New treasure theory?

There are two tunnels with shafts one is about 900 feet long and the other is about 1400 feet long. The first runs just north of the swamp and then the other runs to a chambered vault under "KINGDOM"
If there were no shafts, then, there be no treasures. I believe the story, but, due to water problems, the brothers will never recover any treasures. But, good luck to them.

Thanks for your support.
Sorry Franklin, I call it as I see it.
you have a lot of potential and you obviously love this stuff, as do most of us, however, life is too damn short to waste it chasing BS stories invented by unscrupulous people all in the name of making a buck.
show me something that is not, or has not, been proven to be fraudulent, then I will consider it’s merit.

... You can believe your history books all you want but the later end of the 21st Century this is going to be the history of America and how it became a powerful country.
"Yes I had asked to have one of the journal pages tested for DNA because there appeared to be a blood spot on the last page of Henry's journals. I also wanted DNA run on the lambskin map, at that time I had all the originals , however, now without them, we aren't able to repeat the process and I've chosen not to reveal the results". - Diana Jean Muir
What is hard to believe is the various versions of the story presented by Muir.
Why would she go through the process to have DNA run on this alleged bloodspot when she once stated and Wolter concurred that these were copies made from an earlier work and that the Latin portion of these journals appears to have been written in the style popular during the Victorian period, NOT the 14th century.
The reason is obvious on why Muir had "chosen" NOT to reveal the results just has why she disposed of these copies and the lambskin map,
"We know where they are and if possible, we might just go dig them up".- Diana Jean Muir.
If, as you say, Franklin, "this is going to be the history of America and how it became a powerful country", you should volunteer boots on the ground , and recover these buried journal copies and lambskin map and have them actually carbon dated and tested.

The ONLY thing we know to be true about Oak Island is the black slave who settled there would come into town with gold and silver coins to purchase supplies so he found something but it wasn't 170' down....

The ONLY thing we know to be true about Oak Island is the black slave who settled there would come into town with gold and silver coins to purchase supplies so he found something but it wasn't 170' down....

What was the dates on the gold and silver coins? If not before 1400 AD, Samuel Ball did not find the treasure.

franklin wrote in post # 253 "They left 8 markers to where the Holy Relics are hidden, 3 of the 8 markers have been found and something was found at one marker but I was not told what was found. Even today these locations are being checked out all over Canada, Nova Scotia, our Western States and our Eastern States."
then in post # 257 "I do not know where the markers are but they definitely are not on Oak Island nor in Nova Scotia and not in Canada."
if they are all in the United States they are protected by the antiquities law
16 USC 431-433
That permits for the examination of ruins, the excavation of archaeological sites, and the gathering of objects of antiquity upon the lands under their respective jurisdictions may be granted by the Secretaries of the Interior, Agriculture, and War to institutions which the may deem properly qualified to conduct such examination, excavation, or gathering, subject to such rules and regulation as they may prescribe: Provided, That the examinations, excavations, and gatherings are undertaken for the benefit of reputable museums, universities, colleges, or other recognized scientific or educational institutions, with a view to increasing the knowledge of such objects, and that the gatherings shall be made for permanent preservation in public museums.
This means only qualified experts with a permit can remove items of historic significance to studied and be displayed in museums, so even here it is illegal for secret removal of artifacts.
Watching the show Curse of Oak Island made me cringe. Going after a historic treasure with a drill rig? There is no way I would give out a permit for that type of exploration for a historic treasure. Proper means of recovery would have been a 100 foot coffer dam slowly sunk in to working depth. Next stabilize the ground with silicon dioxide in a slurry to create a waterproof glass jar (same as used in Japan to contain the radioactive water). Then go about sifting the removal debris a single layer at a time so that a timeline could be drawn for each layer.
It reminded me of what happened in the Dominican Republic in Columbus's town/fort of Isabella. The Dominicans heard a scientific team was coming to examine the ruins and do carbon dating, so wanting to be good host they took bulldozers to the site to clear out the overgrowth. When the International team got there it was nothing but a flat field. I still have a Native bow that was recovered from the site made of Ironwood.

Oh but yes there is, no not authentic contemporary documents yet but they will be and they are coming.
The Zeno narratives are actually true...
"If the Zeno map is the work of Venetian navigators who lived with the Rael of Orkney for four and fourteen years respectively, they don't seem to have paid much attention to their surroundings"
- Brian Smith, Shetland archivist/New Orkney Antiquarian Journal
I might also add that they did not learn how to spell Sinclair and that Henry was not a Prince.

Watching the show Curse of Oak Island made me cringe. Going after a historic treasure with a drill rig? There is no way I would give out a permit for that type of exploration for a historic treasure. Proper means of recovery would have been a 100 foot coffer dam slowly sunk in to working depth. Next stabilize the ground with silicon dioxide in a slurry to create a waterproof glass jar (same as used in Japan to contain the radioactive water). Then go about sifting the removal debris a single layer at a time so that a timeline could be drawn for each layer.

