Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

And you cant tell time still to this day old man......I was born in '76.....in Princeton, NJ

Thanks, you just ruined the image I had of a small 12 year old boy sitting on a pile of books on a chair beating on a keyboard.
Cheers, Loik

I would like to point out a few things about the position of that location in that it was placed there to give the required distances from each of the boulders to enable his encryption using the Simple Code and the 16th century alphabet where the letter is replaced by it's numerical position in the alphabet.
The distances to Cones A,B,C, and D total 1561ft and to Cone E 906ft + the length of the Cross-arm 720ft=1626ft.
The total of the distances to all of the boulders including the buried ones total 6733ft..Francis 67 Bacon 33.The designer has also used the distances to the boulders of the Cross and to the buried boulder at Gevurah to spell out Francis Bacon in full.
He has also encrypted the name Rosy Cross into the Stone Triangle using it's angles.
You are not to dig at that location as an entrance has been provided at 137d 08m from TN from the location at a distance of 137ft 8in,that entrance being 67d 33m from True South at a distance of 337ft 6in from the centre of the Cross.I have not shown the calculations as they are too lengthy.
Would it not be something if we were right about this,uncovering such a thing as CR's tomb as you have shown.That is not the only item that has been buried on the Island as the geometry also tells you there is something else at another location.

What is the latest news about the TV show where 2 brothers and their partners searching for this treasure?

Just saw ad,show back on in November.

Oh to Sleep for Eternity…Under the Wings of a Swan…”Sweet Swan of Avon”


"What needs our Shakespeare....to lie hid under a star-ry pointing pyramid?" Milton

It was no coincidence why Sir Francis Bacon wished to be buried on Oak Island.

It was the destination that his Pilgrim Followers looked for when sailing to the New World.

They would sail for the constellation Cygnus (Swan) which they called the Lighted Cross.

“If an imaginary line is drawn between the positions of a star to the center of the earth, the point at which the line touches the earth's surface is the terrestrial coordinate. A simple mathematical formula furnishes the equation for calculating the precise latitude and longitude indicated by the pointer star. When the formula was applied to the position of Deneb at the appointed time, with appropriate corrections for the precession of the equinoxes (from 1606) and with a troublesome 7 degree correction for which sanction was eventually found elsewhere in the riddle's matrix literature, the target proved to be a minuscule speck of land on the south coast of Nova Scotia called Oak Island” McBride.

With information and a theory supplied by Treasure Net Member, AOTC, I believe I have located an area within the Freemason's Celestial Map, which could be the location of Sir Francis Bacon’s (Shakespeare’s) Tomb.

Freemason's Map and Bacon.webp

The Tomb’s Entrance is at 10 Cyg and is cross triangulated with the Stars 21 Cyg, 18 Cyg and Star Sadr.

The actual Tomb of Sir Francis Bacon is pointed to by Sadr and 10 Cyg.

It is of interest that the entrance to the Treasure Vault and the entrance to the Tomb are both on the same Apex Line.

I also believe it is interesting that the carved stone found at the middle of Nolan's Cross (Star Sadr), could be a statue of a Knights Templar, facing and standing guard over the Tomb of Sir Francis Bacon.

Nolan's Cross Stone.webp

I believe there is treasure on the island, but it will cost too much money to dig it up, and with the water problems, it may never be brought up. Good luck, Brothers.

I would definitely put his tomb where I described earlier although yours looks to be a strong contender,only one way to find out who is right.Regarding the head stone,I have asked around as to which way it was facing but to no avail.My guess is towards my location for the tomb,but then again it could be any direction that's if it was designed to represent a skull.

I also believe it is interesting that the carved stone found at the middle of Nolan's Cross (Star Sadr), could be a statue of a Knights Templar, facing and standing guard over the Tomb of Sir Francis Bacon.

View attachment 1219965

So you dont honestly believe you can derive anything from this fakery of the actual rock featured here do you? LOL

NOTHING KNIGHTS TEMPLAR IS THERE...it is a frickin Pirate Skull for god's sake.....and X Marks the spot in the swamp...

That Spot Again Side By Side.webp

AND it also omits the fact there are two faces in the actual pic of the Headstone from the Nolan Cross
Thats a bad example....take this one
skullstonesketchdogs.webpstone head.webp

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In order to differentiate between my location for the tomb of Francis Bacon and Robot's I would like to show how the encryption for his name was placed into the Cross by the use of the distances to that tomb from each of the boulders.
Firstly the 16th century English alphabet was used and the Simple code whereby the letter was substituted for it's numerical position within the alphabet which consisted of 24 letters with i/j both being the 9th letter and u/v the 20th letter.For example A=1,B=2,C=3 etc.
The Cross consisted of 5 boulders known as Cones A,B,C,D and E,five other smaller boulders were found buried by Petter Amundsen in their relevant positions for the Sephira of the Kaballistic Tree of life,the one named Gevurah being used in the encryption.
The distances from Cones A and C are 522ft and 135ft respectively used as a whole figure of 522135,remove the first 5 giving 22135 + 60(the stem set at 60deg from True North) = 22195 this being the only adjustment required,the rest being simple arithmetic.
The distances from Cone E and Gevurah are 907ft and 671ft as 671907 and Bacons birth and death dates 1561-1626 as 15611626.
671907 x 15611626 = 10489560790782.

