Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Ah yes, I too have experienced many glorious days afield hunting, especially deer. Many, like yours, were not successful, but just enjoying nature in it's purest and rawest form is enough for most of us. Through the years I have gained great respect and a great deal of knowledge about the eastern woodlands. As well as some northern woodlands. Some seasons went without harvesting much meat, except for small game ( grouse, rabbit, quail, squirrel), but I was always thankful for whatever the forests produced. Growing up in a rural neighborhood, I was only minutes away from the woodlands. It was easy after school to slip into the woods quietly. many times I would just sit and observe the animals in their natural environment and study them and their movements. I have sat for hours watching squirrels play tag around an old hickory tree. It was not time wasted in my opinion but was part of my educational endoctrination into the ways of nature. Thanks for jogging my memory. Sometimes we forget what great times were when spent with a dear friend or relative. rockhound

Hey, want to hear how I established that Atlantis and Planet X actually existed, aught to be worth a couple of pots of coffe ?


e: Atlantis
OHIO Scuba Diver and the other sceptics heheeheh, Food for thought.

Good afternoon HI my friend: I will submit the following as the basis for Atlantis having existed and still existing below the Atlantic exactly where it is supposed to be..

First Plato's description--?

A) 'At the centre of the island, near the sea, was a plain, said to be the most beautiful and fertile of all plains, and near the middle of this plain about fifty stades inland a hill of no great size... There were two rings of land and three of sea, like cartwheels, with the island at their centre and equidistant from each other... in the centre was a shrine sacred to Poseidon and Cleito, surrounded by a golden wall through which entry was fobidden...

There was a temple to Poseidon himself, a stade in length, three hundred feet wide, and proportionate in height, though somewhat outlandish in appearance. The outside of it was covered all over in silver, except for the figures on the pediment which were covered with gold... Round the temple were statues of all the original ten kings and their wives, and many others dedicated by kings and private persons belonging to the city and its dominions

Here seperate accommodation was provided for royalty and commoners, and, again, for women, for horses, and for other beasts of burden... The outflow they led into the grove of Poseidon, which (because of the goodness of the soil) was full of trees of marvellous beauty and height, and ---- also channelled it to the outer ring-islands by aquaducts at the bridges

On each of these ring islands they had built many temples for different gods, and many gardens and areas for exercise, some for men and some for horses... Finally, there were dockyards full of triremes and their equipment, all in good shape...'

'Beyond the three outer harbours there was a wall, beginning at the sea and running right round in a circle, at a uniform distance of fifty stades from the largest ring and harbour and returning in on itself at the mouth of the canal to the sea. This wall was densely built up all round with houses and the canal and the large harbour were crowded with vast numbers of merchant ships from all quarters, from which rose a constant din of shouting and noise day and night.'

B) You do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city [Athens] are descended from a seed or remnant of them which survived.
"The power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Hercules [Gibraltar]: the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands...Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island, and several others, and over parts of the continent, and furthermore the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Hercules as far as Egypt and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia [Italy]."
- Plato, Timaeus, 22c-23c; 24c-dThe myth of Atlantis was first described by Plato (427-347 BCE), citing his source as Solon (615-545 BCE), a politician and poet who did a lot of traveling. Solon apparently got his information from Egypt. The Egyptian priests informed Solon that around 9570 BCE, there was already a great civilization at Athens that the present Greeks have already forgotten. The society was ruled by warriors who loved the simple, communal lifestyle and had no interest in great wealth. They had been able to defend the city against the island continent of Atlantis, which lay west beyond the Pillars of Heracles (Straits of Gibraltar) and was ruled by a coalition of kings descended from the sea god, Poseidon, and whose chief king was Poseidon's son, Atlas.

The Atlanteans were at one point almost godlike in their purity of heart, but they became greedy and corrupt over time. They ruled an empire stretching as far as central Italy in Europe to the borders of Egypt in Africa, but grew even greedier and sought to conquer the Athenians, but were defeated. As the war ended, the gods decided to punish the Atlanteans for their pride, and over the course of a day and a night, violent earthquakes and floods swept the island and destroyed it.