They were just playing around in a shaft sunk by Triton in 1971 (Borehole 10-X) that went down 235 ft and didn't produce anything. Later rebored to 181 ft and still nothing. They're just turning over the rubble from decades of prior digs and minings for the benefit of TV.

... the Journals of Sir Henry Sinclair are real and they span over 450 years or about 14 generations that have protected the Knight's Templar Treasures. Diana Muir found them, translated them and is having them published slowly...
The point is that you are taking the word of Diana Jean Muir that the Sinclair journals are real without you actually ever having seen the originals if they ever existed or the 30-40 photocopied pages that she is now utilizing for this ongoing series of Sinclair journal books.
Even Scott Wolter expressed his doubts by NOT coming forth espousing the validity that these journals were real with remarks like "if authentic" and "Assuming the journals are real".
Don't you think that as a self proclaimed "professional genealogist" for the LDS, Muir were KNOW the importance of preserving the original copies of these alleged journals and lambskin as evidential proof that these lost Templar journals of Prince Henry Sinclair of Muir's books are real and not just a creative writing embellishment of the fictional Zeno voyage of Prince Zichmni story.

Drakar ???


Muir's "THE LOST TEMPLAR CHRONICLES" was published May 11,2018 was Vol 1 of what was to be a three book series.
Muir's "THE LOST TEMPLAR JOURNALS OF PRINCE HENRY SINCLAIR" was published July 16, 2019 is to be Vol 1 of a 20 book series.
Both of these series are based on Muir's alleged discovery of a trunk in a basement in Greenville, Tennessee that contained 20 books said to be the Journals of Henry Sinclair written in Latin, Middle English, and Modern English. and an ink drawn lambskin map.
Coincidentally, Diana Jean Muir, claims to be a descendant of Henry Sinclair.

Here is Volume 2. I already have a copy. It is in black and white. There is a delay on the Color Version. I also have a different cover and copy for Volume 1. If I can find a photo I will post it.

The treasure where the "Money Pit" is located is not where the Knight's Templar Treasures were buried? The "Money Pit" is where Lt. Daniel Vaughn buried plunder from the Sack of Louisburg. He later recovered the treasure and left Oak Island in 1793. Near his property in Saint Martin over $300,000 in golden guineas was found. The coins were dated 1765. Not only that about two other treasures have been recovered in the area according to newspapers. Daniel's son continued the dig on Oak Island either to find some treasure his father may have not been able to find. He should have been entrusted to the family fortune but I guess his father did not want to tell him or did not have time to tell him. There is about 250 feet difference in where the "Money Pit" treasure was and where the "Knight's Templar" treasures were buried. It may still be there but it won't be more than 30 feet deep. This did not come from Diana's books. This is my research. I know the sacking of Louisburg was in 1758 but Lt. Daniel Vaughn was a privateer and there may have been other plunder added to his "Money Pit" this was the only date on a coin that was given.
The Journals of Prince Henry Sinclair Vol. 2.webp

Here is the cover I have on Volume 1:

The Lost Templar Journals of Prince Henry Sinclair Volume 1.webp

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What are the odds that a descendant of Henry Sinclair who is a professional genealogist for the LDS and understands the importance of provenance and the preservation of historical documents would find in a basement in Greenville, Tennessee a trunk that contained the journals of her ancestor with a ink drawn map on lambskin or which she would make 30-40 photocopies and then discard the "originals" by burying them without any outside professional historian or organization could verify their actual existence and validate their content as real?
That is what Diana Jean Muir wants those who pay $40 -$50 for her ongoing series of these "found" Sinclair journals that she cavalierly discarded by burial to believe that are basically a creative embellishment of the fictional Zeno narrative.

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What are the odds that a descendant of Henry Sinclair who is a professional genealogist for the LDS and understands the importance of provenance and the preservation of historical documents would find in a basement in Greenville, Tennessee a trunk that contained the journals of her ancestor with a ink drawn map on lambskin or which she would make 30-40 photocopies and then discard the "originals" by burying them without any outside professional historian or organization could verify their actual existence and validate their content as real?
That is what Diana Jean Muir wants those who pay $40 -$50 for her ongoing series of these "found" Sinclair journals that she cavalierly discarded by burial to believe that are basically a creative embellishment of the fictional Zeno narrative.


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What are the odds that a descendant of Henry Sinclair who is a professional genealogist for the LDS and understands the importance of provenance and the preservation of historical documents would find in a basement in Greenville, Tennessee a trunk that contained the journals of her ancestor with a ink drawn map on lambskin or which she would make 30-40 photocopies and then discard the "originals" by burying them without any outside professional historian or organization could verify their actual existence and validate their content as real?
That is what Diana Jean Muir wants those who pay $40 -$50 for her ongoing series of these "found" Sinclair journals that she cavalierly discarded by burial to believe that are basically a creative embellishment of the fictional Zeno narrative.

