin tooth and nail on just about everything he says but then Singlestack throws out the comment over and over again that the Money Pit never existed and you along with no one else ( besides me) calls him out on it, so I'll ask you now. Do you believe the original 3 guys ever dug a hole at all? regardless of how deep or what is or was ever in it..

The part of your quote I'd like to talk about is the line " your belief does not make it a fact" I hear this alot from the nay sayers yet most of them think everything they say to be a fact.. I will call out Singlestack again who 1 page back again said Money Pit NEVER existed. Now granted I can't prove it did but most everyone except him does believe there was a MP hole of some depth was dug. The question has always been does/did it have treasure in it...

A "money pit" never existed.......Fact is that many hoaxers over the years dug holes and told fictional, fairy tale like stories to fleece folks out of money. Once folks starting questioning the stories and cutting off funds due to no evidence ever found relating to treasure, the company/person/etc. who was managing the hoax at that time would go away. After a few years a new hoax promoter would come along.

The cycle has been repeated many times with the latest hoax promotion being the curse of oak island fiction based show,

Oh I have many times. What I think is funny/ironic is that you fight franklin tooth and nail on just about everything he says but then Singlestack throws out the comment over and over again that the Money Pit never existed and you along with no one else ( besides me) calls him out on it, so I'll ask you now. Do you believe the original 3 guys ever dug a hole at all? regardless of how deep or what is or was ever in it..
I have never debated the notion of the exsistance of the money pit, but I have, and will continue to debate the story of sinclair visiting america

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