Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

Could “Oak Island” become the “Last Great Indian Battle?”

Mi'k Maq.webp

With the “rumor” of First Nation’s artifacts having been discovered on Oak Island, could a battle over archaeological rights be arising between The First Nations, the Government of Canada and the new American Settlers (Lagina Brothers)?

Canadian First Nations are quite different from other North American Indians.

There was little hostility with the Indians of Canada towards arriving new settlers, unlike what took place south of the border.
It was not that the Huron, Cree, Blood or other tribes were more docile than their southern neighbors, but it was because they had something their counterparts did not.

It is stated that the American Indians sold Manhattan Island for beads, but the Canadian Indians sold theirs for a piece of paper!

This piece of paper upheld within Canada by Britain, was a legal document to the land.

It is called: The Royal Proclamation of 1763

• This document proclaimed that newcomers could not settle the land until the Crown had acquired it from the First Nations who occupied the territories

In Canada it has become a “feared document” in our legal system, giving control of territory back to the First Nations, inhibiting oil exploration, mining, settlement, without first negotiations involving them.

Proof of archaeological artifacts found have now enabled claims to “Traditional Territories”.

Just this last year vast amounts of territory was returned to First Nations by our court system, with many more claims in the works.

This has created a Government concerned with appeasement towards First Nation’s issues and requests.

These claims have taken precedent over Crown Land, Leased Land, Private Property and “Treasure Trove Licenses”.

My personal property was affected when I tried to apply for a building permit for an addition I had added to my car port.
I was refused and was quoted: “Also, upon conducting a zoning check it was noticed that your property has a known archaeological site. This means prior to issuance of a building permit Archaeological Branch of BC approval is required. I recommend contacting the branch at 250-953-3334 to see how to proceed next.”

This Archaeological Restriction pertained to a 1980 survey conducted by the University of BC to have an Archaeologist map out the lakes of BC and predict where native Indians may have camped.
It was presumed by the slope of my property to the lake that this would have been a likely spot for Indians to have once camped and built a “cache” (a type of root cellar to store fish, game, or tools).

This proclamation prevents me from digging, metal detecting or building within a 50 foot radius from that spot on my property.

Once claimed the responsibility and cost falls on me to disprove.

Oak Island with its proximity to the coast would have been a haven for deer and game trying to avoid predators to have swum to.

It could be presumed on Oak Island that Indians would have built camps to have easy access to this game

If it is true that the Lagina brothers have found native artifacts proving “Traditional Native Grounds and Archaeology History” then legal restrictions may follow.

It is “Ironic” that my theory states that the Oak Island Money Pit was started and built in 1762 by men who wished to succeed from the tyranny of King George III, the same king (Crazy George) who issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763.

The man who may now be responsible for this treasure never being found!


Could "Oak Island" be the burial location of "Jesus Christ"?

Oak Island - Book.webp

New book sites Christ’s tomb at the bottom of Oak Island’s mysterious ‘money pit’

The author of a novel which proposes Christ’s last resting place is at the bottom of booby-trapped island pit is now in negotiations over film rights.

The 9th Heresy tells the story of two friends following a global trail of clues found on a mysterious 13th century religious parchment.

This becomes a quest for the tomb of Christ which leads them on the historical trail of the Knights Templar and Cathars - to the famous Oak Island ‘money pit’ - situated off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada.

Author Spencer Wilder penned the book from his Old Leake home, weaving historical facts and theories into a fictional plot.

“The storyline, although fictional, is laced with fact pertaining to the final resting place of Jesus Christ in the fabled Money Pit on Oak Island,” he said.

“It also contains alleged truth of the Montsegur Cathars, Bérenger Saunière and the church in Rennes le Château in France, the Knights Templar and the treasure they discovered beneath Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

“I had to call the novel a work of fiction for obvious reasons - though my belief is the Templars took Christ’s body to Oak Island and created the ‘Money Pit.”

Spencer, 47, said he fell in love with the history and myths surrounding the Knights Templar after reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail 20 years ago.

The book, by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln - inspired the famous Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.

The 9th Heresy has enjoyed success - having been on the New York Times Best-Seller list and received five-star reviews on Amazon. One reviewer wrote: “The 9th Heresy is an interesting read, if you enjoyed The Da Vinci Code then I thoroughly recommend it.”

Spencer said: “I am now in negotiations over film rights. I’m not expecting it to be a big Hollywood production, but it’s all very exciting.”

He added: “It’s taken me 20 years to get to this point - lots of research, a good idea and a lot of luck.”

