new show on the dutchman

Aric, this ones for you buddy. To prove the Witch flies as a Janus with an Eagle in one arm and a Goose in the other have you ever heard of a pictoglyph? It's a carving giving three dimensions with some petroglyph pecking, lichen painting, only viewed at night with a lantern these rocks were intended to be viewed then.

Only the trained eye can see this. The only tip I can give you is try gel films in cutting torch goggles as we are viewing during the daytime with too much light. These Walkers must have been night trackers of various degrees of skills in the arts of Witch craft. Actually they were Warloc's.

During the day above ground they were beautiful wonderful white Priest's robes flowing in the wind giving out the host and wine. At night the Priest / Witch flew with the Eagle and paid tribute to Satan before going underground where Tio resides. In this Pictoglyph he has a Janus head and the Witch is wearing a long robe his foot hanging down as he soars with his eagle holding the key in his mouth the key to vast riches beyond your wildest dreams. I am the beginning and the End, The true Alpha and Omega, I am JANUS I go 18 places of the Solar Year. I have the great cackler in my left arm and the eagle in my right a half heart on my rode and a square. He keeps a compass tucked under his Goose for the great Cackler will surely kill you if you disturb him.

His other face has the eye of RA looking up at the sun and smiles for he know's where the Omega is. Behind this Stone is a huge stone face I'll post that too.

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Where can someone read what the miners in the home said.

I just called it a witch but I guess its called the Priest , the same Priest on the maps and there are clearly visible tail-lings outside the mine entrances . You can also see where the use of mules ground up the gold ore.

Think he's just being a wise*** but unfortunately for him, he picked a fight with the wrong poster.

If I were you, I'd just sit back and watch the fun.


I don't no about that, He's a Viking bad@$$ not a smart@$$

Play it safe and reduced it.


Think he's just being a wise*** but unfortunately for him, he picked a fight with the wrong poster.

If I were you, I'd just sit back and watch the fun.

Oregon viking is entitled to her opinion. She is probably talking about the dredging case in CA. One of these days I'll get to say... I told you so!

Hey I called him ****burns way back, now throwing DD and more D in there its all cumming Clear, He will be needing a douchbag to clean up!


The gold taken from the Red Arrow mine in Colorado was so pure it was taken straight to the mint. Much of it was in the form of gold cube crystals. But in general I agree with you 100%!

Wow that's rare!

bill, yes, I saw that "head" many years ago.

Still see the bickering going on Randy nothings changed only now it's not me!

It made me laugh so fricken hard I almost busted a gut!

Mike has his hands full.

Same Old Lost Dutchman out house.

Find the Out House and you'll find the mine. Those tailings are always brown.

You flush them down the Arrastra.

They contain a lot of fine dewdy dust and a few kernel's with nuggets!
You'll never find the tailings unless you become one and smell your surroundings! Now that's a Rabid Hole!

The Arizona missions were
never more than two, and they were never prosperous.
So, also, the rich mines and prosperous haciendas,
with which the country is pictured as having been
dotted, are purely imaginary, resting only on vague
traditions of the Planchas de Plata excitement, and
on the well-known mineral wealth of later times. The
Jesuits of course — though the contrary is often alleged
— worked no mines, nor is there any evidence that in
Jesuit times there were any mining operations in Ari-
zona beyond an occasional prospecting raid; and even
later, down to the end of the century, such operations
were, on a small scale, confined to the vicinity of the
presidios; and the same remark maybe made of agri-
cultural operations, all establishments being often
abandoned, and oftener plundered by the savages.

From the time when it first became known to
Europeans, Arizona has been especially noted for its
mineral wealth. There is no evidence that its mines
were ever worked by the aborigines; but by the
Spaniards its treasure of precious metals was much
talked of, even before being found. It was enough to
know that the country was in the mysterious north,
and occupied by savage tribes; its wealth was taken
for granted. On its partial exploration, however, and
the establishment of missions and presidios on its bor-
ders early in the eighteenth century, abundant indica-
tions of gold and silver were found in all directions.
Yet so broad and rich was the mineral field farther
south, and so feeble the Spanish tenure in Alta Pime-
ria by reason of Indian hostility, that not even the
wonderfully rich 'planchas de plata' at the Arizona
camp, giving name to the later territory though not
within its limits, led to the occupation of the northern
parts by miners. As I have already explained, the
current traditions of extensive mining in Spanish



times are greatly exaggerated. The Jesuits worked
no mines; and in their period, down to 1767, nothing
was practically accomplished beyond irregular pros-
pecting in connection with military expeditions and
the occasional working of a few veins or placers for
brief periods, near the presidios. It is doubtful that
any traces of such workings have been visible in mod-
ern times. Later, however, in about 1790-1815,
while the Apaches were comparatively at peace and
all industries flourished accordingly, mines were worked
on a small scale in several parts of what is now Pima
county, and the old shafts and tunnels of this period
have sometimes been found, though the extent of such
operations has been generally exaggerated. With
Mexican independence and a renewal of Apache raids,
the mining industry was entirely suspended, only to
be resumed in the last years, if at all, on a scale even
smaller than before 1790.

