Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

Show Me The Money!

A very simple Google search of cordoury log roads in Nova Scotia will provide you with sufficient evidential proof of my statement.
*NOTE* many of those sites contain photos.

Show me the money 1.webp

Quite common actuallyF5DA2F1B-4281-4367-A5DB-A91EAC42D267.webp45839690-5895-47D0-8323-4432B187EDE3.webp
maybe the guys in the hard hats are Templars


  • 285C59F8-B83A-4BAF-98F6-95BBCC66197D.webp
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Quite common actually
maybe the guys in the hard hats are Templars

Could be as there are lots of Knights Templar groups out there. I have a jacket worn by a very good friend from Wyoming that says he was a member of the "Knights Templar/ Black Horse Troop".

Cheers, Loki

These Logs Were...No...Boardwalk!

Unlike what people on this Thread would like us to believe...these logs were not positioned in Smith's Cove for retired Canadians to walk the island.


No... from the dating of these logs and now the Unit of Measurement that was used...I believe what will be revealed is these Depositors used this Ships Dock to enable the Freemasons to bring ships up close to the island and remove their buried Treasure.

... from the dating of these logs and now the Unit of Measurement that was used...I believe what will be revealed is these Depositors used this Ships Dock to enable the Freemasons to bring ships up close to the island and remove their buried Treasure.
AS you asked on POST#2359:"What proof do you have to make such a statement !".
When and by whom were these logs dated, and who determined what Unit of Measurement was employed?
Where is the documented evidence that these logs were a Ships Dock that enabled Freemasons to remove their buried treasure?
What Freemason Lodge buried the treasure and when, and what Freemason Lodge removed the buried treasure and when?
It is very easy to make statements posted as fact, it is quite another matter when one requests factual supporting proof, Robot.

The Proof Is In The Pudding?

AS you asked on POST#2359:"What proof do you have to make such a statement !".
When and by whom were these logs dated, and who determined what Unit of Measurement was employed?
Where is the documented evidence that these logs were a Ships Dock that enabled Freemasons to remove their buried treasure?
What Freemason Lodge buried the treasure and when, and what Freemason Lodge removed the buried treasure and when?
It is very easy to make statements posted as fact, it is quite another matter when one requests factual supporting proof, Robot.

Proof is in the Pudding.webp

Does your above post mean that you DO NOT possess factual supporting proof for your statements on POST#2365, and have realized these logs were after all, part of a 19th century corduroy road?

The Templars built a wharf and were so careless as to leave it behind - then went to diabolical lengths to hide the secret clues as to where the "treasure" was buried impossibly deep?

It's soft and it's brown, and may still be a bit warm, but I don't think it's chocolate pudding.

But it would make dragging fishing boats up on the shore easier when not in use. And Portuguese and Basque fishermen were in that region, as well as the locals. People who might use a fid for rope work.

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A Horse Of A Different Color?

I believe this story which happened to me, may be used to describe a situation related to Oak Island.

Some time back I was invited to attend a Bible Study.

The conversation of the group was on the Book of Geneses, where Adam and Eve were assigned the task of naming the animals.

When it came to each individuals’ comments they went along the course of one saying... wasn’t the name for a Horse perfect, or doesn’t the name Hippopotamus suit that animal, and what a name for a Giraffe.

When it came to me, all I could comment was “Say What”?

The look of astonishment in their eyes when I tried to explain that the English Bible was only translated in the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Century (with the help of Sir Francis Bacon) and that English names were not the names Adam and Eve used for these animals.

Needless to say I was not invited back.

Here is the similarity I believe which relates to Oak Island.

When the original boys discovered the Money Pit in 1795 and stated the logs were placed every 10 feet and later finding the 90 foot stone which they claimed set off the Flood Tunnels… the measurement at this time was still the Royal Foot.

A Royal foot was 12.789 inches at this time.

If the young men stated that these logs were every 10 feet then in fact it was every 10.67 feet and the 90 foot Stone was really 96 feet down.

The Onslow Company may not have taken these measurements into consideration as by then the Royal Foot had changed to the Imperial Foot.

Their Shaft No. 2 Tunnel sent over from the 110 foot level would make the top of the tunnel approximately at the 104 foot mark.

