I have discovered near Santa Fe NM, absolute evidence that the Phoenicians were exploring the desert SW. The local Indians saw them, and carved this to memorialize their passing through:
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That's intended as good-natured joshing around, just to be clear.
Seriously, though...if the ancient people of the SW really carved large monolithic faces, numbers, etc. into the local landscape, why is there no archeological (or any branch of science) interest in such carvings? We have geoglyphs and petroglyphs...recognized by science...why would they ignore these large rock carvings?
While it is probably a pretty good likelihood that not many people have set eyes on what you're seeing in/around the Supes, I'm confident (seen 'em) that many such structures exist all over the SW...rocks that "look like" ancient carvings, some on a very large scale...yet there's no interest from science. May I suggest that's because some of theses structures have been studied by various scientists (geologists, archaeologists, etc) and determined to be merely natural formations? That no evidence of such structures being carved by ancient peoples has ever been found?
While I'm no expert, I've been to very many sites with ancient rock art. Without exception, here's what they look like:
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