Body? Should we cancel Easter?

And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

Body? Should we cancel Easter?

Why, was it a Pagan religious ceremony involving human or animal sacrifice?

Have you read this one new book Charlie....?

They are going to make a movie huh?

He's just blowing smoke.

We all know that Ol Eldo found the tomb, and used the actual ciphers left by the King who removed it all and transported it to the place it rests in Nova Scotia.....Champlain delivering it all on his Special Mission for the King.

Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

Tomb Lid.webp

And this is the Tomb featured in the Shepherd of Acadia II painting......

It takes a massive amount of fact finding and review of information from around the globe.

You have to know what to look for, and have the entire area mapped out using a specific set of clues.


Looks like its going to be another fiction novel interlaced with Half-Truths, and it seems that the origins of his research so far, as advertised, is merely the collection of other works and creation of a story using the excitement of OAK ISLAND as the triumph of it all.

Nothing new in the mainstream unfortunately.

Hi Robot

I wanted to post a continuation of our conversation from another site that provides evidence that my ancestors may be linked to the mystery of Oak Island. Nathan Levy (b. 1720 in Philadelphia) is my 6th time great grandfather. Nathan first came to Nova Scotia with Nathan Hart and Isaac Levy to supply and oversee provisions for the British army during the siege of Louisbourg. There was also speculation that he came here to take care of the family business of "Levy and Franks". Moses Levy (b. 1665) was Nathan's grandfather. He was noted to be in New York in 1695 and the rest of the family settled there in 1704. The patriarch of the American Franks family (Jacob Franks, b. 1688) emigrated with Moses and his family and boarded with them until he married Moses’s eldest daughter Abigaill whose letters are published here (https://books.google.ca/books?id=aL...ce=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false).

There is a lot of information about Moses and his family on the internet. The paternal family line leads back to Spain and Morocco (late 1500's to early 1600's) and they had a long history of being merchants, traders, and money lenders. They were also favoured by the aristocracy for their knowledge of languages and connections to family members and coreligionists across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. My grandmother attests to stories that that the family was in the favour of Spanish royalty. It is interesting to note that the inscription on the stone found on Oak Island resembles the ancient Berber alphabet; a language originating in North Africa (Egypt, Morocco). Spanish coins and 300-year-old scissors were also found on the island. The coconut fibers could have come from the Caribbean islands where Spanish trade and colonization flourished. I regret to say that some of my ancestors' ships were used in the slave trade -- a shameful part of my family's history I wish could be erased. Alongside this atrocity, the family also did some works of good such as financing the building of the spire on the Trinity Church in New York and transporting the Liberty Bell to Philadelphia.

You stated in a response to the above that privateering/piracy operated out of Lunenburg at the time of Nathan coming to Nova Scotia. You also noted that Captain Kidd was also involved in the building of Trinity church and that he lived near Moses Levy (my 8th time great grandfather) at the time. You were interested in knowing if they knew one another and if there were any family connections with Freemasonry or with Benjamin Franklin and/or George Washington. The following will answer some of these questions.

One Benjamin Franks (b. 1649), "after losing a fortune in gem dealing in the West Indies, embarked for India on the galley Adventure commanded by Captain William Kidd (who had been commissioned to suppress piracy), belonging to the starboard watch. When Captain Kidd turned pirate, Franks managed to escape, and subsequently gave evidence that assisted in bringing his erstwhile skipper to the gallows. Later on, he settled in New York, his descendants playing an important part in American life. (Among his descendants was Colonel David Salisbury Franks, Benedict Arnold's companion in battle though not in treason, and United States envoy to Spain at the conclusion of the War of American Independence.)" (JCR-UK, 2002, para 23 Retrieved from JCR-UK: History of the Great Synagogue (London) by Cecil Roth - Ch. 5 (part of the Susser Archive) ).

This Benjamin Franks is the uncle of Jacob Franks mentioned earlier who emigrated and later married into the Levy family. The Levy family also had some other interesting family connections. Later (c. 1750s), "Moses Levy and the Moses Seixas families both lived in one of Newport's large colonial mansions at 29 Touro Street. Seixas was a founding member of the nation's oldest Jewish Masonic Lodge (King David in Newport) and Grand Master of the Masonic Order of Rhode Island. Seixas was well known as the Cashier of the Bank of Rhode Island. President (Parnas) of Touro Synagogue at the time of the George Washington visit and letter to the congregation, Seixas also performed the Covenant of Circumcision (B’rith Milah). Prominent merchant and trader Moses Levy of New York and Newport was one of several Ashkenazi Jewish families in Newport at that time. Levy owned the Touro Street Mansion and willed the property to Moses Seixas in 1792. Levy was also one of the original benefactors of Touro Synagogue" (AICE, 2015, para 4. Retrieved from Rhode Island Jewish History | Jewish Virtual Library ).

