Bronze Member
Ok the whole man made climate change because of CO2 is nothing more than a myth created by a bunch of people who get their rocks off through fear, power, and control.
Water vapor is far, far more potent than CO2.
Now add into that little bit from NASA, this little gem right here.
Now let's take a look at the PM 10, PM 5 ,and PM 2.5 rules concerning particulate matter or the lack there of. So without condensation nuclei, we end up with a super saturated atmosphere from humidity. Ever wonder why we have to seed clouds to make it rain anymore?
So when an atmosphere is supersaturated, it retains a hell of alot of heat. Far, far more than CO2. From what I have read it accounts for 60-70% of "global warming".
Now when you finally introduce condesation nuclei into a super saturated atmosphere, you get and explosion of sorts leading to torrential downpours, flooding, blizzards, etc.
On to tornado formation to dispel another myth of the AGW crowd. In order for a tornado to form you need a collision between a warm moist front AND an unusually cold dry air mass. This sets up wind shear that starts the rotation of the tornado. The colder the day air mass the more violent the tornado. This is why there are very very few tornados in the Tropics.
I guess in essence you could say man made climate change does exist, but it is NOT from CO2. It is from the oh so stupid people that removed particulate matter from the atmosphere in the name of human health.
What does it matter what the drivers of climate change are? Whether it's carbon dioxide, "water vapor." or overpopulation, they are all drivers of climate change.
From the article you just quoted:
Because the new precise observations agree with existing assessments of water vapor's impact, researchers are more confident than ever in model predictions that Earth's leading greenhouse gas will contribute to a temperature rise of a few degrees by the end of the century.
This is the definition of climate change.
So you do agree that climate change is for real, I guess.
Dave and Jim, by agreeing that overpopulation is real and is a factor, and having mentioned so, have also inadvertently agreed that climate change is real.