Who else would be checking with next of kin? She is a descendant of Sir Henry Sinclair but not directly. As for the price of her books they are competitive with works by others. Myself I never pay attention to much to price, if I want it I buy it. You never learn from looking through a window glass you have to get inside and the only way inside is to pay. Nothing is free. The Journals of Sir Henry Sinclair and the Zeno Narratives are real history. I do not care what the academics think. As for the Cremona Document, I am still trying to verify.

Here is a little something about academics. Bruce Willis when he first came out about terrorist taking over a building in Chicago. The Critics or so called experts said the movie was no good. My brother and I loved the hell out of the movie. Later everyone was acclaiming out great the movie was. Same thing with the old Star Trek movies critics did not care much for it when it first came out but look how poplar the shows are today. I pay no attention to the experts or academics unless I believe them to be correct. in this instance about Diana Muir's work they are dead wrong again.

... The Journals of Sir Henry Sinclair and the Zeno Narratives are real history.
I do not care what the academics think.
As for the Cremona Document, I am still trying to verify...
Where is the outside of these Journals, Narratives, and Document hard evidential collaborating proof that these works are "real history"?
Just as with Muir's buried "originals" that were alleged to be copies of an earlier work, hence not written in Sinclair's hand but by an unknown copyist, there is NO outside proof that the story content has anything to do with real history, as with the Zeno narrative on which much of Muir's "journals" are based.
What is "dead wrong" is to believe that a professional genealogist would dispose of legitimate historical journals if they were "REAL" as she claims, that could be examined by other professionals of legitimate historical organizations that could certify the historical validity of these journals before creating a series of books that are based on her and Scott Wolter's word that these journals and lambskin map are real.
You state that you "pay no attention to the experts or academics" unless you believe them correct, yet you believe Muir's work that has NO outside historical collaborating evidence except for the fictional Zeno narrative that has been proven many times over to be a HOAX.
*NOTE* Invoking a Bruce Willis movie and STAR TREK proves absolutely nothing beyond a poor strawman apples and oranges attempt at supporting a nonlogical argument on why academics do not or endorse the Sinclair Journals, Zeno Narrative, and the Cremona Document as real history, but is quite revealing on another level that most likely wasn't intended. :laughing7:

Where is the outside of these Journals, Narratives, and Document hard evidential collaborating proof that these works are "real history"?
Just as with Muir's buried "originals" that were alleged to be copies of an earlier work, hence not written in Sinclair's hand but by an unknown copyist, there is NO outside proof that the story content has anything to do with real history, as with the Zeno narrative on which much of Muir's "journals" are based.
What is "dead wrong" is to believe that a professional genealogist would dispose of legitimate historical journals if they were "REAL" as she claims, that could be examined by other professionals of legitimate historical organizations that could certify the historical validity of these journals before creating a series of books that are based on her and Scott Wolter's word that these journals and lambskin map are real.
You state that you "pay no attention to the experts or academics" unless you believe them correct, yet you believe Muir's work that has NO outside historical collaborating evidence except for the fictional Zeno narrative that has been proven many times over to be a HOAX.
*NOTE* Invoking a Bruce Willis movie and STAR TREK proves absolutely nothing beyond a poor strawman apples and oranges attempt at supporting a nonlogical argument on why academics do not or endorse the Sinclair Journals, Zeno Narrative, and the Cremona Document as real history, but is quite revealing on another level that most likely wasn't intended. :laughing7:

Do you know what Sir Henry Sinclair's handwriting would look like? Are you a writing expert? What language would Sir Henry Sinclair have written his journals in? You can not answer any of these questions. I have seen Sir Henry Sinclair's handwriting about the wreck of his ship in 1398, the Saint Katherine on Dog Island in Saint Katherine Bay as he named it later. Saint Katherine Bay today is Mahone Bay. Sir Henry Sinclair wrote his Journals in Latin.

Please tells where you saw Henry Sinclair's handwriting and provide your credentials as a handwriting expert.
I and others who have read your posts can eastly answer any of these questions because you have posted aa your research all this information from Muir's books.
The journals that Diana Jean Muir found in that Tennessee basement were written in Latin, Middle English (what Muir called "Old English", AND Modern English, and were copies from an alleged earlier work. No where was it claimed that these were written by Henty Sinclair, which is totally irrelevant to this discussion due to Muir disposing of these copies before so they couldn't be examined, appraised and verified by professional experts of appropriate academic disciplines.
So where and when did you see Henry Sinclair's handwriting, and most importantly, how were you able to determine that it was actually Henry Sinclair's handwriting?

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