Mystery Mauling.....

Only one time have I ever had a feral dog work solo.I had been having some major issues with damage on sheep,calves,and two horses.One land owner had seen it and swore it was a Timber Wolf(this was over looking the Pacific Ocean in Cali,so I was pretty confident it wasnt a wolf.I do have to say the tracks I was seeing were some of the biggest I had ever seen on a dog,so I was thinking some kind of Hy-brid.I got a call one morning that it had hit again,and I had snares in the area(for coyotes)so I was on my way to check the damage,and if I had caught the animal......Damage was horrendous(on sheep),and was the same big tracks...solo....and the neighbor ranch hand seen it,he said it was a huge German Shepard....well.....around 3:00 PM,I get a call from another Rancher...................13 MILES....yes,13 miles away that he had just shot a German Shepard dog chasing his heifers and that he had already contacted the Sheriff and Animal Control.I took precise measurements of the canine teeth,and matched them to the numerouse wounds(there was actuall sheeps wool in the molars still)on the past incidents as well as precise measurements of the feet vs the tracks(heel pads/toe pads & over all)they were all an exact match.The dog weighed over 150 lbs,and was over 40" at the shoulder

I was thinking about this thread when I was down at my sisters place over Christmas.

She has 3 heelers that are all very good natured, built like a tank and strong as an ox. They have the run of the front pasture and area around the house, and could handle most anything that ventured into their domain. In the back pasture, they have 20 goats, 3 horses and a pair of donkeys. The dogs are now kept away from the back pasture by a fence, as they would non-stop harass the goats and donkeys, and one of the donkeys finally had enough, kicked a dog and it lost an eye.

Not long ago, one of the goats got its head stuck in the fence between the front and back pastures, and the dogs chewed the goat's head half off. It shocked my sister and her husband that the dogs attacked the trapped goat, and it reminded me of the thread comments about domestic dogs sometimes running with feral dogs and attacking farm animals.

I also found it interesting, with coyotes being abundant in the area (one is suspected of taking the family cat), and with the dogs separated by fence, that it's the pair of donkeys that serve as the safety guard for the goats. Apparently they won't let predators anywhere near the back pasture.

Just interesting dynamics all the way around.

I was thinking about this thread when I was down at my sisters place over Christmas.

She has 3 heelers that are all very good natured, built like a tank and strong as an ox. They have the run of the front pasture and area around the house, and could handle most anything that ventured into their domain. In the back pasture, they have 20 goats, 3 horses and a pair of donkeys. The dogs are now kept away from the back pasture by a fence, as they would non-stop harass the goats and donkeys, and one of the donkeys finally had enough, kicked a dog and it lost an eye.

Not long ago, one of the goats got its head stuck in the fence between the front and back pastures, and the dogs chewed the goat's head half off. It shocked my sister and her husband that the dogs attacked the trapped goat, and it reminded me of the thread comments about domestic dogs sometimes running with feral dogs and attacking farm animals.

I also found it interesting, with coyotes being abundant in the area (one is suspected of taking the family cat), and with the dogs separated by fence, that it's the pair of donkeys that serve as the safety guard for the goats. Apparently they won't let predators anywhere near the back pasture.

Just interesting dynamics all the way around.

Yes it is... My wife and I have rescued a lot of dogs over the last 20 years... probably 30-40. Rescued one that was a Dalmatian something else big mixed as a pup. It was LARGE. Then dogs started to come up missing....????? My father and I actually caught this dog killing one of the others down the road. I ended this behavior right then. It is amazing to think what "Lil' Rover" does when out of sight.