The distance from Cone D to the Cross centre is 429ft and from the Cross centre to the tomb is 218ft.From the tomb to Cone D 617ft,Cone B 287ft, all as a figure including the adjustment 22195 .....61721828742922195.

61721828742922195 - 10489560790782 = 61711339182131413 read as 6-17-1-13-3-9-18-2-1-3-14-13

Using the Simple code 6-F 17-R 1-A 13-N 3-C 9-I 18-S Francis 2-B 1-A 3-C 14-O 13-N Bacon
Not too complicated I hope.

“O, Brave New World…That such a person be in it!”

Sir Francis Bacon's desire like many notable people before, Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, and Cleopatra, was to be buried in a hidden Tomb.

He had experimented at previous locations such as River Wye, in the West of Britain.

Dr Orville Ward Owen, a follower of Bacon's ciphers followed instructions in a Baconian cipher and discovered a mysterious underground chamber beneath the bed of the River Wye, in the West of Britain. Although it was disappointingly empty, further Baconian ciphers were to be found carved on the walls.


At Bruton Parish Church as a location designed by the Freemasons.

It has been demonstrated conclusively that the majority of the Founding Forefathers of the United States of America were Free Masons, and that the architecture they built (including the layout of the Nation's Capital in Washington, DC ) were laid out according to ancient principals of sacred geometry. According to Marie B. Hall, it was common practice by Masons, when building a church or temple, to place a sacred vault under the alter of the church. It was thus expected that the original Bruton Parish Church was built over the top of the vault, with the vault situated below the alter.
According to the codes deciphered by Manly and Marie Hall, the vault was a 10 ft. by 10 ft. brick vault, buried 20 ft. deep. As stated earlier, its location was marked by certain, strategically placed encoded memorials in the cemetery above.

What I believe was finally constructed for Sir Francis Bacon by the Freemasons was his Tomb on Oak Island.

Tomb of Illumination.webp

To see how this interactive tomb may have been designed and constructed by the Freemasons for Sir Francis Bacon, click on the link below.

See how each of his original Shakespearean Manuscripts and copies of those not yet published, may have been placed in the six secret compartments.

It was reported that Francis Bacon was known to have translated the English Bible for King James I and that he would have had the original copy of this priceless article.

Explore the Tomb

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Sir Francis Bacon's desire like many notable people before, Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, and Cleopatra, was to be buried in a hidden Tomb.

He had experimented at previous locations such as River Wye, in the West of Britain.

Dr Orville Ward Owen, a follower of Bacon's ciphers followed instructions in a Baconian cipher and discovered a mysterious underground chamber beneath the bed of the River Wye, in the West of Britain. Although it was disappointingly empty, further Baconian ciphers were to be found carved on the walls.


At Bruton Parish Church as a location designed by the Freemasons.

It has been demonstrated conclusively that the majority of the Founding Forefathers of the United States of America were Free Masons, and that the architecture they built (including the layout of the Nation's Capital in Washington, DC ) were laid out according to ancient principals of sacred geometry. According to Marie B. Hall, it was common practice by Masons, when building a church or temple, to place a sacred vault under the alter of the church. It was thus expected that the original Bruton Parish Church was built over the top of the vault, with the vault situated below the alter.
According to the codes deciphered by Manly and Marie Hall, the vault was a 10 ft. by 10 ft. brick vault, buried 20 ft. deep. As stated earlier, its location was marked by certain, strategically placed encoded memorials in the cemetery above.

What I believe was finally constructed for Sir Francis Bacon by the Freemasons was his Tomb on Oak Island.

View attachment 1221054

To see how this interactive tomb may have been designed and constructed by the Freemasons for Sir Francis Bacon, click on the link below.

See how each of his original Shakespearean Manuscripts and copies of those not yet published, may have been placed in the six secret compartments.

It was reported that Francis Bacon was known to have translated the English Bible for King James I and that he would have had the original copy of this priceless article.

Explore the Tomb
Ok, this is new for me. Any more information on this "tomb"?

And why do you think something like this would be on Oak Island?

Ok, this is new for me. Any more information on this "tomb"?

And why do you think something like this would be on Oak Island?

On the previous page I wrote of Francis Bacon's involvement with the Rosicrucian movement.

