Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter


What I cannot understand why the self proclaimed experts can fail to see and understand that 90+% of the world’s civilization recognize that there was a flood that covered the earth and that the force that all of the springs spewed so much water at tremendous speed and pressure , that it took forty days and forty nights for it to finish falling back to the earth!

The forty days and nights can be written as, long enough, is okay.
It just cannot be ignored.

The mud is a clear case that you are dead on!

When muddy water is stirred enough, it will land on the highest flat spot.

Notice the clean vertical wall.
They were coated as well, but the same mud looses it’s ability to resist, gravity.

The debris has been cleaned up, by the same people that let that one undeniable fact remain outside the equation.

Does the doorway open into a combination of the first, forth, and fifth dimensions...

Schools have forced students to understand that the first dimension is a measurement of distance.....

The first dimension is time.
According to scientist, Herbert Spencer, who classified the five manifestations of everything in the known and unknown universe.

Time, force, action, space and matter.

More readily available in chapter;1 ,verse;1 of the book of Genesis.

Some things may be left to the small group that have done the math properly.....


Everybody have a blessed and happy July 4th

I will pick out one person to ask a question, but first.

Now the question; JOSE, how long has it been since you have celebrated this date with your family on U.S. soil?

Fireworks [emoji95] and all that comes with the day!

Let’s remember the price for this freedom. Jose and many of our TNET family have served to keep the rest of us free!!

Let us also remember our Island [emoji267] state. I tried to count the number of earthquakes on the big island, from the past 30 days ( Yes, there is an app for that.)

It seemed as difficult as counting the stars [emoji92]

God bless one and all.


Good evening everyone-
I’ve been extremely busy lately considering that I just started a new job recently, I’ve been having a great time playing around with & working on my new (used) ‘83 Jeep CJ7, and (as usual) having the best time just being anywhere near my soon to be 5-year-old daughter....because of all this craziness, I haven’t been on Tnet in several months &!I just wanted to stop in and say hello to ya’ll since I haven’t posted anything for some time.

I hope everybody had a great 4th of July and, in general, that ya’ll are doing very well (that especially goes for the two of you Don Jose & Oroblanco!).
Life doesn’t necessarily ever seem to slow down, however it can have its moments when it “mellows out” a bit, therefore I should finally be able start logging back into Tnet more & catch back up on all of the tales & yarns I’ve missed lately!!

All the best-

P.S. Quick Story...
i just got a new metal detector and have spent some time researching where the best place around my house might where I could go test it out. Well...the other day, it just kinda hit me. As it happens, I live about a mile or two away from Meadowbrook Hall (the 3rd largest private residence in the U.S.) which was built by Matilda Dodge Wilson, widow to John Dodge who, along with his brother Horace, founded the Dodge Brothers Automobile Company.
I recently spoke with someone who, though making it clear that there would be no promises, told me that they’d help lead me to the right person to ask so I can see about gaining the necessary permission to walk the property while trying out my new detector. Besides the beautifully manicured grounds that surround the Manor itself, I imagine that there’s also some fairly good target areas around the original carriage house along with the actual workshop where the Dodge Boys not only started building their very Dodge vehicles ever, but also test drove them around the entire property (most of which is now the campus of Oakland University).

Hopefully the person I spoke with clearly understood that if I indeed got a hit on my detector, I would only be (literally) “scratching the surface”....I absolutely would not just roam around an historic property popping holes all over the place! Then, should I actually get a hard hit from the detector signaling something of significant interest or potential value below the surface, my plan would be to simply drop a small orange flag (same ones the utility companies use to mark underground lines) and that I would NOT actually dig anything up until I’ve spoken with the appropriate person first and got the go-ahead to do so....either way, it’s all mute anyway if they don’t grant me permission (which, truthfully, is quite a long shot). I’m not even sure that they’d ever allow something like this to happen for anybody....after all, I find it awfully tough to believe that I’m the first to ask. Anyway, it’s mildly exiting (for me) so I just thought I’d share. Could be quite a few interesting little finds around that place!

Again, I hope all are doing well and that each of you is finding whatever treasures you seek.

hi tin tin, They will declare ita stae ship and claim the entire amount.

playing it quiet for awhile in order to bring in a big one

hi people, how about helpine out ? I can't think of more adventures that I had without going into the book saved files. I am sure that you have some interesting tales to tell. so tell em. Any paranormal happenings ? i'll sttir up the camp fire nf put another potwaith the caffee with the egg standing by.

