My theory on the Peralta Stone Maps and my quest to prove it.

Thanks. I'll be good to go for next time.
Even tough it was too hot to look at everything I wanted to this time, and proved to be even riskier than I expected out there, it was worth the effort.
The reality of what waits in those mountains can never be experienced by sitting in front of a computer...8-)

those mountains are dangerous...
no matter how close the city comes to the base of the mountains.

Don - my personal opinion is that's one of (if not THE MOST) significant reason why they are so dangerous. It's so easily accessible, and yet can be so inhospitable.

a good the city moves closer, people imagine that the mountain becomes less dangerous...big mistake in my opinion.

I see the city as a place of multiple dangers too. The mountains? Like all mountains, an ignorant or unprepared person can easily put himself at risk. Superstitions or Himalayas - same-same. Same goes for someone who wants to swim Hawaii's north shores in the winter. Life on earth can be risky business anywhere.

I would be careful about using the Horse/Priest Stone as a reference. It is very possible Travis Tumlinson made that himself. I won't try to make anyone doubt their opinions about the Stone Maps, because nobody I know of has found THAT pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so almost everybodys' opinions are as valid as almost everybody elses.

Good Luck - Mike

I don't remember seeing any tracks at the white hat area, it stormed the night before I got there. But I do remember seeing some tracks on the trail the first day, I`d say just one, but I wasn`t counting.

The Ford Raptor is truly a special truck, I`m glad I decided to get it.

I love that truck, if by chance you walk out of work one day and you find me humping the tailgate, it was an accident.

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