This movement was intertwined with the Christian, Alchemy, Knights Templar, Royal Society of London, and Freemasonry movements and they formed the beliefs and desires of Francis Bacon.

Rosicrucianism was at the core of Bacon's philanthropic beliefs.

I believe Bacon's knowledge of the Rosicrucian's legend of the Tomb of Rosenkreutz or the Tomb of Illumination would have created his desire to be buried in a 7 sided tomb.

Some Learnered Men may translate a book "Upside Down"


This may be the case with those who translated "The Decipher Stone"

Decipher Stone 1.webp

I am researching what is referred to as the Decipher Stone, the stone found buried at the 90 foot level.

It was noted to be a green colored stone not indigenous to this area.

I believe several interpreters have translated this stone to mean something other than its intended purpose.

My theory is this stone was placed in the Money Pit shaft by the Freemasons in honor of Sir Francis Bacon whose tomb is located on the island housed in a replica of the Rosicrucian’s “Tomb of Illumination”.

The Tomb of Illumination was a seven sided tomb with 40 symbols on its walls constructed for their founder Christian Rosenkreuz.

“According to the description presented in the legend, the tomb is located in the interior of the Earth, recalling the alchemical motto V.I.T.R.I.O.L.: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando
Invenies Occultum Lapidem "Visit the interior of the Earth; by rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone."

The Oak Island Decipher Stone consists of 40 symbols and may be a representation of the “Emerald Tablet”

My research has shown that all interpreters and the thousands of viewers who drew and viewed this stone have viewed it “Upside-down”.

The symbols on the stone are made up of ancient Hebrew script, ancient Hebrew niqqud (representing vowels), along with several Rosicrucian Alchemist’s and Greek Symbols.

Several of the forty symbols can only be read in what should be the stone's “Right-side up” position.

Stone's correct displayed right-side up position

Decipher Stone right side up.webp

I have submitted this finding to more knowledgeable Hebrew and Rosicrucian translators for their analysis.

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I'm not convince the 90 foot stone is accurate.
This is not the original stone. As I understand it's a recreation of what someone who had seen the stone described.

While it may not be inconceivable that someone would bury a stone of such nature at 90 feet, what would be the purpose, or the value, of doing so in code?

I tend to go back and forth with Marty on whether the project is worthwhile. I have to rely on someone with judgment not knowing the day to day operations, and as I see it, Marty has a healthy dose of skepticism to go along with common sense and hope.

It is the “Stories” of “Legends”!

While it may not be inconceivable that someone would bury a stone of such nature at 90 feet, what would be the purpose, or the value, of doing so in code?


Like the legend of King Arthur and the Sword Excalibur, in which once found only the worthy would be capable of claiming it.

These Renaissance Men during the time of Oak Island, whether Rosicrucian, Alchemists, Knights Templar or Freemasons also shared this desire, not to be buried or bury their treasure and be forgotten forever, but that a clue by way of a hidden stone may be found by one worthy enough to locate their burial site or temple vault.

The story has been re-enacted throughout the centuries from Solomon’s Temple to the Tomb of the Rosicrucian Christian Rosenkreuz leading up to what now may be the Tomb of Sir Francis Bacon, located on Oak Island.

While it may not be inconceivable that someone would bury a stone of such nature at 90 feet, what would be the purpose, or the value, of doing so in code?

View attachment 1236497

Like the legend of King Arthur and the Sword Excalibur, in which once found only the worthy would be capable of claiming it.

These Renaissance Men during the time of Oak Island, whether Rosicrucian, Alchemists, Knights Templar or Freemasons also shared this desire, not to be buried or bury their treasure and be forgotten forever, but that a clue by way of a hidden stone may be found by one worthy enough to locate their burial site or temple vault.

The story has been re-enacted throughout the centuries from Solomon’s Temple to the Tomb of the Rosicrucian Christian Rosenkreuz leading up to what now may be the Tomb of Sir Francis Bacon, located on Oak Island.

I do not see the similarities. The sword stone was added to the Arthur legend by Robert de Boron around the 12th century. In it, after Uther Pendragon died, Arthur lived with Sir Ector until he and his brother were both given the opportunity to pull the sword from the stone in front of an assembled crowd. Where you might point to Rick and Marty playing the roles of Arthur and Sir Kay, where is the stone and the "magic" sword?

And Sir Francis Bacon hardly stirs the imagination in riches, or comes close to the semblance, of Solomon. As far as anyone is concerned, Sir Francis Bacon's tomb is in St Michael's Church, marked by a monument of him sitting, left hand supporting his head, and an epitaph, written by Sir Thomas Wooton.

Such an idea that he is connected to Oak Island is much the same as Mary Bauer Hall who claimed secret documents by him were hidden in a vault under a private church cemetery in Williamsburg, Virgina. In 1938 she finally convinced officials to dig in the cemetery, but nothing was found. (Hall also claimed he wrote the Magna Carta, but failed to explain how he could have done so 350 years BEFORE his birth.)

