I believe you are partially correct. It is my opinion the stone maps now in possession of the SMHS Museum are copies. That does not mean they are fakes or even forgeries. It is my opinion they are a faithful reproduction of the originals and were donated originally as copies. The problem and confusion is centered around the issue that no one today can produce the original acquisition paperwork that shows the stone maps being donated.
I came to this conclusion after examining the maps the SMHS Museum now has, and through speaking with the following individuals:
Lee Hammons, former assistant curator of the Arizona Mines and Mineral Museum at the time the maps were donated.
Paul Dean, former Arizona Republic columnist.
Horace M. Coggins, former head of the Arizona Mining Association at the time the stone maps were donated and former director of the Arizona Mines and Mineral Museum.
Ray Grant, former President and head curator of the AL Flagg Foundation at the time the maps were donated.
Frank Knight, Director and curator of the Az. Mines and Mineral Museum at the time the maps were donated and Lee Hammons direct supervisor.
John Jett, Director and curator of the Az. Mines and Mineral Museum following Frank Knight's resignation as Director and Lee Hammons direct supervisor.
Elgin Klewald, former vice president of MOEL Corporation 1960 - 1965.
It is my personal conclusion the original stone maps were donated in 1969 and a copy of the stone maps donated or acquired shortly after. The original maps disapeared when the Arizona Mining Association turned the Mineral Museum over to the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources. What was left is the copy of the originals which the SMHS Museum has today. This is my own personal opinion.