One more for you. My Brother and I wanted to see into a valley from the backside of it, so we went into the next valley and climbed up the back of it as it was at a 90 degree angle from the one we wanted. Got so steep that I was pulling myself up by the bottom of bushes. Got to a nice rock that was standing up on the end of the drop off and wrapped myself around it to look over into the correct valley. Still couldn't see what I needed for landmarks, then I looked down and down and down. The rock I was wrapped around went down in a 30 degree reverse angle! I did a slow slide back from the rock and laying on my back was lifting my backsides, then my shoulders and repeating so I would not make any real shocks to the slope. My brother was 100-150 feet below watching me and laughing! He told me I was coming down like a broken back snake. Some where in that valley I lost my $3 fake K-Bar and never went back to look for it. BTW I got even with my brother, as he was sliding down ahead of me, he said "Watch out for the Jose Cuervo (Agave Cactus), AHHHH!" He found a second one under the leaves, little bitty only a 1/2 inch long, but a 1/4 of it the thorn.
Nasty things, anti coagulant, and burns until the blood washes it out. Had one go into my calf trying to step over it on a hill side and the dirt slipped under my foot. Made it a point to miss the "Teddy Bear Cactus", "Jumping Cactus", and the rest of the joys of going off trail in the Nation Forest.