New treasure theory?

Jesuit's did not use the 8 pointed star as that was worship of the Goddess Venus.
The Jesuits, who were the most highly educated in Spain at that time, convinced the Spanish King Carlos that they could with their knowledge, help in the discovery of gold and silver for the Crown coffers while they brought the WORD to the indigenous people in Spanish America. He obliged by providing military support who also looked out for the King's interest, miners, and stone masons for marking trails and locations.
The Jesuits were also there to fill the coffers for the Church in Rome, and devised a series of symbol codes based on ancient Phoenician, Hebrew languages, Egyptian symbols mixed with those of alchemy and Golden Mathematics, and handed prepared drawings to the stone masons to carve on marker pillars, large stones and boulders.
Being the only ones who could understand and read these esoteric symbols, which gave location, distance, and content information, the Jesuits were able to hide directions to their mines from the King's overseers in plain sight.
It has been claimed that this enabled to Jesuits to keep 80% of their finds for Rome, with the King getting the remaining 20%.
There are many of these carved Jesuits markers throughout the Southwest.

The Jesuits, who were the most highly educated in Spain at that time, convinced the Spanish King Carlos that they could with their knowledge, help in the discovery of gold and silver for the Crown coffers while they brought the WORD to the indigenous people in Spanish America. He obliged by providing military support who also looked out for the King's interest, miners, and stone masons for marking trails and locations.
The Jesuits were also there to fill the coffers for the Church in Rome, and devised a series of symbol codes based on ancient Phoenician, Hebrew languages, Egyptian symbols mixed with those of alchemy and Golden Mathematics, and handed prepared drawings to the stone masons to carve on marker pillars, large stones and boulders.
Being the only ones who could understand and read these esoteric symbols, which gave location, distance, and content information, the Jesuits were able to hide directions to their mines from the King's overseers in plain sight.
It has been claimed that this enabled to Jesuits to keep 80% of their finds for Rome, with the King getting the remaining 20%.
There are many of these carved Jesuits markers throughout the Southwest.

I won't argue the point with you but you can Google the signs for yourself. Here is one of the Jesuit's, worshippers of Jesus and others of the Goddess Venus. Venus 8 pointed Star 2.webpsocietyofjesus-jesuit.webpVenus 8 pointed Star.webpeight-pointed-star-of-ishtar-animated-www-aamichael666-com-small.gif

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No need to argue, Franklin, as I mentioned, the Jesuits adapted many different symbols from different sources and cultures for codes, and it is very possible that the "star" was a symbol for Venus adapted from another culture.
The Templars did not use an eight pointed star as a symbol, nor a Malta cross on a single base- the Templar symbol was a traditional cross on a three step base, which leads to the obvious logical conclusion concerning that carved pillar- Not made by the Templars.

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As usual I disagree with you.

With what statement do you disagree?
The Templars not using an 8 pointed star symbol or the 3 step Calvary Cross symbol?
The Jesuits utilizing a code created from ancient Hebrew and Phoenician languages and symbols from alchemy, Golden Mathematics , and other ancient symbols that only they could understand?
I know you can't disagree with the established fact that the Jesuits were in the Spanish Colonial American southwest, or that there is No evidence that the Templars were in New Mexico.

There is a headstone behind this stone that has a Knight's Templar Cross.
Either a Knight's Templar is buried there or sometimes they leave a small treasure to mark the way they went or traveled.
Has never been checked out.
What really needs to be "checked out" is if the Templars had means, motive, and opportunity to travel to New Mexico before the Spanish explorers and before it became the Spanish Colonial southwest before accepting that this stone pillar with an alleged headstone is Templar.

What really needs to be "checked out" is if the Templars had means, motive, and opportunity to travel to New Mexico before the Spanish explorers and before it became the Spanish Colonial southwest before accepting that this stone pillar with an alleged headstone is Templar.
I think that there is another possibility to consider, These pillars may not be older than 1800’s or so, and the Templar symbols are representative of a more modern Templar group, Masonic maybe.

There is a larger stone near there, has like the Ten Commandments carved on it. Also one side of that stone up there posted has like a cup or "Holy Grail" carved on it. The 8 pointed star is for the Goddess Venus and it is on all four sides.

There's a whole thread which provides a lot more info on the so-called Serna Stones: Read the posts and draw your own conclusions.