There are some earlier connections I'm exploring, but for now I think some of this might go along with yours and Peter Amundson theories.

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“You are the fairy tale told by your ancestors.”

George Washington to Moses Siexas.webp

Hi Diggingfortruth

What a wonderful history of your lineage!

Reading through all your history one would hope that a movie could be made of this, I am sure it would win an ``Academy Award``!

Your Ancestors were a major part in the building of America, as were mine, in fact if we dig further ours probably knew each other.

The connection to Captain Kidd is extraordinary.

My theory does not connect Kidd to Oak Island but many believe that he buried his treasure there, before his execution.

I will present my logic from my position of what may have taken place.

I believe that your Moses Levy living near and working on projects in New York knew William Kidd.

I am sure that Moses Levy’s business as a broker in merchandise from shippers, may have been the catalyst to have William Kidd start his venture as a “Privateer”.

I presume that with their connection, Moses Levy helped Benjamin Franks gain a position with Kidd on the Adventurer, with the hope of both gaining riches from Kidd`s endeavors by the taking of the Booty from Pirates.

Unfortunately the Pirates of this era were better armed than the merchant ships and with his failures forcing his crews towards mutiny, Captain Kidd turned to Piracy.

As a pirate the share to the Captain and his Investors diminished with the majority of the spoils going to the crew.

This signed poor Captain Kidd`s death warrant as only a 2 shares of the Booty were available to be split amongst his cohorts and they turned on him accordingly.

What supports my theory?

I believe that Moses Levy with his connection to Moses Seixas, a Mason, Grand Master and Cashier of the Rhode Island Bank were essential for the laundering of the Booty retrieved from Oak Island by the Masons under George Washington in 1795.

George Washington met with Moses Seixas in 1790 to arrange this!


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Hi Robot,

It is definitely a fascinating story worthy of being written. Perhaps I'll have the time to do this someday -- or maybe it could be a collaborative effort. It sounds like you have some family interest in the story as well. I'd be interested to hear about these connections.

The connection of my ancestors to Oak Island is still speculation at this point but the clues that lead in this direction are mounting. I will be watching for news about discoveries there and in nearby New Ross. Thank you again for your reply and for posting such interesting and well researched pieces.

“It’s Just That Easy” Fall Equinox, September 23rd, 2015

With a quote from a local home building celebrity, could the location of the Freemason’s Treasure Vault be “Just That Easy” to locate.

In 1762, the Freemasons, during a time of enlightenment built their complicated “Money Pit” from their revered deceased patron Sir Francis Bacon’s instructions.

Bacon had envisioned a Treasure Vault protected by the impregnable forces of nature along and by the inventions of scientific man.

The entrance (The Money Pit) was designed to stop any attempts from unauthorized intruders, but also allow the easy retrieval of the treasure if one had the clues and knowledge to read the map to the Treasure Vault.

This ingenious map was not made from paper, scratched markers on trees or rocks, nor passed down by word of mouth.

This was Bacon’s creation of a Celestial Map.

One night a year... during the Autumn Equinox... the Map appears, as it will be forever located at Oak Island and available for all to see where the Treasure Vault is located.

Freemason's Map.webp

Oak Island Map.webp

How was the Map created for Oak Island?

Bacon’s Map consisted of the many Acts, Players, Riddles, and Scenes he had written within his Shakespearean Manuscripts.

Autumn Equinox, Midnight Witching Hour, Swans, Kings, Queens, Dragons, with the arrow shot through the heart, along with Rebis, representing Mercury (Bacon’s code name) as the heart where one’s treasure is located.


The process of fulfilling his plan of a Celestial Map was not capable until the Freemasons and The Royal Society of London had the necessary tools and knowledge to make it a reality.

The key figure with the design and the building of Sir Francis Bacon’s vision for Oak Island was Vice Admiral Washington Shirley, 5th Earl Ferrers.

Shirley was the Freemason’s Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge of England and a respected member of The Royal Society of London.

He was associated with the Oak Island Freemason’s Admirals and Commanders, along with being a good friend of Grand Master Benjamin Franklin.