You're cooking Senor Don Jose? :icon_scratch:

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I know the Trio laying low, but what about Amy ? Her kids must be old enough to drive by now, and still no word from her. :laughing7: :dontknow:

Th explorers Club is still carrying me on the books, I can divulge information on Tayopa etcetera there that I can't in here, yet.. The iformation remains quet , incidently, I am the only one in Mexico I consider it rather an honor.The Explorers club ranks with the Smihzonian and the National Geographic Explorer i AM .M-103


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Alright Trampe. A recounting for you.

Another year without my hunting friend who after a final hospital visit could not return ,and now hunts beyond this realm. I still have not removed his phone number from my phone.

Our first hunt together.

The log fortress loomed dark through the fog and halo's around the lights outside.
A figure stepped into the light holding her cloak wrapped to ward of the damp chill and said "you're early".
"i am that" was my reply.
"I'll get him up then ,come in and I'll get some coffee going."

What a home. Multiple stories of log ,with oodles of animals and olde sporting equipment covering the spectrum from fish to fowl to ungulates.
An elevator to get a wheelchair to the upper and lower levels to boot.

I browsed the myriad old mounts and paraphernalia and took in the fire responsible for a just right clime long enough to stretch a cup till my friend rolled down the hall ,all excited at a new mornings promise.

After my contribution of doughnuts , paired with multiple additional coffee's took some wrinkles out of important places we then considered more pressing matters.
"You have a chair?" the queen asked ,having noted the crutches. "Yeah ,wheelchair in the truck".
"A camp chair would be better out in the field , you can use mine".
Not normally uncomfortable with not being polite ,I feigned enthusiasm as a guest should with an "O.K. thanks."

The young prince who arrived from downstairs was then coerced into driving us out to the pre chosen site.
We made it partway to our destination when the carriage decided it would rather sink in , than pass over the rich damp soil of a beanfield.
"We'll hunt here then" pronounced the king ,and the prince headed back to the fortress on shanks mare.

I brought no gun this day. My friends shared interest in hunting was being encouraged after life changing challenges for us both. Though I was nimble in comparison we were both fish out of water compared to the past. It would be his day to shoot deer , or not.

Leaving the carriage for any distance was not an option ,so after dropping a drawbridge of sorts out of the side (a wheelchair lift/ramp) and raising his throne of power (electric wheelchair) to it's greatest height allowing a good view of the field and fencerows and checking his hand cannon my friend was ready.

I assumed the non heartside position (befitting my semi humble status) to his right. In the pretty pink fabric camping chair with it's obligatory pretty flowers printed on it. Status indeed!
Due to the rich soft earth ,after getting comfortable on my "assigned" seat ,if one can be comfortable on such an artistic piece...I began to experience a sinking feeling.
Followed by a view in the gaining light consisting of the undersides of bean leaves.

Hear ends part one.

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did I ever tell you how I joined Castros freedom rev army ? I backed off when I clarified my citizen ship factor.Want the shortened version ?

It was a sultry afternoon when I arrived in the plaza of Alamos Sonora, Mexico to admire what new feminine wares were presented for male admirers and hopefully new suitors in the Sunday Promenade. ( I was 32 a the time, and not married, ) Almost immediately a slender muchacha caught my eye, Bertie. She was 16, I was 32 but I didn't realize just how young she was. We embarked upon a five year program of courtship, which was shartened to thre years everyone warned her that I would just get her pregnant and leave - something must have clicked, because when she died at 70, we were still married. I still miss her terribly. I never once thought of leaving her for another woman.

when a slender man , well dressed, approached me, and askhhed if he could sit down," I , of coarse politely said " "of course, "while suspiciously eyeing him. After a few moments he as "are you "u Mr Joseph Curry ? " "I am " I replied. "Can you fly a large amphibean aircraft'' ' yes' I replied. "my permit is currant' ",Have you heard of Fidel Castro and his fight to liberate the poor down trodden people of Cuba he said" " yes " I relied" There was a few moment's silence, then he said " I am a recruiter for Fidel. How would you like to fly for us ? You would recieve an Officers Commision. Hm I replied and the pay ? He named an amount that was a nice sum, so the romantic thought of freeing the people along with the thought of an extremely grateful gal showing her appreciation, sounded attractive so i made up my mind immediately, OK I said What do I have to do? He reached inside his coat and brought out some papers. He said you can sign here, I will have official papers
made up and you can sign them later. Fine I said, we parted and he left me to my daydreaming which left me wondering how it would effect my standing with the girls on the plaza on becoming a gallant Officer in Castro's air force.

