well, I have had two incidents over the holidays....
yesterday, I am doing 45 mph down the divided highway...here comes old hosteen ma' ii'...trotting across the road....there are about five cars and trucks that he just ignores...just goes about his business...
so I brake so I don't run the healthy looking coyote over....he makes it across the road, stops and looks right at me...not at the truck, not in the general direction...just one of those eye contact moments...holds it til I drive by...
most Navajo would have pulled over and called the medicine man...
last week...0h dark thirty...sitting there in front of the television, KABAM something big runs into the side of the mobile home...then it trys to climb the ladder I have leaning next to the swamp cooler...twice it tries to climb the ladder...fails...falls...finally it is on the roof...after much scratching on the ladder an wall...
it is something big, this old mobiles roof is sagging under the weight...I grab the single barrel H&R as the thing is now above my head and digging at the roof

I head for the door, round in, breech open...open the door to hear the monster jump from the roof an hit the bed of my truck....

I head directly for the sound of the critter...still no eye on target...lock the round...where is the beast

here I am standing in the front yard....loaded shotgun...no target....
but I know the beast can see me.
discretion is the better part of valor...so I head back towards the front door...wondering if I am going to make it...
now the point here is I am not a go for the gun kinda person...but there are times...
sure wish I could have gotten that critter...it had an aura of menace...and we do have some mountain lion issues around here.
a big cat that is not afraid of humans is a serious threat.