Shirley was an esteemed astronomer, who worked with the observations of the Transit of Venus, a very massive undertaking of cross triangulating the planet Venus using similar techniques from Bacon’s Celestial Map for Oak Island.

Washington Shirley was one of the few astronomers of his time to possess his own Orrery.

Washington Shirley - The_Orrery.webp

Working with other enlightened Freemasons such as Alexander Cumming who invented a functional longitude clock, the time was right for the completion of Bacon’s plan.

How was Oak Island built from the Map?

The pinnacle points on Oak Island used to triangulate the final location of the Treasure Vault were placed on the Island at the set time of the Autumn Equinox, at midnight, with the help of an instrument called a “Mercury Trough”.

Mercury Trough.webp

This was a scientific instrument for their time, which enabled the viewer to pinpoint a set star to a set location on the ground.

From the Apex (The Triangle) a pertaining star’s location was pinpointed on the island and a marker stone with a pole placed into the hole drilled would be located there.

Oak Island - drilled stone1.webp

Oak Island - drilled_stone.webp

During the daylight hours the positions would be surveyed and cross triangulated to ensure their accuracy.

C'mon Robot,

Since we have 'history' as proof, must mean that the "Mooring Stones" were great for anchoring HUGE ships I guess.......

I can really see how they could be used to hold back a ship weighing tons, being as heavy as 20 lbs each.....LOL

Nothing to see here.....even though they were lined in a strait line as guide stones to derive a measurement, can't be the TRUTH.....

'But the truth was printed in History books'.....LOL

C'mon Robot......Where is any of the background info about WHO they were fighting against........? Nothing here at all.

The troves were found by the Mason's as they were led there by the French Mason who you even know the name of.....the man Benjamin Franklin went to see.

There was no way to transport any wealth then and he traveled back with information concerning these locations to build these resistance groups and to challenge the throne of England and the Vatican on behalf of the order that founded their grace and helped to evolve our people to become more Internationally trusted by this planned movement.

The final objective here was to separate the Jesuit and English from the Rosicrucian Church itself. The Franciscan Order was created after this time based on this resistance to their globalization efforts.

They gave them the map to the areas and they made themselves into the Founding Fathers by creating a NEW WORLD.

Their plan was to remove these extortionist's control over the globe.

And they began the Great Rebellion here.

The Mason's tapped the troves.....but left 'Green Lantern' legends flying above the Island to attract the Pirates of old and new, including all the current idiots and 'Privateers' that we see today talking about the 'History' of the island as a source of contention and debate....

But a debate was fired up for so many years............based on what evidence....??? Based on the fact that The Impossible Walk of David Ingram and his disappearing men, who reappear as the pirates who made the Sable Island their parking lot for scuttled ships? We all know these efforts were the reasons for the Spanish Armada invading England.

C'MON Robot.....stop selling trash and adamant belief in speculation.....nobody trusts a blind face online.......nobody

The fact has to be shown to fit all the puzzles and to be able to derive fundamental goals, objectives, motives, and the fact that the only Brits were Shakespeare and Bacon who worked on these puzzles

They are the only ones leading anyone there from Britain......and they were within their rights having formed the Rosicrucian era.

The Founding Fathers had to pillage these troves earlier than planned.....as their original charter was turned into a taxed slave trade state, where Parliament was at the helm of the opinions that were making the decisions....

The King was being controlled and manipulated to make a fool of him and make him an enemy of his own lineage.

They were revolting against the same things we despise here in the US today, and Canadians are getting sick of following a bunch of idiots from the Welsh lineage, making their claim to a Noble Kingdom, as Roman Catholic Imperialists making their assumption of the ownership of the throne puppets by the Vatican.

They will surely see the correction of their mistake, and will be made into the pawns of their own agendas, which will seem quite different than the actual lineage of these kingdoms. This is how we tell them apart.

They are evolving differently and their frontal lobes and male patterns are evident. They are futile Futants as much as the current trends are fading like the passing fart they were before.

"...having further considered that the said Company of Jesus can no longer produce those abundant fruits...in the present case, we are determining upon the fate of a society classed among the mendicant orders, both by its institute and by its privileges; after a mature deliberation, we do, out of our certain knowledge, and the fulness of our apostolical power, suppress and abolish the said company: we deprive it of all activity whatever...And to this end a member of the regular clergy, recommendable for his prudence and sound morals, shall be chosen to preside over and govern the said houses; so that the name of the Company shall be, and is, for ever extinguished and suppressed. ..."
— ", Pope Clement XIV, Dominus ac Redemptor Noster[SUP][6][/SUP]

Guess what.....they are now running the US and the UK........and are in bed with Israel......so wake up to the lie of History and make some of it for your own sake....