well, I have had two incidents over the holidays....
yesterday, I am doing 45 mph down the divided comes old hosteen ma' ii'...trotting across the road....there are about five cars and trucks that he just ignores...just goes about his business...
so I brake so I don't run the healthy looking coyote over....he makes it across the road, stops and looks right at me...not at the truck, not in the general direction...just one of those eye contact moments...holds it til I drive by...
most Navajo would have pulled over and called the medicine man...
last week...0h dark thirty...sitting there in front of the television, KABAM something big runs into the side of the mobile home...then it trys to climb the ladder I have leaning next to the swamp cooler...twice it tries to climb the ladder...fails...falls...finally it is on the roof...after much scratching on the ladder an wall...
it is something big, this old mobiles roof is sagging under the weight...I grab the single barrel H&R as the thing is now above my head and digging at the roof????
I head for the door, round in, breech the door to hear the monster jump from the roof an hit the bed of my truck....?????
I head directly for the sound of the critter...still no eye on target...lock the round...where is the beast????
here I am standing in the front yard....loaded target....
but I know the beast can see me.
discretion is the better part of I head back towards the front door...wondering if I am going to make it...
now the point here is I am not a go for the gun kinda person...but there are times...
sure wish I could have gotten that had an aura of menace...and we do have some mountain lion issues around here.
a big cat that is not afraid of humans is a serious threat.

Had a large female dog (80 lbs.) that was chewed up. Came home from our wooded surroundings with a severely broken leg including the ligaments and nerves. She wasn't yelling, screaming or in distress outwardly. But it was OBVIOUS this dogs leg was badly broken. Outside of this dogs leg she wasn't as tore up as little "Mike" was but she took a licking. Took to vet and he recommended to put her down and we did.

There is something big and bad lurking around here still. And this dog was the most outwardly aggressive dog we had of the 7 toward area critters. She was also the smartest.... was.

I'm in the process of moving home to my farm. There's BIG things in them woods. Mom saw a mountain lion year before last, she said it was much larger than she expected. Black bear come into the yard every Fall to eat the fallen pears. And I've sat on the porch at night, twice, and heard something very large running across the ridge above me. Each time its' front legs hit the ground I could hear them, and that thing would do a bit of a squeal. I'm figuring that is a wild hog - Granny used to tell us to watch out for them when we went into the wood. My farm is on the North Slope of Bull Mountain in Patrick County, South West, Virginia. I'm the hold out, surrounded by thousands of acres of timber company land.

A couple of weeks ago, I heard coyote yelping up the holler from me. At the turn of the century there were families living up that mountain from us, but they all died off, moved out, and the critters have taken it over.

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Had a large female dog (80 lbs.) that was chewed up. Came home from our wooded surroundings with a severely broken leg including the ligaments and nerves. She wasn't yelling, screaming or in distress outwardly. But it was OBVIOUS this dogs leg was badly broken. Outside of this dogs leg she wasn't as tore up as little "Mike" was but she took a licking. Took to vet and he recommended to put her down and we did.

There is something big and bad lurking around here still. And this dog was the most outwardly aggressive dog we had of the 7 toward area critters. She was also the smartest.... was.
Man that's harsh. Sorry to read of it.

Baited site well away from house and a game camera or two. Bait out of reach of a large jumping dog and not all visitors are guilty. Just looking for biggest and multiples running together. While out looking for sign and where cameras are focused rake some sandy areas clean for better track views,what ever you have around has to leave sign..Hundred pound at least and on up my guess. A rifle and some sleuthing when time allows and some questions for local coyote trapper(s) of what's out there. Some tracks are unique enough to recognize elsewhere and are a valid i.d. at times..
A bear would swat a dog or worse, some just want food and leave the dogs be while others nurse a grudge if approached. Pursuing canines hamstring prey they can not outright tackle but canines attack front ends of each other, past shoulders backs and rears usually not till when multiples involved. Outside of a wolf a broken leg not likely from a canine bite. How leg was broke going to be part of answer whether from a fall ,trap, vehicle or other.Did vet diagnose cause of break? An injured dog attracts attack from others so there may have been a secondary occurrence. Bad deal for the girl what ever happened. I'd have tried backtracking her but it may be a complex with multiple events trail. Either way it's time to spy on the goins ons with cameras. Just in case it's nocturnal and to save time watching bait and to cover more ground.
My guess is a few coyotes are involved but that does not explain a broken leg.

