Mystery Mauling.....

Nitric, that sound is like nothing I've ever heard, even in sci/fi movies! I wonder if anyone will be able to determine just what it is for certain. I've heard a few strange sounds when fishing in some of the creeks around central Texas, but nothing like this. Really strange.

That was someone elses recording. There are a few on youtube.

It's a fox. I couldn't figure out what it was. And I've spent a lot of time in the woods. I had my dad on the phone one night, and he laughed and said "that's a fox". So, I started searching youtube And that is when I found the recordings. When it yells, the outside cats hide! lol

Bobcats will make a weird noise too. That's where some of the places and towns in america have "cry baby bridges" some were hearing bobcats years ago and the legend stuck of a mother throwing her baby over the bridge and the noise was the babies ghost. They were bobcats, most of the time ,that they were hearing.

I've also walked up on deer. People tell me I'm crazy, But I had one scream and take off running. Sounded just like a kid or a woman. I knew what it was, but it was still creepy in the middle of the night.

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That's really a bizzare sound. It might be a cougar. I have heard cougars scream that sound almost human. And bears can make some pretty weird sounds, although I don't think that recording was a bear. As to the dogs not wanting to leave the porch, that is just weird. I have seen two dogs take after a bear and even a wild pig. Not sure what could have scared them so.

Well... that is just my entire point. I've seen my dogs get the "big ones" and then it's game on!!!! But when this "sound" came across they all just stayed on the deck. But, the night Mike got attacked the dogs would NOT leave the deck till he did, but by then he was tore up... He's fine now. But in fairness I did NOT hear a sound till I saw all the dogs running like hell and then Mike coming back dragging his butt all torn up. I know I now got smarter dogs... but I'd like to know what scared them then and the other night....??? Without me placing game cams around we'll have to wait.

Hunt it
Shoot it

My dogs wont leave the porch when the coyotes are nearby. They practically knock me over coming in the door. Bears on the other hand don't seem to scare them. They respect the bears tho. They stay maybe 25 yds away, and just bark and hound the bear, till they push it several hundred yds from the house. Then they return. Although we have bobcats, increasing their numbers locally, I have no first hand encounters between them and the dogs. Fishers are also making a comeback locally. I am not aware of them being vocal, but I do know they are nasty little bastage's

I have personally WATCHED my dogs chase a coyote(s) so I guess their not scared of them or weren't then.... but in fairness that was several dogs ago. We rescue and take in dogs. Presently we have 6 (only). Was up to 13 at one time. It's very expensive to keep up with many dogs between food and vet bills. But their is something wandering around here that is NOT scared of the dogs at all. And that sound my wife and I were listening to was nothing like I've ever heard in my life. It went on for 15 minutes and only "quit" because I went back in along with the dogs!!!

I have personally WATCHED my dogs chase a coyote(s) so I guess their not scared of them or weren't then.... but in fairness that was several dogs ago. We rescue and take in dogs. Presently we have 6 (only). Was up to 13 at one time. It's very expensive to keep up with many dogs between food and vet bills. But their is something wandering around here that is NOT scared of the dogs at all. And that sound my wife and I were listening to was nothing like I've ever heard in my life. It went on for 15 minutes and only "quit" because I went back in along with the dogs!!!

That tells me since it did not stop being the alpha until you went inside, that it not only isn't afraid of your dogs, but its also NOT afraid of you. I'd be careful on that deal, when you put up the cams take a buddy or two, because if whatever it is stalks you and pounces, you may not get a shot off at it..just make sure the buddies aren't boozed up on Coors, may end up a Cheney victim heh.


I would have gone back if it wasn't dark. I'd really like to hear that again and head back during daylight. I'm not afraid to go back there at all nor have I ever been. I'm just afraid if the dogs follow they'll possibly get hurt. But maybe it's the dark that makes them hesitate also... but I doubt it.

Get a Go-Pro, strap it to your head. Kel-Tec shotgun 12+1 rounds. KSG_3357web.webp

And as always my .44 mag. Have you tried screaming back at it?:laughing7:

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Get a Go-Pro, strap it to your head. Kel-Tec shotgun 12+1 rounds. View attachment 1090949

And as always my .44 mag. Have you tried screaming back at it?:laughing7:

You mean my wife....? :laughing7:

I'm not worried about me at all.... I just don't want the dogs hurt no more.

I hear you. Let's get that screamin' #@@@#^&*(&#$#$ !!!
I can help. I have a staffie, friends have pits....hey, Frankn has a dog suited for "problems...) like me.

I'll bring this dude....Now I'am a lot taller and better


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I have often been surprised at the sounds any animal can make. Even a rabbit!
Animals know the sounds of other animals. They are normally only fearful of an animal higher on the danger list.
Must be a cougar or wolf

I have often been surprised at the sounds any animal can make. Even a rabbit!
Animals know the sounds of other animals. They are normally only fearful of an animal higher on the danger list.
Must be a cougar or wolf

Hey Jeff.... That may be right and I can't argue at all. But a cougar's range is HUGE and we have no wolves around. But we do have MANY coyotes. And I totally agree Jeff that the dogs would only be fearful of an animal higher on "food chain". And in all honestly it might just be an alpha male coyote or a pair running close to here. There range is small. But the sound I heard the other night was NOTHING like a coyote (that I've heard). But whatever it was the dogs would not engage nor would they respond to it by barking, howling or yelping as normal when they hear coyote's close. In fact tonight when I came home from the shop the coyote's were yelling, yipping EVERYWHERE driving the dogs nuts.

Guess I need to get some night vision goggles, put all the dogs inside, take a loaded 30-30 and go looking around about 400 - 800 yds. around some night. But this wooded area is huge around me.

wish I was retired, I would love to come down and start a skirmish line through your woods ( like the old iron brigade times)

Last night about 7:30 pm (dark here) my son came and got me and said "Hurry... and hear this... again". It was the same sound as before and CLOSE. Close meaning 100-200 yds. East of our home. Same direction as before. But, this time some "screaming" type sounds were included. Not a rabbit (know that sound). And when I say it was loud... I mean LOUD. And again, the dogs that were out would not respond or engage. In fact 2 wanted inside and the other 2 went into the dog houses upon the deck. I absolutely know this sounds so weird but I have NEVER heard or seen my dogs this way nor heard this sound before....?????? I am an outdoorsman, hunter and adventure and am still perplexed.

It's got to be a native critter that I have not heard before but I can't understand the dogs reaction's.

Get a spotlight, one of those million candle power jewels. Get back up. Heavy arms. Lock & load. Go introduce yourself!:icon_thumright:

Do you get enough snow there, to have a chance at seeing some tracks? Id stick a game camera up. Maybe stick some bait out. Nail a piece of chicken or a bacon end about eye level in a tree. The local butcher shop will have something. Id be curious how it reacted to a predator call or even a turkey call. Id mess around till I figured it out. Too bad you are not closer, id come over and play.

Sounds like it"s coming to check the dogs and you out.
Is there any way you can record the sound, amplify it greatly and send it back at what ever is screeching out there? That may prove interesting.
It doesn't have to be native, with people buying exotic animals and letting them loose when they no longer want them it literally could be anything. Florida now has Boa constrictors which are not native to there wander around loose eating the native wildlife.

Large cat of some kind, possibly, where it's from, who knows?

Be careful out there, and for safety sake take several armed friends.

It didn't eat the dog just tried to kill it. Lots of good ideas, I would look for den as your getting visits. Cats do make scream sounds. What scares a dog.

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