The Decalogue Stone on Hidden Mountain is about 174 miles SW of the Ponil Park Cemetery, where one of the carved Serna Stones sits - no where near each other and not related in any way. Hidden Mountain is much more of an interesting site, IMO.
Ponil Town cemetery June 10 2017.webp
Ponil Park Cemetery

...or stone trail markers placed there by the Black Robed Jesuits who were in New Mexico in the 1600's, converting Native Americans whole looking for gold and silver deposits to mine.
The crude sun carved at the top of the pillar is similar to the Jesuit symbol, the building appears to be a rendition of the Jesuit mother church, CHURCH OF THE GESU, in Rome, and the cross appears to be a Spanish cross of that period, Columbus also had the that cross design on his sails, and he was not a Templar.

There were no Jesuits in New Mexico in the 1600s. That was still the case when they were expelled from the New World in 1767. NM was exclusively administered by the Franciscan Order, as directed by Papal Bull.

I think that there is another possibility to consider, These pillars may not be older than 1800’s or so, and the Templar symbols are representative of a more modern Templar group, Masonic maybe.

If you support the allegations centered on activities of the so-called KGC, they would be prime candidates.

Those are land markers made by the Knight's Templar when they were in the desert Southwest in the 13th and 14th centuries.

Those are land markers made by the Knight's Templar when they were in the desert Southwest in the 13th and 14th centuries.

I've personally located about 150 mining claim corners marked by stones carved by mineral surveyors in the New Mexico mountains. They were carved ca 1870-1910 at elevations ranging from 7,000-8,000 feet. The weathering and readability ranged from very good (basalt, diorite, hard limestone) to unreadable (various softer granites and rocks with similar hardness). All this in only 100-150 years. Likewise with crude to fancy headstones in any old cemetery in the area - some readable, some not.

The Ponil Cemetery headstone sits at 7,890 feet elevation in terrain similar to that described above and with a quite similar climate, possibly with more severe winters at its higher latitude. The stone appears to be carved from a light, soft, easy-to-work-with-crude-tools material - looks granitic, maybe even some sort of sandstone. The edges of the symbols are still sharp and tool marks are still visible. The stone certainly does not predate the 19th century. If you put 700-800 more years of weathering on the stone, you'll have a nearly smooth rock on your hands.

Ponil pillar  west side width base.webp

ECS wrote in post #178 : It has been established many time over that Henry Sinclair was NOT a prince nor was a Templar.
I believe you are confusing two people in different times, or the author did faulty investigation.
Infante D. Henrique of Portugal, Duke of Viseu (4 March 1394 — 13 November 1460)
Henry I Sinclair, Jarl of Orkney, Lord of Roslin (c. 1345 — c. 1400)
lets go back to the real timeline of subject:
1307 - 11 October Templar ships left La Rochelle, heading to Scotland with much of their wealth.
1307 - On Friday the 13th, in October , Jacques de Molay, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and 60 of his senior knights were arrested in Paris, France and charged with heresy. Many confessed under torture