Doesn't seem like there would be any reason to haul away and hide so called tailings does it? I wonder what would make someone beleive such nonsense?

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You are 100% correct. My master's is in Spanish Borderlands and I teach it in college. You realize that you are the only one on this site that understands that the Jesuits did no mining, that the missions were poor and struggled throughout their existence and that legend has totally replaced fact in most people's minds. Great job partner...

Austin, I didn't know until I was interested enough to find out. A simple search of google books returns a whole lot of history!

I was sick of hearing "I think" "I believe" "I know for a fact" so Iooked for myself. All of the above quotes came from the same book. I posted links in a previous post but it doesnt seem that anyone read the book.

There is a whole lot more info that any real miner would want to know.

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I have cracked the code of the stone tablets verified by the mines as shown with other maps, I will not name, and know exactly where the mines are !
I am going to put together an expedition to go after the gold and need 5 serious people to finance the trip and for protection. I ask for nothing other then the expenses for 6 of us to go get the gold before summer hits. Im not about to tell you how I did or where the mines are but if your interested then message me and while the History channel is running around making entertainment we will be recovery large amounts of gold !

Some good post are getting deleted due to language,re-posting such language and being off topic. Keep it civil.

I will not edit either, if post violates our language rules it will be deleted.

When you accept another's word for something as a fact that you cannot verify for yourself, no matter who that source is, then you have accepted his allegation on faith. This means you are either lazy, ill-prepared, gullible or don't care. Most folks don't care.

If you do care, remember - you can fool yourself too.

All this talk about the Jesuit's being to poor and having no Man power too enslave the Indian population for working any mines reminds me of the town of Alta in the Santa Rita Mountain range. Lucky Lully found the rich mine hidden by the Priests from Tumacacori Mission in 1875. The Goldtree mine was the start of the town called Alta that sprang up after the Rich Mine was discovered and was worked until 1933 supporting a few hundred miners and a town.

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But even more astounding is the manipulation of mountain ranges for billboards that advertised where good water and safe camping were located. Using the his Majesties Horseman the King mandated mountains to be carved using only shadow for paint. Here's an example though not a good one as you can't see the eye of the Kings Head but it's pretty easy to see a head with a four pointed crown behind the red light pole and a horse with no legs facing it. This is the entrance too Pima Canyon where a fresh water spring is located a few miles in. This not the only markers on the mountain as the sun progresses across the sky more images come into view. A huge Poodle, a Goose or Duck, a freemason's apron and Chalice, and the giant word VION. Each important mountain range that had gold mines somewhere in it were carved with the Horse and other symbols for directions to water, campsites and gold.

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I have cracked the code of the stone tablets verified by the mines as shown with other maps, I will not name, and know exactly where the mines are !
I am going to put together an expedition to go after the gold and need 5 serious people to finance the trip and for protection. I ask for nothing other then the expenses for 6 of us to go get the gold before summer hits. Im not about to tell you how I did or where the mines are but if your interested then message me and while the History channel is running around making entertainment we will be recovery large amounts of gold !

You will need to be a little more convincing than that my friend.......J

You are 100% correct. My master's is in Spanish Borderlands and I teach it in college. You realize that you are the only one on this site that understands that the Jesuits did no mining, that the missions were poor and struggled throughout their existence and that legend has totally replaced fact in most people's minds. Great job partner...

Are you saying that after six years of university level learning you have never seen any example of Jesuit mining or Jesuit involvement in mining in the New World?

All this talk about the Jesuit's being to poor and having no Man power too enslave the Indian population for working any mines reminds me of the town of Alta in the Santa Rita Mountain range. Lucky Lully found the rich mine hidden by the Priests from Tumacacori Mission in 1875. The Goldtree mine was the start of the town called Alta that sprang up after the Rich Mine was discovered and was worked until 1933 supporting a few hundred miners and a town.

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But even more astounding is the manipulation of mountain ranges for billboards that advertised where good water and safe camping were located. Using the his Majesties Horseman the King mandated mountains to be carved using only shadow for paint. Here's an example though not a good one as you can't see the eye of the Kings Head but it's pretty easy to see a head with a four pointed crown behind the red light pole and a horse with no legs facing it. This is the entrance too Pima Canyon where a fresh water spring is located a few miles in. This not the only markers on the mountain as the sun progresses across the sky more images come into view. A huge Poodle, a Goose or Duck, a freemason's apron and Chalice, and the giant word VION. Each important mountain range that had gold mines somewhere in it were carved with the Horse and other symbols for directions to water, campsites and gold.

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Bob Collins

I enjoy your posts. I only wish that you had the visual proof to support your ideas.

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