Then the next morning I commenced to think of the situation in the cold light of day and realized that I had put my US citizenship at risque, and called the US ConsuL they hemmed and hawed too long for, so I picked a title 8 CFR, and found my answer there. ' "Anyone that swears alegience to a foreign gov't automatically lost their US citizenship", I would have
known that from my US Border Patrol days..

the next time I met him, I carefully expliined that to him and said
"thank you, adios". He said not so fast, you signed the papers. yes,, i replied, the provisional ones, the rest of the time I would receive regular pay and subsist on beas and tortiallas.in Yucatan..
He then said you now know too much about the operation, I wouldm't guarentenn your life. Relax, I said, I took out a guarentee on your life never saw him again,

So much for the erotic life of an Mercenary.

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I noticed that I left out the fact that I would receive the full pay only while I was flying within Cuban terratorial, waters, which were patrolled by Batis'tas' P-51s equiped with night fighter gear, somehow that didn't seem quite an even match - a lumbering PBY, unarmed,and flying at less than 200 nph.It quickly lost it's it's romantic, adventurs appeal.the appreative Cuban girls would have to wait

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Part 2 of the first deer hunt with a friend.

The view of the field from the sunken chair was a few feet.
Wrestling it up out of the soft earth and re positioning it with a gentle sit to follow improved matters.
Not that I expected deer to wander out with the van and us where we didn't belong ,but hey ,I wanted to see just in case.
Using my arms and pushing on the unsupported fabric of the chair arms to raise up gave a real good view of the approximately 30 acre soybean field.
Now we wait.

Hardly re settled with the day bright now ,a doe and her fawn scurried along the field edge to our left. Almost like a mother rushing a child running late off to school. "Hurry up child"...
The king gave a smile and announced the deer moved to cover later than first light on this property.
Just by how he said it ,and by not mentioning any shot opportunity it seemed such deer were tolerated and it was the forest monarch of a buck ,or his offspring princes he had previously mentioned ;and that trespassed at will were his object this day.

As would become the norm with us ,he would continue to speak quietly ,smoke cigars , and not let our quarry get in the way of our hunting. And that was fine by me..I was not here this day to kill anything.

A lull followed the two early birds/deer that had continued the field edge towards the woods beyond. Once on the other end of the field lots of options existed. From direction ,to type of cover.
Regardless they were gone and the morning had been enhanced just by seeing them. Deer I hunted tended to act like they owed me a great deal of money. So any sightings in the open were a pleasant enough change..

Giving the lull enough time to soak in a brilliant peaceful morning and for the novelty of a new day time to fade ,I raised up on the pretty pink and floral chair's arms again for a farther view for a checking of my side of the fields windrow edge.
An old doe ,saggy hide ,horsey faced and sagging belly was studying the field from the security of the windrow/wide fencerow.
A gleaner of many years ,but early in this case as the field and adjacent field through the row of cover she was in had not yet been harvested.
The king nodded when I tattled on the old gal and smiled again. No concern about her presence ,a welcoming hint almost. She was safe. Though she would continue to stay on that edge and not expose herself by straying too far from it , and continue her constant caution.

"Here we go" The king whispered ,'two bucks in the swale".
Dare I push myself up to see? The swale was a low spot deer used at times to cross the field. Rather out of range for the kings hand cannon ,but my peeking might get noticed.. I stayed still.
"They're coming this way". And shortly after the announcement , yet another announcement ," I'm gonna shoot".
The two haughty forest princes had no contestants to harass them when the king was not around. Their monarch though knew the perils and secreted himself away on such mornings.
Let youth run the fields....

After multiple barks from the hand cannon ceased I popped up from the seat to see.
The two linebacker sized princes had ceded the field and were retreating to the wood line.
The old doe ,wizened and no stranger to conflict , was gone. Her "widows mite" secure in her belly , she would fall back to where no one molested her nap while things calmed down.
Then with her usual caution hit another field edge again later.

The sun now blocked much view ,just doing what the sun does.
Before long the prince was summoned and arrived on a cart to return me to the fortress to retrieve my truck. Which in turn would retrieve the van ,and the King in it.

More hunts would follow in future years.
Most would be easy going , once set up.
Some near being a comedy of errors.
Some no game sighted.
All were precious though.
Golden days . Red letter days.

Where ever you are my friend , thanks for the company. And chase em my way!

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