Knights Templar Timeline

King Philip had other reasons to mistrust the Templars, as the organization had declared its desire to form its own state, similar to how the Teutonic Knights had founded Prussia. The Templars' preferred location for this was in the Languedoc of southeastern France,[citation needed] but they had also made a plan for the island of Cyprus. In 1306, the Templars had supported a coup on that island, which had forced King Henry II of Cyprus to abdicate his throne in favor of his brother, Amalric of Tyre. This probably made Philip particularly uneasy, since just a few years earlier he had inherited land in the region of Champagne, France, which was the Templars' headquarters. The Templars were already a "state within a state", were institutionally wealthy, paid no taxes, and had a large standing army which by papal decree could move freely through all European borders. However, this army no longer had a presence in the Holy Land, leaving it with no battlefield. These factors, plus the fact that Philip had inherited an impoverished kingdom from his father and was already deeply in debt to the Templars, were probably what led to his actions. However, recent studies emphasize the political and religious motivations of the French king. It seems that, with the "discovery" and repression of the "Templars' heresy," the Capetian monarchy claimed for itself the mystic foundations of the papal theocracy. The Temple case was the last step of a process of appropriating these foundations, which had begun with the Franco-papal rift at the time of Boniface VIII. Being the ultimate defender of the Catholic faith, the Capetian king was invested with a Christlike function that put him above the pope : what was at stake in the Templars' trial, then, was the establishment of a "royal theocracy".
At dawn on Friday, October 13, 1307, scores of French Templars were simultaneously arrested by agents of King Philip, later to be tortured in locations such as the tower at Chinon, into admitting heresy and other sacrilegious offenses in the Order. Then they were put to death. There were five initial charges lodged against the Templars. The first was the renouncement and spitting on the cross during initiation into the Order. The second was the stripping of the man to be initiated and the thrice kissing of that man by the preceptor on the navel, posteriors and the mouth. The third was telling the neophyte (novice) that unnatural lust was lawful and indulged in commonly. The fourth was that the cord worn by the neophyte day and night was consecrated by wrapping it around an idol in the form of a human head with a great beard, and that this idol was adored in all chapters. The fifth was that the priests of the order did not consecrate the host in celebrating Mass.
On August 12, 1308, the charges would be increased and would become more outrageous, one specifically stated that the Templars worshipped idols, specifically made of a cat and a head, the latter having three faces. The lists of articles 86 to 127 would add many other charges. The majority of these charges were identical to the charges that had been earlier issued against the inconvenient Pope Boniface VIII: accusations of denying Christ, spitting and urinating on the cross, and devil worship. Of the 138 Templars (many of them old men) questioned in Paris over the next few years, 105 of them "confessed" to denying Christ during the secret Templar initiations. 103 confessed to an "obscene kiss" being part of the ceremonies, and 123 said they spat on the cross. Throughout the trial there was never any physical evidence of wrongdoing, and no independent witnesses; the only "proof" was obtained through confessions induced by torture. The Templars reached out to the Pope for assistance, and Pope Clement did write letters to King Philip questioning the arrests, but took no further action.
Despite the fact that the confessions had been produced under duress, they caused a scandal in Paris, with mobs calling for action against the blaspheming Order. In response to this public pressure, along with more bullying from King Philip, Pope Clement issued the bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae, which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets. Most monarchs simply didn't believe the charges, though proceedings were started in England, Iberia, Germany, Italy, and Cyprus, with the likelihood of a confession being dependent on whether or not torture was used to extract it.
The dominant view is that Philip, who seized the treasury and broke up the monastic banking system, was jealous of the Templars' wealth and power, and frustrated by his enormous debt to them, sought to seize their financial resources for himself by bringing blatantly false charges against them at the Tours assembly in 1308. It is almost impossible to believe, that, under the influence of his carefully chosen advisors (the same that had persecuted Boniface), he actually believed the charges to be true. It is widely accepted that Philip had clearly made up the accusations, some nearly identical to those made against Boniface, and did not believe any of the Templars to have been party to such activities. It is a fact that he had invited Jacques de Molay to be a pall-bearer at the funeral of the King's sister on the very day before the arrests.
In 1312, after the Council of Vienne, and under extreme pressure from King Philip IV, Pope Clement V issued an edict officially dissolving the Order. Many kings and nobles who had been supporting the Knights up until that time, finally acquiesced and dissolved the orders in their fiefs in accordance with the Papal command. Most were not so brutal as the French. In England, many Knights were arrested and tried, but not found guilty.
Much of the Templar property outside France was transferred by the Pope to the Knights Hospitaller, and many surviving Templars were also accepted into the Hospitallers. In the Iberian Peninsula, where the king of Aragon was against giving the heritage of the Templars to the Hospitallers (as commanded by Clement V), the Order of Montesa took Templar assets.
The order continued to exist in Portugal, simply changing its name to the Order of Christ. This group was believed to have contributed to the first naval discoveries of the Portuguese. Prince Henry the Navigator led the Portuguese order for 20 years until the time of his death.
Even with the absorption of Templars into other Orders, there are still questions as to what became of all of the tens of thousands of Templars across Europe. There had been 15,000 "Templar Houses", and an entire fleet of ships. Even in France where hundreds of Templars had been rounded up and arrested, this was only a small percentage of the estimated 3,000 Templars in the entire country. Also, the extensive archive of the Templars, with detailed records of all of their business holdings and financial transactions, was never found. By papal bull it was to have been transferred to the Hospitallers.
A popular thread of conspiracy theory originating with Holy Blood, Holy Grail has it that the Templars used a fleet of 18 ships at La Rochelle to escape arrest in France. The fleet allegedly left laden with knights and treasures just before the issue of the warrant for the arrest of the Order in October 1307. This, in turn, was based on a single item of testimony from serving brother Jean de Châlon, who says he had "heard people talking that [Gerard de Villiers had] put to sea with 18 galleys, and the brother Hugues de Chalon fled with the whole treasury of the brother Hugues de Pairaud.
In Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the knights that allegedly boarded these ships then escaped to Scotland, but in some versions the Templars are even claimed to have left for North America, burying a treasure in Oak Island, Nova Scotia, Canada .
The Templars did have ships to carry personnel, pilgrims and supplies across the Mediterranean between the West and East and back. The records of the port of La Rochelle show that the Templars were exporting wine by ship.
Nicholson's argument against the posiblities , is an assessment of the fleet in 1312 - according to the LaRochelle Theory, many ships would already have disappeared bound for many of the aforementioned destinations and stands to reason their fleet would seem depleted in the following years after the arrest of the Templars.
As recorded in testimony of the Knight Jean de Châlon, the Templars had advance warning of the impending raid, and arranged a fleet of 18 galley ships to leave Port La Rochelle, visibly leaving behind a couple ships to avoid raising suspicions of their escape. This testimony during the trials specified that “Gerard de Villiers, the Paris Preceptor, had escaped with 50 horses and 18 ships.”
The historical record leaves “no doubt” that the Templar Grand Mastery “was aware that the arrests were impending”, planned for 13 October 1307 AD. It is documented that “the arrest orders were dated 14 September, so at the most the Templars had four weeks’ advance notice. … With a depleted stockpile of workable assets, coinage, gold, jewels and other saleable goods, the Templars fled the area of immediate persecution before the hammer could fall.”
It is known that “the very Rule of the Templar Order commanded the brothers to defend one another”, with a “duty to protect the order; at the cost of [one’s] own life if necessary.” For this reason, the Grand Master Jacques de Molay and a group of dedicated knights stayed behind, to avoid arousing suspicion, thus allowing the majority to escape to safety. “Only 620 Templar personnel are known to have been arrested in France” after the raids of 1307 AD. Historians “estimate that there were over 3,000 Templars” in France at that time, such that “over 2,000 fully armed and equipped Templar brothers, with their entire retinues of squires, servants, horses, baggage trains and camp followers” in fact did escape, and must have boarded the 18 ships that left the port of La Rochelle.
Scholars generally agree that “the Templars managed to disperse most of their portable wealth before the King’s henchmen came to confiscate it. Indeed, the royal agents found monasteries that had in large part been abandoned… they found the ships had set sail”. Other smaller “Templar fleets in the south and north of France, Flanders, and Portugal also left port — and sailed into legend. … Also missing from the Templars’ strongholds were the documents and records” of the former empire of the Order.
To provide for the infrastructure of the new form of the Order as an underground network, “with no more Holy wars to wage”, the Templars “fell back on their second career, finance and trade.” Naturally, “most of the Templar wealth was out in the field earning interest and revenue for the order… the money would be transferred to those branches still open and put to even greater use to recover the recent losses.” Also, besides the 18 ships that escaped from the port of La Rochelle in 1307 AD, “the vast majority of Templar ships, both merchant vessels and armed galleons… would surely have been doing what the Templars did best — plying the seas of the Mediterranean and Atlantic, earning money to keep the order financially sound.”

