montanagold said:
There is an entire network devoted to hunting and fishing but I dont see the lakes and rivers being overburdened with people.
This is very different and I hope you are able to see that. This is a hobby where you can find something one minute and take it to the pawn shop for instant cash the next minute. This is an hobby that shows people finding silver and gold in a time where are country / the world is in economic duress and people are hoarding silver and gold because of it.
Sure, it's fun when you are the one behind the camera getting paid for it. It's completely different when this is your hobby that could potentially disappear because of a silly show with some goofy characters make it popular enough that john q. public thinks it's easy and goes out and turns our parks into a big mess. And then miss jane doe complains to the city over and over to the point that it gets banned in the city. To think this isn't a potential reality of a show like this is just ignorance on your part. Enjoy your 15 minutes. I really hope shows like this don't destroy our hobby.
jcooking said:
Are we all to act selfish and hope that others don't join and enjoy our hobby?
In this instance, yes.