The account Plato gives in Critias describes the Atlantean society. The island had virtually everything the Altanteans needed to remain self sufficient from fresh water, abundance in metal ores, luxuriant vegetation, and animals including elephants. As a result, the kings of Atlantis were quite wealthy. Each had its own royal city, but the greatest city was that ruled by the descendents of Atlas


These references will do for a starter. SOOOOO------

1) We have a Large circular Island system aprox. the size of Spain, surrounded by a ring of volcanos / islands which is composed of a large plain and in it's center there is a large mountain.

2) This island, by coincidence, lies almost exactly on the jucntion of the North American, South American, African and Euroasian plates, a region where violent earth movements can and do take place, also intense themal activity..

3) Examining the ocean floor we find just such a configuration existing, precisely where it should be - hmm

see accompanying photo #1

You will notice a large underwater land mass consisting of a circular plain surrounded by a circular groups of mts / islands with 3 entrances by water, exactly as stated and required to fit the description..

The surrounding Islands were volcanic in nature and possibly modulated the climate due to the proximity of the 4 main plates and their faults.

Frankly, because of the above, simple logic would confirm that this IS Atlantis.

More later converts.©@

Don Jose de La Mancha
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I’ve almost spent my adult life believing that the Biminey road was a small part of something, much larger and more important.
Atlantis is at the top of my list.....


Hell O Don Jose,

I have also had that same theory about Atlantis since I was in high school, so we could, or should be right.:icon_scratch:

It was when I learned about Wegener's "Pangea", and his theory of continental drift. He froze to death before it was later proven to be caused by plate tectonics. As I recalled Atlantis, I figured it had to have been in ground zero of this occurance. It reminds me of your Tayopa that was once in Durango as the story says, until Durango drifted away.:laughing7:


Prospector M, we are, he,he. Corozone, we are also. i'll post more on this.

gAs you knew, I was qualified as a Norden bombsight mech and master Bombardier. I was qualified with a 11 mil average -ll feet per 1000 ft . In the naval service the bombardier had to check the temperature every 1000 ft, the the corralis force where bombing , the ballistic characteristic, wind and naturally the air speed. Put them, and theorecty " the pickle barrel".
The army used charts, books which were nowhere as good. They finally bombed by moving bombing pattern, only the lead plane did the calculations, He had a light attached to his Bombsight. He would bomb short and the other bombardiers would drop their bombs when they saw the light activated, hence pattern bombing. "0000 ( target ) 0000" no attempt at accuracy, The Luft saw to that, and the anti aircraft fire nade the final run very inaccurate. Theoretically the bombsight controlled the aircraft. They just wanted to get in and out of there Every plane that went down took between 7 - 10 men. They lost more men in the air war than in the ground war. And I had to take an oath also to commit suicide rather than being taken prisoner.
I was more valuable being both,,yeah,,'he he' suicideeneral

I can’t even begin to understand the knowledge that you need to have, to achieve that tight grouping with a bomb, that just falls.

( No onboard computer)

I picked up some old navigation tools for pilots, several months ago. While was at our local recycling center. Someone had discarded them, I saw a little piece of history, and I rescued it all from the shredder!!

Most of it is well above my understanding, but a few pieces are very useful for making maps.

My maps are two dimensional, whereas your work was four or five dimensional.

Glad you made it through all of that. That is quite an accomplishment!!


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Today I am going to talk on what I call deductive Reasoning, looking for something where there is nothing provable. We will start on the Bible, Genosis. It clearly states that the Lord created the earth and was not pleased, so he destroyed it and created a new one. Where do we start to prove this one. supposedly man

Don Jose,
I have not apologized to you because I have not tried to cause you any sorrow in any way shape or form...I was given a time out because oro and others felt I was making fun of you in your sorrow...I never tried to do such a thing...I hope you don't ever think that I was in any way doing such a thing...This is why I will never apologize to you or anyone else on this site...You have the right to believe that you have found Tayopa as much as any other on this site...I too will continue to believe that I have been to a site that I believe to be Tayopa...Or Santa Fe...Who can say for certain???Time will tell...The Earth may be destroyed one day...The sun may go supernova and all life as we know it may cease to exist...No one is certain of anything that we may claim to be...It may or may not be...I still have a doubt of .001 percent that I have not found the true Tayopa...And yes...I will continue to state tomorrow always tomorrow instead of today is the day...I am in no rush to prove any of my claims to anyone...I have been poor all of my life...And I am in no rush to be rich...Heck I could become a published poet if I wanted to become rich...But I doubt that will happen any time soon...I am in my comfort zone...Poor and unknown...Who knows what life has in store for me...I have been blacklisted by some who believe they are all powerful...Oh well...I could care less...My Father will deal with them in his own special way...

