What I cannot understand why the self proclaimed experts can fail to see and understand that 90+% of the world’s civilization recognize that there was a flood that covered the earth and that the force that all of the springs spewed so much water at tremendous speed and pressure , that it took forty days and forty nights for it to finish falling back to the earth!
The forty days and nights can be written as, long enough, is okay.
It just cannot be ignored.
The mud is a clear case that you are dead on!
When muddy water is stirred enough, it will land on the highest flat spot.
Notice the clean vertical wall.
They were coated as well, but the same mud looses it’s ability to resist, gravity.
The debris has been cleaned up, by the same people that let that one undeniable fact remain outside the equation.
Does the doorway open into a combination of the first, forth, and fifth dimensions...
Schools have forced students to understand that the first dimension is a measurement of distance.....
The first dimension is time.
According to scientist, Herbert Spencer, who classified the five manifestations of everything in the known and unknown universe.
Time, force, action, space and matter.
More readily available in chapter;1 ,verse;1 of the book of Genesis.
Some things may be left to the small group that have done the math properly.....