Guess I should finish this stupid skunk saga. I looked all over for that skunks den so I could make it move on. I couldn't find it. But when the sun set there it was in the yard. And in the morning it would be out back, side yard or front yard. One morning I filled the two corn buckets and headed out to feed the deer and turkeys. It was about 5 am and dark. I saw movement by the woods and out walks the skunk. The damn thing walked about 25ft. from me and straight towards the house. It walked right up to the brick foundation and squeezed through a half-brick hole I had left for wiring access later. I couldn't believe something that big could get into a hole that small....!!!!!
The skunk was living right under me and I'm out in the woods looking around....! After dark that day I went out and blocked the hole. I went out the next morning and right on time here comes the skunk again. It walked up to the hole and was confused as hell. It kept trying to move the cinder block and just sat on it for awhile. After 5 minutes it walked back to the woods and I haven't seen it since.... I'm happy, girlfriend is happy, the dogs happy... the skunk not so much...!