Survival « The Knights Templar ? Order of the Temple of Solomon
Niether Henry Sinclair nor Henry the Navigator were on the ships that made Oak Island as they were not on the ships in 1307. However they may have had knowledge of Oak Island that has been lost to history. How I would love to read the archive of the Templars, with detailed records of all of their business holdings and financial transactions when recovered from Oak Island!
I personally traverse the Atlantic on a 37 foot sailboat so claims that small craft can not cross the ocean are unfounded.

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The 1307 Knight's Templar Fleet sailed to Weymss Castle in Scotland. As Scotland did not pay any attention to the King of France or the Pope. The Templars stayed in the Weymss caves. Their treasures were eventually carried to Nova Scotia by Sir Henry Sinclair in 1398. Later other parts of the Knight's Templar Treasures were brought over in the later end of the 17th Century.

What proof do you have that Sinclair sailed to Canada with any treasure? or was he attempting to recover the stored archive? In my opinion he was the first to fail at recovery on the money pit, as many have done with attempts at the pit. It is like digging for treasure in New York's sewer system. My bet is that the actual vault is above sea level as it is records that you would not want to come into contact with sea water.

All because past observers claim Zichmni was the Captian who sailed to America, even those Italian letters are suspect at best. And why wouldn't Zichmni be the name of Admiral Zichmni of the 1307 fleet? not Sinclair as past theories have tried to claim? franklin as a pro at this your facts are based on observations that were not based on historical facts. The one Cannon found was identical to early pre-one-cast cannon of Italy so why would not ships from Crete not carry those cannon? Why would Sinclair sail a 100 year old ship to cross the Atlantic? by then the wood would have been eaten up by worms and rotten. I would like to rename his crew as CHUM.

