In a world filled with bullshit always wear boots that go above your calves.
Looks like the saddle and panniers were abandoned.
Could it be that someone's pack horse or mule ran off and this is where he and his burden parted company?
If so, then the owner's probably still looking for his gear, if not his animal as well.
Or maybe he needed to make room for something else.
Perhaps he picked up the naked skydiver. Wouldn't want to be stuffing her in a pannier.
I would think the panniers would have been useful for carrying ore, or other bulky treasure.
Unless he had big enough pockets.
In a world filled with bullshit always wear boots that go above your calves.
I went out in March, I had some spots I wanted to check out so I went and had a look. Some people are dreamers and some are doers, I`m probably a little of both. I thought that I could make out a cross on top of the hill, all I found was a fence.