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Had a large female dog (80 lbs.) that was chewed up. Came home from our wooded surroundings with a severely broken leg including the ligaments and nerves. She wasn't yelling, screaming or in distress outwardly. But it was OBVIOUS this dogs leg was badly broken. Outside of this dogs leg she wasn't as tore up as little "Mike" was but she took a licking. Took to vet and he recommended to put her down and we did.

There is something big and bad lurking around here still. And this dog was the most outwardly aggressive dog we had of the 7 toward area critters. She was also the smartest.... was.

So sorry to here about your dog, why didn't they just amputate the leg?

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

I'm not ashamed to admit I cried like a little girl when she came home the way she did... I did and am now writing this. I loved that old *****... she was different than the other dogs. Very smart, smiled and would follow me to the bowels of hell out back. Very aggressive to critters but would NEVER show it toward visitors or us. She had blood all over her front legs and lower neck area (not hers) but her back leg was horrible. Her back leg did not "bleed" much so nothing to backtrack but her fur and hide was attacked by.....? She was not hit by a vehicle. Vet did not tell us or investigate further after we watched her pass. I didn't ask.

My wife came home about 9 years ago and said "Brad there's a little puppy in the ditch down at the bottom of our ridge... got get it." Well it was POURING DOWN RAIN but I went and got it. It was frail, starving and in bad health. It was about 2-3 pounds only and not ready to be away from "mom". Well I went and got it... it ate... grew... and became very loyal to my wife and I. We've rescued many, many dogs but this one got into my heart and it sucks.

So sorry to here about your dog, why didn't they just amputate the leg?

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

Sqig... We went over the options. 1. Operate and pin the injured rear left leg (it was that bad $1,300+ to start) with more to come. 2. Amputate the leg... but the vet said the dog is way to heavy and old to have this done because she was way overweight and she favored her right leg already...? And we don't have the funds to pay for all of the dogs we rescue. If you would have saw her you'd understand. If my wife hadn't been here I would have shot her myself though it would have been very hard for me to do.

Sorry for the loss of what sounds like a fine animal. Time to form a posse. Coyote?

Sqig... We went over the options. 1. Operate and pin the injured rear left leg (it was that bad $1,300+ to start) with more to come. 2. Amputate the leg... but the vet said the dog is way to heavy and old to have this done because she was way overweight and she favored her right leg already...? And we don't have the funds to pay for all of the dogs we rescue. If you would have saw her you'd understand. If my wife hadn't been here I would have shot her myself though it would have been very hard for me to do.

I'm so, so sorry:(
You didn't cry like a girl, you cried like a very caring human..I can't think of anything more gut wrenching than to loose a beloved animal and in such an unexpected tragic did good by her my friend..

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

I'm so, so sorry:(
You didn't cry like a girl, you cried like a very caring human..I can't think of anything more gut wrenching than to loose a beloved animal and in such an unexpected tragic did good by her my friend..

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

Thanks Squiggy.... If I could have helped her and kept up with the rest I would of. But a line has to be drawn and was. You and I may not see eye-to-eye on many issues but THIS ONE we are definitely on the same page lady.

Thanks.... Brad

Sorry for the loss of what sounds like a fine animal. Time to form a posse. Coyote?
If I were in America I would be on that posse, something needs controlling for sure...sorry to here about the loss of your Dog Limitool,... they sure wrench out our guts, when they go.


Sorry for the loss of what sounds like a fine animal. Time to form a posse. Coyote?

I don't know Viking. We do have them everywhere around here though. I've had several other dogs just come up missing also. My dog "Mike" recovered from his bad mauling but he now has a new attitude.

I don't have any trail cams but when my other home sales I am going to own 3-4 good ones. And then we'll bait high as suggested and see what's around here lurking in these woods.

How about a large live animal trap? Check it once a day....

Brad, sorry to here of your loss....a fine animal becomes not only a companion, but a member of the family.....I, also would suggest baiting and trying to ID the predator, and you can take the next step in control......I have used many different methods, and won't disclose them here, but will later.....good luck and keep the other dogs save.....Gary

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