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Sir Henry Sinclair was the first to bury treasure on Oak Island not to recover treasure. He had 200 Knight's Templar with him. The only reason he left the Templar's Treasure on Oak Island was because of a storm that blew his ship into the middle of the Island. They could not get the ship back to the harbor after building a canal. The Canal later became the "Swamp." The treasure was buried in two locations. One was recovered for the American Revolution as well as treasures from three other Islands in the bay. The treasure on the SSE end of Oak Island could not be recovered due to water. They even tried to tunnel to it. Sound familiar. But they only had two weeks to work on the recovery so they did not do all they claim on Oak Island today. There are still 7 treasures from the 17th Century Fleet that may or may not have been recovered as the journals stopped in 1814 after over 400 years of guarding the treasures.

Do you have the list of Treasure recovered by George Washington? Have you done a archaeological dig on the Ships site to back up the claim his ship is on the island? this would prove your theory. I have seen nothing but speculation in the reading I have done on the subject. All because there have been recoveries on the islands dose not mean Sinclair put them there. If I was going to recover treasure I would want someone close to the source of the information with me thus having Templar's with you would be a good start. Sinclair sailed 90 years after the 1307 fleet so he would have with him fellows that could quote "Grandad" said this or that about the locations. Along with men that could decipher code left behind for later location of stored valuables. I am not interested in the 17th century artifacts, only what the Original Templars placed there and the Holy Land treasures from Constantinople. Such as clues to where is the real Spear of Destiny. Questions such as "Is this the same as Montezuma's Treasure the Aztec's had that it took the Spanish 3 days to inventory in Mexico, that was taken back north and placed in the same cave where the Aztec's found it?" could be answered.

Where are these Journal's of pre 1800's located as would like to read these?

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The Holy Artifacts you speak of did not come over to Nova Scotia in the early voyages. It was not until the 1600's when the Holy Artifacts were threatened to be discovered by the King of England were they then removed to Nova Scotia. The Holy Artifacts are not on Oak Island and never have been. They will be found when the time is right.

As for the journals. Many on these forums scoff at every new work that comes out as wrote to make money or fake news or such. But the Journals of Sir Henry Sinclair are real and they span over 450 years or about 14 generations that have protected the Knight's Templar Treasures. Diana Muir found them, translated them and is having them published slowly actually too slow for me. I could read them all in one day but it is going to take years to get them all.

Why not just do what those of us who do research and post a link to her work?
your basing your facts on a opinion?
book description:
The Journals of Prince Henry Sinclair and his descendants (20 books and a lambskin map) were found by accident in 2005 in a dusty dirty basement in Greeneville, TN. They then lay in a trunk in the back of the closet for almost 9 years before the author realized what she had. Translating the 20 journals from Latin, Old English, and modern English she soon learned the story of her own 17th great-grandfather, Prince Henry Sinclair of Orkney and Scotland. Join the author and her great-grandfathers on a voyage of discovery as you learn about the covenant made between the St. Clair/Sinclair and Wemyss family, the Templars, the Native Americans, and the Freemasons. Travel with us as we try to find archaeological evidence that the story is true.

scholars scoff at the journals
The story is implausible–though not entirely unprecedented. The manuscript for a rough draft of Solomon Spaulding’s “Manuscript Found,” which some speculated was a secret source for the Book of Mormon, was found in a trunk in Hawaii even though Spaulding had written the book decades earlier in Ohio. This isn’t quite the same thing, and there was a chain of custody showing how Spaulding’s text had gotten there, but it goes to show that books can travel. There is no plausible way I can imagine that twenty volumes of medieval records traveled to Tennessee without anyone noticing, or that these valuable relics survived the humid Southern climate undamaged. Also suspicious is the fact that Muir self-published her own translation without presenting the originals for preservation and analysis by professionals. After all, if they are what she says they are, every scholar would reach the same conclusion and “prove” that Sinclair traveled to America.
New Book Claims to Translate Henry Sinclair's Lost Medieval Journals - Jason Colavito

Found in a basement when the Greenville area is a FLOOD Zone and worst ever happened just 3 years prior to the find?

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Can any of these theories be verified as based on fact? Any?

Seems like if not, they’re nothing more than fairy tales.

I do hope we all live happily ever after. :coffee2:


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