Ed T

Johm, I do have Tayopa, I have proof, but I lack the funds to open it , besides why would I Open it up ???? When the time is right I will post the proof. IThe Ihcidentally you were not disrespectful, relax, Post away my friend, I have a thick skin I am 95 now, what would be my reason in opening it up ? Except for Roy. Money ? I have very little use for. Fame ? that is so fleeting that it is a neg in my plans.

I am sorry for not posting more on the deductive reasoning, but I have been feeling rather poorly. I beg forgiveness.

Johm, I do have Tayopa, I have proof, but I lack the funds to open it , besides why would I Open it up ???? When the time is right I will post the proof. IThe Ihcidentally you were not disrespectful, relax, Post away my friend, I have a thick skin I am 95 now, what would be my reason in opening it up ? Except for Roy. Money ? I have very little use for. Fame ? that is so fleeting that it is a neg in my plans.

Who knows Don Jose???We both may be right...Some believe that the Cursum Perficio depicts 3 sites...It has been mentioned that there are multiple Tayopas so who is to say that said documents are not about the Tayopas???

I think that it would be something else IF there were only one Tayopa and more than one treasure map is all about the one and only Tayopa...I have mentioned that the site that I have been to fits many treasure tales to a T...But even I am not certain I can ever return to said area...Es muy peligroza...I don't think that I have the cajones to try to return to said area again in my lifetime...Someone may get lucky enough to find said site in the future...I wish them all the best in their attempts...We were loaded for bear when we last ventured there and we encountered big foot...As I have mentioned...They were packing more than us and IF it were not for the elder Mexican who was with us who used his crafty gift of gab...We may have been pushing up daisies...And I would never have been able to tell ya'll the tales that I have been telliing...

I sure hope you do have Tayopa Don Jose...It seems that you have spent more time that anyone on this site in the search for said site...I am just a snot nosed kid who does not have the guts to try to return to my version of Tayopa...I am living vicariously through one of my brother in laws by paying him a stipend monthly to search for any and every possible treasure lead while he sells colorful baby chicks all over Mexico...I have given him special instructions of a certain area of Durango with the hope that he may encounter someone who may have information which may possibly lead us to a certain group of mines that I once visited...

One may always hope...

Ed T

Genesis it was said that the lord created the world, was displeased so destroyed it and created another.
this brings up a no of unprovable things.

1. Everything was attributed to A God figure or shall we say a celestiiil body, they could not imagine a planet, such as Planet X which is the only thing possible that could do such things, making a near pass. There must have been survivors and a written language in order to record such events This was long,long before they give credit to humans to invent a language So we now have a reasonable source for such a thing happening.to base our theory on.

This would tend to explain those interesting " out of place " archological impossible things that turn up every so often.

.2) coming up.

Genesis it was said that the lord created the world, was displeased so destroyed it and created another.
this brings up a no of unprovable things.

1. Everything was attributed to A God figure or shall we say a celestiiil body, they could not imagine a planet, such as Planet X which is the only thing possible that could do such things, making a near pass. There must have been survivors and a written language in order to record such events This was long,long before they give credit to humans to invent a language So we now have a reasonable source for such a thing happening.to base our theory on.

This would tend to explain those interesting " out of place " archological impossible things that turn up every so often.

.2) coming up.

Not to pick a bone over this but why do you hold that ONLY a planet passing close to Earth could be the cause of the biblical/mythical destruction? Could not a large asteroid strike, comet(s), a sudden warming and melting of the gigantic ice packs of the Ice Age etc? Please explain this further, thanks in advance.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

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