Stop fueling the site with trash, as it is valued not just for its 'treasures' but the fact that the online educational and research work that we have made public can only help in the confusion.

Nothing like a debate I tell ya......what an education a debate can bring as well. More embarrassment than any form of argument and punishment.....no the Truth is the greatest law.....

......and this site has some "Possibly True" information that may be tied in, but not as much as the people believe.

C'mon Robot,

Since we have 'history' as proof, must mean that the "Mooring Stones" were great for anchoring HUGE ships I guess.......

I can really see how they could be used to hold back a ship weighing tons, being as heavy as 20 lbs each.....LOL

Nothing to see here.....even though they were lined in a strait line as guide stones to derive a measurement,

Stop fueling the site with trash, as it is valued not just for its 'treasures' but the fact that the online educational and research work that we have made public can only help in the confusion.

Nothing like a debate I tell ya......what an education a debate can bring as well. More embarrassment than any form of argument and punishment.....no the Truth is the greatest law.....

......and this site has some "Possibly True" information that may be tied in, but not as much as the people believe.

Now don't take this the wrong way Eldo, but I have the feeling that you are very young, perhaps 12-15 years old.
Cheers, Loki

I've done quite a bit of work over the years regarding the geometry produced by the Cross and the Triangle and have often wondered the meaning of the area of the Triangle at 43 sq.ft,even though I've searched I have not been able to find it's meaning to the Rosicrucians,do you have any explanation for it.


How was Freemason's Numerology 4 - 3 used on Oak Island?

I've done quite a bit of work over the years regarding the geometry produced by the Cross and the Triangle and have often wondered the meaning of the area of the Triangle at 43 sq.ft,even though I've searched I have not been able to find it's meaning to the Rosicrucians,do you have any explanation for it.


The Rosicrucian picture of "Rebis" which I show and believe is a steganography, (the art and science of hiding messages in plain sight, to get a message across) shows the numbers 4 and 3 within the triangles.

The apron of the Freemason corresponds to the Number 43 (4 the square, 3 the triangle). In the biblical tradition the Number 43 is a symbol of fight and revolt, frustration and destruction.

Together the 4 and 3 make up the Masonic Square and Compass.

I find the angle of the 4 in the triangle picture could be the same angle as that of Cygnus's (the cross) Star Deneb, and Stone 2's Star Giausar, to the Treasure Vault's location.

I also find the angle of the 3 in the triangle picture could be the same angle as that of the Star Vega, and the Stone 1's Star Kochab, to the Treasure Vault's Entrance.


  • Oak Island -  3- 4 meaning.gif
    Oak Island - 3- 4 meaning.gif
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  • Masonic Square and Compass.webp
    Masonic Square and Compass.webp
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  • Set Square - 18th Century.webp
    Set Square - 18th Century.webp
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Thanks for answering,I was hoping it specifically referred to Francis Bacon as this geometry shows him to be re-buried in a 7 sided tomb as per the Fama Fraternitatis description at a location near the Cross.The basis of the geometry is the Cross being part of a 720ft radius hexagram with the stem and arm of the Cross being at 60d and 30d respectively,and the East side of that hexagram producing a North South line through the apex stone of the Stone Triangle.The location acts as a focal point and from certain boulders on the Cross lines taken from them through that point reproduce the Cross on that N-S line with the Stone Triangle representing Cone E.The location is approximately 287ft from Cone B and 218ft from the centre of Nolan's Cross and I wondered if it may be a point on your star chart that you may have overlooked.
I also find it interesting that your position for the MP is the same as mine produced from the geometry as being to the West of the True N-S line through the Stone Triangle when it was surveyed by Roper as being on that line.I am of the belief that Chappel may have made a mistake when he pointed it out to Hedden.

The part of creating these caves that was around was of Dagobert's Crusade were in the 7th century


PAX 681 taken from the scrolls in the Rennes Le Chateau columns under the foundation, of the Templar like castle. The old scroll explains the trove being brought to the French Countryside by Dagoberts men, then the second scroll uses a hidden map interlaced into the maps raised letters to find the trove in correlation to the marker stone laid there by the old templars

The Tomb Caves where the original bodies were entombed in France are found by following from the turret, in a straight line from the rear marker, through the center of the turret to the Westward facing cliff line adjacent to the Castle.

