Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Mount Tambora blowing it's top in the Dutch West Indies in 1815 , perhaps combined with the 1814 eruption of Mayon in the Philippines in 1814 created a volcanic winter...

The year without a summer in many places.

There were other volcano's possibly related ,but the result was a diminished solar effect.

Previous IF similar events farther back in time should show as ash layers somewhere ,and perhaps dust layers in glacial core samples.
Determining the difference between a dust cloud from a large meteor strike vs a volcano seems doable. In theory anyways.

hello my buddy. yes you can find fault with both since neither are proveable. As fot a large meteorite,or meteor that could possibly explain, but Unfortunatly as I go on other phenoma could rule them as I will show with the Planet X.t. show no mercy Oro, attack,attact.it seems to be possibl u

I think 🤔 that we may need to consider the condition of our tools that we work with, on this subject.

If we have loaned out all of our tools, save only the hammer [emoji375] . All of our questions and problems begin to look like nails!?!

The stories of a worldwide flood, are recorded or retold from generations to generations , all over the world.

Many things may have caused this phenomena.

I have two, favorites.
The first, for me, is the Biblical explanation.

The second, for me, is the hollow earth [emoji290] theory.

And each of those support one another.

I try to seek out scientific theories that support Biblical information.

We tend to overlook the “mechanical/scientific “
Cause and effect, on a global scale, about the Biblical accounting for the flood.
Most of us have at least heard the story about the flood, told as God made it rain for forty days and forty nights...

Correct and technically, incorrect.
The Bible states that all of the fountains of the earth spewed forth water so hard and so high, that it took forty days and nights for it all to stop falling.

What scientific cause would create that kind of pressure?

Back to my second favorite theory...

A global “ thermodynamic”
Reaction at the core / near the core ‘ .. super heated water, expansion that reshaped and/or resized the planet [emoji289].
Large masses of tech tonic plates pushed outward and cooled, which, eventually created the world, as we see it today.

A simple experiment:
Pour a tablespoon of water ( mix in a pinch of salt) into a balloon.

Inflate it just enough to keep it firm.

Mix up enough clay and water, to coat the balloon with a thin layer, and let it dry.

Carefully place it into a bowl and place it in your microwave...

3-5 seconds should suffice.

Make a video, if you can.

Watch ( from a safe distance!) What happens to the dried clay.

“In my humble opinion” !!!

We can see the theoretical explanation for our continents and the need for the release of the superheated water!


Cause and effect, for the scientific mind, and one of many Biblical explanations, for the great flood theory.

All of that, with just a couple of tools.
A mind and an imagination.

ALL OF THIS IS ““In my humble opinion”

I don’t have a clue, as to what would trigger such an amazing reaction, outside of my own faith, that God did it...


( let the balloon cool down before you touch it!!!)

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Morning Miguel. First we must understand what is meant by destroyed - destroyed could mean no intelligent life is left,, so how do we know that there was a world ? So 2, we have to go to a defination that leaves an intelligent life form to tell us of the happenings before. ? That is what I mean " deductive reasoning ? yet We can come to a reasonable conclusion.although nothing is provable.

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Oro, Miguel, Dieties aside for the moment, We have a reconstructed world, now to put it down in a form that can be understood means a written language. but we do not have any yet, so it must be a verbal thing,we have to look for a story, or legend that fits, we have one, a pre biblical one that describes such an event. The only thing that can fil this requirement is a Celestial body.making a close pass, or that has an enormous orbit, one that takes a long time to complete or a orbit that is still in the thousands of our present years, So we will to start with an orbit that We can understand more easily
We have, not proven yet .But,this gives us a start.

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Oro, Miguel, Dieties aside for the moment, We have a reconstructed world, now to put it down in a form that can be understood means a written language. but we do not have any yet, so it must be a verbal thing,we have to look for a story, or legend that fits, we have one, a pre biblical one that describes such an event. The only thing that can fil this requirement is a Celestial body.making a close pass, or that has an enormous orbit, one that takes a long time to complete or a orbit that is still in the thousands of our present years, So we will to start with an orbit that We can understand more easily
We have, not proven yet .But,this gives us a start.

