It's my belief that it's the other way around- that the family actually manipulated RG and used him as a means of probing this community for any clues or tips that they might use in their hunt for what leads to the end of the trail on the Stone Maps. I don't think they told him everything or revealed everything.
The family was not very forthcoming, either with the truth or with sharing everything. That they refused to release the star map or the ground map in its entirety, speaks volume to me. IF they believed the Stone Maps to be fraudulent, then why hold back on anything? Why does Joe Tumlinson insist on being in every video with another member of his family? You can see his eyes become shifty when the other party starts talking at length.
The story of how Travis found the Stone Maps is chock full of holes and has been, from day one. Was he looking for Weaver's needle? Getting water for his car? Taking a piss?
If he had tripped over one of the stone, the exposed part of that stone would be very different than the rest of the stone, color and texture-wise. As it is, none of the Stone Maps bear that distinction. The Trail Stones have the look of stones that have been stored indoors in a dark place for a very long time. If they were buried face to face, then why is only one side pockmarked and the other (cross side), relatively smooth?
It wouldn't surprise me in the least bit to find out the Tumlinson family is on and off hunting for what Travis was looking for, such a long time ago, including monitoring this forum.
And what sort of con man ends his manuscript on such a sad note, moaning about failure? "I have failed.." he wrote.. "(T)here is nothing in the Superstitions that I expect to see, or ever care to see again."
That is sure a bad way to con people out of their money to invest in some bogus treasure hunt.