The collapse of their tunnel may have occurred as in reality they only had 8 feet or less below what they thought was the 90 foot level.

1805 Shaft 2 was dug 14 feet east of the Money Pit to a depth of 110 feet. Their plan was to tunnel between Shaft 2 and the Money Pit and remove the treasure from below the 90-foot level. They managed to get within a few feet of their objective before the tunnel began to flood, barely allowing the men to escape with their lives and leaving the Onslow Company with two shafts full of water and no treasure.

I hope the Lagina Brothers now working on the Shaft No. 2 Tunnel, will take these measurements into consideration.

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I doubt the "boys" were practicing surveyors, so the first time their story surfaced some 60 years after the events it was probably a close approximation of the location of any platforms. And, if they did measure: was it from the "original" surface, the top of the depression before they started digging, the level of the surrounding area? It hardly matters as it was probably just drifted wood that was washed in to gradually fill a natural sink-hole.

No sense building great detail and accuracy into a myth.

Move Along...Nothing To See Here!

I doubt the "boys" were practicing surveyors, so the first time their story surfaced some 60 years after the events it was probably a close approximation of the location of any platforms. And, if they did measure: was it from the "original" surface, the top of the depression before they started digging, the level of the surrounding area? It hardly matters as it was probably just drifted wood that was washed in to gradually fill a natural sink-hole.

No sense building great detail and accuracy into a myth.

Nothing To See.webp

Yes a joke from Robot is welcomed comic relief from the usual nonsense. :thumbsup:

You posted a quote from me "That was meant to be funny" followed by the above reply. That was from some time ago and had nothing to do with your current discussion with Robot. For what purpose did you post that?

Cheers, Loki

Those logs appear to be a cordoury road that were common in Nova Scotia during the 19th century.
No Templars or Freemasons were involved in their construction.

How do you know that no Templars or Freemasons were involved in their construction? Here in Michigan I know of several Freemasons involved in various types of construction and sometimes I wear a jacket of the Knights Templar Black Horse Troop in Wyoming in memory of one of my best friends who at one time worked on roads.

Cheers, Loki

The Knights Templar Black Horse Troop from Wyoming is one of several performing Masonic Shriner mounted patrols in the Northwest, dressed alike and riding black geldings with matching tack appearing in parades, rodeos, and other events.
Their motto, "We ride so children can walk" exemplifies that good work this patrol does in raising money for children's hospitals.
While highly regarded and respected for their good works, The Knights Templar Black Horse Troop has nothing to do or is connected with the original Templar Order.

For those that watched this weeks show did you notice how far away they are currently drilling holes compared to where their past 60'' holes are. I'm guessing 30' or so. They claim the exact MP location has/had been lost 100 years ago. So if that is the case that explains why Dunfield dug such a wide hole since he didn't know exactly where he was supposed to dig and with his hole while it was deep it wasn't very wide as it got down to any real depth. Regardless if there is any treasure he could have been off by alot in his digging. Also back when the Laginas where drilling the 60'' holes and Dan Blankenship was still alive they asked him what his best guess was for the MP and they drilled there. Which was apparently off by 30' or so MAYBE... Granted this only works if where they are currently drilling is at or very close to the original MP area. Regardless of treasure being in it...

The Knights Templar Black Horse Troop from Wyoming is one of several performing Masonic Shriner mounted patrols in the Northwest, dressed alike and riding black geldings with matching tack appearing in parades, rodeos, and other events.
Their motto, "We ride so children can walk" exemplifies that good work this patrol does in raising money for children's hospitals.
While highly regarded and respected for their good works, The Knights Templar Black Horse Troop has nothing to do or is connected with the original Templar Order.

Next you'll be telling us that the fez wearing Shriners aren't actually from Morocco.

No Man Is An Island...Or...Maybe Oak Island Was Not An Island...After All?

Sea Levels.webp

Ocean Levels at Oak Island calculated to have risen over 30 inches since the time of the Original Depositors...Maybe Oak Island was not an Island after all...but a Peninsula!

Oak Island Causeway to Mainland.webp

Ocean Levels at Oak Island calculated to have risen over 30 inches since the time of the Original Depositors...
That should be alleged or assumed "Original Depositors", for it has never been proven that anything was ever deposited by anyone on Oak Island.

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