So let’s use the Mayan calendar...

Still technically a religion, but one that archeology has dug into.

Perhaps, on 12/12/2012, the destroyer body was on the other side of the sun, from our earth [emoji290].

I can see that you have a point to touch and tie onto.

However; the search for the ark, that, accounts for tangible trust, still inches closer every year. Satellite 🛰 photos of Mount Ararat (I hope I spelled that correctly), have sighted some form of construction mostly covered by ice and snow. And there are stone arraignments that appear to be grave sights, farther below the area of construction.
I admit that this has not become quite as tangible as you seek, but the account settles the survival, not only mankind and the writing records concerning the reason and the method of the destruction and the survival of mankind by way of Noah and his family,and the animal 🦒 world. Two of every species and seven of the animals that were considered to be “Clean for sacrifice “, and a record of how it was to be done.

I am tiptoeing around the “B” word...


Yes, I have restarted using the (c),
Not for this. Just had to start, so I am trying to remain uniform.
I dislike the need to. But I have been painted into a corner.

Apologies for the banner.

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okie, oro,, I have suggested that we keep Dietes, and his family out of this, because we don't know the details of this. Noah's ark was discovered long and well photographed' or am I mistaken ?

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So next theory. Earth and Planet X brushed against one another, then...

I’ve got nothin’.
I’ve just got two tools left in my toolbox. And the screwdriver is beginning to look like a nail.


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Do we have distant cousins with gray skin and scrawny limbs and big eyes [emoji102], but we cannot see them unless we get a government job in the desert.....

Sorry [emoji52]. I’ve been watching “Third rock from the sun “, reruns, back to back most of the day.


ok, despite a little deviation i will continue. We now have established a tenuous thread to it actually having occured. we now have to re enforce it with an equally vague source, The Bible. This gives us references to the LORD interveniig several times, actually they were celestial events that occured roughly 18-19 thousand years apart, the rough calculation of Planet X' orbit.

the earlist writing mentions that the sky stopped, was reddish then commenced rotating so that the sun rose in the east. clearly Planet X. only a super sized celestail body of great size is capable of that. Please excuse any typos, I am limitated to one finger typing. temp. I hope.

Where are theses writings?
And have they been translated into English?

I would love to see them.


Miguel, they were early prebibical writing,I'l see if I can locate them again. It one of the things that I based planet X on. Thanks for reminding me.

Kikel, it was in the Book of Joshua Have fun, yes it is in English also.

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did you tell the man about what the 2 laughing men in the boat looked like --one of them might have been the ex brother in law --laughing at you for finding the empty safe they dumped months ago

Don Jose,
For several years, I have been involved in a project near Altata, Sinaloa. Those involved know that I am interested in history. Apparently, a few years ago, I had a conversation with a couple of my local friends and I must have mentiioned an old anchor as having been found in the bay at Altata. This information got to the Historian of Navalato (CRONISTA) who is now asking me about the anchor. For the life of me, I can't remember anything about an anchor being found in that area. I do recall, however, that you and I discussed a shipwreck further on up the coast (near where?). Do you have any knowledge of an old anchor being found in the Altata bay? I do know that Altata at one time was an active seaport with an northern entrance that has since sanded over completely.

Real De Tayopa don't forget that the books of the bible were written by men, the desciples of Jesus.

Ahoy Don Jose', I just wanted to let you know that I have found your site and am following along. Thank You for the heads up. I wish I had been able to know you and join you in your adventures. I will do some catching up and keep coming by now that I have your site located.

Senior Don Jose, I read an article that was proposing that your blood type is NOT from this world and was introduced here by an "outside" source. They also say this is why those with your blood type have high I.Q.'s. Could help explain all your "abilities", ( except how you draw the pretties ). It was an interesting read on someone's interpretation and you do possess some rather extraordinary talents or gifts. :notworthy: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

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