In 1992, Fletcher Richman, a member of a group known as the Sir Francis Bacon's Sages of the Seventh Seal, tried again. And failed. (this was followed by clandestine digging possibly by a different group)

In 2003, Richman tried for a third dig, claiming (wouldn't just know it) some of the tombstones code had been misread.

As one account says....

"Gesturing towards the pyramid shaped monument covering the centuries-old graves of David and Elizabeth Bray, Richman claimed, ’Underneath here is a spiral staircase that goes down to a freemasonry library’ — referring to the supposed 10-by-10-foot secret vault containing supposed buried Bacon document."

Church officials needless to say were not impressed.

Too, aside from his time at the French Embassy, Sir Francis Bacon traveled very little, and most certainly not to the Americas.

Now let us deal with the 90' stone. What clues were left instructing someone to that very spot on Oak Island to dig not 3 feet, not 10 feet, not 30 feet, but 90 feet to find further instructions?

While 140 acres doesn't sound like a large parcel compared to Canada, it is huge in relation to the average city dwellers lot. (The average city block being roughly 2 acres means searching an area roughly 70 city blocks.)

And yet we are to believe that to prove you are worthy you are supposed to travel to the new world, with nothing more than thread bare instructions linking your trial to Oak Island and proceed to dig the equivalent of 70 city blocks down 90 feet to find further instructions?

For some reason that doesn't have the wisdom of Solomon ring to it.

Another problem seems to be the 90 foot stone claims "40 feet below....," while the pit has been excavated to some 190 feet. Has the stone been misinterpreted?

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One Man’s Tomb, may be Another’s Grave!


Throughout history men of wealth have built their tombs only to bury another revered body in them.

Many believe that Sir Francis Bacon was one of those bodies.

Chest-tomb - Bacon.webp

“Sir Francis Bacon was buried, in accordance with his own wish, in St. Michael's Church and is well attested by the desecration of his skull by Dr. King of St. Albans, when the remains were exposed at the funeral of Sir Thomas Meautys.(Bacon's secretary) The incident is recorded in The History of King Charles by H. L. Esquire in 1656. and also in Fuller's "Worthies, 1662". The occurrence is well authenticated, and provides sufficient proof that Bacon was buried in St. Michael's Church, and that Sir Thomas Meautys lies in an adjoining grave. Presumably Dr. King was the physician who had attended Meautys who died in 1649. Dr. King was one of the Governors of St. Albans School, and he was also a Justice of the Peace." from a past issue of Baconiana Roderick Eagle

Many believe that Sir Francis Bacon's bones were removed from this tomb.

" This October 1681, it rang over all of St. Albans that Sir Harbottle Grimston, Master of the Rolles, had removed the coffin of this most renowned Lord Chancellour Sir Francis Bacon, to make room for his owne to lye-in the vault there at St.Michael's Church." from John Aubrey's book Brief Lives

Some believe that once Sir Francis Bacon’s bones were desecrated and removed from this tomb the Freemasons gathered the body of their revered comrade and made preparations for the construction and reburial within his Tomb of Illumination, now on Oak Island.


Completing Bacon’s vision for…Acadia…New Atlantis…New World!

View attachment 1231878

This may be the case with those who translated "The Decipher Stone"

View attachment 1231881

I am researching what is referred to as the Decipher Stone, the stone found buried at the 90 foot level.

It was noted to be a green colored stone not indigenous to this area.

I believe several interpreters have translated this stone to mean something other than its intended purpose.

My theory is this stone was placed in the Money Pit shaft by the Freemasons in honor of Sir Francis Bacon whose tomb is located on the island housed in a replica of the Rosicrucian’s “Tomb of Illumination”.

The Tomb of Illumination was a seven sided tomb with 40 symbols on its walls constructed for their founder Christian Rosenkreuz.

“According to the description presented in the legend, the tomb is located in the interior of the Earth, recalling the alchemical motto V.I.T.R.I.O.L.: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando
Invenies Occultum Lapidem "Visit the interior of the Earth; by rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone."

The Oak Island Decipher Stone consists of 40 symbols and may be a representation of the “Emerald Tablet”

My research has shown that all interpreters and the thousands of viewers who drew and viewed this stone have viewed it “Upside-down”.

The symbols on the stone are made up of ancient Hebrew script, ancient Hebrew niqqud (representing vowels), along with several Rosicrucian Alchemist’s and Greek Symbols.

Several of the forty symbols can only be read in what should be the stone's “Right-side up” position.

View attachment 1231890

I have submitted this finding to more knowledgeable Hebrew and Rosicrucian translators for their analysis.

Can you guarantee that the symbols someone in the past drew match those that were actually on the stone? If not, anything else is just a guess.

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