Real of Tayopa
Bronze Member
thanks for theinfrmation AJ
I am now up to 120 lbs. - normal 158 - 160 I must have been pretty far gone when I first came ti Tucson guess that I had decided join Berta.Now that I am making a come back, I am getttimg an urge to to write again
hello, do you rember my telling about when we were under siege by the Indians in the crest between Sinaloa and Durango ?Want to hear it again ?
they replied,he cheated us, and according to our cade he is to be killed. " well now you know we can't permit that, give me the details and I will check"this seemed to have an effect since they released the foreman, I felt that they were giving up on their plan to execute him, but all that ey that they were doing was sending word to another indian further back in the sierras. They promised a fee which to be cash and one of the foremans young twins. When I found out about this, I realized that they were serious, and radioed down to Culican for a state policeman or to fg give me a permit for arms. They promtlyl' radioed back that was out of their jurisdiction,and besides only the military could give me a permit.
I next radioed Durango, with the same answer. I realized the I was alone, so radioed the situation down to Culican n to the co office, they wanted to fly us out, but I told them not just yet, but shortly a plans arrived with Gunther, the mine boss, ,a german who been part of the Hitleh youth movement. I fillrf him in what was happening,and we took an inventory of what we has for defense. we quickly found we had nothing except boxes of torves, a blasting agent.