If you found the lost dutchman mine, would you keep it secret?
the lost dutchman has already been found...if you were in the dutchman loop you'd already know that
If you found the lost dutchman mine, would you keep it secret?
The ultimate form of flattery of the show will be when a South Park episode comes out with a satirical portrayal of the 5 treasure hunters played by Eric, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Butters, seeking the LDM. Or maybe Tweak could replace Butters and be one of the nervous guys. LoL
If you found the lost dutchman mine, would you keep it secret?
Ah, touched a nerve I see. That's good in an odd sort of way. Counter points of view make one think rather than piling on. It shakes the foundation and causes one to either consider alternative view points or become more entrenched in their own beliefs. Neither is bad, in and of itself.
Answer to your question, no; never hiked the Superstitions. Have hiked in New Mexico and Colorado, but not recently.
I do have some experience with fire arms. Not always, but most times, I can just about tell you the caliber by the sound. Certainly can tell you the difference between a shot gun and rifle fire which makes a big difference in how far you can expect the projectile to travel.
Logic will imply that the deeper you go into the area the less likely you are to encounter gun fire. But; it also implies whoever is firing in a remote area isn't expecting you to be down range either. Remoteness may make it more dangerous if you do hear gun fire. They aren't expecting you and may not be as careful about what may be in range.
Yes, I did get my reference to lots of gun fire from videos. Does the fact that many such videos exist with gun fire in the background make them any less reliable because they are amateur videos? Did they all conspire to make that up?
Are you suggesting that when you do hear gun fire in the field you should not react with some caution? I think I know the answer to that. More than once I have found myself down range in such a situation and I can tell you with certainty that the whiz of a bullet passing nearby, which you hear before you hear the sound of the shot, is disconcerting to say the least.
But; this is sounding much like a discussion of how many angels can dance on a pin head. The show instilled the idea that there is a possibility of gun fire. Instilled through a dramatization. Are you suggesting encountering gun fire was a false premise? Did they gussey it up with said and implied "legends" of watchers and legions and otherwise bad hombre? Sure they did, the show is about "legends".
In 6 episodes they had roughly 4 1/4 hours to present a glimpse of various legends surrounding the mountains. If they had stuck to only actual finds rather than dramatizations the show would still be filming.
I'm long winded, so I will leave it there.
Uhhhh... you guys do know the show is filmed in Arizona... right? I guarantee you that on just about any weekend if you go outside the city limits (valleywide), you're gonna hear some gunfire. Ahhhh what the hell am I talking about... even inside the city limits on any given weekend night, you're gonna hear gunfire! I think shooting guns is in our DNA...The show instilled the idea that there is a possibility of gun fire.
That's the problem... 90% of the bozos (aka cityslickers) who drive outside of the city limits, pull over on the side of the road, and then start firing their newly acquired Hi-Points, Ravens, or Jennings don't have the foggiest clue if they're endangering anybody or not. You guys want some real fun, go out on a nice weekend to Table Mesa Rd. or Morgan City Wash. You see all kinds of people shooting at each other (who are too stupid to even realize they're shooting at each other) and they're having a fricking blast! It's a wonder nobody ever get's killed, but God has a way of looking after fools I guess...Shooting guns is fine if done responsibly. Endangering others is reckless and a felony.
azdave35, can you confirm that to us somehow. No disrespect intended but there continue to be claims made of findings of this, the LAD and other treasure mysteries without positive proof for those outside the loop as you say. Many true TH'rs of this and other treasures keep secrets very well of their finds, but if a statement is made about a find of a treasure with a long history that most people have heard about even if they are not a TH you've got to be ready to confirm it somehow, otherwise why make the statement?
being as how you are law enforcement..i dont think anyone is going to tell you if they did find something...but the person that did find the mine is pretty well known around here..and like i said if you were in the loop you'd know who he is...locals around here are split on if he really did find the mine....as for me i would say he did..i've seen enough proof to convince me...i'm not sure but i'm guessing he is a member of this forum...he can sound off if he wants to
if someone you know has found the LDM then why is the ore still piled up in the cave thats not even a hundred yards away from it??answer me that..the lost dutchman has already been found...if you were in the dutchman loop you'd already know that
lol the secret dutchman loop.
Yeah, Virginia is for Lovers. All kinds of lovers. History lovers, nature lovers, music lovers .........you name it, we got em. Tons of jokes about how fanatical we are about our pursuits. Sad thing is, most of those jokes have a lot of truth in them.
AZ, I hear ya. I can relate. The directions to my place reads like a Jeff Foxworthy comedy skit. When the directions include........ya' turn off the main dirt road, onto the side road by the big oak tree....you are Country. I have no problem with guns. Used them and been around them all my life. I have a huge respect for them. Can't imagine being 10 miles in the wilderness without one. These days it’s risky going to the 7-11 without one. To each his own, if someone isn't comfortable with a fire arm I can respect that. Just doesn't work for me.
Weekend newly turned hunters are the source of my greatest fears. Such as my experiences related in an earlier post. Trained hunters that grew up hunting aren't the problem. It’s the newly initiated that start the morning nipping whiskey, pot hunting where they aren't supposed to be, and shoot before they know what they are shooting at that concern me.
I digress.....just didn't want anyone to get the impression I'm anti gun. Far from true. NRA - 2nd amendment supporter here.
lol,,,its no secret loop..pretty much common knowledge around here
Ok. Then tell us what it is, if it is common knowledge and not secret.