PotBelly Jim
Hero Member
I do see where you see the similarities Jim. I too have spent some time, and made a few comments in the past about the map and it's possible connections.
Have you considered the possibility the JT, being Waltz's primary caregiver during the final months of his life, had been given a similar map by JW, which she later, having given up the search herself, copied and sold. OR.....may have been given the map by someone else after her search for his mine was publicized. Regardless, it does give rise to a number of questions regarding it's similarity in some of the ways you mention.
So don't quit or shut up. Go ahead and keep on posting what you think, though I do have some other stuff I need to do today, so might be a bit slow to respond. Good thing it's a 3 day weekend up here.
For someone making a map, using simple zig-zag lines is pretty common for anyone trying to portray uneven ground...hills, mountains or even waves on water.... and who are not trying to create an artistic masterpiece. I've done so myself, long before I ever saw any of this stuff. I'd even bet my mom put some of my drawings of boats on wavy water up on the ice box way back when I was a kid.
Perhaps I should, but I don't consider any map or clues to the Lost Dutchman Mine to be valid, i.e. coming from JW. I guess I'm just jaded. Maybe I've seen too many old guys spewing whatever they could to some poor fool for the price of a beer. Good people then get ahold of that crap and they waste their time, effort and money looking for something that just isn't there. I think there was a source of gold that JW found, I just don't believe any of the stories about where it was or how rich it was, etc.
I'd rather see what you have to say as I often wondered why there were things like ball courts in AZ (saw you posted a video on that...DAI strikes again!) and have a feeling there's something to it all...the Pimas seem to think there is.