This cave is open to view anytime in France.

The other area that had been used as a depository was the one that the Nazi's found, and was traced using this code from the Medici Scroll

View attachment 1119720

View attachment 1119721

This statement shows you have no understanding of the Shepherdess Parchment or the events surrounding Rennes Le Chateau whatsoever!

They were not scrolls they were parchments. They were not found in the foundation, but allegedly in the old alter during remodeling. It wasn't a Templar like castle, it was and is a small church. PAX or 681 was not featured on any of them, it was only part of a decoded message. There was no map decoded from any of the parchments, and the one didn't say anything about Dagobert or Dagobert's men only that Dagobert II, was simply buried there, and there were also some genealogy's included. All of these parchment's are now said to be in a bank vault in London (at Charing Cross).
Anything else you want to know about Rennes le Chateau, ask me and I will answer you.

Cheers, Loki

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Sure seems fitting that another historian would try to defile the facts and compile them into a load of manure.

Did you take the measurements from La Rochelle to Arthur's Seat? = 681 miles....coincidence?


you just went off telling historical tales for quick slam....lol

Sure seems fitting that another historian would try to defile the facts and compile them into a load of manure.

Did you take the measurements from La Rochelle to Arthur's Seat? = 681 miles....coincidence?


you just went off telling historical tales for quick slam....lol

Sure, I think its coincidence. How about the child of Dagobert II, "Sigisbert IV" did not die with his father and was allegedly brought to Rennes le Chateau in 681. This would have been a continuation of the Merovingian line which is at the forefront of the RlC mystery. Coincidence, or do you just take what you want from the mystery and create your own direction? IMHO, what we will eventually discover is a significant bloodline which includes the Merovingian's and the Hautpouls. Sorry but I'm not into your treasure trove thing, although there is a missing, but documented, 160,000 florins of gold. Of course as I mentioned, you don't seem to understand much of the story of Rennes or the parchments anyhow. Again, if you ask me I will help you follow the story.

Cheers, Loki

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Could Sir Francis Bacon have been buried in an "heptagonal Tomb" within Oak Island!

Thanks for answering,I was hoping it specifically referred to Francis Bacon as this geometry shows him to be re-buried in a 7 sided tomb as per the Fama Fraternitatis description at a location near the Cross.The basis of the geometry is the Cross being part of a 720ft radius hexagram with the stem and arm of the Cross being at 60d and 30d respectively,and the East side of that hexagram producing a North South line through the apex stone of the Stone Triangle.The location acts as a focal point and from certain boulders on the Cross lines taken from them through that point reproduce the Cross on that N-S line with the Stone Triangle representing Cone E.The location is approximately 287ft from Cone B and 218ft from the centre of Nolan's Cross and I wondered if it may be a point on your star chart that you may have overlooked.

Rosicrucianism was at the core of Bacon's philanthropic beliefs.

I believe Bacon's knowledge of the Rosicrucian's legend of the Tomb of Rosenkreutz or the Tomb of Illumination would have created his desire to be buried in a 7 sided tomb.

He had a fixation with the preservation of his body and his Shakespearean manuscripts after his death, and had experimented with the uses of mercury, sulfur and tar as a way to preserve them.


"According to legend, Christian Rosenkreuz was a doctor who discovered and learned esoteric wisdom on a pilgrimage to the Middle East among Turkish, Arab and Persian sages, possibly Sufi orZoroastrian masters, supposedly in the early 15th century (see section below on Symbolism); returned and founded the "Fraternity of the Rose Cross" with himself (Frater C.R.C.) as Head of the Order. Under his direction a Temple, called Sanctus Spiritus, or "The House of the Holy Spirit", was built."

Rosenkreuz had written and foretold that his body would be located 120 years after his death.

"It is described that his body was discovered by a Brother of the Order, in a perfect state of preservation, 120 years after his death (which occurred in absolute secrecy) – as Rosenkreuz had predicted —, in a 7 sided heptagonal chamber erected by himself as a storehouse of knowledge.
Rosenkreuz's crypt, according to the description presented in the legend, is located in the interior of the Earth, recalling the alchemical motto V.I.T.R.I.O.L.: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem ["Visit the interior of the Earth; by rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone."].

Some of the symbols written on the walls of his chamber very much correspond with the symbols written on the hidden stone found at the 90 foot level of the Money Pit.

Tomb Symbols.webp

Decipher Stone 1.webp

Still boggles Amundsen's mind daily how I cracked the Hidden Stone at 90'......LOL

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